Getting shunted!!!

  • Thread starter polecat123
Waiting for the game in the states but was intrigued by this topic of children playing this game online. I, too, have an 11 year old son and I actually use the GT games to help him learn how to drive in real life! Sure, he loves games like Burnout but knows that it is an arcade game. Since GT3, and the introduction of the great Logitech wheels, the game is as close to a high price simulator as you can get. Playing has made me a better driver! I will not be allowing my son to treat it as just another arcade game because it's not. I'm sure PD is working on vastly improving the online component and we will be able to create some truly awesome racing leagues in the future. In the mean time teach your kids how to drive with respect and maybe they can join in the fun.
3 - to not respond with stupidity to the stupidity of others. If he's hosting, ban them, if he's not, and the host doesn't ban the "crashers", just leave the sessin and create another one.
Really liked your post, mate. 👍

But when nasanu sees this bit I quoted, all hell will break lose.

@ Foolkiller ... Good example post 👍

EDIT: Wow, everyone has 11 year old sons. Where do I get one?
I will not respond to the comments about parenting skills and acceptable behaviour of children, i would probably be banned. You keep making analogies to the real world, you are mistaken, it is a game and he knows the difference.He came top in his year in mock exams getting 5b's-5c's and teachers say his conduct is exemplary,and he knows how to have fun with his friends and with his toys. I smell snobbery and delusions of grandeur.
Famine's quote on my sig says it perfectly about people bashing others while playing online racing games.

Plus, as far as I'm concerned, I have no problem whatsoever about your son playing the game, as long as it's not online ruining other people's entertainment and wasting their time with childish (because he is, after all, just a child) behaviours.
I will not respond to the comments about parenting skills and acceptable behaviour of children, i would probably be banned. You keep making analogies to the real world, you are mistaken, it is a game and he knows the difference.He came top in his year in mock exams getting 5b's-5c's and teachers say his conduct is exemplary,and he knows how to have fun with his friends and with his toys. I smell snobbery and delusions of grandeur.
Personally, I know nothing of your parenting skills or whether you are encouraging him to do it or whatever. Nor do I care.

I do care that some people are trying to ruin the intent of this game. While his, or others, actions in-game are not real the frustration others feel at trying to enjoy the game as it was intended is.

My question is, if he enjoys wrecking people so much why not give him a game where that is what he is supposed to do? He might even enjoy it more.

And if voice chat is ever initiated I hope you mute it because if he acts like that I feel he will hear comments that an 11-year-old shouldn't.
I will not respond to the comments about parenting skills and acceptable behaviour of children, i would probably be banned. You keep making analogies to the real world, you are mistaken, it is a game and he knows the difference.He came top in his year in mock exams getting 5b's-5c's and teachers say his conduct is exemplary,and he knows how to have fun with his friends and with his toys. I smell snobbery and delusions of grandeur.

The whole point everyone is trying to get accross is that you need to teach him to respect the people he races against online. If he respects them, then theres no doubt he will respect his elders when he becomes the usual delinquient (SP??) age of 15/16!

Im not saying if he doesn't respect them he will grow up to be a mennace to society, but if he does respect people online, then there is no chance he will be causing trouble when he gets a bit older.
Does the same dictionary have words such as "driving" "simulation" "racing" "respect" and "courtesy".

Come on cmdocker do the right thing! Realise and appreciate that the vast majority of us take this "Real Driving Simulator" very seriously and teach your young nipper the right way to behave. Do you not fear that the moment he gets behind the wheel when he turns 18 that he'll be driving the same way. Equally, if he has desires to follow in the footsteps of Mr Hamilton, NOW would be a great time to teach him how to control a vehicle properly ??

As his Father, do as I did, and teach your son to drive by way of GT5P. How to use the throttle/brake and to appreciate the effect doing so has on the vehicle he's driving. In GT5P they are ALL different. Teach him how to position the car in to and out of corners, how to distribute weight to the front wheels at the right time etc etc and who's knows, in 15 years or so he could be a mulit-millionaire, racing the circuits of the world.

In fairness its not really aimed at young kids in my opinion and perhaps us adults are being a bit harsh, but try GT5P yourself if you haven't already. Go for a high end Vehicle and try a race.

It isn't as easy as it looks to race without sliding out or hitting a wall...and yes..clumping other racers by accident on occasions.
Oh man. I actually punted someone off by accident at the spoon curve at Suzuka Circuit. I normally don't contact people while I race and I think I upsetted someone when I rear ended a Nissan GTR. I was so guilty about the thing, I voluntarily gave myself a go through pit lane penalty at pit lane speed (80km/h or 50mph). Some how I didn't finish last though as I ended up 7th out of 9th.
Everything is relative and with online gaming the big difference is that real people factor. If most people put hard efforts in a game like GT it should not be spoiled by anyone, ever! This is something that is of respect to others time play. Let your kids crash AI cars if he wants to, or crash barriers and walls, but not real person behind the wheel online. Online gaming is pretty serious haven't some of you realised this yet??? Too bad if so.
My eleven year old bangs and shunts other cars every chance he gets, I've never seen him laugh so much. He paid for it,PD lets him, that's that.

This part is complete and utter crap! Read the manual where it says


In online race events, penalty-inflicting behaviour should be avoided, as should unsportsmanlike behaviour such as quitting races halfway through. Cars in online races that move unexpectedly or behave erratically may be experiencing problems, and be temporarily unaware of cars near them. Keeping your distance from vehicles behaving like this is a good way of avoiding accidents.

Thats written on the last page of the UK GT5: Prologue manual! I wrote it out on here, word for word. Rules are rules! And if he cant learn to stick to simple rules whos gonna say he'll stick to more important rules in the future.

You have to teach him to respect people online! If he wants to ram into other cars on GT then play offline in single player or 2 player battle! But stay away from the online rooms unless your gonna do the above!
This is where i wish i was more articulate but I'm not and I'm late so... I can see the fanatics point of view, you should be able to have a professional race just like F1 (where the first corner is the best bit) and kids should have their fun too. that's for pd to sort out,and i did say he only races small time. as for the lack of respect insinuations..well they are pathetic, anybody who has kids knows the fundamentals of respect are taught not by online gaming (neither is driving for that matter) but by the way you interact with people in the real world.

Anyway I'm bored with defending myself now, hasn't anyone got any ugly kids we can pick on, with pictures, eating fast food, learning to drive on a logitech, and politely asking for more fast food.......respectfully?
Thist thread is becoming more interesting by the day :-)
Yesterday, I went online again, had some good races, finaly got the right setup for the Integra, Hehehehe, to all my opponents, I'm slow on the straight, but I fly around every corner! (oooops, now I gave my setup away) So I had some realy good races, until I ended up with a group of different players, I started 2nd, and what do you know, all three players behind me, hit me as if I wasn't there right before my attempt to take the lead, now I was realy late on my brakes, and I'm on R3's so they couldn't possibly outbreak me, I ended up in the wall at the other side of the sand, I was so pissed, I was hosting the game, but still quit, I'm sorry for the car in front of me, it looked like we were going to be a close match.

Few races later, I got a message from someone I raced earlier on, it was only namecalling, I didn't remember his name (from that moment on I write the interesting names down ;-) ) so I wasn't sure what it was about, I thought it was about me quiting out of that one game, so I replied whith an explanation of the situation. After a few (angry) replies, he told me I rammed him right before the last S-turn on Suzuka, at that moment I remembered: He was in the lead, me following realy close, I went on the brakes early to avoid contact with him (yes, even without dammage I'd rather come in second clean than take the win in an unsporty manner!) #3 racer was in my draft and he didn't brake at all (or barely) so he ended up in my boot, with me rocketing into the leader who of course, ran out of track, somehow I got a penalty, luckily a short one (about half a second) so I could take the win. After explanation we were allright again, we both apoligized and I hope for me, that I'll race him again, because it was a close race between the two of us from start to finnish, wouldn't it be for that crazy banger in the last corners.

Wow this post is getting long: conclusion: be nice for each other, and take (mental) notes about good racers and the one's you'd rather avoid.

After winning a few races and getting bashed more than I liked, I desided to have a go at the professional races, I got bold, and took my F430 to the HSR, well what do you know, first few races I came in 5th and 3th. Only cars in front of me were Lotusses. They're a real pest online, because this car requires a certain style of driving which includes a lot of drafting and drifting and the latter results in a lot of contact with other cars (it felt like mostly me :-) )

Someone mentioned accidents earlier on, hehehehe, every single time I enter the professional race on HSR normal direction I pray I won't start position 5 or better, because every race in the first round coming out of the first corner there's a lot of tyresmoke and cars turning like ballet dansers, man that's fun, can''t remember having laughed so much during online racing....

So if you can handle a F430 on racing tyres on professional settings, try these races, ok, there's still a lot of contact between cars but if it happens it somehow allways feels more like racing incidents than plain simple bashing on purpose....
This is where i wish i was more articulate but I'm not and I'm late so... I can see the fanatics point of view, you should be able to have a professional race just like F1 (where the first corner is the best bit) and kids should have their fun too. that's for pd to sort out,and i did say he only races small time. as for the lack of respect insinuations..well they are pathetic, anybody who has kids knows the fundamentals of respect are taught not by online gaming (neither is driving for that matter) but by the way you interact with people in the real world.

Anyway I'm bored with defending myself now, hasn't anyone got any ugly kids we can pick on, with pictures, eating fast food, learning to drive on a logitech, and politely asking for more fast food.......respectfully?

I'm sorry, my kids actualy look good :)
I don't want to pick on you or your kids, but I slightly disagree about you saying kids don't learn from video games, my 3 year old has a console of his own, one specialy designed for kids, with games like Dora, lot of Disney stuff, well the things he picks up from those games, he uses a lot of words he learns from games like that. Now I'm not saying kids learn to behave badly from games, but I do think parents need to play these games WITH they're kids. In the case of GT5P, my boys, sadly, are to young for that, but if they would be playing it online, bashing around, spoiling other people's fun, I would tell them to play the game like it's suppost to be played or stop playing it online so they won't spoil other people's fun. It's realy simple: if our oldest boy plays in the park here whith his friends, he sometimes start pushing or hitting his friends, he's being hit and pushed by one boy in kindergarten, now if he starts copying that behavior we always go to him, explain what he's doing and after that let him deside if that's fun to do or not, he never think's it's fun after talking about it, so he always learns from that moment, now he's very young (3,5 years old) so he forgets in a few hours or days so it's up to us te keep telling him, he'll learn eventualy. The only thing I wanted to say to you is that if my 3 year old can learn from these experiences, in my opinion an 11 year old should be able to see that online behavior like that is, let's say, disliked!
Thist thread is becoming more interesting by the day :-)
Yesterday, I went online again, had some good races....

Yea, I had a few good ones too last night! Funnily enough it was at about 11pm when all the little kids would be in bed and only older folk were playing.

Coincedence? I think not!
anybody who has kids knows the fundamentals of respect are taught not by online gaming (neither is driving for that matter) but by the way you interact with people in the real world.
Take your son to some LAN's or go-karting, get him into REAL racing. After that he's attitude will change.

Another good reason to teach him to be a gentlemen racer, Karma. Think about the long run, when he does want to race (whenever he learns the meaning to that word) and people will disallow him due to his previous on-track behaviour.

Seeing and racing against such people like Joe Racer, Prancing Horse etc etc was the best thing that happened to my racing. They are fast but very clean & polite and because of my positive attitude I made a lot of friends that day.


Well get use to the ramming. online is filled with r-tards to the brim and the game had bar none the worst penalty code I've seen in a racing game. The penalty system simply does not work at all. I cannot believe it is in a AAA title, from a AAA developer.

Oh, I saw a thank you thread here, may be I should go thank PD. lol
someone should start taking videos of these things and send them to PD. This is exactly what I'm talking about in the "dear polyphony part II" thread..
someone should start taking videos of these things and send them to PD. This is exactly what I'm talking about in the "dear polyphony part II" thread..
Don't worry, they know. Actually, when the jpn came out it was clear at moments that PD testers were online creating blockades and all crashing into others. From time to time it was clear that the penalty system had been updated (most visibly the ghosting of cars on a ramming course).
Yea, I had a few good ones too last night! Funnily enough it was at about 11pm when all the little kids would be in bed and only older folk were playing.

Coincedence? I think not!

dto. that seems to do the trick 👍
You have beginer, intermediate and proffesional races available to you online, obvious thing to do is go for profesional races if you want to drive with a profesional field of drivers. I quite happily race in all of them with beginers being an object lesson in avoidance LOL Beginers are in there very nature just what the name suggest, beginers, they have little car control or knowledge of the cars around them and what they will or could do next. Most of the time it's a case of full throtle at all times and seeing 5 abrest going into a corner is quite common and funny to watch if you can see through the smoke LOL For those who just want to play the game like an arcade game then this is the place to be, and to be honest it's where most of them will stay, I can go in and pick an odd car and finish top 3 99% of the time, just by holding back and driving cleanly through the gaps when they all go wide at a crowded corner. What I have seen alot of though is people then subsequently following me watching how I can actualy win races without hitting anybody, then they figure out that it's more enjoyable to drive like this and hey I've created another clean driver! my friens list usualy grows a bit after I've had an hour on the beginer races! 11 year olds who enjoy bounceing of other cars online can have as much fun as they want in the beginers section, it's there for complete novices to get to grips with the game, avoiding players like this to go for the race win can be fun in itself LOL And certainly teaches you a dozen different raceing lines LOL
I've had a few interesting races online so far, though I only race on Pro HSR forward and reverse events. I've been hit from behind a few times, but I'm pretty sure they were over confident in their braking ability, not trying to knock me off on purpose.

Tonight I was in a race against quite a few tuned Elise and Elise 111Rs. I started 3rd as my F430 has 649 PP, behind a Lotus and something else, I think a Clio V6. I was rammed many times this race and ended up finishing 7th out of 9th, in front of the other F430s.

That said, the most fun races I've had were when it was one on one with an Elise 111R and me in the F430. If it's a very close race, the winner will likely be the one coming second off the bridge. :)

I was also in a race where someone was racing the Skyline Coupe Concept '07, which had 608 PP. I started in 2nd behind them and easily slipstreamed them into the first corner on HSR. I pulled out to the left to overtake and when the nose of my car got to the back left of theirs, they suddenly decided to turn in on me. Bad for them, because off they went and all I had to do was correct a bit of oversteer. I felt a little bit guilty, but in the end I don't think it was my fault.

I did bump someone off yesterday, so I slowed down and let them rejoin in front of me. They eventually lost it on the middle section of HSR on the last lap, by riding the curbs too much and I took the win. Later I sent a message apologising for knocking him off. He was cool with it.

For anyone wondering, I use R1 tyres with the power up one notch and weight down one notch. That gets the F430 at 649 PP with fairly good straight line performance. Previously I just pushed the power down to 473 with R3 tyres. Both setups yield the same lap times (for me) but the former allows for better competition with the cars faster in a straight line.
When i first tried the Beginner Online races I was quite surprised by the amount of crazy/poor drivers. I was having a hard time with them, I kept getting rammed about the place. The only way for me to get through it was to go easy and try hard to avoid everyone. As they smashed and crashed, I was able to get past and they couldn't catch up with such poor technique. I've only had a couple of races, but I won more than my fair share.

I assumed that these drivers were mostly real Beginners or children. I'd only just got the game and wanted to try it online, but now I've nearly completed the A events and will move up to Intermediate and try online again. Do I need to complete the S events to get into the Pro online races?
I'm expecting more serious racers at that level, have you found that to be the case?
An interesting thread, certainly I have been punted a few times and once even been hit head on at 200 mph by someone going the wrong way round the Daytona speedway, its amusing at times, but downright frustrating at others, especially when you are doing well and in a performance point matched race as you just cant catch back up...
Do I need to complete the S events to get into the Pro online races?
I'm expecting more serious racers at that level, have you found that to be the case?

There are some great competitors in the Expert races (not sure if Expert is different from Pro, as I haven’t yet completed the S events). One thing I do notice (in 650pp races) is the over-use of Lotus’s in online events, particularly the 111R or both racing versions. It can be a little annoying to enter a race where majority of the grid can out-brake, out accelerate, and out-manoeuvre your car.

You still get the odd collisions at times, as I mentioned before… some intentionally, but hardly anything compared to the beginner class. So I wouldn’t worry. Just stay out of the way from anyone dodgy, and they’ll eventually ride themselves out of the race.

One car I’d like to recommend for 650PP races (Mainly at Suzuka) is the 08’ Subaru WRX hatch. You’ll be able to add R3 tyres to the car, reduce the weight to the minimum, Increase the power to the maximum, and still end up with a total of about 638PP… which also means you will likely start at the beginning of the pack for each race. 👍 It's quite satisfying to cross the line well ahead of anyone else with a car less powerful.

By the way, there have been a few comments about messaging drivers after races. Do you need to add them to your PSaccount as a buddy in order to do this? Or is there another way? I'd like to apologize to people if there ever was an incident to be blamed on me.

Edit: By the way, some good comments made by FoolKiller, H3rmaN, and Hun200... I support your views.
Hmmm, on the HSR the lotusses can be outcornered by the Ferrari F430, this requires perfect lines and good use of the slow in fast out principle, most 111R drivers go fast in drift through, which results in a slightly slower exiting speed or you coming out of the corner but in his/her draft!
I was running 1st starting last lap last night but got to enthousiastic and/or nervous during the simple first turn and gently hit the wall, the result spin and eventualy came in third, which wasn't necesary because the gap at the end of the long straight was big enough for a certain win. Serves me for being too enthusiastic.
Most important in the Ferrari is to not full lock in the last corner, that way you can exit that corner way way waaaayyyy faster than the Lotus.

@ H3rMan: I'll get there in a few days, I'm still waiting for a win on HSR normal, after that I'll feel comfortable enough in my Ferrari to enter the more open circuits. I'd love an appointment with members here for a night of Ferrari racing on any circuit, I just love one-make races, even field, so the best driver/tuner wins, that way you can realy learn from your opponents, I don't feel I can learn racing my ferrari better by looking at the Lotusses, and the ferrari drivers last night, after a few races, with all respect, were no match anymore. There was one, can't remember his name right now who put up a good fight, but I out drafted him comming into the last corner...