- 34,103
- Mile High City
Many muslims today have sworn to eradicate jewish people from the Earth. No, they don't just want Israel to fall, they want all Jewish people exterminated. They're the modern equivalent of Nazis, bent on the complete removal of a particular ethnicity/religion from earth.
Why do we respond to that differently than we did with the Nazis? What's special about muslims with genocidal aspirations than nazis with genocidal aspirations? Religion.
We (non-genocidal-muslims) have been taught to tolerate the religions of others. We've been taught that spirituality is a wonderful thing, and that a person cannot be held responsible for their religious beliefs. We're indoctrinated with the notion that religion is better than no religion, and that no religion is objectively superior to any other.
That tolerance leads us to be more accepting of those who would perform ethnic cleansing due to religious beliefs than those who would perform ethnic cleansing due to a belief of genetic inferiority. It's religious tolerance that prevents the world from uniting in violent opposition to the genocidal propositions we hear from the middle east.
Is that a good thing?
I've met a lot of intelligent people that believed a lot of crazy things in the name of religion. I've met a brilliant individual who believed that rocks will keep you in good health if you cover your body in them and place them in strategic locations around your home. I've met people who presently believe in Zeus, Hades, Athena, etc.
I tolerate these things because religion is an untouchable in our society. If someone tells you they think the world will end tomorrow, you'd call them crazy. If they tell you that the world will end soon when Jesus returns, you call them spiritual. If someone tells you that black people should be shot you call them a racist murderous bigot and try to get them thrown in jail. If they tell you that their religion tells them to kill jews you apologize for them?
It is irrational to believe that the alignment of the planets can affect your fortune. It is irrational to believe that your baseball cap is lucky, or that putting a rock on your head can heal your bad back. Superstition is not something that human beings should tolerate, and generally we do not.
If a scientist tries to explain the results of an experiment by superstition he gets fired. If your car dealership tells you that they know the car is high quality because they "feel it in their bones", you'd walk away. If someone tells you that your wife is dying you'd demand rigorous proof. If you're deciding whether to take an umbrella with you on a particular day do you listen to the weather man or the native American rain dancers?
But when it comes to religion not only do people suspend their requirement of evidence, proof, and rationality, they suspend those requirements for the beliefs of others.
...and I'm guilty of the same - because it is socially unacceptible to do anything else.
If someone told me their car had flown on the previous day, I'd want proof and respond incredulously. When someone tells me they believe in Zeus, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, the great kangaroo, Ra, or any other mythology I don't say a word. I tolerate it.
It might prevent a few fights here in America, but that tolerance in foreign policy is getting innocent people killed.
Why do we respond to that differently than we did with the Nazis? What's special about muslims with genocidal aspirations than nazis with genocidal aspirations? Religion.
We (non-genocidal-muslims) have been taught to tolerate the religions of others. We've been taught that spirituality is a wonderful thing, and that a person cannot be held responsible for their religious beliefs. We're indoctrinated with the notion that religion is better than no religion, and that no religion is objectively superior to any other.
That tolerance leads us to be more accepting of those who would perform ethnic cleansing due to religious beliefs than those who would perform ethnic cleansing due to a belief of genetic inferiority. It's religious tolerance that prevents the world from uniting in violent opposition to the genocidal propositions we hear from the middle east.
Is that a good thing?
I've met a lot of intelligent people that believed a lot of crazy things in the name of religion. I've met a brilliant individual who believed that rocks will keep you in good health if you cover your body in them and place them in strategic locations around your home. I've met people who presently believe in Zeus, Hades, Athena, etc.
I tolerate these things because religion is an untouchable in our society. If someone tells you they think the world will end tomorrow, you'd call them crazy. If they tell you that the world will end soon when Jesus returns, you call them spiritual. If someone tells you that black people should be shot you call them a racist murderous bigot and try to get them thrown in jail. If they tell you that their religion tells them to kill jews you apologize for them?
It is irrational to believe that the alignment of the planets can affect your fortune. It is irrational to believe that your baseball cap is lucky, or that putting a rock on your head can heal your bad back. Superstition is not something that human beings should tolerate, and generally we do not.
If a scientist tries to explain the results of an experiment by superstition he gets fired. If your car dealership tells you that they know the car is high quality because they "feel it in their bones", you'd walk away. If someone tells you that your wife is dying you'd demand rigorous proof. If you're deciding whether to take an umbrella with you on a particular day do you listen to the weather man or the native American rain dancers?
But when it comes to religion not only do people suspend their requirement of evidence, proof, and rationality, they suspend those requirements for the beliefs of others.
...and I'm guilty of the same - because it is socially unacceptible to do anything else.
If someone told me their car had flown on the previous day, I'd want proof and respond incredulously. When someone tells me they believe in Zeus, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, the great kangaroo, Ra, or any other mythology I don't say a word. I tolerate it.
It might prevent a few fights here in America, but that tolerance in foreign policy is getting innocent people killed.