EXCLUSIVE: Mazda Roadster Tackles Brands Hatch in GT Sport (UPDATED)


UPDATE: These videos have been removed at the request of Polyphony Digital and Sony.

It’s been a wild week for Gran Turismo fans. After months of silence, Polyphony hosted a two-day blowout in London earlier this week, where many aspects of Gran Turismo Sport were expanded upon:

Even with all this new info, few things satisfy more than video. That’s why we’re back with more direct-feed coverage from the event. Last time, we brought you clips of the game’s gorgeous menus and the returning Willow Springs track. This video also takes place primarily behind the wheel, but swaps out the desert setting for the lush greens of Britain’s Brands Hatch circuit. We’ve slowed down too, with the V10-powered Audi R8 LMS making way for Mazda’s recently-redesigned Roadster.


We get another look at the slick new driver’s HUD, with marked changes between bumper and interior cams. While there’s been no mention of allowing players to select which elements are displayed and which aren’t, the amount of redundant information could hint at the possibility.

Pay special attention to the squeals from the tires. As some members have already pointed out in our community, the videos emerging from the public event on Friday showcase subtly different notes of over-stressed rubber compared to the Thursday livestream competition. This aligns with reports that Polyphony were receiving new builds on a daily basis. With GT Sport scheduled to appear at the Nürburgring 24H race this upcoming weekend, perhaps there will be some surprises in store…

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Comments (59)

  1. jm79

    The way the sun comes over the trees as you round Stirlings, reflecting the dash against the windscreen…


  2. VBR

    Finally, a version of GT with no discernible aliasing! Also, the subtle reflections on the windscreen brings it up to next gen standards. I really like the unobtrusive HUD with in car view, very slick.

  3. GMW

    The one hint they need to address is that the instrument clusters should be backlit so when driving in sunshine you can still see the dials clearly. Most modern cars have backlit instrument clusters as standard. They just dim at night.

  4. Bank

    Holy crap look how long it takes the rear-view mirror to have objects pop out. And the detail, compared to other games. That’s a great start!

  5. sibbystiggy

    Something doesn’t look right with the physics, like the steering isn’t properly connected to the wheels or the car is somewhat floating,

    Whereas in Gt6 the steering is far more direct and the car is very connected to the road, you can feel where the grip is

    What’s wrong here?

  6. rom30s

    GT sports looking real classy as all GT games do but once again like GT6 & GT5 the gameplay seems boring.

    The car doesn’t really feel aggressive or even sound like its revving out on each gear.

    I’m surprised they still havn’t added in the animation of the drivers hands crossing over when doing full turns.

    Funny enough GT4 you can see the driver doing this when using a convertible so surely PD know how to program this into the game.

    1. ConnorWolf

      Sounds kind of like a factory stock 4 cylinder street car to me. The shifts are still as clinical as ever though.

    2. rom30s

      I guess this is just judging off one car, maybe they wanted it to sound quiet as you’re inside the car and also as if the sound is muffled by wearing a helmet.

      but yeah the gear changing seems like its exactly the same since any GT game release.

  7. sirjim73

    All these vids are excellent footage, almost as good as mine (lol just kidding).
    Jordan got some great stuff, much better quality than my HD camera could ever dream of.

    Looking back through these recordings from Friday, you also pick up some things that you didn’t see at the time, as there wasn’t time to take everything in.

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the content you’ve got lined up for us.

    (Hope everyone is enjoying the content being posted on the GT Sport forum too)

  8. Shaun

    If you drive better according to the tyers you have…less wheel squeal,more speed…that’s the whole point isn’t it….the sound aint right when you crash into walls either…but that’s not why I play the game to crash into walls or drive really badly….

    1. Johnnypenso

      Nope. It’s fairly well known in the GT series, at least in 5 and 6, that the fastest way to corner is to carry fairly large slip angles which results in lots of tire noise. Avoiding the squeal is actually slower not faster.

    2. biftizmo

      Nope it’s not…be sensible here…there only rubber, stop melting them..you!ll get more traction….read the apex mag….that might help…even topgear covered these basic facts…

    3. Johnnypenso

      Lol…what are you talking about? They are made of bits and bytes not rubber. They perform according to the code used to govern them and nothing more. Did you watch the Miata race from the Livestream? Huge slip angles from the some of the best GT pilots in the world. Lots of tire noise.

    4. biftizmo

      lol what you on about…the bits and bytes are also data in GT (simulator)
      Through the cooperation with Yokohama Rubber, a variety of tyres ranging from “Racing” to “Street” were analyzed. Detailed information and data not available to us until now have been integrated in the tyre model: the tyre structure, compound, load and changes in cornering force due to the slip angle have been captured, analysed and introduced in our new model. This made possible to create a new “tyre contact” feeling and a level of precision never reached before.
      Drive better! what you bin doing in GT? not to of noticed this….

    5. biftizmo

      I also expect that many othere manufacturers and not just restricted to tyres are very interested in getting their intellectual property into this, much like in the real world.

  9. fifomaniak

    Guys, come on! It wasn’t a “daily build”, it was the fact that this MX-5 was on Comfort Softs as a default tire, and Comforts had different sound (as they did in GT6, for example). That’s why it sounds like that, if you’d put Sports Hards on it, it would have the screech from the other videos and the stream. You’re GT experts, you should know that :P

    1. Johnnypenso

      You’d think they’d know that but when the ability to take 4k photos was announced people were freaking out over that as if it’s something new and exciting and meanwhile it’s been in the series for more than half a decade…lol.

  10. Whodoyouthink

    Certainly a better looking GT. I’m happy for improvements. But I’m still not convinced it will be worth buying a PS4 over. I just recently picked up Assestto Corsa (PC) and I think already it is my new benchmark to what I hold racing games to. Small details, like movement and chassis vibrations in cockpit view are something GT really should include. AC’s tire model is lightyears better (although the tire squeal is annoying), and the fact the tire pressure adjustments and every other proper adjustment exists, in a simple, easy to adjust form, is great! It baffles me GT has not included those features.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love where this is going, and I think perhaps the most interesting feature is the FIA certified racing. Although, it sounds like I’d still be better off with iRacing if I wanted very official, competitve e-racing. VLN just ran an official Nurburgring endurance race in the game, so I would hope GT can pull something similar. But, I feel I may hold off on GT Sport unfortunately.

  11. MeanElf

    Nice – even after twenty months of Driveclub and its visceral speed effects, this still looks very enjoyable. Impressed by how the HUD has been moved away to the sides as much as possible – same as with DiRT Rally. A good trend in games I think.

  12. Allek

    One thing I don’t like about PD games is that races always start with bumper cam, no matter what view you used the last time. There should have an option to save a favorite view.

    1. TeamCZRRacing

      Yes, and we’ll have both. Weather will be static as apparently they chose to go for a quality-first approach to it.

    2. biftizmo

      Shame I liked the random weather..was cool in long races…made all the difference to the resulting winner….you could get the wrong tyre combo…only to find out you had the right one in the end…great…as it should be….

    3. Johnnypenso

      Static weather to stabilize frame rates is a good tradeoff IMO. I’d love to have random and real weather obviously, but I’ll take stability over infrequently used special effects any day.

  13. dualshock

    Tyres definitely sound less intrusive (although having a record playing in the background doesn’t help!) One thing that has ALWAYS annoyed me about GT is that constant infernal squealing/shrieking/screaming tyre sound – although it has been toned down as the series went on – I think Codemasters have the best tyre sounds and maybe they should talk to them, and speaking of tyres lets move on to tyre marks, I think that’s another part of the ‘Realism’ of a game, I’m greatfull that they have implemented tyre marks on the tarmac in recent versions (but still not enough) but honestly how can you go off onto the grass, dirt, and especially snow and leave no trace! Next thing to sort out (along with Forza) is the terrible contrast in previous games – If I get good detail in the darks then the lights are washed out; but if I set for good detail in the lights all the darks go. Finally I don’t mind showrooms where the car moves around on its own, but you must be able to stop that and zoom and rotate manually as well.

    1. Johnnypenso

      That’s pretty hard on the framerates. Don’t be surprised if that changes somewhat in the final game.

  14. mistamontiel

    WHAT on earth is this

    Is this a GT7 demo ..?

    All I see is Sport Sport Sport , but break the confusion please =}

    1. Chameleon

      Its not quite a full title, but its more fleshed out than the typical prologue. So its confusing to all of us! :)

  15. Roflmaot

    Stayed quiet on the forums for over 2 years but have been following recently due to gt sport–Im loging in for the first time in ages simply because the tyre noise isn’t the same gt5p screech and now I don’t need to turn off effects come release. Huge sigh of relief. I’m sure I’m not the only one…

  16. YZF

    The sam UGLY onboard view shadows, which cover whole dashboard, are still there! I can’t believe they leave the same horrible lighting level from GT6. Look at 1:58min in the video, can you see gauges? No! What the hell??

    PD what are you thinking?

    1. YZF

      @girabyt3 I give 98% probability that they will NOT change lighting engine for GTS. It is already made, it’s working (shadows are too unrealistic) and nothing will change. It’s PD, they are known for not fixing things. Didn’t do a bit for GT6 in this matter either.

    2. Griffith500

      The shadow resolution can easily be upped. It has nothing to do with the lighting in this case. Rendering is not like real life, there are lots of tricks, shortcuts and hacks.

    3. YZF

      @Griffith500 shadows are part of whole lighting, but it doesn’t matter how you call it. One thing for sure – final result is wrong (unrealistic and irritating). They did not change shadow black levels (darkness) in GT6. Try to guess what will happen with GTS

    4. Griffith500

      The shadows are pre-rendered to a texture that is overlaid onto the already-lit geometry with a shader. Hence the black level. So it does matter what it’s called. Proper geometric shadows are not going to happen (before raytracing takes off; if it takes off), the complexity of scenes is far too high these days.

    5. YZF

      @Griffith500 no, it doesn’t matter how you call it. What matters is final result (view) to the end user. Period. If I can’t see speed and revs, because “something black covers them”, then this is the problem. And also not realistic at all. You will never have dashboard so dark in real world car. Just get rid of those ‘shadows’ at all. It will be 100% better than now.

  17. Chameleon

    The loading screens in this game are certainly interesting. Not entirely sure how they work.

    1. INatex

      I imagine a static/low demand version of the track is loaded into the RAM, same goes for the car and they have done some trickery and made it look really nice until the full detail versions are loaded. They did a similar thing with GT6 with static images of the track but this is impressive.

    2. Griffith500

      My guess is it’s a scape in video form. The car’s animation relative to the camera is saved separately when the video is made (using an “invisible” car), as are the lighting parameters for each frame of the video. Then the car is positioned, rendered and lit accordingly on top of the video – note the car has no shadow.

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