During this week’s Forza Monthly broadcast, Turn 10’s creative director Chris Esaki revealed new details on the next Forza Motorsport.
Following on from the ‘second sprint‘ stage back in August, Esaki confirmed that the studio recently took part in its first play test last Friday. Before getting into specifics, Esaki mentions the next iteration in the franchise will be “a vastly different and amazing experience”.
This tallies nicely with previous discussion on the upcoming title. Earlier this year, Esaki mentioned the idea of “built not bought” — that is, having all cars available at the start of the game. While not set in stone, it would introduce an interesting dynamic to the game. How would the next Forza Motorsport balance the freedom of being able to use whatever car you want, against the player feeling rewarded for their time?
With that in mind, let’s get into what Chris discusses during this week’s live stream. Right away, he mentions the game will feature both a new tire model and tire pressure model. This specifically regards how heat will interact with the tire pressure. The next mention is sure to be a homerun, as the game will feature dynamic track temperature.

Going on, the game will also feature dynamic rubbering-in of the track, the process by which tires lay down rubber across the track, providing better grip. A new atmospheric pressure system will accurately see air density affecting a vehicle’s aerodynamics, power, and tire pressure.
Finally, Esaki concludes by confirming a new suspension system and modeling. All of these are things going on “under the hood” of the game. More information on the next game will come our way in 2020.
With the all-new Xbox Series X slated for release next holiday season, we’d hazard a guess that the next Forza Motorsport might just be a launch title. Stay tuned for more!
Featured image courtesy of Moglet.
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