Report your game progress (possible spoilers)

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Deli Dingo
this includes: all territories taken over (for the second time),

I hear you on that one... I did the same... in fact I even had to redo some territories when I did Sweets missions as I'd captured the ones that you have to take over in Idlewood before I got his mission and then I had to do 2 for the mission and then another 2 after I'd completed the mission!! DOH!

I have not looked at any jump guides and occassionally look for them (I write down each that I complete)-- anyway I'm up to 30 unique jumps done now-- I haven't looked too hard for them but if I see an obvious ramp I never noticed before you I usually check it out.

Just curious as to how others that are not using a guide are doing on jumps.
anyway I'm up to 30 unique jumps done now-- I haven't looked too hard for them but if I see an obvious ramp I never noticed before you I usually check it out.
I'm up to 44 jumps completed without a guide. But there's one I'm having serious difficulty with in Los Santos. I've hit it from every angle I can think of and I've hit 80m+ distance but I just can't get it to register. I know I haven't done it before because I reloaded my game and verified that it's a jump I haven't hit before.

Bah humbug.

I'll post details of it it someone wants to help and if no-one minds me posting Unique Jump details on this thread.

I hear you on that one... I did the same... in fact I even had to redo some territories when I did Sweets missions as I'd captured the ones that you have to take over in Idlewood before I got his mission and then I had to do 2 for the mission and then another 2 after I'd completed the mission!! DOH!
Yeah, I had to repeat a couple also because of Sweet. The hardest territory to take over (both times) was that tiny yellow one! It wasn't hard to kill the gang members, it's just that I couldn't find any to start a war! I think they were hiding, because they knew I would lead to their demise :mischievous:! I also hated it when the gang members would just run away and it was impossible to kill them, because I would lose for leaving the damn territory :mad:!

Hey, I just checked my stats and it says 99 territories taken over. This is strange because if my memory is correct, I had to take over 54 territories the first time and 56 the second time :odd:. 54 + 56 = something over 100. . . .maybe there is a glitch where that stat can only support two digit numbers. . . .
Just curious as to how others that are not using a guide are doing on jumps.
I actually found and completed 18 jumps before I used a guide. I just came across those through regular gameplay and wasn't really searching for them, but I made sure that I got every one that I found! It would be quite a mess if I didn't :crazy:! But I did find 51 tags before a guide :sly:.
I'll post details of it it someone wants to help and if no-one minds me posting Unique Jump details on this thread.
I don't mind, but that probably doesn't matter. I never took more than five tries on a jump, and I would be more than happy to help anybody with a stubborn one. I can think of one particular jump in LS that caused me problems, and I bet it's the one that you are stuck on. I don't want to say anything for fear of a spoiler. . . .

By the way, there are some crazy-unnoticeable unique jumps :eek:! If anyone gets them all with no help of any kind, I will personally travel to their house, knock on the front door, and hand them a crisp, new five-dollar bill :P
If its the jump near the train station I had troubles with that one but got it finally-- but I thought we discussed that one already-- if its not that one then I'd prefer you guys discuss it in a jump thread or via PM-- at a minimum please place a "JUMP SPOILER" warning at the top of your post---

Thanks.... SPuds
If its the jump near the train station I had troubles with that one but got it finally
If it's not, then I think KM should just PM me.

Even though you (Spuds) will succumb to a unique jump guide sooner or later! I assure you! ;)

JK, I tip my hat to you for your noble effort. :hat-tip:
ive got around 20 somthing unique jumps and im not planning on useing a guide unless i have like 5 to go with 400hours gameplay.

Well Ive gotten another 8 1sts in the races so im cruising along for my goal (i did lose chopper checkpoint to Integra:( ).

My CR is going up bit by bit, King of San Andreas is a long term goal.
Well Ive gotten another 8 1sts in the races so im cruising along for my goal (i did lose chopper checkpoint to Integra:( ).

If there is anyone you need to worry about in this one, I'd guess it to be KieranMurphy (this seems to be his forte)-- that one is tough though-- I can handle most of it but the first bit with the hard right and the bridge is a tough part to master-- After I get through the rock bridge/tunnel thing its pretty easy from then on-- only a couple tricky checkpoints in the last half-- I almost like this one-- I really haven't worked on any other flight races/checkpoints.

I honestly don't know how you found the time to more or less "master" 25+ races-- I'm sure some people will eventually knock you down a bit--- you can't be that good....or are you???....have you considered going back to some VC races???

I am kind of pissed that they didn't include the Chilliad races, triathalon, and the monster checkpoint thing you do in your stats
My VC racing times are good however, the record times where set with "Super Angel" and i only did "Hotring Racer". if you dont count the super angel my times would be a lot higher, howver as i was and am to lazy to do VC up to the super angel mission i cant be bothered goin back and redoing them.

As for SA races, my 15 hours flight time is pretty much only from the 6 plane/heli races and i finished the game at 76 hours and now im at 150. I'd say 3/4 of the time post 100% is spent racing. i have masterd nearly all the races, and i know them all off by heart. the only ones i so far havnt worked on is NGR-500, BMX and badlands A, i belive 2:57 is about all you can get out of the sabre, for me to beat the record 2:47 id have to start the game again and pick a car to win, which i dont want to do. Go Go-Kart is also a very hard race and 1:47 is a perfect perfect run.

I do think my times are quite fast, and so far im able to stay pretty much on top, I do love the competition, and i love the races, so if you think you could beat my times (that goes for anyone) then go right ahead, as I love the competition.

My thanks to Rancid Milk, gt3master2003 and Integra GS-R as they have been consistently updating and redoing the races in competition with me 👍

Spuds i share you Frustration for the times that arnt in the record book, i also would like city slickers in the record book as well
Go Go-Kart is also a very hard race and 1:47 is a perfect perfect run.

My thanks to Rancid Milk, gt3master2003 and Integra GS-R as they have been consistently updating and redoing the races in competition with me 👍

Spuds i share you Frustration for the times that arnt in the record book, i also would like city slickers in the record book as well

no kidding -- 1:48 on go go kart took me a good while... if only there was a way to turn off traffic.. then i'd probably compete in a lot more of the races..

i like the competition and will probably be doing some more races later today or tomorrow :)

i also agree.. while there are a lot more records than VC had, there are a couple that that are missing..
yeah my 1:51 was with one spin out, so it is possible just very difficuilt.

Ive just beaten Integra's chopper checkpoint, woot. Im not sure if i can beat any more times. i will just have to practise some more i suppose.
I'll have a shot at the races sometime this month. I'll probably start with the Chopper Checkpoints; I became quite fond of them in Vice City. I enjoy competition like that also, but I just don't get much time to play. Just wait Small Fryz, I'll come around.
Ive just beaten Integra's chopper checkpoint, woot. Im not sure if i can beat any more times. i will just have to practise some more i suppose.

i'll have to go back to that one sometime tomorrow :)

i'm fairly confident that freeway can be brought down to at least 2:00 if not lower... my best so far is 2:05 but that's with a spin out and some fishtailing. i hate traffic, especially in the super gt

edit: just got 2:03 :) time for a break hehe.. but i still think 2:00 is possible
definetly, under 2:00 is possible, however, the race is all about the lines you take, with so many bumps and hills the super GT is easy to lose, plus you have to miss traffic so its definetly one of the hardest races to perfect.

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