Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
Yea, I can definitely see why depression and anxiety would cause one to seek many partners. Not sure about it going the other way around though.
This ^

If i think back to my university years at people who were quite promiscuous, i would say they all had some form of mental health issue. Probably undiagnosed at the time, but in retrospect all the markers were there. It wasn't the promiscuity that led to it.

I know a few people who, for mostly religious reasons, were married off young, 16 or 17, and they've all now been married multiple times and struggle to hold a stable relationship down, always chosing someone who from the outside is clearly wrong for them. Their whole concept of what a partnership should be like has been contorted by being coerced into a marriage before they were mentally mature enough and before neither knowing what they want and need from a relationship or even knowing who they really are.
So all college girls go through busload of men? That's a new one...
It's up to them to do it or not do it.

I wonder if these oestrogen repellants who demand a woman to be of virgin purity to suit their demands have ever, even for a second, considered if their own impurity and serious psychological flaws make them good enough for these obedient child factories with big Bristols?

Again, **** right off.
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Prompted, as it is, by a hypothetical about what your daughter does with her vagina, it reminds me of the whole obsession about girls' virginities. It (almost) always comes from "men" who believe it's theirs - to give away to the approved man or to have for themselves.

Check out these guys' hard drives and prepare not to be shocked.
dCheck out these guys' hard drives and prepare not to be shocked.
Nights Talladega GIF
Prompted, as it is, by a hypothetical about what your daughter does with her vagina, it reminds me of the whole obsession about girls' virginities. It (almost) always comes from "men" who believe it's theirs - to give away to the approved man or to have for themselves.

Check out these guys' hard drives and prepare not to be shocked.
This suggestion of yours probably violates numerous human rights.


This is so weird to me. There is nothing about a woman being experienced that bothers me in the slightest. In fact, in many ways it's preferable to be with someone who knows what they're doing.
I would have expected you've seen the idiotic "master key" analogy, and maybe you have, but just in case...

I would have expected you've seen the idiotic "master key" analogy, and maybe you have, but just in case...
No, but it reminds me of the bubble gum analogy that Elizabeth Smart so poignantly destroyed.

Brandon there could have just shortened his response to "yes".
No, but it reminds me of the bubble gum analogy that Elizabeth Smart so poignantly destroyed.

Brandon there could have just shortened his response to "yes".
I really hope she's living her best life after what she was put through.
I would have expected you've seen the idiotic "master key" analogy, and maybe you have, but just in case...

More thoughts on this analogy...

The obvious concept is that you put the key in the lock, and so we have the key aligning with men and the lock aligning with women. But the analogy works significantly better the other way around. The key accesses and controls the lock. And men are faaaaaaar more easily controlled and influenced by sex than women. In that respect, it feels like the woman who is able to influence and control a large number of men is the one with the master key rather than the other way around.

The whole analogy presumes this sex-oriented male-centric worldview. But that worldview is a bit like the worldview of a drug addict. Dependent and vulnerable.
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I mentioned this analogy to my wife and she immediately replies "who wants a pencil sharpener that can only sharpen one pencil".
I find the original analogy funny but this is an absolutely hilarious response.
Electric cars aren't the answer though. You will never be able to charge an electric car as fast as you can fill up a petrol powered one. What's more is that they're less sustainable because once the battery dies, the car is toast like a smartphone.
Pretty much in the same way that an ICE car is toast once the engine dies. Not much of a difference there. Sure, you could in theory replace the engine, but realistically most cars go to the scrapyard instead.

The dean at UC Berkeley School of Law had students from the graduating class at his personal residence for dinner. During the event, a student took a microphone used during the event and made a scene invoking events in Gaza. The student was subsequently asked to leave. The dean's wife initiated physical contact in attempting to retrieve the microphone and enforce the request. The physical contact was minor...likely well within the bounds of what is permissible by California statute.

The notion that an invitation cannot be overstayed is idiotic. It's every bit as idiotic as the notion that having sexual intercourse creates an obligation to carry a resulting pregnancy to term.
