Gamescom 2015: Meet your Need For Speed Icons

Need For Speed is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with a new game, shorn of any sub-titles. At Gamescom, it’s announced the inclusion of five real-life auto enthusiasts, each with a different approach to car culture. These Icons, as they’re known, represent the five different approaches players can take at any point in the game.


Well-known Porsche collector and tinkerer Magnus Walker is the Speed Icon, Gymkhana-man Ken Block represents Style, Nakai-san – the man behind popular Porsche tuner RWB – is the Build Icon, Chicago-based drift team Risky Devil are the faces of the Crew approach, while the Outlaw Icon is Morohoshi-san, whom you may recognize as the leopard-print Lambo-driving man in the Underground Hero short film. The game doesn’t stop there, also including rides tied to these Icons such as Walker’s “277” Porsche 911, Block’s Hoonicorn Mustang, one of Nakai-san’s unmistakable 911’s, and more.


The game makes use of the Frostbite engine, with one very interesting feature: real-time compositing. Live action cutscenes will help progress the story of the game, while this feature will be able to include your personal car and garage from gameplay seamlessly into the scene. It’s a welcome step towards increased immersion in the NFS titles.


Need For Speed launches November 3, 2015. Want to discuss it more? Head over to our dedicated Need For Speed forum and dive in!

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Comments (24)

    1. TeamCZRRacing

      I wouldn’t mind it so much as long as it doesn’t have an actual effect. This may sound strange coming from someone who prefers sim racers over arcade racers usually, but given the nature of the game I think autosculpt would either have to be purely aesthetic or cartoonishly OP in order to fit in.

  1. DSUjoeDirte9

    No manual transmission and always online requirement.

    This game has dissapointed me unless they fix these. I don’t know why game developers haven’t realized yet that not everyone has online, and that not a single game or console has been successful with DRM. Sim city drm, Failed. Xbox one DRM, Failed. (Hense why they took it off in day 1 patch.. that takes online…)

  2. sxh1991

    3 Month before the game launch. So far we still don’t have very detailed info about driving system (they still have the one button drift system from Rival, but you can close it and change to more “grip” setting, but no gameplay video or off-screen shows how it gonna work or feel) or the customization system.
    No Manual Shift option. No cockpit view.
    Micro-Transaction confirmed. (Check the pre-order page)
    Notorious crash-cam is still there.
    So far I am just seeing an Ghost Studio style Burnout-ish Arcade racing game with some element from UG and MW 2009.

    1. sxh1991

      same here. I really wanna a car game have open world, with rich customization options, have some arcade option (thing about drift race in UG2 and Carbon or even drift battle in Grid1) but still have some basic physical realism (an AWD couldn’t drift or drive like FF right?) Like, yeah, Froza Horizon 2.(But I don’t like the off road racing and as for customization FH2 still too limited for me)
      As for the cops: what i heard from Reddit is there might be a heat grade system. some area is totally free with cops, some area is like LAPD HQ. So you can decide where you wanna go or you can just pay the fine and keep driving.

    2. another_jakhole

      Thumbs up. I appreciate the extra info. I’m with you on all that. But even slightly burnout is too arcade, as fun as those are.

  3. Master Weasel

    Really looking forward to this game. Can’t wait for November. With Midnight Club no longer being made, I’m glad Need for Speed is taking the time to fill in the street racing and tuner niche of the racing game genre.

    1. another_jakhole

      Haven’t you seen gameplay?

      Tell us what you think. I think it looks awesome, but the chase cam bothers me. I don’t like how the cars don’t look clean in the garage AS you’re customizing. Seems cheap. If you change a part, it should be clean.

      It looks like an all-night racing game, which is a let-down. And are there car washes? :D

      Seriously, Test Drive Unlimited games seemed awesome they way it’s played. I never got to play the full version on the 360. I was broke as hell back then. Not sure if the wheel support for those games are good enough to try it out now.

  4. BrunetPaquet

    I’m not much in the know about NFS Reboot… will there be cops? Hopefully not.

    Been waiting a long amount of time for a non-sim Need For Speed without cops almost always after the player.

    Slipztrem do you think you could tell me if you think or if you know if it’ll be copless? I’m late on this game’s info. Cheers! ^w^

    1. SlipZtrEm

      Cops have shown up in the trailers, but I have no idea how much they’ll be in the game. I imagine you’ll see a lot more of them if you take the Outlaw approach, though.

    2. another_jakhole

      You get points for evading the cops. Not sure how it works as in how deeply they’ll be incorporated. Last two NFS games I got were Pro Street and I want to say the PSP NFS. I’ve barely played Most Wanted and it’s fun, but not what I’m looking for in this type of car game. I’d prefer cop chases to be optional. NFSU + 2 were great. :D

      I really hope the chase cam isn’t as loose and dramatic as it appears.

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