Joey's Cooper Thread; Suspension Thoughts

  • Thread starter Joey D
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To make something worth while out of this resurrection I'll give an update on my car. I just hit 8200 miles this week and the car is doing great. I do need to take it in though since I think the salt this winter did a number on my rear brakes, they squeak really bad. Other then that there hasn't been any issues with the car.

I'm average about 33mpg by doing mostly city driving, it's not bad but I would like it to do better then that. I can typically go about 400-420 miles per tank which lasts me about a week.

Now that warmer weather is here I might do some modifications to the car. I'm looking at getting a roof rack since I always tend to carry a bunch of crap. I'm also looking at putting some mud flaps on the car (the ones from Mini) so I can protect my paint a bit better. Other then that I eventually want some decent looking light weight rims and decent tires for the summer as well as some winter tires for the stock rims.

Good news is I almost have the car paid off and it should be by the end of the year I hope. Once that happens then I will be able to do more things with it.
Put a roofrack on and your mpgs will go below 30. Guaranteed.

Try getting/making a trunk liner and/or some heavyweight cloth to cover your rear seats.

A great site for Mini owners : click the 'PAST' button first and read his first Mini diary from top to toe, then go back to the current Mini diary, and read that from top to toe too.
Yeah, roofracks = drag which = lower economy.

My Focus isn't as economic as I'd like it to be and that's without a rack. It's a great car but I'm filling it up a lot more than my 1.9 306. That and the constantly rising petrol prices mean I'm spending a lot more. It's pennies compared to my Bora though, that cost a lot to run.

And when I'm not driving to work or the shops, I'm driving my brother to hospital with a twisted testicle, so with me only having the one car at the moment it's not getting much rest. Perhaps it's more economic than I think, it's just being used for everything at the moment, and that combined with the price rises just makes it seem worse than it is. Next time I drive up to the Glasgow or Bootle offices I'll have to work out what I've got from it.
The roof rack that MINI sells is pretty easy to put on and take off. I would only use it when I got on long trips so I had more room inside the car. I plan on going out easy hiking this summer and I just don't think I can fit two backpacks, a tent, and all the other crap one needs for hiking in the car and be comfortable.

I am getting something through MINI called a boot box which adds more storage space and I'm looking at getting these mats that cover the rear seats when folded down to give them more protection. The last thing I want to do is damage anything.

The site is pretty cool, thanks for the link 👍.
I think the final invoice was $22,000 something. I put $15,000 something down on the car.
Once, it had snowed the night before and then rained all morning and then started to snow again in the afternoon. I went to pull into my driveway and the plow had just gone by and kicked up a bunch of road slush. Other then that it was fine in the snow.

Bad news for the Cooper, it got t-boned today and the damage is pretty extensive.

I was pulling out of my driveway to head to work this morning, traffic is very heavy since I live on a main road. There is a light about 500ft down from my driveway which was red and stays red for a long time. There is also the starting of a right hand turn lane in front of my house as well, you really are not supposed to drive on it because it isn't wide enough yet for a car without going onto the gravel shoulder.

I was going to make a left out of my driveway and had my indicator on. A lady in a Trailblazer stopped and waved me out, I gave her a little wave back and proceeded out of my driveway. I came to a dead stop to make sure the traffic the other way was clear before I made a left hand turn. Well some 17 year old senior in high school chick driving a brand new VW Passat and yakking on her mobile phone comes flying up the shoulder and t-bones me. Now I looked before I proceeded but not to intently since it isn't a lane and people shouldn't be driving in it. Anyways she plowed into me going roughly 40mph, why that fast up to a red light with cars stopped at it waiting to make a turn is beyond me.

I remember going "oh $@#% Volkswagen" and then laying on the passenger seat with foggy vision. When I sat up the chick was still on the phone!!! I yelled for her to back the car up so I could get out. Upon getting out of the car I called the police and what not and listened to this chick tell me that I can't drive and that I should have seen her coming and what not.

When the police show (5 cars in total, it was ridiculous) up they hear the stories and then proceed to have a pow wow. In the end I get the ticket for failure to yield the right away, which blew me away because there was no right away to yield. I will be fighting this ticket and I've already contacted the family lawyer for guidance on this. I am not a police officer so they must have seen something different then I have but the cop felt really bad about giving me a ticket and told me to show up to court.

I got an estimate, looking at about $3000 right now if there is nothing internally damage which I'm guessing there is since the car makes a god awful knocking sound. I'm expecting $4000-$5000 when this is all said and done. The good thing is MINI parts are cheap for whatever reason.




OUCH! A kid spilled orange juice on my bumper this morning and I about through him into traffic. I can't imagine getting hit by another car.

I feel for ya!
Thanks, the pain (physical) is starting to set in now that I've moved about. My left arm, neck, and back hurt pretty bad. An achey sort of pain too. I took some aspirin, although my mom told me I should go to the doctors.
Bad news for the Cooper, it got t-boned today and the damage is pretty extensive.

Bad luck man, but...

Anyways she plowed into me going roughly 40mph


This is the kind of mess a 40mph impact makes (no side impact on this one, sorry):

(also you can find a 30mph impact here by clicking on "Films" below the picture, then "Side Impact")

It looks like she cracked you fair, but at no more than 15mph.

In the end I get the ticket for failure to yield the right away, which blew me away because there was no right away to yield.

In the UK you'd be at fault entirely (well, if you ignore the bit about the girl on her mobile).

It's an expensive and very annoying way to learn a lesson about observation and other drivers' idiocy. I hope it doesn't come out too painful for you.
The cop was the one that told me 40mph so I'm just going by what he said. She was on her brakes quite hard so maybe the cop took it as she was going 40 prior to jacking the brakes. I don't know until I see a police report.
The cop was the one that told me 40mph so I'm just going by what he said. She was on her brakes quite hard so maybe the cop took it as she was going 40 prior to jacking the brakes. I don't know until I see a police report.

Unless there's skidmarks, they can't make that conclusion. They certainly can't take her word for it - she was on the mobile.

Your damage is actually pretty light - though I'd imagine there's some damage to the frame and it'll need jigging as part of the repair. The knocking probably comes from your two left wheels trying to drive in slightly different directions.

Did you take plenty of photos at the scene?
Unless there's skidmarks, they can't make that conclusion. They certainly can't take her word for it - she was on the mobile.

Your damage is actually pretty light - though I'd imagine there's some damage to the frame and it'll need jigging as part of the repair. The knocking probably comes from your two left wheels trying to drive in slightly different directions.

Did you take plenty of photos at the scene?

There are skidmarks as far a I can tell but they are faint. I don't really think she was going that fast but I'm not one to argue with an officer. I figure I'll wait till my court date and go from there.

The damage isn't as bad as I thought, although I still can't really open my driver's door and I'm guessing there is structural damage that I can't see. Even if she was only going 15-20 mph, Passats weight a lot and you know better then I do that F=MV.

I didn't have my camera on me at the scene and my mobiles camera is broken. But I am going to photograph what morning rush hour looks like in front of my house tomorrow since it's the same every day.
There are skidmarks as far a I can tell but they are faint. I don't really think she was going that fast but I'm not one to argue with an officer. I figure I'll wait till my court date and go from there.

The damage isn't as bad as I thought, although I still can't really open my driver's door and I'm guessing there is structural damage that I can't see. Even if she was only going 15-20 mph, Passats weight a lot and you know better then I do that F=MV.

I didn't have my camera on me at the scene and my mobiles camera is broken. But I am going to photograph what morning rush hour looks like in front of my house tomorrow since it's the same every day.

Nip out and snap the skidmarks while you can. You'll probably also want to, while it's fresh, sketch birds'-eye diagrams of what happened so far as you can remember. Estimate distances as best you can - when you first saw her is a good one, because if the distance between that and the start of the skidmarks is more than 30 feet, you've got a cracking shout for her driving without due care (30ft = 0.5s at 40mph; 0.5s = normal "thinking" time, between spotting a hazard and reacting to it).
Did you tell the cops about the lane or lack thereof? Your story sounds like she hit you while driving on the shoulder.
Nip out and snap the skidmarks while you can. You'll probably also want to, while it's fresh, sketch birds'-eye diagrams of what happened so far as you can remember. Estimate distances as best you can - when you first saw her is a good one, because if the distance between that and the start of the skidmarks is more than 30 feet, you've got a cracking shout for her driving without due care (30ft = 0.5s at 40mph; 0.5s = normal "thinking" time, between spotting a hazard and reacting to it).

I did, however you can't really tell. I am beginning to be suspect of this 40mph business the cop talked about now that you brought it up. The lane starts about 50ft from my driveway and isn't really wide enough for a small car until the centre of mine. The Passat is a decent sized car I think.

Did you tell the cops about the lane or lack thereof? Your story sounds like she hit you while driving on the shoulder.

Ya I told him but without a witness I can't really prove it. If I wouldn't have had a VW in my door I could have stopped someone and asked them what they saw. I have a good portfolio of photos that I will take to court with me that shows all sorts of things hoping I can get out of this. Although I need to talk with my lawyer to see what is what.
Did the woman in the Trailblazer not stop?

No, which boggled my mind. The few times I have seen accidents happen I have always stopped and made sure everyone was ok and at least left my name and number with both parties if I had a place to be.
I'd be amazed if she hit you at more than 10mph to do that sort of damage. I've seen worse from parking incidents, including my own.

If it's a commuter route, have you though of trying to get her details if she drives past again in the morning? If you can't physically stop her maybe her plate so perhaps the police could get in touch?
Good times.

Remember: She is not representative of all of us otherwise awesome VW drivers...

Still, its what insurance is for, right?

Suxorz, nevertheless.
Remember: She is not representative of all of us otherwise awesome VW drivers...

+1. A ditzy 17 year old girl driving daddy's Passat while on the cell phone is not representative of the typical VW demographic.

So you were trying to make a left and the traffic to the left of you was stopped to let you pass and to the right was clear? And the Passat was coming up the shoulder where both you and here probably should've been able to see each other?

It seems that if she was already flying down the shoulder (which she probably shouldn't have if the car in the only real lane was stopped), you probably should've seen her coming and you'll have to fight to put blame on her or whatever. Otherwise, if she was somehow behind something, I would assume it her fault because both of you were making a sketchy move and hers would have been more sketchy.

Anyway, good luck fighting this in court. And I hope they can patch up the Cooper nice and well.
I have nothing against VW drivers as a whole.

And the thing is I couldn't see her because cars were backed all the way past the driveway next to mine where there is no lane, so at some point she had to have gotten on the shoulder of the road and drove down it, which in the state of Michigan is illegal. I don't know why the cops didn't see it this way. She should have never been where she was, hence why she hit me.

What really gets me though is how come she didn't have proper control of her vehicle and be able to see the threat. If she was only going 10 then she should have been able to stop a whole lot quicker then she did. Shame on me for assuming people don't drive on shoulders but shame on her for be a failure of a driver and not knowing these rules.
+1. A ditzy 17 year old girl driving daddy's Passat while on the cell phone is not representative of the typical VW demographic.
A ditzy 17 year old girl driving a Jetta while on the cell phone is pretty damn common though. :lol:
A ditzy 17 year old girl driving a Jetta while on the cell phone is pretty damn common though. :lol:

She was to wealthy for a Jetta. Her mom told us the neighbourhood they lived in, which is right down the street from mine. I think the cheapest house I've seen in there is $750,000.
So, she T-boned you at 10MPH while you were off the road and she was talking on the cell phone? And then she proceeds to not do anything until you get her to back up? I fail to see how any of this is your fault. I can see how they could get you on failure to yield, but if you fight it I'm sure you can get that thrown out. Especially if she was unfit to drive as per Famine's suggestion, as it sounds like she didn't make much of an effort to stop. See if you can find out anything about Trailblazer lady, and try and get her story. Jetta girl sounds like a ditzy, spoiled idiot, so I doubt anything she says will hold up.
Take the Mini into your dealer soon, too, so they can check if there is frame damage or tire alignment issues (that hit may have jarred some suspension pieces if not the frame).

First of all, though, get yourself checked out by a doctor. Worry about everything else second.

Also, forgive me for saying this, but this
Joey D
I remember going "oh $@#% Volkswagen"
gave me a chuckle.
And the thing is I couldn't see her because cars were backed all the way past the driveway next to mine where there is no lane, so at some point she had to have gotten on the shoulder of the road and drove down it, which in the state of Michigan is illegal. I don't know why the cops didn't see it this way. She should have never been where she was, hence why she hit me.

That makes it sound more like it was her who was in the total wrong position. Why she would do that I don't know. Maybe I just haven't been on the Michigan roads enough.

A ditzy 17 year old girl driving a Jetta while on the cell phone is pretty damn common though. :lol:


I can't argue with that.
Feel sorry for you Joey. I've been involved in a T-Boning accident before and their not a nice experience to go through. As other's have said, if you feel any pain of any sort go see a doctor you could have hurt yourself quite badly. Also, from your story it sounds like it was the girls fault although it would be intresting to see what her side of the story is....

Other than that I hope you get it all sorted quickly.
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