We knew it wouldn’t be long before more detailed information begins trickling out of Los Angeles – and sure enough – the first interview with Kazunori Yamauchi from E3 does just that! He sat down with automotive news site Edmunds.com shortly after Sony’s E3 press conference and shared a few interesting things about GT Mobile and Gran Turismo 5. Here’s a quick summary of what we learn:
GT Mobile will include every track from Gran Turismo 4 – including the Nurburgring Nordscheife!
- GT5’s release date is “not decided yet”.
- Yamauchi views GT Mobile as a way to introduce new players to the series.
- Polyphony Digital is working to keep the entire game under 1GB in size. This is important because the new PSP Go only contains 16GB of internal memory, although everyone with older PSPs will still be able to buy the game on UMD disc.
- Yamauchi owns a red Nissan GT-R.
- Yamauchi confirms a new GT Academy competition is coming to the U.S. and Japan.
- Specific brands of aftermarket parts will not be available in GT Mobile.
These are just a few of the high points – check out the full interview for much more!
See more articles on E3 2009, Kazunori Yamauchi, and Polyphony Digital.
jc Says:
June 3rd, 2009 at 5:06 pm
“not decided yet” = delayed
How can it be delayed if a release date wasn’t ever set. Maybe we will get a surprise before christmas.
“not decided yet” = delayed
Better image of the track PLEASE.