Report your game progress (possible spoilers)

  • Thread starter Spuds725
You must know them all by heart now.... :crazy:
I think I'll find them easier next time round anyway. If there ever is a next time round.

Anyway, I'm up to 99.47% now. Nothing but Firefighter left. I probably won't bother tonight. I'll do it sometime tomorrow.

well KM its not that hard, see the tips i posted in the general discussion thread.
I just finished Firefighter a few minutes ago. I did it in the desert by Verdant Meadows and it was very easy. For the last level I started with 9:30 on the clock and had 7:30 when I passed it. It gives you oodles of time on the higher levels.

So that's 100% completed. You think they would have given you a congratulations message or something.

What do I do now though?

try to beat my racing times and chopper and plane times, if you can :lol:
I know, there's still loads to do. If I didn't get bored with Vice City, I won't get bored with San Andreas.

Get record times in the street races and airplane time trials.
Find some good spots for stunting - rotations and distance.
Find a good rampage spot.

Plenty of stuff to keep me busy and keep my college scores low.

I know, there's still loads to do. If I didn't get bored with Vice City, I won't get bored with San Andreas.

Find some good spots for stunting - rotations and distance.


i found a good spot, but its kinda tricky to actually do it... take a bike up to the top of the tallest building in LS (there's a door and yellow marker on the NE corner) get some speed and ramp north torward the other tall building.. if you hit the other building just right, it'll send you in mad spin, or just knock you off your bike... the good thing is if you die, you dont spawn too far from the building and a couple police bikes usually spawn right when you do (police bikes seem to work best so far since i think they're hardest to fall off of)
I have a good method for rotations. I just need to find a good spot. If you hit a breakable fence at really high speed, sometimes it knocks your bike into a really fast spin. What I need is to a bit of experimenting with different bikes, seeing if pulling wheelies or turning at the last minute helps and finding somewhere with a fence on the edge of a hill or cliffside where I can can a fast run up.

I haven't found anywhere really good yet. There's somewhere in Flint County I've found but haven't tried yet because I didn't have a bike with me. I think I'll go back with an NRG500 and see what I can do.

I have a good method for rotations. I just need to find a good spot. If you hit a breakable fence at really high speed, sometimes it knocks your bike into a really fast spin. What I need is to a bit of experimenting with different bikes, seeing if pulling wheelies or turning at the last minute helps and finding somewhere with a fence on the edge of a hill or cliffside where I can can a fast run up.

I haven't found anywhere really good yet. There's somewhere in Flint County I've found but haven't tried yet because I didn't have a bike with me. I think I'll go back with an NRG500 and see what I can do.


yeah. i've found a couple of spots similar.. but none where i was able to get high spins consistently... like with the one i described in my last post.. that's the place i got 2583 degrees, but i've only gotten over 1500 degrees 2 or 3 times with probably 30-50 attempts.

also you may want to experiment on the strip in LV.. if you hit the bushes in the median at the right angle it'll pop you up and spin you pretty fast and if you hit one of the trees, you'll spin pretty fast... but again, its kinda tricky to hit the right spot with traffic...

and i'm convinced that there's a way to make the tank pop up in the air (i've seen it go close to if not all the way up to the flying ceiling, at least 30+ seconds of airtime) spinning and flipping like crazy the whole time.. of course i have experimented with a few choice spots but to no avail... lately i have been turning the turret around and going fast, but you basically just run into random things since you can't see where you're going.. i have managed a few cool spins and flips but for the most part completely by accident.. if only i could see where i was going like in VC :)
Progress update...

Got 30/50 Taxi missions.
Finished Import/Export.
Did some of the LV races (First time I've driven a Turismo was in the ringroad one!!)
Got Hitman on all guns now. (I know this isn't 100%)
Did upto level 5 of trucking. (Started doing more girlfriends so I can get all the clothes and when Helena isn't in then I just go a trucking. (I also know this isn't 100%))
Found a few more Oysters in the watery areas near all the casinos.
Got all Gold on all schools now (I know this isn't 100% too!!)

Need to do... More races. Chilliad races. Both Bike stadium events and 8 Track. Delivery in LS and SF. Heist missions (Might save these til last!), Collectibles, Freight Train, Finish Taxi, Finish Trucking.

Others I want to do... Get all clothes from all girlfriends. Get more Jumps!

Done a bit more tonight... Did some of the heist missions and dated Millie to get the Keycard...

Now I'm at 79.71% (I think - if not very similar) after just shy of 60 hours.

I just did Freight Train. A few hints.

Clockwise is easier than anti-clockwise. Don't ask me why.
The train doesn't become unbalanced at 35(mph, I assume?) or less on ANY corner.
Level 2 appears to be identical to Level 1.

Right now I'm mopping up Oysters and Unique Jumps (which I don't think are 100% required) in LV and the Desert. Las Venturas is otherwise done. Then it's a hop to San Fierro for the street races and that bloody NRG thing (and Oysters and UJs), then Mount Chiliad for the Chiliad Challenge and back to Los Santos - street races, BMX, Oysters, UJs and the final mission (buying all the property as I go)...
Clockwise is easier than anti-clockwise. Don't ask me why. The train doesn't become unbalanced at 35(mph, I assume?) or less on ANY corner. Level 2 appears to be identical to Level 1.
I did it clockwise only so I can't comment on which direction is better, but I did find that I could take pretty much any corner at up to 40mph without derailing. I didn't try any faster than that. The only thing is braking at the right moment so you don't overshoot the station. I overshot a couple of stations by a short amount, but I had enough time to reverse into position.

It seems to be just 2 circuits of the entire city required to pass it. It's one of the easier missions in the game.

yeah the freighttrain missions were easy, i went anti clockwise ithink, im not sure, i think i went as fast as you can go just before the controller shakes. 48mph or so i think.
I kept it at about 45 unless I saw a sharp turn coming up on my hud map then I would wimp out and brake below 40 for the turn.

On a related note, I saw a train pull into the SF station with flatbed cars (empty) instead of the regular cars--- first time I'd seen that in my 107 hours or so of playing.

i held down x until the camera/train started shaking (couldn't really tell which one was shaking, bout 50-60) and just let go of the gas a little before sharp turns
On a related note, I saw a train pull into the SF station with flatbed cars (empty) instead of the regular cars--- first time I'd seen that in my 107 hours or so of playing.

I've seen quite a few of those. I saw one once and went to the road to get a taxi to try and jump up onto it but it left before I got there.
Did all of the Casino Heist Missions then drove around and bought the 8 remaining safe houses...

85.05% with about 60 hours done...

Buying the safe houses boosts your progress percentage quite a lot...

So now I've got a few races left, Delivery in LS & SF, Freight Train, Some Trucking (3 left), Some Taxi (11 left), 8 Track, Kickstart, The other LV Bike event, Quarry & Collectables.

Buying the safe houses boosts your progress percentage quite a lot...

You're not wrong!

I bought all of the properties in LV, the Desert and SF - along with doing lots of oysters and (non-percentage-counting) unique jumps and the SF street races - and went from 78% to 90% in 30 game minutes.

I think I've got just Chiliad Challenge, LS street races and the final mission to go (with some oysters in LS and the rest of the LS safehouses).

Oh, and I did NRG in 2'30. FINALLY.
Well over Christmas I didn't achieve much at all... Percentage wise...

I've now completed upto level 7 of Trucking... and Collected all Horseshoes and sprayed all tags... and delivered packages in SF... and completed both levels of Freight Train (Yawn).

So now about 90%...

Stuff to do.

Taxi (9 passengers), Photos, Oysters, Packages in LS, NRG500, BMX jumpy thing, Stadium Events, Some Races & Quarry.

So close Deli, once finished what are your plans?

as for me ive been taking back my racing titles since my 2 and half week break (moving house, and week holiday). So far ive got 8 back, only 8 to go for Total Domination :mischievous: Other than that im just crusing around having some fun.
Yay, I finally made it! I realized that I don't like some of the LS races and I kept blowing up on 8-Track, but I figured it out and finally got that 100% at 90:51! But this also includes: all territories taken over (for the second time), 70 out of 70 unique jumps, all golds on all tests, and hitman on every gun. Not bad. My plans now are to max out my money. I don't think I'll do it with Brown Thunder like in Vice City, because I believe it will take a whole lot longer! I'll probably do the horse betting thing. Other than that, distruction and mayham are coming to the great state of San Andreas! :mischievous: