Mission Accomplished.

  • Thread starter dori-san
omg, a video! just the day I've beebn waiting for

Although I haven't given mission 34 a try yet, just the knowledge that it takes place on the Ring is daunting
Maybe there is another difference between US and PAL besides the 123-115 second wait difference.

If you have an SLR in your garage already, you could take it to the Nürburgring, set the ASM to 0 and TCS to 2, and then see how it handles compared to the car in M34. In the US version it handles a good bit better than the SLR in the mission, to where the last time I practiced I ran 7:05 laps (9:08 if you add 123 seconds) but was still only doing 9:23 laps in the mission. If your SLR turns out performing like the one in M34, however, that would mean the PAL version does have a performance advantage.
I've watched the video and VERY good driving dori-san. I was watching how many seconds you were from the lead car at checkpoints around the track and you were always 5-6 more seconds more further away than I was.

I was 3.599 seconds in the lead when I finished it. You drove better and rid the wall on one corner and you just managed to win.

Looks like you definetly have the harder version...

I have finished 1st with 9'17.425

with the analogic controler of the PS1
I don't now right very well(I'm PORTUGUESE)

Yes, great video. What really stood out were the braking points, which were in a lot of cases relatively late compared to mine. If I leave it that late, the car usually becomes unsettled or does not want to turn, so I usually have to brake earlier. I guess I will have to work on my trail braking a bit.

On the bright side, I can now easily achieve that 10 second gap even with sloppy driving and multiple penalties, and an average run with just a few mistakes yields gaps between 3 and 5 seconds. At the present rate, with another "breakthrough," I will probably figure it out by tomorrow or Thursday.

Oh, well, no rush, even if this game is starting to feel more like M34 than GT4...
How can i show my video??

I think you need a video capture card and connect your PS2 to your computer while a replay of your lap is running. Once you have the video saved, you can upload it somewhere, though you might have difficulties finding a good host with such large file sizes.
I think you need a video capture card and connect your PS2 to your computer while a replay of your lap is running. Once you have the video saved, you can upload it somewhere, though you might have difficulties finding a good host with such large file sizes.

Thank you...

GT4 for ever
March 19th, 2005.

cross the second CP for a split time of 1'40.018; again 0.8 seconds ahead of Samberto.
Who didn't cheat..... You did.... Do I need to say more ?....
Who didn't cheat..... You did.... Do I need to say more ?....
Yes, I too appreciated the fact he admitted what he did instead of claiming to be a "GT-God". Well done, dori-san. :cheers:
I don't see how driving across the grass like that will gain you significant time. You are more likely to lose control of your car due to the loss of grip.
if you watch the video you'll notice that I had a controlled slide to get through that one turn. it was very beneficial because you normally have to slow down to around 60-70 mph for that chicane but I crossed the grass between 90-100 mph.

Who didn't cheat..... You did.... Do I need to say more ?....
cheating = gameshark/hybrid or anything else that breaks the rules of the game or the rules of physics.

I did not cheat. it's perfectly fine to cut the grass, you don't see in GT racing that if anyone gets all 4 wheels on the grass that they are immediately disqualified, do you? accidents happen, however, my grassing was intentional twice.

I bent the rules, I didn't break them... there's a difference. as Jetboy said, at least I wasn't dishonest about it. and if you've read all my posts you'd notice that I have full intentions of going back and doing it again even faster but keeping it legit.

I did it the way I did it and provided all the info about it because this mission has so many people frustrated I just wanted to display a way to get it done. not everyone cares about staying on the track the whole time, and I know there are many like me that after a week of tearing their hair out, they just want to finish the mission.

how bout you go seek out all the ****heads that used a GS to automatically pass it, or freeze the AI cars so they could do it easily. what I did was perfectly fine within the constraints of the laws of physics and the rules of the game.

post up your video and lets see that you did it like a perfect little gentleman, until then you have no ground for any kind of argument.
Congratulations on your accomplishment. However, this has to be the sloppiest completion of mission 34 I have seen yet. (Aside from the PAL users who can take a penalty or two and still win)
I don't see anything wrong with sliding through the grass to complete the mission, especially since there are so few shortcuts anyway. The only ones that I can think of that work for me are the one in the first sector and the one at the end of the third sector (which dori-san did not use). Even though the advantage is not much, but every tenth is very valuable when the gap between first and second is so close and the winner can be decided by even less than a tenth. If someone can close the 120 second gap without ever cutting the grass or riding the wall (which provides even less of an advantage here), then more power to them, but I need all the help I can get.

Speaking of which, I had several good runs, including one where I was a second faster than dori-san's time at Klostertal, but I managed to ruin that run by slipping up through the curve ahead of the Karussell, did not close up fast enough, and then bumping the CL 65 braking into the Karusell. So, still no victory, but closer than ever...
if you watch the video you'll notice that I had a controlled slide to get through that one turn. it was very beneficial because you normally have to slow down to around 60-70 mph for that chicane but I crossed the grass between 90-100 mph.

cheating = gameshark/hybrid or anything else that breaks the rules of the game or the rules of physics.

I did not cheat. it's perfectly fine to cut the grass, you don't see in GT racing that if anyone gets all 4 wheels on the grass that they are immediately disqualified, do you? accidents happen, however, my grassing was intentional twice.

I bent the rules, I didn't break them... there's a difference. as Jetboy said, at least I wasn't dishonest about it. and if you've read all my posts you'd notice that I have full intentions of going back and doing it again even faster but keeping it legit.

I did it the way I did it and provided all the info about it because this mission has so many people frustrated I just wanted to display a way to get it done. not everyone cares about staying on the track the whole time, and I know there are many like me that after a week of tearing their hair out, they just want to finish the mission.

how bout you go seek out all the ****heads that used a GS to automatically pass it, or freeze the AI cars so they could do it easily. what I did was perfectly fine within the constraints of the laws of physics and the rules of the game.

post up your video and lets see that you did it like a perfect little gentleman, until then you have no ground for any kind of argument.

Well Said , And Well Done, In My eyes, Youve Helped out the ordinary racer, I for instance, Cross the Grass at the end of trial Mountain.
Its not about, being perfect, nothing ever is. so i say, congratulations. 👍
"Perfect Lap" is misleading anyway. You do have to drive the wheels off sometimes, but there are also missions where a lot less than perfect will do. In the 787B mission, for example, I put it into the dirt going through the left-hander following the Corkscrew, came out sideways in the middle of the next to last corner, and still won the race by nearly two seconds. Then there is the race at Fuji with the Celica JGTC, where I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, fumbled around a lot, and still won on my very first try.

So the difficulty of the Perfect Lap races varies quite a bit, and I think it is a bit over the top to require such a great performance (at least in the NTSC version) in a mission where you first have to sit around for over two minutes and then the lap time itself is above seven. If that means hopping and skipping through the grass in places where you can get it to work to your advantage...
I don't see anything wrong with sliding through the grass to complete the mission, especially since there are so few shortcuts anyway. The only ones that I can think of that work for me are the one in the first sector and the one at the end of the third sector (which dori-san did not use).

There's at least one other major place you can save time by grasscutting. At the first tight corner after the Karussell -- not the left kink that is taken almost flat out, but the left/right combo after that -- just brake gently and go straight off into the grass, aiming just inside the apex of the right wall. Keep the car straight through the grass and then gather it up fairly easily when you hit pavement again. Probably worth at least a second. :)
There's at least one other major place you can save time by grasscutting. At the first tight corner after the Karussell -- not the left kink that is taken almost flat out, but the left/right combo after that -- just brake gently and go straight off into the grass, aiming just inside the apex of the right wall. Keep the car straight through the grass and then gather it up fairly easily when you hit pavement again. Probably worth at least a second. :)
did you read my post or watch my video? I believe I took that route.
Dori-san, is it me or you have problems downshifiting or just like to downshift late?

Does anybody else find the map of the Nurb to look like a head of a pig?
I was pointing out ///M-Power's omission of that shortcut, since he seemed to have missed it.

I left it out because I could not get it to work for me properly, but you mentioning it gave me the idea to try again. I could probably be faster there with more practice, but I think I got that shortcut down well enough.

A few more runs tonight... during one lap I managed to catch the fifth place car while braking for the corner before the little straight leading up to the Karussell, but the bastard moved over into me and ruined the lap with a penalty. Another time I caught the second place car just before going downhill on the final straight, but a slight slip in the braking zone and I finished 0.034 seconds behind first place. A few laps later and... I went 0.4 seconds faster with a 9.12.6, despite being slower than usual in the first few sectors, and the 300SL went 0.3 seconds slower, and I finally ended up winning by 0.7 seconds. Whew... It took me a week, but now I can do it in my sleep, and I know the track like the back of my hand.
Steeda everytime I see your avatar it cracks me up. Hilarious

ok back on topic..

If it comes down to it ill cut the grass too. like he said at least he didnt have to use a gameshark.
Great write up. I'll watch the video later tonight. I think I did pretty well the first two times I tried this tonight. First time i tried the mission i was off by 22 seconds and the second time I was off by 15 seconds.
I hate this mission so much. I can beat Samberto's time by five secs on the first three splits then I suddenly seem to lose time and am behind by 2 secs on the next split, and the next one and so on. I don't get it. I know the Ring better than the toilet in my house and I drive the SLR to the absolute limit. I think I've racked up more miles on it than all my other cars put together. I've spent the better part of the last several hours driving this horrible test and I've managed to reduce my final time from 35 secs behind to 9 secs behind but those last few secs are impossible to shave off.
I don't know how you do it Dori San
Finally! I did it!!!! A week of practicing finally paid off!!!! I passed the cursed misson!!!!

Man, not only did I just pass it, but it was very easy for me to pass, I got so used to the car and the track, that I didn't make any mistakes one attemp after another, that is, until I would reach the final corners.

I did cut through the grass in 3 places, but pretty much all of my driving was perfect, max speed through corners. I did not follow the line a lot because I was so anxious about passing the mission, especially after I passed the first benz on the way. And I passed it right after the sharp left turn that leads streight to the karussel, this was the earliest I ever passed him, most of the time I would pass him while going through the karussel.

At the end, my heart was pounding, and after cutting the grass, I did not estimate the speed right, and flew into the wall, fortunatly I made it land sideways and did not get a penalty, after quickly recovering I dashed to the last corner, and didn't execute it well at all, but still, I punched the sucker shifted a gear, and beat the 300sl by 0.25something seconds.

I am going to play the mission over, and do a nice clean looking run, so I could watch a nice replay, YAY!!!!

Come on people, be happy for me!!! And those that cant pass it yet, just keep practicing and get used to the car, and the track. Really experiment with the speeds through each corner of the track, and get good at cutting the grass.
(Aside from the PAL users who can take a penalty or two and still win)

Yeah what's up with that?
I've been dreading this mission since I saw this thread, but when I finally got to try it out I got it on like my 2nd try :irked:
Using manual DFP, PAL version... So, what's the difference between my mission and yours? :odd: