GTHD General Question Thread

  • Thread starter buickgnx88
No it wasn't, GT3 and GT2000 were not the same game. GT2000 didn't become GT3 they effectively wen't back to the drawing board and scrapped GT2000 which was meant to be little more than GT2 with better graphics.
GT3 was really close to be called GT2000, remember?
Well, Gran Turismo 2000 was initially an exercise in familiarising with the Emotion Engine; the PS2’s CPU. As GT–HD is currently being used to demonstrate the PS3’s power, the same thing was happening in late 1999, with a PS2 port of the nearly released GT2—GT–HD Classic anyone? So as Polyphony continued to develop their GT2 port, it was coined GT2000, as it was intended to be released the same year. However in true Polyphony style, the now titled Gran Turismo 2000 A–spec took a little longer than expected, and shipped on the 28th of April 2001 as Gran Turismo 3 A–spec in Japan.

I’ll be back with some proof…

Bottom line is, GT–HD is GT–HD; continued PS Network updates may take the Premium mode close to a GT5 type title, but whatever GT–HD does become, it wont be called GT5; because that’ll be their next cash cow.

They are two different games but they will both be on the same disk, as for where it will be released, Japan and Europe are confirmed, no official word on America yet as far as I'm aware but I don't see why not. Then again I didn't see why not for GT:Concept and GT4:Prologue either.
No, there is only one game; it’s called GT–HD and it has two modes, Premium and Classic. A Japanese and South East Asian release is to be expected first in Spring 2007—bear in mind that’s in regards to Japan’s seasons, and after sufficient testing and consumer feedback it will be released to America and the usual SCEE conglomerate.
GT:HD simply stands for Gran Turismo high definition, GT:HD classic is not the same as GT:HD premium, they arn't siomply two ways to play the same game they are two seperate games altogether by pretty much any definition I can think of to class two products as two different games. GT4 had two modes of play with the GT mode and arcade mode GT Premium has two different games on one disk the two are not related beyond the fact that they are both Gran Turismo games. What constitutes a game being different to another one? If you buy one of thoes 100 classics on one disk type games, are they all classed as the same game? You can clearly see that GT:HD Premium is not the same as GT:HD classic. Btw GT1, GT2 and GT3 all ran on the same game engine yet are all different games, is this merely because they all came on different disks or because they were released at different times? It shouldn't be either of thoes.
Interesting video.

"75% of the driving physics are from previous versions, 25% will be new."

If they really take the correct parts from the previous versions and add to them, it could be pretty realistic indeed.

It takes 1 designer 6 months to model a car? I wouldn't be surprised if there are only a couple hundered cars available at release og GT5, depending on how big the PD team is...
Bear in mind it takes 1 designer 6 months, not the whole process takes 6 months. Also bear in mind that they won't be working on only one car at a time. I don't expect GT4 numbers, but probably more than we got in GT3 and with additional cars being available to download after the games released we may see the content increase quite a lot. Also as Solid pointed out in another thread, it looks like we're getting engine swaps.
So help a congenital idiot (me) figure out the difference between GT HD Classic, GT HD Premium and GT5.

Exactly what is the difference between classic and premium? Did I read it right that they are both going to be on the same disc? Or am I confused? Is GT HD just a cleaned up version of GT4 for the PS3? Is GT5 an entirely new game?
GT:HD classic = GT4 running on PS3 ie GT4 but with higher resolution textures, more cars in each race ect. GT:HD Premium = preview of GT5 using proper PS3 graphics and physics ect but it's just a preview. GT5 = sequel to GT4 currently in development will probably not be released for a couple of years yet.
well put live4speed, that should clear it up for anyone that reads that post, at first i was thinking of waiting for gt5 outright instead of buying gthd when it comes out, now im thinking of getting it if just for the classic aspect, it would be gt4 except better, and guarunteed to work on the ps3 100%. i only hope they will allow somthing more than just a few credits and lisences to be transfered since ive worked hard on gt4 to get where i am

EDIT: i also hope that PD planned in advance so we can see all or most of the cars from gt4 plus many more in the next full installment
does anyone knows if GTHD works with 720p lcd, or its only a 1080p game??

i know it supports 1080p , but my lcd only can do up tp 720p.

is it ok ? will the game have an option to select between sevral resolutions ?
or i need a new TV just to be able to play it?

thanks in advance
does anyone knows if GTHD works with 720p lcd, or its only a 1080p game??

i know it supports 1080p , but my lcd only can do up tp 720p.

is it ok ? will the game have an option to select between sevral resolutions ?
or i need a new TV just to be able to play it?

thanks in advance

any real answer ?
I don't see why not, TV's are able to up or downscale an image so even if GT:HD has no direct option for 720p though I don't see why it won't there will be a setting that your TV will be able take advantage of. However there is no official word on the resolution options of GT:HD yet as far as I'm aware.
Has anyone downloaded GTHD from the Sony store yet? I can't find it, says it was released for download on 12-24. Just got a PS3 and really want to try the HD.

EDIT: Nevermind, got it figured out.
know what i really hate is when newbies come in here, and post like 4 or 5 new posts, and half of them end up getting locked anyways....:crazy:
since i found out gt hd required you to buy cars online for the game, i was dead sure i wasn't getting a ps3. after a while i found out gt hd and gt5 are two different games.

will gt5 require paid online downloads for cars and tracks?
-> Well I don't think so, thats the main reason on why GTHD was cancelled is that because of all the bad press about the microtranactions. GT5 will be very like GT4 (as in cars and track included in the game), the download contents will be updated content and features. But please correct me if I'm wrong guys. (:
does anyone knows if GTHD works with 720p lcd, or its only a 1080p game??

i know it supports 1080p , but my lcd only can do up tp 720p.

is it ok ? will the game have an option to select between sevral resolutions ?
or i need a new TV just to be able to play it?

thanks in advance

Yes, although, since your LCD's native resolution isn't 1080p, expect some upscaling which will mean blurness/blockiness.

Edit: Didn't see Live4speed's post.
does anyone knows if GTHD works with 720p lcd, or its only a 1080p game??

i know it supports 1080p , but my lcd only can do up tp 720p.

is it ok ? will the game have an option to select between sevral resolutions ?
or i need a new TV just to be able to play it?

thanks in advance

Yes, in options you can choose between 720p or 1080i or set default for the TV you use.
They've released a updated version, 1.15 I think they call it, it doesn't give any more tracks or cars, has to do with the accuracy of the times uploaded automatically after each race.

I couldn't wait to get the PS3 and a HDTV just for GTHD, but am very dissapointed that there's no Force Feedback , which really sucks if you use a wheel. I also transfered GT4to the PS3 but again no force feedback so I'm using the PS2 still. The PS3 is great with the wireless controller and access to the Playstation Store with lots of free downloads, but since I only play GT my PS3 will sit idle until GT5 comes out or they get force feedback. But I understand there are licensing problems with Logitech and the owners of FF. If GT5 doesn't support FF I'll stick with GT4.
I read in PSM that they predict Sony will eventually realize the error of not including FF in the Sixaxis and will make it available in the future. Still sucks that we will have to buy new controllers when it should have been included in the original. I guess that's another money-making scam for Sony down the line....
I read in PSM that they predict Sony will eventually realize the error of not including FF in the Sixaxis and will make it available in the future. Still sucks that we will have to buy new controllers when it should have been included in the original. I guess that's another money-making scam for Sony down the line....

You don't have to buy anything, just sell the PS3, get a 360 & play Forza!!:)
does the demo tell you everything you need to know to be able to take on a certain record? (ie, what tyres they used) or is it absolutly stupid like

i havent been able to see the demo physically so..
does the demo tell you everything you need to know to be able to take on a certain record? (ie, what tyres they used) or is it absolutly stupid like

i havent been able to see the demo physically so..

IMO Tyre choice should be dependant on your control skill, preference and style!
You should make the call as to what suits you best and gives you the best times!
does the demo tell you everything you need to know to be able to take on a certain record? (ie, what tyres they used) or is it absolutly stupid like

i havent been able to see the demo physically so..

When you go online to see what the records are you can click the name & see his video & all the info on tires, traction control etc.
thats good to hear, because im the kind of player who would still make a record for the cappucino on economy tires

IMO Tyre choice should be dependant on your control skill, preference and style!
You should make the call as to what suits you best and gives you the best times!

softest tyres = best time, why am I wrong? I still don't know why in the WRS they say "super-soft (or harder)"...why in sam hell would someone do that...every record at racingline was done on supersofts, i want more variety
Couple o' questions...

The first is probably somewhat rhetorical. Was the Time Trial mode supposed to be a challenge? 'Cause it wasn't. One lap in each car, I had the whole thing "beat" in one sitting. Between restroom breaks while drinking coffee.

1) Is there a way to see the entire leaderboard? It only shows me the top ten, plus my time. How many people are on the leaderboard? A few hundred? A few thousand? Giving me a numeric ranking doesn't mean much to me if I don't know where it falls within the overall group.

2) Is it just me, or do the assists just flat-out suck? I mean, worse than GT3/4. I turned 'em on this afternoon just for kicks, and it felt like the car was... well... castrated. Drove like a pig, wouldn't leave a corner at more than 20mph. Pathetic. I'll take a car that's a bit twitchy in the back over those assists any day.

3) Are we all running the same version, or are they updating it quietly without telling anyone? We all know about version 1.1. But I'm actually running version 1.16, downloaded as of last night. Is that what everone is running as of 1.1, or are they making "little" updates here and there before the "big" update of 1.2 or whatever?

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