Zytek 1 Hour EnduranceFinished 

  • Thread starter PJTierney
PJ Terney , i would like too take part in your race , but its probaly best iff u take 2 others iff thats possible for you , because iff it starts too rain , then i will stop racing , so i aint in the way for other ppl , when it gets past 60 % wet iam all over the track some times :banghead:
I say just race. If it rains it rains, and I'm sure there will be at least 1 or 2 people on your pace level :)
when it gets past 60 % wet iam all over the track some times :banghead:

Just slow down fella, seriously. No one can maintain their dry track speed when it's streaming with water, you just have to drive appropriately for the level of grip available. The head banging icon is a good message; he wouldn't be so angry if he didn't keep banging his head, and you would probably find that your car could be controlled okay if you slowed down a bit.

If nothing else, you'll have me to keep you company, because I drive very slowly anyway.

Cheers, Zo.
Just slow down fella, seriously. No one can maintain their dry track speed when it's streaming with water, you just have to drive appropriately for the level of grip available. The head banging icon is a good message; he wouldn't be so angry if he didn't keep banging his head, and you would probably find that your car could be controlled okay if you slowed down a bit.

In heavy rain I normally shift the car into 6th gear to keep the revs low and take my time going round. That's normally easier/quicker than occasionally trying to go fast and spinning out.
In heavy rain I normally shift the car into 6th gear to keep the revs low and take my time going round. That's normally easier/quicker than occasionally trying to go fast and spinning out.

Precisely this. Thankfully the Zytek is low powered, naturally aspirated and has a lot of downforce, so driving in the rain shouldn't be too difficult. I'm yet to give it a whirl in the rain, but I am sure that it won't be too bad.

As for not having anybody around you if it does rain, we came from Really Rubbish Racing for a reason. ;)
iff i didnt drive with automatic transmission i wouldnt have so many problems in the wet ;) i love driving in the wet , its just that little issue that you cant control the wet at all , and that have happend way too often , iff not allways ended out in 100 % wet for way too long ;) but i will give it a go anyway and see what happends , but iff i feel iam in the way for other ppl i wount drive ;)
Well, I somehow forgot that I kinda needed to be a member to participate so its a good thing I joined just now :lol:
Just so everything is clear:

Official Practice & Race Rooms

Event Format:
  • The Event starts with an open practice session that begins at 19.30 BST (at the latest, lobby may open earlier).

  • At 20.00, provided all confirmed drivers are connected and ready, they advance to a 10 minute Qualifying session.

  • All cars are on track separately for Qualifying, starting from the final corner. This session sets the grid for the race.

  • The race will be a 1 hour Endurance Race.

It will be a Fixed-Host lobby. If people are having connection issues then I will re-open it as a non-Fixed lobby.

If you are not in the lobby at 19.55 then your place may be taken by a reserve driver.

There'll be no text chat while the race is in progress.

The race will be a standing start.

Standard driving etiquette rules apply; don't cut corners and if you knock somebody off the track slow down and let them re-pass.
Just wondering how much of a kicking I'm letting myself in for tonight, since I imagine that most people who take part in something like this are pretty serious. I'm lucky if I get into the 1:49s, how are you chaps doing?

Cheers, Zo.
Just wondering how much of a kicking I'm letting myself in for tonight, since I imagine that most people who take part in something like this are pretty serious. I'm lucky if I get into the 1:49s, how are you chaps doing?

Cheers, Zo.

I'm lucking if I'm making 1:50's so I'll see you at the back maybe? a few of us are taking it more serious but others like myself aren't so.
Phew! I suddenly broke into a cold sweat when it dawned on me I haven't a clue how quick any of you guys are, and I might spend an hour getting lapped.

Cheers, Zo.

I won't be lapping you haha. I know a few are doing 1:50's but nothing much more substantial and I know it's probably not their consistent race pace as my times tend to be consistent.
i have just practised for an little hour just know , and finished it off with trying an quali "race" and managed too do a 1.49.319 , but with a lap with no mistakes that should easily take you under 49 i guess , but all in all iam mostly looking forward too some fun racing :cheers:
Oh crap, I forgot about the time. On my way.
Well, that went crap. I get disconnected after not even 1 minute in the room (after which I then turn off and on my router) , then I got stuck on the screen when I tried to enter for qualifying and then I get disconnected mid session.

*sigh* That was a waste, really looked forward to an organized race and then all that happens.

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