Zombies - (not) Real. (nevermind!)

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Cambodian Troops Quarantine Quan'su
Lebanese army commandos move into Anjar after the withdrawal of Syrian troops
Cambodian troops moved into Quan'su after Malaria victims attack populace.
There has been a small outbreak of “zombieism” in a small town near the border of Laos in North-Eastern Cambodia.

The culprit was discovered to be mosquitoes native to that region carrying a new strain of Malaria which thus far has a 100 percent mortality rating killing victims in fewer than 2 days.

After death, this virus is able to restart the heart of it’s victim for up to two hours after the initial demise of the person where the individual behaves in extremely violent ways from what is believe to be a combination of brain damage and a chemical released into blood during “resurrection.”

Cambodian officials say that the outbreak has been contained and the public has no need to worry.

General Ary Serey had this to say, "We have obtained samples of this new virus and plan to learn how it starts the heart and other major organs of the deceased. We intend to use this to increase the quality of life for all."

US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice opposed the plan saying that the Cambodian government holds a great biological weapon and should destroy it immediately. Cambodian officials have yet to comment.

A United Nations team will be dispatched to Cambodia to confirm the safety of biological research in Cambodia.
Holy crap. Ok, looking past the creepiness of a dead person being alive again (sorta), what do you think of the Cambodian researchers holding tissue samples to examine in the hopes of "improving life"?

I'm a little mixed on this...
Coming from the BBC News, I don't think so. But we've seen some hellishly evil pranks come from the net before.
Your link doesn't work. And, I tried checking the BBC website, and found nothing.

If this true though, this could be either a great oppurtunity for research, or yet another hideous disease.
my 2 cents

you either go to heaven or hell once you die, no in-between, no purgatory, no pass go and get $200
my 2 cents

you either go to heaven or hell once you die, no in-between, no purgatory, no pass go and get $200

Or your heart stops for 2 hours and gets started again...

There was a thing like this in Haiti, back in the 80's. Some voodoo bullcrap and they gave these people drugs which completely locked the people up— unable to move or communicate in any way, and they were thought to be dead.
They had extremely shallow breaths and their heart rates dropped dramatically and were often declared dead. A couple of days later the drug would wear off and they either woke (or gained their motor-functions, they were completely aware of the ordeal) up in a hospital somewhere, or had the liberty of knowing they would be burried alive and either crushed under the weight of the dirt or suffocated.
Except this new one is completely wack.


Nate, you present that as fact. What happens when you drown or get knocked out or have surgery, where you are medically dead for up to 3 hours and you get revived? Would you have to renew your faith?
are we gonna turn this into another religious forum before i try to answer that?

No, I just wanna know. And as long as we're on the topic of bringing back the dead, we should be fine. So would you?
my 2 cents

you either go to heaven or hell once you die, no in-between, no purgatory, no pass go and get $200

Actually you never die since there are an infinite number of dimention and there is one of you that live in each one.

Also hell doesn't exsist, it can't due to the laws of chemisty and physics.

First, we postulate that if souls exist, then they must have some mass. If they do, then a mole of souls can also have a mass. So, at what rate are souls moving into hell and at what rate are souls leaving?

I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.

As for souls entering hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to hell.

With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change in volume in hell. Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of souls and volume needs to stay constant.

So, if hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter hell, then the temperature and pressure in hell will increase until all hell breaks loose.

Of course, if hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in hell, than the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over.

"First, We postulate that if souls exist, then they must have some mass. If they do, then a mole of souls can also have a mass. So, at what rate are souls moving into hell and at what rate are souls leaving? I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets to hell, it will not leave.

Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for souls entering hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, then you will go to hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and souls go to hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change in volume in hell. Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of souls and volume needs to stay constant. Two options exist:

If hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter hell, then the temperature and pressure in hell will increase until all hell breaks loose.
If hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over.
So which is it? If we accept the quote given to me by Theresa Manyan during Freshman year, "that it will be a cold night in hell before I sleep with you" and take into account the fact that I still have NOT succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then Option 2 cannot be true...Thus, hell is exothermic."
That's probably the biggest contradiction/hypocritical thing I've ever seen.

ou never die since there are an infinite number of dimention
hell doesn't exsist, it can't due to the laws of chemisty and physics.

Wow. Don't even know where to begin.
There is an infinite number of dimensions, look at quantum physics or any modern type of physics for that matter. It's a pretty widly accepted theory.

And technically I don't believe in heaven or hell, but hell can't exsist, sure I posted a joke but really the same pricipal's apply. But please enlighten me.
There is an infinite number of dimensions, look at quantum physics or any modern type of physics for that matter. It's a pretty widly accepted theory.

And technically I don't believe in heaven or hell, but hell can't exsist, sure I posted a joke but really the same pricipal's apply. But please enlighten me.

Enlighten you? I already did, by showing that you you using an analogy suggesting one can't be dead because of an infinite number of dimensions (but unfortunately one can, as Famine could attest— biologically speaking) which suggest that there is some sort of higher placement of faith knowledge in some unknown entity that can't be explained, and then using a scientific explanation for a religious belief. Mixing science and religion is like water and oil.
doctors can pronunce someone dead...but are they really dead? i believe someone can be pronunced dead and then somehow gain life (aka their heart stops for a minute and breathing stops and they resume)

my idea of dead...no chance whatsoever of you coming back to life (like if someone breaks your neck, then shoots you in the head, and cuts your head off...i think there's no chance of life coming out of that body)
Enlighten you? I already did, by showing that you you using an analogy suggesting one can't be dead because of an infinite number of dimensions (but unfortunately one can, as Famine could attest— biologically speaking) which suggest that there is some sort of higher placement of faith knowledge in some unknown entity that can't be explained, and then using a scientific explanation for a religious belief. Mixing science and religion is like water and oil.

I should have worded my thoughts differently I see. There are an infinite number of you's, when one of you makes a descision, another one will make the other and so on through out an infinite time. So when one of you dies off there is another one of you alive somewhere else. So you in this dimension die, but the you in another does not. The means that one of you will end up living an infinite amount of time.

I mix science and religion all the time, it's how I got my belief of a supreme being. However the Christian God, Islamic Allah, or the Budda aren't it in my opinion. I won't believe something without science proving it first, or at least coming up with a resoniable theory.

Everyone has learned about Greek myths with Zeus and what not, we think it's silly right? Well imagine a 1000 years from now, our belief of a God will be laughed at because it didn't even make sense. Religion is just something to put your faith in, science is there to prove religion wrong.
Technically a beating heart and breathing is living. So death is lack of heart beat and breath for like 3 seconds or something.

And yes, I'd consider it dead, because without the paramedics you can't be revived.


Science is to learn about the universe works, not prove religion wrong. If it was just to prove religion wrong scientists would have been out of a job for hundreds of years.
There is an infinite number of dimensions, look at quantum physics or any modern type of physics for that matter. It's a pretty widly accepted theory.
They only have 9 now I think. Thats a long way from infinity.
Let's try not to get off topic - I think the original topic is interesting enough. To reitterate my opinion:


So this is fake?
Let's try not to get off topic - I think the original topic is interesting enough. To reitterate my opinion:


So this is fake?
I'm almost positive it is. Cambodia falls under Asia Pacific, not South Asia. It also doesn't seem to work if you replace the ip address with bbc.co.uk or news.bbc.co.uk
I'm almost positive it is. Cambodia falls under Asia Pacific, not South Asia. It also doesn't seem to work if you replace the ip address with bbc.co.uk or news.bbc.co.uk

If you look around the site and read the little thingies at the bottom, it's all BBC relevant and provides links to other BBC websites. Besides, using its' logo and name is a criminal offence so i doubt it would be fake.

Figures, I finally stumble across a semi-interesting article and it turns out to be a potential prank.

Life sucks. :lol:
I'm almost positive it is. Cambodia falls under Asia Pacific, not South Asia. It also doesn't seem to work if you replace the ip address with bbc.co.uk or news.bbc.co.uk

Same here... and for the same reasons... also, doing a search within the BBC website itself produces nothing.

If you look around the site and read the little thingies at the bottom, it's all BBC relevant and provides links to other BBC websites. Besides, using its' logo and name is a criminal offence so i doubt it would be fake.

It's easy to make a fake webpage like this... I'd be prepared to bet that this article is fake...
It is a fake... click the 'Email this article to a friend' link... it's a hijacked webpage...
what do zombies in Cambodia have to do with Hizbollah and the Lebanon??

And besides, the BBC wouldn't post such a gruesome picture on their News website...
lol, it wasn't my joke! I fell for it, too! And if it shows soldiers over the caption, hit refresh. You'll see a rather gruesome image. :ill: