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The United States after years of fundamentalist and right wing politics took a huge giant step back to wards the center last night.
Although the vast majority of Democrats elected were of the conservative type...in fact recruited to take away the gay marriage / guncontroll / pro life edge the republicans were always given..the same edge that gave us raving conservative lunatics like Rick Santorum...a guy who compared homosexuality with pooch buggering and took advantage of a dying womens dignity and her privacy in the name of " the right to life " .
Also consider all the mistakes this administration has made since the " war " part of the invasion of Iraq ended. Too numerous and enough to explode my head. Bush got re-elected despite the " no WMD " thing because he had a Liberal buffoon , ex radical leftist , lying about his new found ability to be a " tough military national security type" , despite his entire life spent to the contrary...with even his service in Vietnam open for argument . That and the fact the man flipped more than a pancake.
Americans are not ready to be left wing..if they ever will be. Although I hear in Vermont they elected a socialist . Wow...it took forever but we did it . You would think among the three hundred million of us there would be enough to elect one Socialist .
Wonder how many Libertarians were elected ?
I don't know about the rest of you but I feel much better today than I did yesterday about the direction the country is headed in .
Back to the center and moderation and away from the radical left and radical right wing politics that have dominated the political scene in the US since 1994 .
Its a great leap forward for stem cell research and getting the ideologues out of our education system...no more talk of "I.D." being taught in schools I imagine .
The President got spanked by the public for his blunders , the public ...when given suitable candidates ..spanked the crap out him by going Democrat , now if that could somehow CURE the eminent domain fiasco and restore some order to the supreme court , that would be a blessing.
But the bottom line is this , we have a congress full of a majority of like minded people ...not so much liberal versus conservative as we had before , this should translate to bipartisan cooperation and moderate and fair lawmaking , and a much better congress than we had before .
The commitment to Iraq still stands . But with this election the current crop of Iraqi leaders were sent a message along with President Bush. The message being " GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER OR WE ARE OUT OF HERE " . They have a choice unite and live or divide and die. we did our part we lead the horse to water ...now lets see if it drinks.
I took a look ( when I wasn't dancing around with a light shade on my head with the interns and other volunteers ). At the rest of the democratic candidates in other states , most Mirrored senator Casey..solid moderate to conservative Americans..who happen to be democrats
. Not a wing nut among them for the most part. Hey even JOE LIEBERMAN got elected !
He deserved it , he being not only a good man but a moderate and a strong supporter of this country and its security , just like the huge majority of Democrats that were elected with him .
It will be interesting to see who the Dem's come up with as a candidate in 2008 and to see if they learned from this victory . The Republicans I hope learned a lesson . but human nature being what it is they will more than likely blame BUSH...hey everyone else does..
Although the vast majority of Democrats elected were of the conservative type...in fact recruited to take away the gay marriage / guncontroll / pro life edge the republicans were always given..the same edge that gave us raving conservative lunatics like Rick Santorum...a guy who compared homosexuality with pooch buggering and took advantage of a dying womens dignity and her privacy in the name of " the right to life " .
Also consider all the mistakes this administration has made since the " war " part of the invasion of Iraq ended. Too numerous and enough to explode my head. Bush got re-elected despite the " no WMD " thing because he had a Liberal buffoon , ex radical leftist , lying about his new found ability to be a " tough military national security type" , despite his entire life spent to the contrary...with even his service in Vietnam open for argument . That and the fact the man flipped more than a pancake.
Americans are not ready to be left wing..if they ever will be. Although I hear in Vermont they elected a socialist . Wow...it took forever but we did it . You would think among the three hundred million of us there would be enough to elect one Socialist .
I don't know about the rest of you but I feel much better today than I did yesterday about the direction the country is headed in .
Back to the center and moderation and away from the radical left and radical right wing politics that have dominated the political scene in the US since 1994 .
Its a great leap forward for stem cell research and getting the ideologues out of our education system...no more talk of "I.D." being taught in schools I imagine .
The President got spanked by the public for his blunders , the public ...when given suitable candidates ..spanked the crap out him by going Democrat , now if that could somehow CURE the eminent domain fiasco and restore some order to the supreme court , that would be a blessing.
But the bottom line is this , we have a congress full of a majority of like minded people ...not so much liberal versus conservative as we had before , this should translate to bipartisan cooperation and moderate and fair lawmaking , and a much better congress than we had before .
The commitment to Iraq still stands . But with this election the current crop of Iraqi leaders were sent a message along with President Bush. The message being " GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER OR WE ARE OUT OF HERE " . They have a choice unite and live or divide and die. we did our part we lead the horse to water ...now lets see if it drinks.
I took a look ( when I wasn't dancing around with a light shade on my head with the interns and other volunteers ). At the rest of the democratic candidates in other states , most Mirrored senator Casey..solid moderate to conservative Americans..who happen to be democrats
He deserved it , he being not only a good man but a moderate and a strong supporter of this country and its security , just like the huge majority of Democrats that were elected with him .
It will be interesting to see who the Dem's come up with as a candidate in 2008 and to see if they learned from this victory . The Republicans I hope learned a lesson . but human nature being what it is they will more than likely blame BUSH...hey everyone else does..