GT4 WRS Week 36 Results

  • Thread starter Tedehur

How would you rate this race

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  • Poll closed .
I noticed I now had the top spot in D3 due to a disqualification and thought I'd submit my replay even though it wasn't requested. There was a real close call about 20s into lap 1 (I guess you'd call it turn 2) with the Ford GT. Before I submitted my time a looked at it very closely as there was an awkward "jiggle" to either my car or the GT (I reviewed it again tonight and still can't tell if the "jiggle" is me or the GT). I looked at it from all different views and still cannot see any contact. The views that seemed conclusive to me were 1) the farthest away birdseye view which showed the complete rear end of my car and 2) the passenger side mirror view which shows the rear quarter panel of the car. Hopefully you'll agree it's clean.

I also didn't want anyone to think I fabricated a time only slightly above the 6'40 target to avoid having a replay requested.


  • goixoye WRS Week 36 NTSC.max
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Well I'm sure this post will stir up some controversy. But I think it is necessary for those of us that are reviewing replays.

First of all, class act posting your replay goixoye. 👍 I respect anyone that strives to prove to all that they have done what they say.

But having said that, you won't like the following. :indiff:

Rotbarsch1979 pm'd me this morning to ask me to double check what he was seeing, and what goixoye had referred to in his post about the possible contact with the GT 20sec. into the race.
My first time looking at it, I went yup. No doubt there is slight contact, just by the little jiggle the ford does, and also when viewed behind, goix's Nissan jiggles too.
So then I started photomoding it from every possible angle from the Nissan point of view, and also the Ford point of view. The thing is, no matter what angle, what stop point, etc. I couldn't show the cars as being even close to contact! I ran this sequence for a good 45 minutes, because it was so similar to what I saw in DRIVEN's race. In that case I couldn't show contact either, (which DRIVEN went back and confirmed) so we let his result stand. I didn't want to be in the position of saying a race is dirty without proof, but here I have reviewed two races with similar incidents, that if it were my race I would have kicked for having contact without hesitation just by looking at the replay. Not even photomoding mind you, just looking at the replay. In fact I did just that very thing with a couple races for this event.

So after all these events, and having the desire to learn a little more, I decided to do a little experiment. I loaded up the Seoul race and started to do some intentional banging of AI. The most telling was going down the straight just before T2 when I intentionally rode into the side of the the GT almost the whole straight to the point where the GT was crabbing into me to counteract my push. I then saved the replay and then photomoded it. And here's the sequence.

In this photo we see the cars from the front at a distance obviously into each other right?

This next image is from the same camera and angle, just zoomed in. As you can see, there is an obvious gap between the cars. Let me assure you that I was hard into the GT at this point.

Now here are the cars in the same position, but as viewed from the rear.
First, viewed from a distance. (notice the GT crabbed into the Nissan)

And now again the same camera and angle as previous, but zoomed in.

Once again, the gap is clear to see.
As a reviewer, it would be obvious when viewing the replay to say that there is major contact all the way down the straight between these cars. But there is no proof, because the replay won't show it! Believe me, even with major contact, photomode is crap for proof of contact. The game won't show it. Unbelievable!

So now the question becomes how do we prove that contact has occurred?

One way that Gregor mentioned in his review of Bigrew's race was a speed drop of the car that is doing the contact. It was a good observation on his part, and one that I missed in reviewing DRIVEN's race. I went back and looked at that race again this morning, and there was a 4MPH drop under full throttle of the GT.

But in goixoye's case, the GT is under braking and zero throttle, so there is no way to establish a speed change.

The other way could be sound. Sometimes you can hear the contact if it's heavy enough. But again in goixoye's case the contact is very slight, and no sound that I can detect transfers.

Other than that, I'm starting to think that proof of contact will have to be at the discretion of the reviewer. I am also wondering if this statement should define contact for review purposes.

AI contact is assumed if a reasonable person can say that a suspicious interaction has occurred between vehicles with no other outside influences.

Acceptable evidence of AI contact may include:
1. An observed,unexplained, sudden change of intended trajectory of either or both vehicle when they are in close proximity.

2. A sudden speed gain or loss of at least 1.5MPH by either vehicle that cannot be explained by acceleration or braking.

3. The sound of a collision is noticed at the point AI contact is suspected.

So what do you guys think? I would sure like someone else, or several people to verify my observation that contact cannot be proven in photomode. I have not tested this in Arcade mode yet, but intend to soon.

As far as the replays for this race go, I believe that all three drivers DRIVEN USA, goixoye, and Bigrew honestly thought that there was not contact, because they did what we all do which is to photomode, etc. saw no contact, and submitted what they believed to be clean races. But as it says in each weeks race introduction, If you have any doubt that it's anything other than 100% clean, don't submit it!

The two races I reviewed for DRIVEN USA and goixoye are in my opinion, dirty. DRIVEN because of the 4MPH speed drop of the GT at point of suspected contact under full throttle, and goixoye because of the suspicious reactions of the 2 vehicles in close proximity with no outside influences.

I think that we will all have to think differently about AI contact in the future when we are reviewing our races for submission. Because of this race, hopefully we can all become more knowledgeable when we have other AI races. 👍

As I noted in my post I couldn't tell if the "jiggle" was my car or the GT. When reviewing the replay from my car's point of view it looked smooth. But in reviewing the replay focused on the GT it looked smooth too. I assumed that maybe the GT hitting the rumble strips or possibly the wall may have caused the "jiggle". All the photos that I took actually showed more of a gap than in Minor's example. I suppose that's why I thought it was clean. I don't remember "feeling" anything in the race but realized it was at least a close call. In the views I mentioned above it appeared that the GT never even got close to me. If you check my replay a little further on there is a close call with the Subaru (I believe). In photo mode that incident appears even closer than anything I saw with the GT but I really think that was a clean pass too.

If photo mode can't be used to declare a clean lap then what? I couldn't figure out how to use the analyzer in this mode? Is it possible? I guess the speed reductions noted are from just watching the car's speedometer during the race?

What about those pictures from earlier on in the post from some other drivers? Those appeared closer than anything I was able to take a picture of in my replay. Are they dirty too?

IMO there's too much subjectivity in Minor Shunt's proposed language. Maybe the rules should be amended to allow contact if the AI hits you but not if you hit the AI...although I'm not sure that it could be proven who initiated the contact. So maybe that wouldn't work either. Of course if you look at the origin of the no AI contact rule I suspect it's intended to prevent "cheating" type contact (such as riding your opponent through a corner or knocking him/her off the track into a sand pit).

In arcade mode races you can turn on a "penalty". Choices are a "forced pit' or "speed limiter". The "forced pit" is causes a trip down pit lane without stopping. Presumably over the course of a lap one could cause several incidents resulting in a penalty with only one trip down pit lane? "Speed limiter" causes a 10 second reduction in speed for each incident. The kicker is that not all contact draws the penalty. I've been hard on the brakes and tapped the rear end of the car in front of me and do not drawn the penalty. The AI has hit me and I do not get the penalty. The best way in WRS (in a race with AI) to decide if illegal contact has occured is to let PD/GT4 decide by turning on their penalty system...that way there's no subjectivity or "opinion" involved. Of course NOS, which is not available in GT Mode, was part of this event so then what? I don't think there's a penalty system in GT Mode?

Enough "ranting" or whatever you call this. I honestly didn't realize the "jiggle" may indicate contact or I would have thrown the lap the future I will. I had other races that were just slightly slower (2s or so) but those replays are long gone.

I'm going to go look at the replay some more.
There is no way to check a multi-lapper replay in the data logger : it works only for hotlaps (ghosts). And I don't know how far I want the verification process to go. Checking more than the game rendering accuracy allows would make the verification extremely difficult.

I'll do some testing to see what can reasonably be considered clean and what can reasonably be considered dirty, and perhaps doubtful replays will be yellow flagged
, but not disqualified.

For this week, bigrew's replay was clearly dirty. Goixoye's is considered clean and the results in post #1 are now official.

Time to move on to week 38 (final day !), and remember to stay away from the walls :D
Wow! Those are some interesting observations Steve. Good job 👍 So basically your saying AI contact is never visible in photomode (in terms of the cars actually touching)? If so i guess we'll all have to get better at spotting contact by the other ways mentioned. So is it the same for walls/barriers or can photomode capture actual contact with these?
I told a buddy of mine at GTRP, who I usually play GT4 with during our monthly LAN sessions, about the issue, since he's involved with checking replays in the GTRP database and here is what Comrade said:
Comrade via PM to rotbarsch1979
In my opinion there is no point of merely optically checking on contacts whatsoever in GT, be it obstacles or the AI.
The major indicator of a contact taking place is audible:
An irregular change in the engine sound of the respective car with respect to the action the driver is currently executing (braking, accelerating etc.)

This leaves in fact the problem of spotting touches while the car is braking, since the engine sound doesn't change here to an audible extent.

Points 1 through 3 of MinorShunt's proposal in Post 62 are of course absolutely correct - I only want to add here what I witnessed to be a vital sign of contact.

Furthermore, in my quite long past as a replay verifying moderator at I usually ruled that if a run cannot be clearly judged upon by myself, I call for a second, trusted verifier, stating the case to him prior to giving him the replay. If in doubt I rather do put the green tick on a replay. This way things stay "clean". :D
ROB 256R
Wow! Those are some interesting observations Steve. Good job 👍 So basically your saying AI contact is never visible in photomode (in terms of the cars actually touching)? If so i guess we'll all have to get better at spotting contact by the other ways mentioned. So is it the same for walls/barriers or can photomode capture actual contact with these?

Just to add to what Gregor said, which is very interesting BTW and kinda confirms what I have suspected for a while. Which is, photomode is good only in detecting off track excursions. I am starting to conclude that the replay rendering is not accurate enough to show touches of any kind. I intend to continue testing different scenarios in both sim and arcade mode, then post the results.

Let me just say that none of us reviewing replays has any but the best intentions. I think I can say that we would rather give the driver the benefit of the doubt if there is a questionable event and call it good.

We also trade replays back and forth for second opinions so that a close call isn't determined by one person only.

Work needs to be done though to define exactly what is acceptable and what is not, so that everyone currently participating, and/or coming into the series for the first time knows what to expect, and knows how to check their own replays properly so that problems don't arise later. Also, so that everyone reviewing replays uses the same criteria, and as much subjectivity is removed from the process as possible.

Just as an aside, the yellow flag idea Cyril has is brilliant! 👍

Well guys, I was bored, have submitted for this week and thought I would do some investigating!

What I have found is that the GT graphics engine is more than capable of rendering enough detail to show contact between a moving object - the car/wheels and a STATIC object (the track/scenery) i.e. wall touches, off's and the like.
You just have to know what to look for!

BUT, what it CAN'T do is render two moving objects touching!

ie two cars colliding!

Let me show you some examples

The car in all pics is a Motor-sport Elise, mainly because it has nice flaired wheel arches so would show bodywork touches easier.

The first two are simple wheel contact with vertical objects. The first is a curb (like round George V) and the second is a sloped wall (like round Seoul)

As you can see (hopefully) the wheel is definately in contact with the curb/base of the wall.

Now then it gets a little funky!

With vertical walls, the rules change! The widest part of the car is not, as I thought the rear wheel arch, no!(Wag's his finger in a knowing teacherly sort of way, lol), it's the wing-mirror!

As seen in this......

You can quite clearly see daylight between the wall and the wheel arches, but NOT between the mirror and the wall.

If you compare the mirrors, you can clearly see that the left one is 'cut off' by the contact with the wall.

Sorry about the size difference but the camera's in the game ain't that flexable, are they?

So the wing mirror is the place to spot vertical wall touches!

Now on to the main event!

A.I. Contact!

I spent ages chasing other car's about, trying to match speeds and just brush them. Only to be thwarted by the camera angles.
So I then ran along-side and pushed the car in-front at the rear-right door, as if I was trying to spin him out and got this picture!

Now I was definately in contact, as the black RS4 is obviously rolling away to the left and pointing to the right, so i was certainly pushing him from the right-rear because this was on a straight.

And there is quite clearly a gap between the two cars!

So, what can we do about it?

I think that Cyril's yellow flag idea is great!

If a lap is yellow flagged, then it needs to be checked by at least 3 guys, who then PM Cyril with their verdict, and then Cyril makes the call!

If 2/3 say it's clean, then it's clean!
And Vicky Vercky!

What do you think?

Thanks Neil, I wonder why you're practising in a Motorsport Elise ;)

I'd like a replay check to follow these steps :
  1. check that the time given by the replay is identical to the time submitted
  2. check that the race configuration (car, track, game mode) matches the race specifications
  3. check that the car configuration (power and tyres) matches the car specifications
  4. watch carefully the replay, looking for some evidence that the lap is dirty.
    At that point, there can be 3 options :
    • there is neither evidence nor suspicion that the lap is dirty : it's accepted as clean
    • there is evidence that the lap is dirty (noisy contact, 3 wheels off...) : the racer is disqualified
    • there is suspicion but no evidence that the lap is dirty. The checker asks for a second check. If there is still suspicion but no evidence, the lap is accepted as clean and marked with a yellow flag.

That should make the checking task easier.

I didn't want to say it like that, because it gives the feeling that any time is suspicious and that people who check are a sort of Big Brother who expect everybody to be a cheater.
This is exactly the opposite in the facts (anyone who wants can check a replay) and in the principle (doubtful replays will be accepted in the end).
If someone has a better way to write it down that would make people who read it think "Yeah, that's great", just do it and PM me.

@Neil : it's already a PITA today to have all replays posted and checked by the end of the following week (look, week 38 ends tomorrow and we're still discussing week 36 !), if we need 3 checks for doubtful replays, we will have to rename the series the BRS, for biweekly race series, or even the MRS :lol:
Well yes, I suppose it is a PITA. But wk36 was just a recipe for it!
City course AND A.I. as well.

Even though you have 'officialised' the results a few days ago, and there would be no changes to the results, there is still a valid discussion going on as to what constitutes a wall-touch and an AI-touch.

Just wanted to fill in some time, and also prove that wall touches CAN be verified, but AI touches cannot.

And yes I agree that 3 verifications of 'doubtfull' replays would probably be too time intensive, it's your ballywalk mate, you make the rules!

Yeah, I didn't mean that I don't appreciate the fact you took time to test this thoroughly. That's just the opposite...
ROB 256R
:confused: Explain please
Besides being the steward here at the WRS, I'm also posting races in the 25-lapper series at the Numbers, where Neil (ballstothewall) races too.
The race I posted yesterday uses a Motorsport Elise, so I thought it was the reason why he had chosen this car to practice.
Besides being the steward here at the WRS, I'm also posting races in the 25-lapper series at the Numbers, where Neil (ballstothewall) races too.
The race I posted yesterday uses a Motorsport Elise, so I thought it was the reason why he had chosen this car to practice.
Ahh right. I thought you may have leaked info on Week 39's car. Sorry, i should of known your more professional than to do that. My bad :)
ROB 256R
Ahh right. I thought you may have leaked info on Week 39's car. Sorry, i should of known your more professional than to do that. My bad :)

It's very unlikely that I ever leak some information on a future week without being aware of it. The reason for that is that I'm not writing in my native language, so I always preview my posts and read them to correct a few mistakes (grammar, spelling...) Ok, I know that some still slip through, but I'm doing my best ;)
What I mean is I would notice any information that I shouldn't be giving and I would remove it.

But, you score a point since the Motorsport Elise at Autumn Ring Mini has been race #39 in my plans for a long time, until I changed last sunday for this race as a consequence of the discussions going on in the GT/Arcade poll and suggestions thread.
Un-buried from the archive to add a poll, so that you can rate the race if you wish to do so.