PLmatt's Photo Gallery :: Mazda Protege :: 8.4.06 :: NEW UPDATE!

  • Thread starter PLmatt91
Update 6



Okay, before you say that the Photo Travel pics don't have color, I just wanted to say I wanted a look that has a "steel" look to it, as if it's a neutral color. I'm very, very satisfied with the outcome of these pictures. I just love the way they look :D Please comment on these too!!​
Thanks Krame. I wanted to do about 10 pics from that Photo Travel location, but I couldn't think of any pictures at the moment then. I'm glad you liked it.
lookin good man :) the framing on the drift shots are beautiful. on the 2nd thumb on the last row, it wouldve looked very sexy if the car was in focus and the track/background was blurred 👍 good job man, keep it up :)
appie17 - :D Thanks man.

FaLLeNAn9eL - o_O! Thanks FA. I wanted to have that "Not Focused" look :lol: But I agree, that would look 'effing sweet if it was :D

sejtur - Thanks sej. Z4 is one of my favorite drift cars with my settings. And I love the "cold" look in the PT pics.

Thanks every one! :D

Keep commenting if you want, I'm getting a new set of a pics by the end of the week.
I know what you mean after a few hours and you see your thread nearing the bottom after an update it can get discouraging. I think they look excellent, looks like you needed to replace them tires after all that smoke ;). Great update man. 👍
Geee, thanks garnettrules21. I thought my pics sucked at first...but a lot of people were on when I posted it, so I didn't think they liked it. But thanks GR, I'm glad you liked it :D
Geee, thanks garnettrules21. I thought my pics sucked at first...but a lot of people were on when I posted it, so I didn't think they liked it. But thanks GR, I'm glad you liked it :D
Heh, know the feeling. Ive never tried drifting a Z4 before. Its probably because i havent won one. I love drifting so usually when i save replays, its off drifting and thus my pictures are the same.

Good stuff though.
nice set of rims you have chosen for the BMW those photo travel pics are clean and simple i like it. that drift shot is awsome the smoke just goes on and on well done...👍
Cool Z4 photos. The Mustang is also very good. Great angles. Nice job you have here. :)
Lord Nicon - You don't have to win Z4 dude...You can buy it. I drifted a lot when I first got GT4, now it's time to time or when ever I am bored. Thanks LN.

pain killer - The 2nd and 3rd shot are the ones I took my time on. Every time I edit the pictures, I say I'll take my time, then after the 4th picture, I start rushing :lol: Thanks PK.

R32mania - Simple is my middle name :lol: That's why I don't like the difficult stuff Div and PB and Frazn and etc. do here. It's too much work for me imo and I don't always get the look I'm aiming for. The burn out picture was supposed to be from the back but there were already too many pics with the rear shots, so I just did that one. Thanks man.

wrxrex - If you look in my garage in GT4, that's the only set of rims I really got :lol: I love 'em a lot. Like I told R32mania, I love the simplicity of all the pictures and stuff. What drift shot though? There's more than one :D Thanks rex.

Dick Steel - Thank you.

NTX1982 - I started a bout 4 new galleries under old names so I wanted this one to actually start off better :D As for the angles, I started to get inspired by pictures online and rotating the pictures in Photoshop and seeing how they would look with an angle. So yeah, thanks :)

Thanks every one!
LGforce - Thanks LG :)

freddy86 - Thanks Freddy. Drifting is the best if you know how to :D And no problem...

Give me a request!!

For the last 4 days, I've been looking for a car to do an update on. And no luck, all the pictures I took were horrible, no clue what happened either. I formatted my USB Flash Drive again and that was the problem...So here are my requirements if you want to request an update...

  • No Race cars
  • No LM cars
  • Easy to buy cars
  • Different colors of that car
  • Nothing more than 200, 000 Cr.

Thanks every one :D