I liked your old style better cause it was different from everyone eleses, it was softer. Now it's too sharp, and it's starting to look like everyone elese gallery. All useing these motion blurr stuff. It's all leaving realism. I know that alot of use arnt going for that, but these shots are definatly getting really old. Other wise my gallery would be the same as all of yours. But I like uniqueness, and that's what i strive for. And it makes your gallery, or anyone elese's more pleasing to look at. Other wise it looks like everyone elese's.
But there still great shots, and i'm not trying to change anyone's style, i'm just sharing my 2 cents. Everyone should make there pics how they like it, cause they are the creater of the work. And no one should change because one says somthing. Unless they truley think the same way, and belive in uniqeness.