Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk

Keep me grinning, else I push the 'fire' button. :D

You can see your face 5 times in the same picture.

Damn narcissist!
this is me 30 kilos and seven years ago

How can imageshack suck so much?

I've edited it like 30 times... my internet is acting up... so if you get a red X, blame Spain... I do.

I have a similar picture of me beside that water feature - it's just out side the Pompidou Centre isn't it?
I have a similar picture of me beside that water feature - it's just out side the Pompidou Centre isn't it?


I've been to the Pompidou 3 times, and the first two it was closed. I got to go in the last time, which was in January, and to be honest, the outside is much better than the inside. Despite its architecture being showing what's usually inside, outside...
Pompidou Museum website
The priority was to maximise functional movement and flow, freeing up internal space by building the ducts and conveyance systems (stairs, elevators etc.) on the outside.


Keep me grinning, else I push the 'fire' button. :D

Is that an Aston? Vanquish? Lucky sod :cheers:

On that, the photographer's been around in school again, recieved my photos a week ago and decided to scan one of 'em into the computer, the quality and colours left a lot to be desired but meh...With this pic, I can show off to my family that I really have lost 10 kilos in 2 years :cheers: The last time I posted a picture of myself was when I had long hair...and weighed 5 kilos more...meh, short hair FTW!

Thats a very different photo to say the least... You almost look scared to be there.
Hey hey hey, we only got carpets in that room yesterday. One ridiculous problem at a time.

Oh, and IKEA goods are not tat, ithankyou.