Thist thread is becoming more interesting by the day :-)
Yesterday, I went online again, had some good races, finaly got the right setup for the Integra, Hehehehe, to all my opponents, I'm slow on the straight, but I fly around every corner! (oooops, now I gave my setup away) So I had some realy good races, until I ended up with a group of different players, I started 2nd, and what do you know, all three players behind me, hit me as if I wasn't there right before my attempt to take the lead, now I was realy late on my brakes, and I'm on R3's so they couldn't possibly outbreak me, I ended up in the wall at the other side of the sand, I was so pissed, I was hosting the game, but still quit, I'm sorry for the car in front of me, it looked like we were going to be a close match.
Few races later, I got a message from someone I raced earlier on, it was only namecalling, I didn't remember his name (from that moment on I write the interesting names down ;-) ) so I wasn't sure what it was about, I thought it was about me quiting out of that one game, so I replied whith an explanation of the situation. After a few (angry) replies, he told me I rammed him right before the last S-turn on Suzuka, at that moment I remembered: He was in the lead, me following realy close, I went on the brakes early to avoid contact with him (yes, even without dammage I'd rather come in second clean than take the win in an unsporty manner!) #3 racer was in my draft and he didn't brake at all (or barely) so he ended up in my boot, with me rocketing into the leader who of course, ran out of track, somehow I got a penalty, luckily a short one (about half a second) so I could take the win. After explanation we were allright again, we both apoligized and I hope for me, that I'll race him again, because it was a close race between the two of us from start to finnish, wouldn't it be for that crazy banger in the last corners.
Wow this post is getting long: conclusion: be nice for each other, and take (mental) notes about good racers and the one's you'd rather avoid.
After winning a few races and getting bashed more than I liked, I desided to have a go at the professional races, I got bold, and took my F430 to the HSR, well what do you know, first few races I came in 5th and 3th. Only cars in front of me were Lotusses. They're a real pest online, because this car requires a certain style of driving which includes a lot of drafting and drifting and the latter results in a lot of contact with other cars (it felt like mostly me :-) )
Someone mentioned accidents earlier on, hehehehe, every single time I enter the professional race on HSR normal direction I pray I won't start position 5 or better, because every race in the first round coming out of the first corner there's a lot of tyresmoke and cars turning like ballet dansers, man that's fun, can''t remember having laughed so much during online racing....
So if you can handle a F430 on racing tyres on professional settings, try these races, ok, there's still a lot of contact between cars but if it happens it somehow allways feels more like racing incidents than plain simple bashing on purpose....