Zeta Platform Not Cancelled

  • Thread starter GoatFink
M5: anything that isn't a plain old sedan/saloon or coupe. that means truck, crossovers (the new name for Wagons), SUV's, minivans. anything that's not a "notchback".

Skicrush: I don't need 4 doors. I don't have half a dozen kids, infant siblings, or neighbor kids to haul around. i ALSO don't need a pickup for hauling. what I need, basically, is the equivelant of an Impreza coup with a hatch, and AWD for winter backup in this state. I also don't need a great big old boat like this huge new stuff. i need something where I don't have to sit with my knees in the headliner just to reach the controlls :P
And all I was saying is that DC could have stepped into the crowded (well, crowded enough that other entries have died) 2+2 performance car market, or they could have built the only non-luxury performance sedan in the market, and they chose the latter. Gave it some decent handling with some great power, and the option for more of both. I'll bet they pick up a lot more sales from dads like me than they lost from single guys like you.

And, can't you get a hatchback impreza? So, what are you looking for?
what I need, basically, is the equivelant of an Impreza coup with a hatch, and AWD for winter backup in this state.

You and about eleven others want this. Volkswagen gave you the R32 - go snatch one up. It's your only shot at the 3-door performance AWD hatchback niche, which, I'll be honest, is among the smallest niches I've ever heard of.
JCE3000gt: especially when you call a "yankee" a texan :P

Skicrush: One, I'm not single, I have a partner. two, I actually DID the dad thing. I had to handle an autistic teenager and a 1 year old. I think I acquitted myself. three, nope...they still want a lot of money for a suby that isn't an old Loyale wagon...and that's for something that was new when I got out of Highschool in 92.

M5: lol. I grew up in a Rabbit. hell, I picked it out in the dealership. but Performance? *laughs hard* that just means you get stuck deeper in the snow, attract the PA state cops, and pay through the nose in insurance rates...at least in this state. Liability alone costs me 800 or so a year. when I did comp and colission on a 98 Sierra for work...1700 dollars a year.
forgot something

Jce: i think it's the 90's style design. it looks 10 years old allready *shrugs*
I have absolutely no idea what XD means.

"XD" is a smile. Think anime. although I do not watch anime, I do play some online games and that's where I picked it up. It's supposed to be somekind of sarcastic smile or devious smile.
Ski:I only NEED two doors, since I'm usually the only one in the car.

problems been solved. been rehired as a logging company's driver. a 92 Taurus went with it. finally got a well overdue rate reduction, and a half decent car.