Getting shunted!!!

  • Thread starter polecat123
Hi all, can anyone tell me how the hell whenever i play online some dirty sod behind always manages to nudge me enough to send me into a barrier and shoot past me? I've been leading a few races when this has happened, whenever i catch up to get my own back i can't figure how to get my own back, please help, i need to get revenge!!!
trust me, he was a prick! lol, it's happened in a couple of races, different drivers, same result. I wouldn't mind if they took me fair and square, but to nudge me off the road is bloody annoying!!
Hey Man.. It happens to me a just get used to getting shunted!!! is never go to stop.. Because if you shunt them back, your going to wrip-out and chase your self and more pissed..
Hey Man.. It happens to me a just get used to getting shunted!!! is never go to stop.. Because if you shunt them back, your going to wrip-out and chase your self and more pissed..

The lingo might be foreign to this board but the sentiment is there all the same. "He rams me and I ram him back"... you know how that's going to end....... It'll be 21" rims and di-cals on the hood. It's better to just accept that some people want to play it like an arcade game... let them have their "fun"; eventually they'll go away: hopefully gtp can get some sort of time-trial league going like we had for GT3 before; or even online races if people aren't too disillusioned by the time it's organised.
They should have some way of rating other drivers. If they are over agressive like that, they get a warning, and if enough people report then, they get teh banstick.
Hi all, can anyone tell me how the hell whenever i play online some dirty sod behind always manages to nudge me enough to send me into a barrier and shoot past me? I've been leading a few races when this has happened, whenever i catch up to get my own back i can't figure how to get my own back, please help, i need to get revenge!!!

I love this game it is fantastic, Ive been waiting patiently all this time for it and the online racing for me has been **** ON by idiots who can't drive and all they seem to want to do is F&*K UP your racing and enjoyment of the game.


There must be a way of sorting them out, I personally don't seek revenge and I like to try to race nice, quickly and smoothly. Fair enough sometimes you get caught up in it by accident or may even nudge someone but it is definately not on purpose.

There should be a system in place where you are warned only a few times for reckless driving then you get kicked off the race, this should stop a lot of it I think.

I've played about 20 online races so far (about 12 people in each), and I've only come across about 4 or 5 people who intentionally try to ram others. One person who I must warn everyone about: 'STAYHITILLDIE'... a complete idiot who spends every single moment of his/its race time, ramming into people at high speeds. He mostly prefers doing it on corners surrounded by deep kitty litter at Suzuka, so that the victims spend more time trying to recover. 👎

I'll stay put until private rooms are available. :)
The only time i've had problems with ramming out of about 12-13 races has been twice someone who i've gotten a great slipstream off on the final straight at HSR and hit me to stop me from overtaking them. Unfortunately that usually ends up with me spinning out and finishing last :S
Doesn't rear ending happen in real life racing all the time, just think of yourselves as touring car drivers.
I've played about 20 online races so far (about 12 people in each), and I've only come across about 4 or 5 people who intentionally try to ram others. One person who I must warn everyone about: 'STAYHITILLDIE'... a complete idiot who spends every single moment of his/its race time, ramming into people at high speeds. He mostly prefers doing it on corners surrounded by deep kitty litter at Suzuka, so that the victims spend more time trying to recover. 👎

I'll stay put until private rooms are available. :)

Heh I had him at one race at Suzuka. He was in a Clio V6 and he made a muck of his race at the time. So he actually waited round the corner to get someone so he could bash them. I was in 1st place at the time and screamed past him as he tried to lunge at me but failed. So he sped up and make chase so he could actually punt me off. At one point near the end where I had to brake and all I saw is him just going up towards me at full throttle. Fortunately he just ate my ghost exhuast and watched him smashed into the barriers before giving up making that victory even more sweet! :sly:
Doesn't rear ending happen in real life racing all the time, just think of yourselves as touring car drivers.

I will remind you about your post when I saw you online. :sly:

do not mistake racing accident with r-tard behaviors. In real life race driver use brakes.
My eleven year old bangs and shunts other cars every chance he gets, I've never seen him laugh so much. He paid for it,PD lets him, that's that.
I cant believe it either.Last nigt i was racing HSR on 650pp.I was Quicker than most of the drivers but always ended in the grass.Third race i had enough and i just quited the race.Sorry if i disconnected any of you guys but I just couldt take it any longer.
My eleven year old bangs and shunts other cars every chance he gets, I've never seen him laugh so much. He paid for it,PD lets him, that's that.

Well then get him Burnout as well so he doesn't wreck this game for the rest of us. But hey, as long as you paid and PD 'allows' it, why not giggle your arse off and wreck the enjoyment for the rest.
I'd like to add, that hey, I've paid for my car, and the next time I see your eleven year old, it lets me run over him/her, so give me one good reason I would not just do that, OK, fair is fair it will ruin your fun, but why should I care.

I think it's time you teach your eleven year old some aspects of live, like, let's say, respect, so he or she doesn't grow up to be like his parent who says ok go ahead and spoil all the fun for everyone else who paid good money for it.

I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh, but, stating the obvious: I'm being sarcasticly, so don't go ranting... But man, people with such an atitude just make me angry.
Finaly: my three (!!!!!) year old already understands that spoiling other childrens fun is no fun at all, makes me wonder why your kid doesn't understand that!
I've played about 20 online races so far (about 12 people in each), and I've only come across about 4 or 5 people who intentionally try to ram others. One person who I must warn everyone about: 'STAYHITILLDIE'... a complete idiot who spends every single moment of his/its race time, ramming into people at high speeds. He mostly prefers doing it on corners surrounded by deep kitty litter at Suzuka, so that the victims spend more time trying to recover. 👎

I'll stay put until private rooms are available. :)

what do you expect with a name like that:yuck:
Some of the driving by others definately spoils the game. I'd like to be able to vote for the worst driver at the end of the race. This would highlight who is deliberately spoiling the game for others. The idiots can either:

1. be kept in their own races with other idiots
2. start from the back of the grid

Last night I was about to overtake someone approaching the finish line. My car was positioned ready to pull out and overtake but the idiot in front of me slammed on his brakes causing me to shunt him over the line and slow me down.
I'd like to add, that hey, I've paid for my car, and the next time I see your eleven year old, it lets me run over him/her, so give me one good reason I would not just do that, OK, fair is fair it will ruin your fun, but why should I care.

I think it's time you teach your eleven year old some aspects of live, like, let's say, respect, so he or she doesn't grow up to be like his parent who says ok go ahead and spoil all the fun for everyone else who paid good money for it.

I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh, but, stating the obvious: I'm being sarcasticly, so don't go ranting... But man, people with such an atitude just make me angry.
Finaly: my three (!!!!!) year old already understands that spoiling other childrens fun is no fun at all, makes me wonder why your kid doesn't understand that!

Couldn't have put it better my good man! We all know its the stupid little 10/11 year olds that mess about! Cos no self respsecting 17/18+ year old would do that.
Doesn't rear ending happen in real life racing all the time, just think of yourselves as touring car drivers.

Yeah, but in real life if you have Stewards that penalize you if make insane crashes.

Although I think the big problem is some enormous lag from some players that ignore sugestion to join rooms for narrow broadband
Although I think the big problem is some enormous lag from some players that ignore sugestion to join rooms for narrow broadband

Lag's obvious enough when it happens, suddenly a car shoots across to a new part of the track or whatever, if that smacks into you, that's just a PITA for online racing.

The problem is cmdocker's 11 year old son. Oh, and probably some other people like his son. Currently though, I'm blaming his son entirely :sly:
I will assume your comments are not personal so ill take them with a pinch of salt, i will just add that 95% of people partaking in the races he does (mainly daytoner beginners integra)do exactly the same and its imposable to race properly.
I will assume your comments are not personal so ill take them with a pinch of salt, i will just add that 95% of people partaking in the races he does (mainly daytoner beginners integra)do exactly the same and its imposable to race properly.

You're correct, they're not personal, there's no way I could reasonably blame one 11 year old, sorry I didn't make that clearer.

The beginner's Daytona race is indeed a bit of a mess.
The only reason I end up raming cars from behind is because some people are way to heavy on the breaks when they enter a corner and I go right up their arses. It's the same with AI cars. It's annoys me more than anything.
First the crazy hard license tests getting on your nerves and now the online. LOL what an irony, but indeed online in this particular game should not be like that. And I would never let any children mess with it online.
And I would never let any children mess with it online.

Let us not forget it is a game, a toy, not an official RAF FBI CIA MI5 police army simulator or F1 training course, its for fun. I'm glad some of you are not my dad, Relax boys.
Let us not forget it is a game, a toy, not an official RAF FBI CIA MI5 police army simulator or F1 training course, its for fun. I'm glad some of you are not my dad, Relax boys.
You need to understand for some people this is like a hobby. We can't afford going out and fixing up a car or going to a track. So we do what we can with this very nice and affordable simulation. Some people work extremely hard to get their best lap times and be the best they can.

And then they go out to see how they compare to others in a racing situation on a 16 car field and some 11-year-old starts punting everyone off the track. Sure, nothing substantial or of value is lost, but their time has been wasted. If this happens time and time again they cannot test their practiced skills against other skilled drivers. It becomes an annoyance. People are trying to play this game properly.

You know I got in trouble if I used my toys improperly when I was growing up. Would you excuse someone who walked into a movie theater during a movie you really wanted to see and started talking loudly to their friends about the ending, essentially ruining the experience you wanted and paid for? People are trying to enjoy this "toy" (I prefer entertainment medium as it is similar to a movie) the way it was meant to be used and you, or your 11-year-old son, whichever it is, are playing the role of the loud talker that spoils the movie for everyone else.

If you want to play a car game that was designed for crashing others then go find the ones that are intended for that. Burnout comes to mind and it is online. Of course, when the others are trying to wreck you back and it isn't as easy as shooting fish in a barrel it probably isn't nearly as fun. Better yet, try FlatOut: Head On on the PSP. It even has a Demolition Derby mode and a mini game where you try to shoot your driver out of the car as high into the air as it will go. I'm sure you and your son will enjoy that one.
Well, I don't have a PS3 now but I'll probably buy it (with GT5P) this month.

However ... I'm almost every night playing TRD3 online and I can't believe that GT5P lacks all the neat features that "old" game has.

When I host a session, everybody is welcome, but if I spot any driver shunting others deliberately (unless we're playing "cops and robbers", but even for that there are rules to be followed), or driving backwards or just NOT racing, I can (during the race) just hit the START button (my car is taken over by the AI), select the "driver" in question and "kick/ban" him with immediate effect.

Anyone that ever played TRD3 online knows how it works.

I just hope PD get things straight soon ... reading these many posts isn't making me exactly eager to go online with GT5P.

Let us not forget it is a game, a toy, not an official RAF FBI CIA MI5 police army simulator or F1 training course, its for fun. I'm glad some of you are not my dad, Relax boys.

It's a RACING game, cmdocker, we're supposed to use it to RACE. Following your logic, I guess you don't mind - while playing any card game, or whatever game you like - that other players just don't follow the game-rules and make it impossible to continue playing properly.

btw, I have a 11 year old son also, and he also plays TRD3 online. I think he likes me :sly: , but I can assure you that I told him that there were three rules he must follow, or else, no online gaming for him:

1 - to race fairly;
2 - to apologize if by any mistake he crashed into others (in TRD3 you can talk to other players, using headsets)
3 - to not respond with stupidity to the stupidity of others. If he's hosting, ban them, if he's not, and the host doesn't ban the "crashers", just leave the sessin and create another one.

I think he's getting along fine, and I have received compliments about my son's skills and decent driving from many of my usual TRD3 online "friends".