GT4 WRS Week 70 : "Aussie Aussie Aussie..."

  • Thread starter Tedehur

Hi Guys, this is a direct picture representation of holl01's earlier post on this track....hope it helps!

By the way thanks to him...I dropped my times in about 10 minutes of playing with his beta... 49.432 - 130.677. Still losing time in between T1 and T2 :guilty:
I never like Suzuka, and it ain't gonna change, too. But this car (which I don't like that much, either) and this track (see above) work together quite well. I don't have times worth posting (~3 seconds slower than slowest), but I'll have some in a day or two.
Finally learned the optimal way to take 1st&2nd Corners. I think they're really good, but I keep loosing time everywhere - overbraking, traction loss, you name it.
how do i get the.max, .xps or .sps files can be verified???and what is that???:)
Check the FAQ thread in the WRS forum. Most of your questions should be already answered.

and i try about 3 lap i clock something like 1:54..did i get the wrong track???
Since final times are allowed neither to be discussed nor to be posted, your 1:54 just means nothing. Run the best lap you can, PM me your time and I'll place you in a division.
And since 490 persons already registered, I assume that all required information (including the track) is properly mentioned in the Qualifier thread.

Edit :
@ Sean, 👍 👍
The ending to my run, using 310 has a horrific end, so no need to worry jerome :lol: But i cant seem to finish a good 290 lap, why cant thing just fall into place? huh?!
And how the hell has curtis hit a 47second T1??

I have no clue buddy, its really beyond me....I dunno if I'll be catching up to you anytime soon man I'm back like a half second :nervous: But I'll see ya at the finish tho!

The green stuff next to the rumbles,
I assume they are not part of the track?

Just to be sure.:)
The green stuff next to the rumbles,
I assume they are not part of the track?

Just to be sure.:)

Good question, I was assuming they weren't, but I'd like to know 4 sure as well.

Very helpful run-through, holl01! Thanks!

I still don't have the control I need with my DFP. The brake pedal is much more sensitive than my Wingman FF. I keep scrubbing too much speed when I brake.

T1: 0'49.806
T2: 1'30.493

290 gears; no aids; RM/RM
Hey Cyril,

How often do you update the unofficial leaderboards for a given week with the most up to date times that have been submitted? Just whenever you get around to it?
Hey Cyril,

How often do you update the unofficial leaderboards for a given week with the most up to date times that have been submitted? Just whenever you get around to it?

If your talking about the split times leaderboard for the current weeks race, MisterWeary does it whenever he gets chance.

If your talking about the WRS leaderboard Flat-out does it when the previous weeks result become official after one week. But it can sometimes get behind if he's busy.
If your talking about the split times leaderboard for the current weeks race, MisterWeary does it whenever he gets chance.

If your talking about the WRS leaderboard Flat-out does it when the previous weeks result become official after one week. But it can sometimes get behind if he's busy.

Gotcha....yes sir I was asking about the split times leaderboard. good to know, good to know thank you.


Here is the link to this picture if you want to print it out..
Board Updated

I try to do it as frequently as I can but that nasty "sleep" thing gets in the way sometimes :sly: Nice work on the map by the way 👍
Help! I am about to run times for this but I am trying to figure out how to convert .max files to images and videos. I looked all of the boards and found nothing. Is there some program I can download or Am I stuck not making cool backrounds and avatars?

anything would be appreciated. Thanks.
Help! I am about to run times for this but I am trying to figure out how to convert .max files to images and videos. I looked all of the boards and found nothing. Is there some program I can download or Am I stuck not making cool backrounds and avatars?

anything would be appreciated. Thanks.

I havent heard of any program that will take a .max replay and allow you to play it on your pc, if that is what you mean. But if you need some help with recording your replay and capturing pics on your pc shoot me a pm and I can walk you thru what hardware and software you will need.

After a a few more laps, and switching to 290.


Holl01's guide really helped to drop the times. 👍

*Updated times*
Help! I am about to run times for this but I am trying to figure out how to convert .max files to images and videos. I looked all of the boards and found nothing. Is there some program I can download or Am I stuck not making cool backrounds and avatars?

anything would be appreciated. Thanks.

You cant make a .max into a video. A .max file only works on the PS2, which is why its a great form of verification as it cant be altered.

To upload images from GT4 all you need it a USB pen drive. Plug it into the PS2 USB port, then when u save images, choose to save to your pen drive instead of a PS2 memory card. Then you can stick it in your computer and do what you want with them.

To get video onto the computer im not too familiar with. I saw a guide somewhere...ill go look.

EDIT: Found it here
1'27.758 (.702)

shaved 1.3 off from my previous best but the time is still .1 off what hotboi said he'll get so this wont be good enough, will have another session sunday avo, cheers
Thanks guys. I am struggling big time at this trak running dead last div 3 times. I just cant take suzuka, but I will try my hardest to come up with a decent time.
Hey Colby!

The leaderboard's bust!

"Not Found

The requested URL /wrs/leaderboard/ was not found on this server."
