And whilst your doing that, see if you can come up with something for the STi07 (650pp Suzi Online event).
Way ahead of you, Already have a 07 for 650 ready.
Will get to work on the suzuki later this afternoon.
EDIT: Done!
Both cars run consistent times of 2:09-2:10s for me all 5 lap tests I did after fine tuning
05 STI
HP +67
KG 85
R2 R2
RH -35 -35
SR 4 3
DP 4 3
Toe -.10 +.15
CA 1.9 1.4
BB 5 3
F/R T Up to the driver, standard is 40
MTA Personal is 50, again up to driver.
Final 3.900
07 STI
HP +43
KG 85
R3 R3
RH -45 -45
SR 5 7
DP 4 7
Toe -.10 +.12
CA 1.7 1.5
BB 5 5
FR T. Standard 35, up to driver.
MTA standard 50, up to driver
Final 3.786
The 05 STI needed the most work due to it's "oversteer" tending to straightening up to understeer. Only way to fix it was to oversteer the whole way through. To fix that the rear brakes were toned down and so were the rear shocks and springs. This car needed more power so it had to run R2s instead of the 07s R3s, making it more difficult but more fun to drive.
The roboSTI 07 is deffinetly faster in everyway and even more consistent running 5 laps in between 2:08:8-2:09:2. The car is fluid to drive and wants to be driven smoothly yeet aggresively. Due to R3s it grips better than the 05 letting it have a more neutral to understeer feel.
If you start to experience understeer don't just jump off the gas, apply light braking to transfer the weight to the front and allow the soft front of both of these cars to work their magic.