Pic of me and Opa (Grandfather) in Holland in July of 1970. Opa was a tough bastard. He was in the mob for a brief period of his life. When the US 'wisely' outlawed alcohol in the 1920's, Opa went to the USA from his home in Holland to grow corn for the distillation of "machinery solvent" *
wink-wink*. Hey, times were tough back then, and America rang the dinner bell for black market booze, which Opa made in his garden shed back home.
Here he is with the farmer he befriended in South Dakota to grow the corn for the booze... I mean... "machinery solvent." Anybody know what year is that Ford? Opa on the far right, and Oma on the far Left. This is the time Opa went from corn farmer to corn broker. He didn't make a ton of money, but he wasn't poor. However, the mob got wind of what he was trying to do, so they 'made him an offer he couldn't refuse.'
When a friend of his was killed by the mob, and the US repealed prohibition, Opa took a ferry back to Holland after my father was born. This was around 1936-37, or so. With a three-year-old son and his wife, the ferry ride back to Holland was an exciting time. Especially when they saw a Nazi Zepplin in the air taking the same course as they, so he took pictures of it. As you can see in the pic, it was the event of the day for the ferry passengers.
That's it for now. Maybe I'll post our Halloween party pics at a later date.