As has been said, it might not be all that bad. If these acts are forgettable, they will probably be less attractive to attention seekers.
@Exorcet, as amateur psychologists, that such individuals are
only interested in posthumous vain-glory, history shows that such individuals now come and go - a flash in the pan.
Some end up in prison - and get a whole lot of other attention.
This thread is not about the individuals getting attention posthumously - it's about them getting attention when they are alive.
As far as gun control goes, I wonder what ........XsnipX.......
This thread is not about gun control. Or the control of any means. I thought my gentle hint was more than readable.
It is about the routine labelling. It is about the shoving the danger under clever, legal words, and the attendent guin talk - because it was a shooting.
It was also a killing.
Murder in broad daylight.
It was premeditated murder.
But we can't call this person a murderer till it has been proved. Like some others who did this but were caught alive and are now in prison.
So I'll call the situation' for what it is as legally as possible, now. That will be a change in perception, a first change about this situation.
Tghis is routinely called 'mass shooting'.
Now I will change the title of the thread to get the message across even more forcefully.
I wonder if that has something to do with defenders sometimes having access to firearms? Pretty hard to do much with a knife at a gun fight.
Of course, I have heard of mass killings as the result of fertilizer and cars... as noted, the motive is the bigger issue rather than the tool.
Yes. I have to wade through reams of words only remotely connected with this topic of routineness applied to these killings to find a post that actually pertains to the topic.
The motive. The decisions behind wanting the 'ends'
I see posts in here that mix up the connotations of 'means' and 'ends'
That is why we are so busy discussing the
means than
why the
ends. The means are discussed in various other threads, too. With the same players on stage.
In fact a player may come on this stage to claim that this is 'all the same old nonsense' and yet remain on to take central stage with many posts.
Around and around we go.
Let's start changing things around here.
For a start lets look harder at what they mean by 'neutralising' the suspect.
Let's look at the definition of 'mass killing' and how it sanitizes the situation.
Let's see if we can beat the Media and call a spade a spade.