Alright, let me just open by saying that i have several homosexual and bisexual friends. Am i any less friends with them because of that? No. Do they know my opions on homosexuality? No. I'm sure many of them wouldnt apreciate it.
I know Famine will probably tear into me for what i am about to say because i have no scientific base, so let me clarify that this is my OPINION of the medical specifics behind homosexuality.
You can say that it's about love all you want, but the root of it is attraction. It is "normal" for adult humans to be attracted to adult members of the opposite sex. What this is controlled by i havent the slightest but bottom line thats the way we are normaly set up.
Emotional bonds exist in all our relationships, the thing that separates (good) friends from love intrests is physical attraction.
now before you bash me for being shallow, take a second. Guys if you have a female friend, one you get allong with well, just the same as you do with your best guy buddies. Say you find her attractive. Honestly tell me, would you date this person? i thought so. i cant speak for women but with men, physical attraction is all that saparates our best friends from our "girlfriends".
Now as i stated before, it is "normal" for us to be physicaly attracted to the opposit sex, but this is not always the case. Whatever part of our existance that determines that attraction, is obviously different in homosexual people. They dont choose to be attracted to the same sex, or both sexes instead of just the opposite one, they just are.
I have come to relate it most closely to pedophilia. "normal" people are attracted to adult, or "mature" members of the opposite sex but some are not, There sense if physical beauty failed to grow up with them, and probably still resides with the age group of about when they themselves began being interested. for whatever reason, this faculty dosnt always evolve in the manner that it should. I think it only strienghthens my arguement that most pedophiles target members of the same sex as well.
Moving away from such a taboo subject, lets talk about any other "addiction" some people like to drink, some people just got themselves hooked on something,
Everyone likes different things, and some people like things that are bad, or bad for them. We are predisposed to this, we have out likes and dislikes from birth. But just as smokers are allowed to smoke if they want, as long as it's not in a no smoking section. They also have help groups if they want to quit. Now pedophilia stands apart because it is a verry damaging addiction for the victims and sufferes of this desease should be contained, but treated, not just thrown in a jail cell. Homosexuality on the other hand dosnt seem to be doing any damage, except perhaps for the viewer who dosnt wish to see it or the small child who asks, "why are those two daddys doing that" it's an impression that a small child simply dosnt need, and having the very idea in ones subconcious could very well influence there sexuality in the future.
Homosexuals who want to be homosexuals should be and are allowed to do so. it is not my place to judge, ot pass judgement on them. thats gods job. the ones who dont want to be should have support groups and counceling for helping with that, and i believe that the "smoking zone" should be in the privacy of their own homes. Homosexuality shouldnt be being pushed on us as ok, it's not, but neither is smoking, but we let people do that. just keep it in the privacy of your own home and it dosnt bother me or affect me one bit.
I am not Homophobic. I have many homosexual friends. i wont be in a relationship with one though because of the moral and religious conflict that it brings, and also, every bisexual woman i have ever dated has cheated on me, with annother woman. it raises the problem of one person not being able to satisfy "all" their partners needs simply for the lack of being able to be both a man and a woman. and i think we can all agree on manogamy.
Gays are not going to bring the wrath of god or end the world sooner. the wrath is already coming and homosexuality has always existed, it has just taken time for it to manifest in humans, which was already expected to happen sinse the begining. the world will end when it's time winds down, and how bad thngs get before then, well, god only knows. no pun intended. but it's already set in stone. everything that has and will happen is already well known to the creator. why do you thin the bible says "a man should not lay down with annother man" obviously they knew at some point we were gonna try it. haha
well, thats what i believe. I hope my opinions sit well with most of you on these boards.