Would you like to play on the Ring,Nursnow,LasVegas?

I d like to thanks Pricer and VV the French fans of GT for their fabulous work.
This is for gt4 prologue pal version (but maybe for the ntsc i don't know if work)
Sorry for my bad English

This documentation with for goal to make a backup copy of your
original DVD of Gran Turismo 4 prologue.

1 - Copy the entirety of the DVD Gran Turismo 4 prologue from your
hard disk, in a repertory named for example "GT4P".

2 - Decompress the contents of prologue_ripkit.zip in same repertory

3 - Carry out "1_DVD.bat" to eliminate the dvdchecks.

4 - Carry out "2_Extraction.bat" to extract the contents from file
GT4.VOL. This stage will create under repertory named "extracted"
which contains all the files of the play of which some were modified
during the operation in order to make hold the play on CD.

This stage we will be able to change the circuits which interests us
by those of the Korean version (downloaded beforehand).

5 - In your repertory "GT4P", create under repertory named "KOR" and
decompress there all the circuits of the Corréenne version which
interests you.

6 - Create in your repertory "GT4P" under named repertory "original"
in which you will copy the 5 original circuits tsukuba, newyork,
grandcanyon, fisco and assisi that you will find in the repertory:

7 - Create in your repertory "GT4P" under repertory named

8 - Copy y 5 of the circuits (of your choice) of the version
corréenne of your repertory "KOR" nurburgring example, nursnow,
paris_rally, paris_tarmac and capri that you will renamed in tsukuba,
newyork, grandcanyon, fisco and assisi.

To then copy these five circuits in the repertory "CRS". With
the message "want are replaced these files" click on yes for all.

This operation will have to be made for each CD.

9 - Executez the file "3_Reconstruction.bat" which will rebuild file

10 - It any more but does not remain you to engrave the files
of your repertory "GT4P" (not sub-directories nor files of the
prologue_ripkit) on CD with Nero for example in 2/xa mode.

list files to be engraved with Nero iso mode2/xa


Repeat operation 8, 9 and 10 for each CD has to make.

Good road.


Here the links:

Paris tarmac:ftp://ftp2.pricerweb.com/pricerwe/pricer/prologue/paris_tarmac.zip
Paris Rally:ftp://ftp2.pricerweb.com/pricerwe/pricer/prologue/paris_rally.zip
La vegas:ftp://ftp2.pricerweb.com/pricerwe/pricer/prologue/lasvegas.zip
You may want to move this to the prologue section. BreakerOhio has already made some vids too, but nice find 👍

Wait a minute. 💡 Tailleur de zon is referring to actually playing on those tracks, and not only seeing the AI hacked replays as we did up to now.

This is great news. It means that we will finally be able to play, and then watch complete lap replays for Infineon, Motegi and Vegas (those were incomplete in the hacked replays, due to incompatible AI)

Can anybody post the complete replays made with this new hack? Thanks in advance!!
Me tink usa need-a de-ve-de buner ta do tis. Meesa dont hava ona dose. [/jarjarbinks]

Wow, this could be great! Or we could just wait a few more months for the real game...💡
im in the process of trying to make a new prologue game disc now!
but the wife is nagging me, so it will have to wait....SH#t!
The replay only work full with TV cameras on paris tarmac,paris rally and grand valley.
All tracks are playable.
The Nurb is great but not finished and Capri is fabulous much better than Citta di aria
tailleur de zon
The replay only work full with TV cameras on paris tarmac,paris rally and grand valley.
All tracks are playable.
The Nurb is great but not finished and Capri is fabulous much better than Citta di aria

Merci for posting this great news here!

How about Infineon and Motegi? Were you able to drive on these tracks? How do they look?
Yay! I've found two blank CD-R discs what tracks are most complete?

I've downloaded:

- Capri
- Paris Rally
- Paris Tarmac
- Nurburgring
- Nurburgring Snow

Any good?
Infineon and motegi are not finished
Capri,grand valley,paris tarmac,paris rally and Las vegas are finished.
Las vegas is the same of the recent video.
The Nurb have only the road not trees etc it 's very hard to drive (9min 06s with Impreza 1999) :crazy:
Great! :D But I don't understand step 8, do you put the track files in the 'KOR' folder over to the crs folder, but renamed them to the original track names?
It doesn't work, when you try to load the track up the blue spinning thing turns red. I'm out of discs so I'll have to try again next week, must have done something wrong. :dopey:
post some more pics.......pleeeeaseee!! 👍 :eek: :eek: :eek: :bowdown:

So, let me get this strait......you can now play on all the tracks in prologue?
Is it safe to assume that this only works with a chipped PS2 ?....

(If not, I know what I'm doing tonight - the EO will be lonely.....)
OMG!!!........This is SOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D 👍
Thanks tiptopcream 👍 ...........can this be done with the chinese version or just the PAL one???......+ Do you only need a burner?......cos I got a Chipped PS2

and also..............PROLOGUE is turning out to be the game buy of the century!(apart from GT4!).......look how much ure getting for the money!!!
First lap time on the Nurburgring is 8 minutes 22 secs (Lancer rally car) I would love to take the McLaren F1 on there but Xploder won't boot the disc, is this because its copied onto a CD?
Yeah thats probably why.....I dont think it was designed to run with copied disks.....thats what chips are for ;)

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