Polyphony Digital have conveniently published their own independent and specific confirmation of the features we’ve been learning about via media outlets over the past two days, thanks to one big update to their official site. In addition to what was already discussed here and here, this is what’s new:
As confirmed in a note on the Japanese site, the 800 “standard cars” in the game will not have interior view or high-beam headlights (new video of standard cars here, thanks Paskowitz).
- NASCAR pit crew’s actions have been specifically re-created.
- All cars will be able to “roll over” if involved in an accident.
- Damage may “not necessarily be applied to all races in the game”.
- You will be able to define your own password-protected online races with your friends, and you’ll be able to control all of the event’s regulations.
- “You can host ‘Track Days’, where everyone can drive freely on the track. You can try to shave down your laptimes, you can teach someone how to drive, or just enjoy drifting.”
Vehicular damage was also clarified:
Physics-Affecting Damage
This is damage in which the physics simulation is affected by alignment deviations, etc. This is damage that affects controllability, and the car may not drive straight, or it might become unstable in corners, etc. depending on the amount of damage. Affects all cars.Dirt, Scratches, and Dents
This is damage that can be visually seen, and involves dirtying of the body, scratches and dents. Affects all cars.Separation (dislocation) of Body Panels
This is damage in which body panels are dislocated from their original positions, or deform. Affects only premium cars.
See more articles on Damage, NASCAR, Online Features, Premium Cars, and Standard Cars.
why are peopele confused?
NO interior view means NO DRIVERS VIEW.
It even says it on officail website.
dirt on the body
now we can really use the car wash in the “GT AUTO”
Yeah it’s pretty much confirmed ALL cars have cockpit views.
Premium cars will have cockpit damage AND when the cars are damaged on the outside they will be to the extent you can see the interior components.
This article needs to be updated or a new post made.
Until Yamauchi or Polyphony Digital say otherwise, standard cars don’t have interior view. It’s that simple.
Damn, if they do not have the driver’s view in every car, I will be severely disappointed. I hope that they at least fix the lights on every car (both high- and low-beams and the reverse lights) and make the tires show skid marks!
One more thing I just thought of: having “standard” and “premium” versions of cars will be a very BAD idea. What if a manufacturer knows that it’s cars are not modeled to their full potential? Wont it look bad if only certain cars have their interior views? This will be VERY BAD for business. Every car model should look the best it can look, no matter what country of origin, how new or old, how powerful, or how exclusive! This is just unacceptable!
Hey guys, long time reader… first time posting. I just translated the japanese text on the official GT web site on the standard cars and it pretty much says the is NO interior car view. Ill leave the translation and you can make you own decision.
“The recording volume, how over 800 models. Age range, the richness of variety to choose from different categories, “Standard Car” will say the biggest attraction.
※ “Standard Car” does not correspond to the interior view. “
Could PLEASE someone official from GTP clear things up? Because I can hardly believe PD dares and releases 800 cars without cockpit view. Which in my book is something else than interior view. I would take it that interior view is free viewing the whole of the inside of the car, while cockpit view is just the usual view outside the windscreen with steering wheel and dashboard.
So I’d be very grateful if this could be addressed as I’m very confused because of this news.
So tell me: why should PD say that only the cockpits of the premium cars have also “cockpit-damage”, if there are no standard cockpits?
Will the game contain the track editor rumored in 2009 ?
Can someone please tell me if the japanese sports cars such as imprezas evos supras skylines are premium. IT will be a HUGE disapointment if they are not.
Oh and what is on Gamespot must be try. Give me a break. Could certain people maybe stop posting assumptions or presumptions which are nothing more than whispers in the wind? Do we actually have any further facts.
Ok. So did nobody think to ask someone from sony or Kaz himself if the statements made in relation to standard cars indicate that there will not be a cockpit view of any kind or any level? Because some of the opinions above seem to have all the foundations of a mill pond.
Here’s my thought on the whole cockpit view thing. i believe we will get it on all cars. the reason for this, ferrari was one of the noted manfacturers that did not want realistic crashing done on their cars. Therefore, none of the ferrari cars can be premium models. But we’ve seen cockpit views of the cars in prologue, but also the enzo, and i think the italia as well.
Ferrari all premiums.Don’t you see the video?
Guys calm down.It’s oblivious that no cockpit view in standard cars.Just summarize all we knew and number of cars.You will see the truth.
Yeah, I also saw it on Gamespot, ALL cars will have interior views, but Premium cars will be 100x more detailed.
Wow, you guys sure are whiny.
Do you think modeling the cars is the only thing they did in five years? There’s so much more to building a game than that. A lot of new stuff has been added since GT4 – a lot of them being stuff you guys complained were lacking in GT4, remember, like day/night cycling and damage – and that takes a lot of work to do it to the high standards they set themselves (and as you can see from the coverage of E3, it’s pretty much worth it). The fact that they’ve somehow managed to model over 200 cars at that level of detail while doing so is beyond me (I’m pretty sure they’re just futureproofing them for the next release, so they can just lump them in).
I am slightly disappointed that it leaves over 800 cars with no interiors, but I understand the circumstances. Look at it this way – GT3 (their first big leap to a new console) only had 150 cars, so why are you complaining about 200?
But I guess whiners always whine… *shrug*
After reading most posts, and then “Mike james”, i visted gamespot to see what they said. This is a direct quote from their staff:
“we were indeed able to look left and right from inside the cockpit of the Dodge Challenger that we’d opted to take for a spin around the new Rome street circuit.”
Read the article, they clearly played the game. (i’m not about to post a gamespot link here ;). The name clearly reads: GTP_Hydro….
So here’s my question (s):
Is the Dodge Challenger a “premium car”?
If not, how did they play using the cockpit view?
The push for the headtracking software is everywhere, and well documented.
Do they really want to push a feature so hard that is only available in 20% of the cars?
All of the cars in GTP had interior views. Why can’t they be included, they are done anyway (the non-premiums)?
Hope i don’t start too big a fire..lol.
I’ll just add this to the dissapointed side of the debate if indeed the game leaves most interiors out:
GT5 will be the ultimate sim racer. No one seems to debate that. “sim” racer to me,has a pretty high standard it would seem. I would like to actually “sit” in the car as i drive it to experience the actual view a real race driver does (even though i’m admittedly faster with the bumper cam, kinda hate it,). I’ve never seen a race car driver strapped to the hood roof, or bumper of the car, let alone drive from there. I don’t want the “tv” views. I want the real thing.
I had the real thing (and still do, and will forever) in GT5P – The Demo of the full game.
So yup i’m buying on the first day, and i’m sure i’ll love it, but to only see roughly 130-40 or so new interiors (counting GT5P for the rest) out of what i had truly believed to be 1000 different views, ends all of the latest news on a slight sour note.
Not nearly enough to spoil anything, so i won’t shed a tear if 800 cars have one of my favourite features excluded, but i will be dissapointed.
Polyphony Digital,and Sony, through teaser videos and a seemingly endless wait for an actual release date, have themselves, raised the bar on expectations to a ridiculous height. If they only include 200 interiors, my own expectations will be, understandably I think, not met.
Just sayin…
See you all online Nov.2!!!
That`s awesome. I reply to a post, and i come in 8 spots up! – Read `mike james` post first, just scroll down a bit. Haha
Aww crap,
Sorry about the double post guys.
My bad.
How did all of you guys post comments ahead of me, and at times that haven’t even occurred yet?
My gosh some people are just picky. I see no problem with 800 cars without interiors. When you consider everything else this game has to offer, it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal.
Christ, I’m confused by the people that say ‘unless all the cars have interiors I won’t buy the game’.
So, instead of having 200 cars with interiors, you’ll have NO cars with interiors, and no fun?
Yeah, that makes a huge amount of sense.
They´ve used the same CAD data, and specs, but textures and details have been added , for sure. Its not a lame conversion….
amount of exterior model polygons: 1000000000
amount of interior cockpit polygons: 0
Gosh what the hell is wrong with you all. Of course all cars are going to have interior view. How many modellers so they have, 20 .. 30? It takes a few weeks max for a modeller to make an interior. thats 60 interiors every week. 300 a year. They’ve had how many years?!
It’s just a rumour got out of hand – there is no way KY would release GT5 without it kicking forzas ass. It surely will have all cars with cockpit views.
Some cars from GT5 prologue was in GT4 are they considering those cars premium or standard cars?
Ugh. I am incredibly disappointed with 800 of the cars not having interiors. I will still buy the game (I can’t NOT buy it, after all, this is GT5 we’re talking about), but after five years, could they not have done better? GT5 Prologue had like what, 70 cars with interiors already, and three years later, this is the best they can do? Like some people have stated, I would rather they do only 400 to 500 premium cars then just 200 with 800 substandard cars. Forza is nearing 500 cars, and they all have interiors. And you can argue that the interiors are lesser quality, but a slightly lesser quality interior is still better then no interior at all. And 500 cars is plenty enough, I love a LOT of cars and the only one I like that I can’t get in Forza is the Lancer Evolution IV.
As I said, I will still buy GT5, but if the Aston Martin DBS is one of the cars without an interior, someone at PD is going to get murdered.
Very confused, to not say dissapointed, if is how I understand it correct. After sooooo long I always have in mind to pre-order GT5 or buy it ‘blindly’ on day one, but now dont know what to think. Surely, I will follow now news bout GT5 more than ever.
So if my doubts be confirmed I may skip GT5 (that coming from someone who absolutely love GT series and enjoyed and still at it), or wait for for some reasonibly priced 2nd-handed copy.
P.S. Still hope that Im wrongly understand infos or they are incorrecty interprated.
Even if this rumour turns out to be correct, it’s just incredible that Polyphony have managed to reproduce even 200 vehicles in this level of detail:
Marcus said:
“READ ME: Jordan it seems you have made a small mistake it actually doesn’t say that standard cars won’t have interiors on the website. In fact it actually shows a 370z and a challenger srt-8 interiors.”
Exactly. Just goes to show how easily misinformation can spread. It’s kinda pathetic how pessimistic people are being about this game, though.
exactly thats why i put my comment as close to the top as possible. I wanted to let people know the truth(though i am sure jordan merely misinterpreted) before commenting. Apart from you it did no good.
“In fact it actually shows a 370z and a challenger srt-8 interiors.”
I think those two are actually premium cars.
That`s so lame! no cockpitviews for standard cars?. I use the cockpitview since GT5P only, now I have to go back to arcadeview.
Im dissapointed with the news of standards cars..years spending time for 800 cars without cockpits? to see black tinted cars seems nostalgic to me..GT2 perhaps? I wonder what are they really doing.. its unlogical
Will people just stop saying that only Premium vehicles will feature the cabin viewpoint? That is completely false. “Interior view” refers to a vehicle’s interior components being exposed as a result of deformation? As for the “blacked-out windows on Standard cars” rumour, what the hell are you talking about? There are no blacked-out windows anywhere.
There are. Just watched the video of the standard cars. They are clearly blacked-out compared to the premium cars as we know from trailers and gameplays.
“will not have interior view” … does that actually mean no cockpit view from the driver’s point of view, or does it just mean that you can’ see in from the outside…? Perhaps time will tell, I’m just hoping that it may have just been a mistranslation!
ngrignon said:
“F3 have +500 cars with FULL interiors and counting (more DLC to come) and +500 DIFFERENT cars NOT 40 variations of the same car! if 10turn can do it, WHY NOT Polyphony???
and there will be at least 9 nascar cars, are they counted like 1 cars or 9 cars (very minor difference between them) in the 200 premium??? so it will be 8 DIFFERENT cars less to a already very short number.”
The significant difference here is that Forza’s interiors are of hideously lower detail than those in Gran Turismo 5. Polyphony could very well model a thousand sub-par, low-poly interiors simply for the sake of it, but the Gran Turismo series has always emphasized quality, not quantity.
big polyphony digital joke !! the end of polyphony !!
Finally! We got major official infos! Only got to wait now, incredible work from PD.
Can someone confirm this for me. If there are race that go by nascars rules then is there yellow flags and saftey cars?
Ok this game is and always has been touted as a simulator, meaning it’s geared to be an accurate representation of the real deal. How many people drive whilst laying on the hood with their chin on the bumper? Or how many pull a trailer behind with a stool on it? Cars, be it racing or everyday use are driven from a seat with all controls and gauges surrounding the driver. Wether it’s flight or rail simulation I don’t get a true immersion factor anywhere except the cockpit. I have dealt with this in GT figuring it would change but them leaving out cockpits to 80% is unacceptable to me and I for one will not purchase.
i seem to remember that on the gt website in 2009 it sed all cars will have cokcpit view, lyers but seriosly what have they spent this five years on? and they sed that 1 track takes 2.5 years, doesnt that mean that the game should only have 2 tracks…..more lies from pd
The concept of ‘man-hours’ and ‘teams’ is kind of lost on you, isn’t it?
So much fail with the 800 standard cars, after 5 years, its a joke.
It’s not PD’s fault for not making the cockpit views for each car. It’s because they said they couldn’t physically fit all that data on one blue ray disc.
So include TWO bluray disks.
Then all the Blu-ray Disc™ buzz and “incredible” capacity is just a bunch of crap, if it can’t take the whole game, isn’t it? Bad excuse. Sony is responsible for both.
5 years of waiting for GT4 HD as I told you.Waste of fuking time! Fuck U PD!
800+cars with no cockpit view, what a complete joke and total disappointment. isn’t this supposed to be “the real driving simulator”, the cockpit view is the only view you would get in real life. at least we have fm3, all of there cars have cockpit views.
I bet there’s 360 fans or forza fans in here just looking for ways to kill gt5’s momentum but guess what losers we are not listening to your trash talk so get the hell out of here!
I don’t buy it for one moment because this is one of sony’s major flagship games so i doubt polyphony digital would take away important features from any of the cars & screw themselves or sony from turning a profit after 5 years of development so if i was anybody id wait to you officially here from the horses mouth itself.
Kazunori told us “expect perfection”. 800 missing interiors isn’t perfection!
“There are two categories of vehicles in GT5 – Premium and Standard. The majority of the cars (more than 800) fall into the Standard category and are made up largely of the rides that have been included in all past GT games. But that doesn’t mean they’re simple copies. All are painstakingly modeled to take advantage of the PS3’s graphics shader. They also sport physics-based damage modeling, and they’ll show scratches, dust and dents collected during races. The Premium cars, of which there are more than 200, will have all those features plus fully rendered interiors and true damage modeling. That means panel separation and deformation – the ugly stuff.”
from IGN
The standard cars HAVE COCKPIT VIEW (like THERE’S in GT5 prologue), but DON’T HAVE INTERIOR VIEW (Motor, detailed posterior sit etc.). Learn japanese, and don’t trust to every bad translation. INTERIOR doesn’t mean COCKPIT VIEW.
Precisely. “INTERIOR doesn’t mean COCKPIT VIEW.”
Yes, its true, and i have read the news on gamespot.com and kotaku, and they went to the GT5 show on wednesday, and they both say there will be interior view in standard cars!
You clarified this with the dev team?
Please God let there be a premium version of the R15, I’d hate to be shoe-horned into driving the 908 just becasue its the only new LMP1 class car available in premium,
I’m also somewhat disgusted that it appears the majority of cars we get wil be at least 5 years old, the least I would expect would e that the older models are updated to newer versions unless the older version is a classic or something,
Its still a day 1 purchase for me but it semms a bit half-assed result after biting off more then they could chew, In GT5P we didnt have 80% of cars without cockpit, except for a couple, they all had cockpits which led everyone to believe that thats what we’d get in the ‘finished’ product,
and no high-beams…WTF!!!
as simple as this: if you dont like what kaz has done, dont buy it……
Ahh well, although 5 years seems like a long time there are still a ton of great features and news that came out this week. Heres hoping the cars have hood vies instead of that akward roof view.
I really hope that GT5 wont be a disappointment due to feeling too muchlike GT4 too. I’m sure that the positives of all the new features will out-weigh the GT4 updgrades.
However, an easy way to make sure that GT5 is not disappointing at all, is to do what i did:
Forget that GT4 ever existed, and play right through GT3 with a steering wheel from the beginning. By Novemeber GT5 will seem so amazing that you will never complain again ever!
ahahahah damn!!!! They have been working on this game for 6 years?? ahaha to make 200 cars in-carview you kidding me! Stop complaining about Forza /// you can say what you want, but Forza 3 has inside carview in every CAR!
I cant belive it, i bought PS3 only for GT5 and now we are getting 200 cars INSIDE CAR VIEW. N00000000B PD
So I went into the japanese GT5 website and it says something like this. I used Google Chrome’s automatic translation
“Gran Turismo” with their huge number of cars included in the series, “PlayStation 3” and the current technology, what more beautiful reproduction of this car “standard” is.
The recording volume, how over 800 models. Age range, the richness of variety to choose from different categories, “Standard Car” will say the biggest attraction.
※ “Standard Car” does not correspond to the interior view.
There’s always GT6 I guess for all of the cars to have interior cockpit views. Or a major patch- but I’d rather for them to make GT6 then work on the patch, because it shouldn’t take them anywhere near 5 years to make.
This is the problem with Polyphony. Like people has mentioned before they spend time modeling things that people will never see when racing, like the inside of the Coloseum. And so much time on the car models.. Just eyecandy. Instead of working on the AI, damage and racing mechanics that the series lack so much.
A great racing game has a sense of speed, good AI, damage, weather and daytime options. A lot of console and PC games featured all of this years ago. Some of you guys keep praising the GT series as if it was the pinnacle of racing simulation games, yet it has none of the above properties. Gran Turismo is no more simulation than say Ridge Racer, just because it says so on the box.
If you want a good simulation WITH technical and visual damage, fluent day/night cycles, good AI, customization, cockpit view, physics, headlights, nice graphics, AND a sense of speed -play GTR2.
I would love to see GT5 becoming a great and fun game, I have played Gran Turismo series since the first one. Ultimately they were very boring, I always felt very alone in the games because of the complete lack of interaction from the opposition. This is sadly not looking like a large step forward rather than a slight upgrade.
Majorly disappointed about the interior views, although as long as the Evo 8 has an interior like on Prologue I might not kill myself. All cars being able to roll over is good news though.
god damn it…so no interiors for standard cars….a bit dissapointing….but why capuccino had an interior view i belive that car won’t be in premium selection
Well hopefully within the next five months Kaz can focus his attention on creating new interiors for the standard cars as long as the rest of the game is finished.
It is a bit disappointing, however i don`t think that is gonna bother me that much. I still have 200 cars i can take apart in any way i want. I don`t plan to drive every of those 1000 cars, but i´ll rather stick with my favorite 50-100. And i`m pretty sure all of them are premium :)
And think, if the BlueRay disc is already full, there is no way to add those 800 additional cockpits.
Blu-ray is only full because of the stupid 3D support, isn’t it? They have to include 2 copies of every game on a disc.
Well i wouldn`t mind getting GT6 as completely 2D and with more content. 3D may be nice and awesome at first, but it gets boring and exhausting after time.
You girls better stop whining about the lack of interior view.
If you get your way they might decide to ‘finish’ the game in 2015 while they finish your interior views.
Just release it.. cockpit’s can go in GT6.
If this game had zero interiors I’d still buy it. It’s all about how it feels rather than how it looks in my opinion. I don’t care about looks when I’m hurling an Enzo around the Nurburgring. Pretty details are nice but it’s fundamentally about car physics and how it drives. It’s what differentiates itself from the competition.
Besides I feel there is a lot of misinformation circulating either through translation issues or misunderstaning. Still I simply cannot wait for this game.
The PD site is confusing me a bit, as they show images of 2 ‘new’ cars (R8 touring car and Countach). I would have thoughy that all the new ones would have cockpit view (also when they were already new on the PSP).
200+ premium cars with cockpit view is good IMO. Those 800 others are just bonuses, I take it that way. They could have just released the game with only the premium cars, but all the others means more possibilities of opponents, which is a big plus. I’ll drive premiums most of the time, maybe one of the standard models too, depending on what cars are featured there while they were expected to be premium.
Let’s see, just can’t wait to get this game :-)
Forza 2 did not have cockpit view!!! So developer for Forza 3 already had car models just add cockpit and some new car!!! GT5 is first game on PS3 wait for GT6 and All car’s will be premium!!!
But it doesn’t make sense.. ?
All the cars in GT5 Prologue have a cockpit view. And even the Suzuki Cappuccino has cockpit view, so the Suzuki is a “premium” model ?
I only ever use cockpit view. THIS IS A MAJOR FAIL.
i gotta say….. cockpit cam is great for a few races….. but i quickly switch back to bonnet/bumper cam for precision racing…… so really doesnt effect me one bit
if anything, it’ll make earning the premium cars all the more special.
As a game’s developer myself, i appreciate the amount of work it takes to make a game. 200 premium cars with full interiors is a HUGE task. Having all 1000+ cars with fully modelled interiors probably wouldnt even be possible.. certainly not to the high standards we expect from PD. Also, 200 premium cars is still a LOT more cars than most racing game have in total, so to have 1000+…. what more do you want? Animated ants at the side of the track? Fluid dynamics for the fuel as it passes through the engine?
“Separation (dislocation) of Body Panels”
I do hope that this detailed damage system has nothing to do with what we have seen in the past. I really dont need a swinging door or a loose spliter. That sort of crash model is just silly and adds nothing to the experience of driving the real car.
If I hit a barrier with 80km/h in a front impact the race should be over. At least the premium cars in GT5 should be totally deformable and wreckable.
I really hope they will include COCK-pit views on all the cars.
Because the game is ment to be going forward with features not backwards even psp had interior even thought it was black it was still nice to have something new. To me interior view is not that important what I really want is customization like in forza if. If PD fail with both then in my books they failed all together.
Epic Fail:800 cars GT4HD,200 cars PS3,only 20 tracks.I,VERY DISAPPOINTING!
Most people will only drive with the bumper view. Why do you guys even care about how many cars have detailed cockpit/interior?
I always drive in cockpit view when I have the opportunity. How do you know how will other people drive like?
standard cars video, 0:17-0:21: Is that Special Stage Route 11?
I can’t believe all the ungrateful dicks, both here and in the comments of Paskowitz’ video.
How about YOU try painstakingly modeling about a thousand interiors, even over five years?
I’m grateful we even get 200 cars like this. I say good on PD, and keep up all the good work. I’m not ungrateful, not one bit, and GT5 will still completely pwn.
In regards to the standard cars no where on the website granturismo.com does it say that there is no interior
Also read this which straight from the more information blog on the website
The quality of the premium level cars is of course the intricate modeling of every tiny detail of not only the exterior, but the interior as well. No other game offers this level of ultra-high detail.
Now to me this means that they will both have interior view but the premium version has a very detailed interior
And the headlights will work on both versions but the premium will have the option to high beam someone infront of you
track days, ohhh yeahhhh! nice one Kaz
I think we’re right to be upset about the lack of interior views. This is a RACING game involving CARS. It seems they’ve placed emphasis on a lot of things other than cars going around tracks and I think that is a mistake. You wouldn’t have an FPS where you can kill guys in the first few levels but not further into the game. It’s just hugely incosistent and misleading.
And the worst part is I bet 20 or more of those 200 premium cars are duplicates: same car with different paintjob and engine. SAME interior and lazy developer.
They are re-edited to GT5 version but the basic is from GT4.
Btw, check out that Super tyre smoke !! on GT5 website damn that looks real and cool ofcourse while drifting and making doghnuts for fun :D
800 cars without interior view!! That’s a shame…
Truth be told I’d like the option for the black cockpit frame on all cars anyway, the interiors are all well and good but they just get in the way IMO.
And as far as 800 cars not having interiors, storage constraints and the fact that the mass majority of them won’t be on sale as new today will have played a major part. We can’t have everything guys.
Watch the standard car trailer, they look fine to me. Here’s the acid test – look at those muscle cars? We have seen them before various times, no one complained about them then. No one went “those muscle cars look lower quality than the rest of the cars we’ve been shown” Why? – because they are “good enough” not to spoil the illusion, so we never noticed. This says something about their quality.
Perhaps they don’t stand up to strict scrutiny, but they look as good as most models in Forza 3 (which also vary hugely by quality.)
When i saw this news this morning, i could only said “douche froide” (i’m french…)
800 cars without cockpit view, what a huge disappointment…on GT5 prologue, i’m only using this view.
The standard cars looks so bad compared to the premium cars, what a non-sense.
Hope this is a kind of joke….Let’s wait further information in TGS or gamescon….
I’ve noticed the same people are going around these and whinging on everyones post saying how they aren’t going to buy it. GREAT, but i don’t care! If you aren’t buying it, why are you still here?
Slightly disapointed with the no cockpit for 800 cars, but for me that view is just a novelty, i hardly use it, it’s just i would want it for completeness.
Standard cars not having high beams is a bit odd? I wouldn’t have thought it would be that tricky to implement it but then again, i’m not a games developer, so i can’t critise.
Eee i can’t wait!
This is ridiculous. I’m probably not buying this, at least not first-hand. Now I understand what did they mean saying that we have only seen a “small portion of the game”. You don’t have to agree with me, but I think this is a huge dissapointment. It is just not a 2010 game. I would prefer it to have only 200 cars if they are not able to do all 1000 and maybe spend more time on tracks, weather, damage, smoke.. sorry but most of today games surpasses it in these terms, even though they are not trying to be the exact copy of reality. Physics are awesome, but I could as well be satisfied just with LFS, and I think the creators of this game now deserve more than PD. Maybe they are not the one who created the hype, but for such a long development, there is only one word to describe it in my eyes… FAIL. Of course, it’s just my opinion. I envy those who will enjoy the game in this shape.
@Fasr_Ed, you lame-o, you were not first!
Anyway, nice to have those features confirmed. Basically, 80% of the game is cripled by the standards of the other 20%. Still, it’s sounding more and more like cockpit-cam is only on those 20% too, which is fine by me.
The comment about damange not being applied to all races I guess means those races that use a mix of standard and premium, which could be a LOT of races.
To be honest, as good as GT5 looks and as impressive as the premium content is, the fact that we have the separation really does make it feel half-assed. Forza 3 may not look as good or whatever, but it sure makes up for it in consistency, track count, and customisation.
It’s still not clear whether the standard cars have “drivers eye” view.
This stupid word “interiors” could refer to being able to see inside the car from the outside during replays..
If as we are speculating the 800 cars cannot be driven from “drivers eye” view then that is a massive oversight and a hugely inconsistent experience across the whole game.
I remember Kaz being quoted something along the lines of “If we can’t do it right, we won’t do at all” Or “It won’t be in the game unless we can do it right” or something like that. So we probably won’t get just a black interior view like GTPSP.
However, all this could change with DLC and/or GT6… Though I don’t think we should have to wait that long.
Hmm I practiced with cockpit view in prologue as that’s how I wanted to race in GT5, maybe I don’t have to worry about it so much now.
Don’t understand the headlight thing, I mean surely switching from low beam to high beam is just increasing the brightness of the light coming from the car and making the track so it’s a bit brighter. Not sure why this can’t be done across all cars?
It is very disappointing that apparently majority of the cars don’t have interior view. Didn’t expect this after playing GT5Prologue which have interior views of all cars.
I say remove something else and keep the interior view instead. I don’t care for the damage, I’d rather see the interior views for example.
and they said the game will be different from all previous gt titles.whats the difference?the game is about cars and the 80% of cars are like in previous 6 year old game.
I just cant understand how someone can be satisfied with blackened window cars in ‘the real driving simulator’,its not some motorstorm or burnout for christ’s sakes!
its really shame becouse I really wanted to drive some silvia,civic,regal,….etc etc with proper cockpit view
now its interesting to see the premium car list
this really confuses me, because the gti golf 01 from gt4 is in gt5 prologue and that has an interior. does that really mean that a 10 year old golf is a premium vehicle?
I’m not gonna lie, the whole no cockpit view and black tinted window look of almost 800 stardard cars is quite a shock and dissapointment. Interior view was my #1 view I use and it made the immersion of actually driving the car so real. Too bad….
NOT only we wont get skidmarks and proper damage (12years old PC games already had that) but now we won’t have interior views for 80% of the cars….and all of this after 5years waiting.What a joke. They spend all their time on creating track objects that won’t be visibile while driving and creating crazy detail car exterior that also won’t be visible when you are driving (thats 90% of the time you spend in this game).So why spend some much time and resources on things that aren’t so important and waste everything on things that only look good on replays or media screenshots? lol.
i completely agree, know one is gna look at the individual bolts on the wheel, or try and pick out the individual pixles on the steering wheel of a racing car
From that video up top you can see right in the cars and see steering wheels and drivers. I’m pretty sure those cars in that video are premium and standard. I wouldn’t worry a lot about interior views or cockpit views.
Thanks for the continued updates Jordan. I love being able to check the website every few hours and find all the juicy tidbits in one spot.
I doubt I’ll be driving the ‘standard’ cars when I get the game. GT5 is about them premium cars…hopefully premium cars are those that we want to drive, like your Lambos, Ferraris, McLarens, etc.
I guess kaz really had something up his sleeve…!!! hahaha
What about those bullshits about no remaining code? Did Kaz lie? I’m starting to not like him! :-/
200 premium cars is okay with me. This game has been under development for years now. Remember they wasn’t focusing just on the cars but the tracks, day/night, damage engine, the whole operating system. Thats allot of work and takes time. I’m sure that when GT6 comes out we’ll have more premium cars and it will be less work for GT6. Just like GT3 came out we didn’t have allot of cars on that game. When they created GT4 we had more than double the amount of cars.
omg, that is it will already have certain around only 200 cars view from the cockpit? ;/
LingOL at people in this thread talking about “standard” and “premium” cars as if it means the quality of the real-life vehicle!
That’s some bull I kinda don’t want the game now. Being teased with interiors from GT5P and didn’t Kaz say awhile ago in a interview that all the cars would have cockpit? All this time waiting either for the game not being completed or whenever Sony wanting to release the game. I guess this is what we get for having more features and other things while giving us non cockpit on 80% of the cars. I sure hope the game makes up for “lack there of” with other features.
guys, I am pretty sure I read a post in the E3 thread in the forum said that the standard car has cockpit view. The guy who post that claims that he wrote email to some official (PD or some important guy in PD, cant remember), and this is confirmation from them. I didn’t border to dig that post up again. But I won’t even worry about there will not be cockpit view for most of the cars, doesn’t even make sense, and not up to the GT standard at all. The interior is speaking of the interior structural details. Just some translation issues.
Just like maritime78 said….grow a pair…get the hell over not having fully detailed interiors in all cars. If you played GT3 like I did, there was only about 150 cars in the entire game. So we have 50 extra cars than that game and the 700-800 from GT4. Im curious what cars made the premium list. I womder if they are going to have used cars back? I havent seen anyone ask that. What about license tests…and mission challenges…I would love for those to be back…but noone has confirmed them either. Id love to have clarified just how many tracks there will be in the game.
There are lots of details coming out this week letting us know it will be the best racing game yet…and definitely the best GT game. I cant wait f0r November, I dont know about you all!!!!!!!!!!!
well the site didn’t say standard cars won’t have interiors. I hope PD mean standard cars don’t have extremely detailed interior as opposed to premium cars
I spent years driving around in LFS online using only 2 different cars. I now the pro physics in GT5 will be far better and having 200 absolutley detailed and beautiful looking cars will be entertaining for a good while.
But damn am i dissapointed, the standard cars looks absolutley SHIT, just pause the video and you can see how out of place they look. Haha big “WTF” moment over here guys! Still gonna be an awsome game though.
Upsetting and good news. But I’m more upset lol. Owell. GT6 will have 100 tracks and 1250 fully modeled cars! With Forzas customization and weather effects and real sound. But it’s going to take another 5yrs unfortunately! Ps4 ftw! :-/
They should make damage just like in GTA 4! It never gets boring. I hope they did Fiat 126p
800 “standard cars” in the game will not have interior? I think this is a mistake because prologue has standard cars and they all have interior views.
I can’t wait for GT6. Hopefully by then they’ll have sorted out all the “standard” cars. I do find it disappointing, but all you can do is bitch..
i drive with bumper view. The only sacrifice would the in car view during replay.
premium = gt5
standard = gt4
and that means they didnt work on the sounds of all 800 standard cars ???
I hope the standard car physicx have been changed lol
Surely there won’t be 800 cars without an interior view. It seems hard to believe. GT5P had a Daihatsu Copen with an interior view. It doesn’t seem like it would be a premium car.
They could at least add a bonnet cam on those “standard” cars.
6 years! for 800 cars converted to gt4??? the pholyphony it’s crazy!!!!
Was any Standard car ever shown at all in a screenshot/video? They may not have shown them yet for obvious promoting reasons, but if you take a closer look at the Latest Information link previously posted (http://us.gran-turismo.com/us/news/d5247p1.html), the Standard cars seem a lot less polished (exterior-wise) and lifelike.
The windows seem to be fully opaque (look at the Countach, for example), so can it be that in the same race, there will be cars with drivers followed by whoever is driving the tinted ones?
If they meant “polished, detailed interiors” for the Premium cars, there must be at least a basic interior modelling for the Standard ones, to allow transparent windows.
I just hope I’m really wrong about it…
There is a video of them on that page.. You can check them out.
Some people need to man up, and grow a pair. Rather than throwing your toys out of your pram.
I, along with many others will enjoy racing every single car i can get my hands on, standard/premium makes no odds to me.
I’m gonna have fun regardless, shame you wont.
Finally someone with common sense!
sure..man as if the cars that r standard look descent for ps3 they last gen…just look at the rims even the rims look crapy i bet they r gonna have those crappy blurry rims…n its not gonna look like those rims from the premium should of release two games gthd n the 5 with only 200 cars…this had bad review all over it…its never too late too join the forza expirience
I understand, we live in a world where a game has to have certainly elements of eye candy, and GT5 will have lots of it. But surly any true gamer out there will not be worrying about their rims being “blurry”, or looking “crappy*. play the game and enjoy it.
tire smokes, it’s burning HOT
thing is , saying most of the cars i will want to ride won’t have a dashboard view , to me would be similar to playing a shooter without seeing the guns , i will absolutely avoid these cars if they don’t have this cam option
I will still buy a ps3 exclusively for this game but i gotta say the 1000+ cars was one of the main reason for me to get it .
I personally never race with cockpit view, but when I get a new car ALWAYS do a few laps behind the wheel to take a look and get the feel of what it would be like to sit in the drivers seat… True the lack of dashboards is a shame, but even more of a shame is if they used that waste of space blacked out crap from PSP… they should just have bumper cam if thats the only other choice! It just looks so half assed!
Im going to use something a car reviewer said about a car… Its going to be brilliant, no doubts. But playing GT5 will be like going out with a very pretty girl who just so happens to have her two front teeth missing, You still would, but you’ll always look and realise its just shy of being perfect.
but why no interior!!!! ok for the damage, but for cockpit is inacceptable!!!!
I am very disapointed. The standard cars looks like they were just ported from GT4. I don’t wanna sound ungrateful but I feel like PD should just delay the game and work on the other cars.
I think everyone will go to get a standard car as soon as GT5 is out so we can see for ourselves whether this is true or not. Only time will tell.
Seperation of body panels for premium cars only? So new race cars are definately premium but what about the high end exotics like the McLaren, SLS, ZR1, and Veyron (I’m hoping to God PD makes the Veyron premium)? We know the SLS is a premium car for sure (interior and all) so will it split apart too, being a production car?
I am still going to buy this game no doubt, but this is just confusing. Another thing is, are the cars from GT5 Prolouge going to have cockpit views in GT5?
This is a very confusing era is GT5 history. I am still going to love GT5, I JUST HOPE MY FORD GT WILL HAVE A COCKPIT VIEW.
Good question. If they’re in GT5 with cockpit views are those part of the standard cars or premium? Thats what i’m thinking about.
yeah man im down my PSN is FrankZR1
Ok. So where did you confirm that 800 of the cars in GT5 will not have interior views?
I can truely care less about the headlight debate but what really conserns me is that 800 cars will not have interiors. That video doesnt show anything. I WANT A CONFIRMATION FROM PD THEMSELVES THAT 800 of the cars will not have COCKPIT VIEWS.
not having all the interiors it’s a [b]DEAL BREAKER[/b] for me, i only drive with the cockpit view, i love watching the interiors, i couldn’t be more disappointed, for me the cockpit view is one of the most important things in a racing game, they spent 5 years to do 200 cars, night/day cycle, damage and weather? i can’t believe it, i would prefered if they just released the prologue with more tracks and 200 cars two years ago
i thought the wait was worth it, i was wrong, i could have been playing forza 3 with 400 cars with interiors for a year, i don’t know what to do, should i sell my ps3 and get a xbox? should i go to japan and kill KY? i feel betrayed :(
oops, i dont know how to make it bold, i’ll just repeat it to get the same effect
i’m so sad, this was going to be the best game in history, now i have to wait until 2013 or so to get GT6
Hey man. I know how you feel, but think about it. I also am VERY disapointed about this whole cockpit view “confirmation” because I dont know where he got this info from. He said he got it from a video, but I still dont see how he could confirm this through a video that wasnt even gameplay. I hope the admin is wrong for once about this. (No offense.)
BUT ANYWAYS. THINK ABOUT IT. FORZA 3’S COCKPITS ARE RUBBISH COMPARED TO GT5’s. It laggy. Trust me I have the FORZA 3. Dont waste your money on a 360 that get rrod and FORZA 3 which is just an arcade game in my eyes.
Stick with the PS3 and GT5 until GT5’s release date so we can all see for ourselves. STAY WITH YOUR PS3.
Don’t buy the friggin game then. B&M B&M B&M…
I’m sure I read somewhere amongst all the info coming out that the standard cars cockpit view will be as in the GT PSP version. i.e. black frame – no detail but still a cockpit viewpoint for those that prefer that view.
nope he said that a black frame interior is ‘technically possible’ i.e. not on it yet.
Anyway do you really want 80% of the cars to have such a bad interior.
In this point in time i really don’t care about cockpits anymore, i really just want to get this game thats about it.
what kinda bugs me is that cockpit view shouldve been one of their key priorities in terms of features to add… by the looks of it only gt6 will have cockpit views on all cars
the trackdays ideia is just great, always thought about that but the 800 cars transfered from GT4 is just painful, so many time waiting and GT5 will be an updated version of the GT4, the cars don’t even look that much better than in GT4, very similar. We’ll be playing a GT4+ in PS3 that’s it. No real innovation and really I love Gran Turismo, I’m just disapointed like everyone else I guess.
exactly to me it feels like gt4 playing on a ps3
Wow, really impresive. This’ll be the best car game EVER! (or series in that matter) Good job admins for getting all this info, you really out-done yourseves!
It seems like the standard cars are the cars which PD can’t get the information for the interior like the older rally cars and the more restrictive FIA GT1 vehicles
don’t talk poo
What is your problem, its an observation. You’re the one who is spewing out random comments, so you should really reconsider what you said before.
To back this up: There is a Older Corvette Le Mans car and a Lancia Stratos. It is totally possible that PD could not get the information and visuals to do the cockpit unless they would make up something
wait does this mean no cockpit view on the standard models? seriously? i’d prefer no damage but cockpit view on all cars… damn forza fans must be laughing their asses by now… why bother putting 800 cars in the game when there’s only visual damage on them and no cockpit view?… also no high beam headlights on them kinda sucks too oh well you can’t ever want it all i guess
I’m 101% sure that GT5 is going to blow us all away with its improved physics and outstanding graphics. People need to stop complaining and start thanking PD and Kaz for the enormous amout of time they spent developing this game into, simply the best racing game EVER!!!
Yah, it’s just too bad he doesn’t get paid for doing this tremendous favor for the world, and it’s a shame he has to go around competing in auto races on the side to feed his family….
When you think of the new features that’s going to be in the game it’s unfair to say that PD haven’t been doing anything just cause every car doesn’t have interior view.
Because i seen a couple of old skylines and rx7’s that have interiors….
This brings up a very important point – a solid quarter, if not more, of the 800 carry-over cars are near duplicates, which the interiors could be be practically re-used on. But PD considers this… right?
Point being, they really aren’t faced with that incredibly daunting a task to have 100% unique interior views on all cars.
I think the standard cars look fantastic! They all are detailed as much as the premiuns but just don’t have interior view, complex damage, and highbeam lights.
GT5’s standard cars look better than cars in any other game other. And they have cockpit, for sure. But premium models are as good as the real thing.
watch this: http://cdn2.gran-turismo.com/jp/common/data2/movie/20100616_e3/gt5_standardcars.wmv
The game is Great ,and im not complaining but,Out of the 800 cars with no detailed interior,Close to half of them are cars that are similar….(Ex) CIVICS,SKYLINES,WRX’s & EVO’s, Thats 4 dash boards that they have to make and just change the emblems around… not knocking imports @ all,but the majority of those vehicles mentioned have similar INTERIORS AND DIFFERENT EXTERIORS,with different engine specs…I would have thought that would have made it easier for them to make more premium cars thats all…damn i hope the SALEEN S7 and the Supra RZ are premium cars.
I hope my FORD GT’s and FORD GT LM are premuim cars. Then I’ll be happy. Better yet how about we get a REAL confirmation.
There are already a lot of people thinking this game is like GT4 with 200 “Special Cars.” Oh, and 16 cars to a track. Oh, and time cycles. Oh, and online play. Oh, and damage. But… people still see Gran Turismo 5 as GT4.5 or GT4.25 than any real evolution. I’m a minimalist thinker with Gran Turismo games. I am still highly sure (because I don’t believe in expectations) this game will be an awesome title even with its potential shortcomings. I think true fans of anything (let alone video games) can appreciate something despite its shortcomings. Question is, will GT5’s shortcomings be so much to where this game possibly won’t be as enjoyed as what many people with unrealistically high expectations think of this game as a waste of a five+ year wait?
Don’t answer that question- wait until GT5 is released, THEN we can answer that question on our own.
Any next-gen console driving game had damn well better let you get inside the car you’re “driving”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m really stoked for this game. 1,000+ different cars all realistically detailed to the last nook and cranny. I can’t see why I wouldn’t buy this game. But if I hadn’t known better it sounds like more cars in Forza 3 have cockpit view than Gran Turismo 5.
yeah but the cokpit in forza sucks
Seriously, the last thing I want to do is drive superseeded cars like the Audi R8 LMP900, Corvette C5-R and Viper GTS-R.
There’s the odd classic I’d like to see as a premium car but most cars from previous GT’s I’ve driven enough of already.
I swear to God, if I can’t at the VERY LEAST get an interior viewpoint like on the PSP in “standard cars” I’m straight up eBaying the turd of a disc. It’s jackass unacceptable
Maybe you shouldn’t buy it in the first place?
Jordan, with utmost respect, sometimes you have to step back from the situation and look at the facts: Any racing game on a 7th generation console should let you get inside the car you’re “driving”. It’s pretty standard by now and would be flat-out embarrassing to not have this view on the vast majority of cars in the game.
I’m bitterly disappointed with the news on interior views as well. I just thought your comment was kind of funny.
Yeah, I think I’ll be informed enough thanks to you beforehand. Never sold on eBay, hopefully I never will have to.
With 200 cars that are premium, What’s to complain about? You guys are acting like 200 is not alot. 50 is alot.You will probably have a top 20 that you stick to anyways. GRID sold well with less than 200 cars, as did DIRT, Midnight Club L.A., Need for Speed Shift, Undercover, & Prostreet. You guys act like you can go in there and create better! They have been working on this for more than HALF A DECADE!!! Most developers don’t spend more than 2 yrs in dev’ time! And you flat out know with al the unannounced goodies still yet to be mentioned that already you will buy this game and love it! If anyone gets this game and complains they are ungrateful brats and go seek a career as a game developer to create something better or STFU. GT means a lot to me and I appreciate Kazunori for all he’s done. I couldn’t imagine what racing games would be like today if Kaz didn’t up the anti on the racing genre. The only thing I could ask for is custom paint. And even without it it will be a great game. Custom paint would just add a bit of individuality when more than one of the same cars are on a track, and both people favor the color blue. Custom paints will fix this as shades would differ. It’s a simple matter of code like html (white = FFFFFF) or a color chart tool(open access to what ever they use to paint cars in-game). But, I’ll get the game regardless of it’s implementation. If only I knew how to contact Kaz on this. I’m sure it’d be simple to add.
And for those of you how DO care (life or death :P)about cockpit view there is always a little thing called DLC
yeah 10gb worth of downloadable content lol
yet another person who thinks kaz will be giving away car interiors for free. the money needed to buy those dlcs would be monumental
meh, already read this on Gran-Turismo.com, this is nothing new to me, and by the way, I don’t really mind the standard cars.
Thanks to all the thick americans who wanted damage “yay awsome look at me destroying the car dude” all we wanted was to drive and race but nooo they were dying to destroy their cars now you got it! Stop complaining!
First footage of rollovers. MUST SEE.
Delete my post Jordan, must of been why my 1st one was removed.
the annoying thing is id posted this litterally the moment it went up and a moderator closed the thread.
have you guys seen this video?
Yes, I’m preparing a post for it now.
They’d better have all gauges working then in those premium cars…
I love how so many people are crying about not getting the game because something isn’t EXACTLY as they want it to be. Just because not all cars have interiors, someone just CAN’T play the game. Although it is sad that the vast majority of the cars will not have interiors, it won’t effect gameplay. You played 1-4 so far without an interior view, you can play 5 the same way.
not when they had us believing we’d have cockpit views with gt5 prologue… you just don’t do that to your fans its like taking the bread away from a hungry kid’s mouth
I don’t really care about cockpit views. If there aren’t any for every car, then fine. What I care about is gameplay. Visuals should be taking a back seat to gameplay anyways. Give me a car that can drive like the real thing and allow me to see the road and opponents. I’ll be happy with that.
maybe you don’t really care, selfish guy, but OTHERS do care about these very important part of RACING a car from the best realistic position: IN THE CAR like in reality.
Disappointing, but it’s hard to expect them to model 1000 interiors…
F3 have +500 cars with FULL interiors and counting (more DLC to come) and +500 DIFFERENT cars NOT 40 variations of the same car! if 10turn can do it, WHY NOT Polyphony???
and there will be at least 9 nascar cars, are they counted like 1 cars or 9 cars (very minor difference between them) in the 200 premium??? so it will be 8 DIFFERENT cars less to a already very short number.
What people are failing to realize is that PD are modeling the ENTIRE interior, not just the dash. When you play forza, thats all you see, the crappy looking dash, you have no interior views when looking left, right or rear. You get it? Not hating on FM3, but we all know it was rushed, hence the horrific interior views.
I’m pretty sure that what they mean with the headlights is that you won’t be able to switch between high and low beam. Although I’m not 100% sure. I doubt they would take out the ability to do night races from 80% of the cars.
Seriously people, stop complaining about the interior views. You’re not going to change that by complaining about it at this phase, seeing as they don’t really have enough time between now and November to add interior views to 800 cars. And if they delay GT5 again because of said complaining, you’re just gonna complain more about not having the game available. Think about it this way, they were likely spending that time they didn’t spend with interior views on implementing features that you guys have been complaining about in the past. Stop complaining and let Kaz do his thing. GT1 came out as the defining race simulator of its time, and that’s because he did what he wanted to do, because there weren’t people that complained about “interior views”, “skid marks”, “realistic trees”, and “damage”. If you don’t like what Kaz does, go get a different race sim, you’re not welcome here.
dude stop being a spokesperson. and don’t get back at me for grammatic errors. that’s just nerdy. now to my point. The lack of interior views renders the game incomplete. am i correct? You dont ship out an incomplete product, its wrong. Other games have set a standard, a minor standard but nonetheless a COMPLETE game. Dont bite off more than you can chew.
“You dont ship out an incomplete product, its wrong. Other games have set a standard, a minor standard but nonetheless a COMPLETE game.”
Then go play those “Complete” games. You obviously did not read my whole comment. Those 1000 cars combined with online, and day/night cycles, and a large amount of tracks, and improved physics, and an even better photo mode, and god knows what else, is complete. The interior views are a bonus. We’re lucky we got any in the first place.
doesn’t look like I’m buying any standard cars then…..
seriously whats the point of standard cars now…???
The reason is simple – the number. 1000+ looks better on paper than 200. Especially in comparison with competition. But it makes it more pathetic. What a shame. :-/
Not that disappointing, still the most detailed cars in any game, and over 200 of them, with damage, day/night cycles. Can’t wait.
You never know, come release, that 200+ may end up nearer to 230/240 mark! either way, are many of you seriously going drive even 200 cars of the cars?!
Hi guys whe have premuim and standard cars but also track premuim tracks high dertailed standard tracks gt HD
It says on the GT site that all of the cars will have headlights…its just that the Premium cars will be switchable between high and low beam. Also, it is stated that ALL cars will be able to roll over. However, only the Premium cars will showcase separation of body panels.
GT5:prologue had around 70cars with cockpit view 3 years ago. In that entire time they only managed to make 130more, what exactly are they doing at PD.
New physics.. new features.. there is more that they had to do besides make cars you know
This is extremely disappointing (not the interior part but the fact that the cars will not have headlights, and when they don’t have headlights that means you cant drive them at night. thats just stupid) please PD let those cars have headlights, i don’t care about interior that much but please let the cars be drivable at night.
The standard cars will have headlights, just not the ability to switch between high and low beams.
I think the real point here is driving at night in a standard car that for some stupid reason can’t have high-beams (how hard is it to get something so simple to work? It’s just re-angling the lights!) will be impossible because you won’t be able to see far enough ahead of you. That’s what high-beams are for, so you can see farther down the road!
why no transcript mentioning lack of interior on standard cars on gb/us site?? a bit misleading i think, even USA differs to GB slightly.
There is some new looks at circits on that video especially what I take is the fantasy asian night track from prevous GT’s featuring trees with fairy lights (I am having amnesia, what is it called ss5 or something? lol)
How could standards stand visually next to premiums on replays? Or maybe there won’t be a race with both of them…
C’mon Kaz, what a shock….
200 porn detailed cars… plus 800 VERY polished cars. C´mon, that is just amazing. Ok ok…no interior view, a real let down, but … DAY/NIGHT cycles… WEATHER, Private Lobby, RealTime synchronization… there is uncountable features…
There will be aways a tomorrow. GT6 perhaps feature 500 porn detailed interior view… who knows.
The way I interpreted it is that only the premium cars will be able to toggle between high and low beams. But 80% of the cars don’t have an interior, maybe they decided to cut out the headlights too -__-
darn. It was one of the coolest things about GT5.
Oh well. Back to bumper cam.
Bleh, the one view I use for driving isn’t available on most of the cars. That’s lame.
I guess most, if not all races will have damage control. FINALLY! But why nascar?!
Tell you what, if I have to sit through days of playing the game with non premium cars before I get to drive the premiums I’ll throw a 5 year old girl hissy fit. I don’t want my gaming experience to regress to GT4 with no interior views. I’m fine with there not being interiors with the majority of cars, hell, they’d need 20 years to do interiors for all of them. But I don’t want to sit through playing the standard cars before I get to the premiums.
its not that big of a deal to me that we arent gettin 800 cars with interior view….ill be kickin all ur asses online from my behind the car view anyway. LOL
I can’t believe that video of the standard cars. They look like GT4 cars in HD. I’m floored. All of these beautiful shots of finely detailed cars was a tad misleading since 800 of them will look nothing like what we’ve been seeing.
they look muuuuuuch better than that. baffled by ur comment
Yeah, the “standard” cars are still at least twice as detailed and good looking as any other racer out there.
i agree dude
im really really really disappointed by PD **
The us site it says, Premium high and low beam, standard just standard lights. What does standard lights mean.
Just lights. Watch the video in the article to see how they work.
Does that mean only premium cars can be driven on the night tracks and the 24 hour events like Le Mans and Nurburgring?
Also, standard cars won`t rollover, but will take the rest of tha available damage options.
yes they will. rad again
My bad J.
no cockpit views for all??? I don’t like that very much
i think every car will have cockpit
maybe standard cars will have intereors like gt5 prologue
& premium cars will be much better
hope im right **
Oh wow…us haters on non-interior view me included better fire up GT4 so we can get used to it lol this sux…well maybe there will be interior dlc l8r…
Hey man. Whats your PSN account. I also love the ZO6. I would like to make a team with some people. So if you are interested add me. My PSN ID is ADR_XCLUTCH.
yey we get to pay MORE money for what should have been in the game i the first place
Taken from an earlier article on this site that states what I’ve been thinking, it’s the article in game informer or something, “All vehicles have modeled cockpits (170 premium cars will have interior damage modeling)”
Warning: Clutch is an immature @$$hole (for lack of a better word) If you own Midnight Club L.A. or know anyone that does ask around before joining. All he does is drag race, and says that races with turns “isn’t real racing” (I kid you not) This may be controversial, but all he does is harass and annoy. Peace and Good racing to all GT Elite (Fans since GT1)
Sub-Zero Racing Team Commander In Chief: Ice
There is too much info for my head… OMG
I guess most, if not all races will have damage control. FINALLY!
Man, I’m going to be one busy dude.
I seriously don’t care. I mean the detail is absolutely amazing. Some people DO just moan and whine. Do you really expect 1000 almost real life interiors?
Haha. LAME.
After 5 years, yes, I do.
They would have to model a car every day and a half or so to get a 1000cars done in 5 years.
So if they were working 8 hours a day that would be every 12 hours or so a car would be done.
Give it a try and see if you still think it should be done and done to the level that Polyphony would want.
I read, creating 1 car took 180 days, while creating the tracks took in some cases up to 2.5 years ! But honestly, I wasn’t prepared to go back to tinted windows, I expected to see “something” in all of these cars. Anyway – roll on November 2nd !
EPIC FAIL! Of course I expected the cars to all have the same features as other cars.
we didn’t expect or even want 1000 cars. We did expect thanks to gt p interiors i hate this so much i wont buy the game unless something major happens between now and november
I also don’t care, I hardly ever used the interior view in GT5p anyway. The way I see it, if you drive with a wheel, why do you need to see a virtual person’s hands on a virtual wheel as well? That said, I’m still not convinced that 800 cars really won’t have an interior view, but it’s not going to stop me from buying/enjoying the game I’ve been waiting so long for, particularly when you consider everything else it does.
800 cars with no interior or headlights? What?? :( This has been the weirdest week. I’m so excited yet I get so much disappointment with each bit of news!
The normal cars have headlights. Read the site again. They just can’t flash between low and high beams.
Sorry, my original post had a typo that was misleading. Fixed now. Standard cars do have headlights, just not the ability to switch between high and low beams.
“Premium cars: Headlights with high beams and low beams
Standard cars: Standard lights only”
So will standard cars have cockpit views? IDC if there not as good as the premuim cars.
no they will not have cockpit views. Most of those cars are from GT4 anyways.
That is completely false. The cars are not from GT4
yes they are. Not just taken and put into GT5, but converted from GT4, slightly updated, and then put into GT5.
Why make from scratch when they’ve already perfected it in the first place.
No, they wont have a cockpit view :(
where on gamespot?
Actually, it’s not easy to find. It took a bit to find it again, so here’s the site:
up untill now we’ve only seen premium cars in gt5 demos
and this is the only one that shows standard models
you can see that all cars windows are black
tinted ,doesn’t this make you wonder how are you gona
drive inside the car with a low visibility caused from
the windows tint?
standards cars still looks great and i don’t care that
much about cockpit view, what’s annoys me is the engine
sound ,the corvette sounds like a japanese v6 engine,
totally unrealistic ,i always wonderd why gt always sucks
at cars sounds while other arcade games like nfs has
better engines sounds.
i love driving cars and gt is the
way to experience super cars that you can’t in real life,
i know that the car handling is the most important thing
in a racing simulator but we probably wouldn’t enjoy the
next instalment like this one cuz it’s the first from pd
in this console generation,i hope it’s gona be a
masterpiece in the end.
That scares me… What if you need to use a standard car in a night stage??? You can’t see very far with the standard lights (as previously seen in a night rally video), it would be WAY too hard… :\
on the gb site it says
Detailed and Beautiful “Premium Cars” come to life in intricate detail
The allure of a Premium Car is in its faithful reproduction. Not only the exterior, but the high precision in the recreation of the interior, is something you will only see in Gran Turismo 5.
golf gti 2001 in gt5 prologue was in gt4 that has interior.
perhaps its just premium are just insanely detailed. and premium are acceptably detailed…
either way i dont normally use interior view. but bonnet camera.
roll on games com. more info
hawt dawg!
oh wait 800 cars no interior why ???? 800 cats like normal cars right ??? or those racing cars looks little bit stupid
I won’t get this game. 800 cars without interior how can have made that big a mistake
1 = 200 cars will be amazing detail with interiors
2 = 800 cars directly from GT4 in 720p (no interiors)
think of GT5 like this. the game has 200 cars. that’s it.
as a bonus they threw in all of GT4’s cars for fun.
the first new GT on a new console only has a couple hundred cars, gran turismo 1 only had 170 and that was tons of fun. GT6 will have truck loads, as did GT2 and GT4. it’s just the way polyphony rolls. look at history and set your mind at ease.
GT1 = 180
GT2 = 650
GT3 = 150
GT4 = 700
GT5 = 200 + dlc + 800 gt4 cars
GT6 = looking at history, 600-800+ is very possible.
yes cry we can’t have tons of premiums this time, but it’s the way GT has been for years, I’m cool with it. any hardcore true GT fan will realise the deal :D
the other 800 cars, will looks even better than gt5 prologue ones, so dont complain
Just watched the youtube video linked to the post…all the standard cars really do look ridiculous with limo tinted windows…
The video shows that the standard cars have dark tinted windows but still does not confirm whether or not they have a cockpit view when driving.
Though I personally believe they will.
Well that’s a bit disappointing. Of all the features that were being debated on whether they would be in the game or not, I never even thought about having no interior views. I guess you can’t have everything.
yay first one good details i hope there are more
Very excited to hear more details, especially the mechanical damage aspects. But very sad to hear that the interiors of the 800 standard cars are not modeled :(
I said that if anyone wants to be in a racing team, to add me over PSN. I am looking for more members. I want quality in my team. I want a real team that actually cares about racing and cars and of course GT. My team is that type of team. So I am basically recruiting people that want to join that I know are quality (by quality, I dont mean you have to be good because anyone can be a great racer with time, dedication and practice.)
My team is looking for people that race will race in NASCAR, WRC, Drag Racing, Super GT, or Circuit Racing.
So if you want to join, add my PSN ID WHICH IS ADR_XCLUTCH
People keep making the mistake about what polophony digital mean when they say “premium” cars,
To many of us a “premium” car means an exotic supercar or race car, but when PD say “premium” they simply mean a car they have modelled to their highest quality.
So yes a veyron maybe a “premium” car in gt5, but so might a 40bhp crappy diahatsu 3 wheel pick-up from the 1950’s.
“premium” just means the level of detail not the desirability of the car in the real world.
My first post ever – could it be the first post?
READ ME: Jordan it seems you have made a small mistake it actually doesn’t say that standard cars won’t have interiors on the website. In fact it actually shows a 370z and a challenger srt-8 interiors.
Yes, its true, and i have read the news on gamespot.com and kotaku, and they went to the GT5 show on wednesday, and they both say there will be interior view in standard cars!
well , i we can do its hope that this time Jordan is wrong , because i might be the only one , and you guys can call me craze , but i would love to drive one of those ols cars or Kei cars with the interior view
Two of my team members played the E3 demo and were able to talk to some of the PD employees that made the game. My members got to drive both some premium and standard cars. They ALL HAVE INTERIORS.
@GTPlanet, please do more research before you throw something like this out. This sturd up alot of confusion this week. PLEASE INFORM THAT THIS ARTICLE WAS INCORRECT AND TELL THEM THE SPECIFIC FEATURES GT5 WILL DEFINENTLY HAVE. I’m not offending anyone. Im just saying that this could mislead ALOT of people.
By the way guys. If anyone is looking for a racing team that races in the Super GT, NASCARS, WRC, Drag Racing, and Circuit Racing series, please add me on the PSN. My PSN ID is ADR_XCLUTCH.
My team is called American Dust Racing and we currently have 20 members.
@ADR_XCLUTCH i do hope you´re right , and by the way , what do you mean by´´If anyone is looking for a racing team that races in the Super GT, NASCARS, WRC, Drag Racing, and Circuit Racing series“ because GT5 is not out yet , so do you play on other games , if yes where , because i might not be the best driver , but i do enjoy racing , and im going to get a G27 (for GT5 of course)
Yesterday (Thursday) Gran-Turismo.com said in the features that 800 standard cars will not have cockpit view. Looking at the site today (Friday), they have removed that from the feature list. Any word on this Jordan?
The only source on the “no interior view for standard cars” is once again a japanese site which has caused problems before with translation this may not be so accurate.
And the uk version of this site doesn’t mention this, but is clear that only premium modelled cars will have low/high beam adjust, all standard cars will just have headlights that dont adjus
Have to agree this is a little disappointing but i think gt5 will never be the game we all want,
Because we all want 1000 cars all photo realistic with immaculate detail inside and out with 24 cars on track while rain and hail stones bounce off the bug splattered windshield, carbon fibre and glass fling in all directions from a ultra real Ai crash, as we spin to avoid leaving dynamic tyre marks and smoke.
So gt5 cant be everything we want but show me something better??
(p.s. uk version of this site shows menu screen with “used cars” and “practice” options
After reading most posts, and then “Mike james”, i visted gamespot to see what they said. This is a direct quote from their staff:
“we were indeed able to look left and right from inside the cockpit of the Dodge Challenger that we’d opted to take for a spin around the new Rome street circuit.”
Read the article, they clearly played the game. (i’m not about to post a gamespot link here ;). The name clearly reads: GTP_Hydro….
So here’s my question (s):
Is the Dodge Challenger a “premium car”?
If not, how did they play using the cockpit view?
The push for the headtracking software is everywhere, and well documented.
Do they really want to push a feature so hard that is only available in 20% of the cars?
All of the cars in GTP had interior views. Why can’t they be included, they are done anyway (the non-premiums)?
Hope i don’t start too big a fire..lol.
I’ll just add this to the dissapointed side of the debate if indeed the game leaves most interiors out:
GT5 will be the ultimate sim racer. No one seems to debate that. “sim” racer to me,has a pretty high standard it would seem. I would like to actually “sit” in the car as i drive it to experience the actual view a real race driver does (even though i’m admittedly faster with the bumper cam, kinda hate it,). I’ve never seen a race car driver strapped to the hood roof, or bumper of the car, let alone drive from there. I don’t want the “tv” views. I want the real thing.
I had the real thing (and still do, and will forever) in GT5P – The Demo of the full game.
So yup i’m buying on the first day, and i’m sure i’ll love it, but to only see roughly 130-40 or so new interiors (counting GT5P for the rest) out of what i had truly believed to be 1000 different views, ends all of the latest news on a slight sour note.
Not nearly enough to spoil anything, so i won’t shed a tear if 800 cars have one of my favourite features excluded, but i will be dissapointed.
Polyphony Digital,and Sony, through teaser videos and a seemingly endless wait for an actual release date, have themselves, raised the bar on expectations to a ridiculous height. If they only include 200 interiors, my own expectations will be, understandably I think, not met.
Just sayin…
See you all online Nov.2!!!