Funny Pic Thread (Episode IV: A New Hope)

  • Thread starter ceiling_fan
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Could you be any more boring? Let's try to JUST post funny pics, instead of discussing an eventual regulationsystem WITHIN this thread and debating on whether or not a picture was funny.


How about we ALL agree not to abuse this thread by simply relocating vast quantities of material that is readily available in obvious places elsewhere?
How about we ALL agree not to abuse this thread by simply relocating vast quantities of material that is readily available in obvious places elsewhere?
I also have to wonder what copyright implications there could be for the comics. I am sure they want people to repost favorites around as advertising, but I am sure they would frown on having their entire site (likely funded by ads) copy and pasted on another site that uses ads and premium memberships for funding.

Am I the only one grossed out in knowing that the red part around the ear gauges is flesh? :ill:

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See the difference between:

"your not"

"you're not"

And then consider the irony of your avatar!
Ah didn't notice the whole your/you're thing, and I was thinking about my avatar as I posted my last response. :lol:
I say keep posting webcomics. I'm too lazy to visit 10 sites a day. Why post auto news then? We can go to Jalopnik.
Posting the occasional webcomic is not an issue. it's the massive copy/paste dumps that are annoying. Kind of like hearing a giant block of your least favorite artist on the radio.
I agree and disagree with Duke. We shouldn't post a huge amount of ONE comic. But, the thing is, C&H hasn't gotten up to the level of posts of XCD on this thread.
While I was moving stuff and cleaning I found my SNES and Super Mario All Stars. I might have to give that a go this weekend.
While I was moving stuff and cleaning I found my SNES and Super Mario All Stars. I might have to give that a go this weekend.

Mine died... the memories...
Stunt racer FX
Super mario bros
Mario Kart...
I agree and disagree with Duke. We shouldn't post a huge amount of ONE comic. But, the thing is, C&H hasn't gotten up to the level of posts of XCD on this thread.
That doesn't mean we should allow multiple blocks of C&H until it gets that far. And really I think the only direct mention at C&H was me saying that I never find them funny.

I might actually go buy that if it is what the picture shows.
I wouldn't trust it. No telling what he actually is selling.

But if you want an SNES I suggest going the Retro Duo route. I know a couple of friends that have them and they love them, plus you can play NES games too.

You don't look that upset about it... ;)
Cute... but grasshopper says there is an easy way to escape this April Fools twist...

Good. I was hoping it was an April Fool's thing, but I thought I could just be going crazy too.
I wouldn't trust it. No telling what he actually is selling.
He posted a dozen pictures of an SNES, then apparently went "Oops" and added a bunch of Genesis pictures afterwards. Then he left the preview pic the same anyways.

That being said, the idea of a Genny in a SNES case is pretty slick, and could almost certainly be done.
A few from the Think Geek April Fool's items.

Text just added for reference

Unicorn Chaser
Hey, remember how awful you felt that time you were clicking on the internets and you saw a picture of your grandmother parasailing naked off the coast of Bermuda? Remember how your eyes, brain, and lunch all threatened to leave your body at once? Wouldn't it be nice if there was a magical elixir that would rid your body and mind of those icky feelings? Well, now there is: the Unicorn Chaser. Theorized by Cory Doctorow, and now realized by ThinkGeek in partnership with BoingBoing - the Unicorn Chaser, with it's special blend of herbs and minerals go to work instantly to restore your equilibrium and sanity!


Tauntaun Sleeping Bag
In the sub-zero wasteland of the planet Hoth, only the strong survive... and of course those lucky Jedi protected by the thick skin of a Tauntaun. Now ThinkGeek Labs has recreated the warm fur of a Tauntaun in a more convenient format. This high-quality sleeping bag looks just like a Tauntaun, complete with saddle, internal intestines and LED Luke Skywalker Lightsaber zipper pull. Use the lightsaber zipper pull on the Tauntaun sleeping bag to illustrate to your wee-ones how Han Solo saved Luke Skywalker from certain death in the freezing climate of Hoth by slitting open the Tauntaun belly!


Interactive Portal T-Shirts
ThinkGeek has teamed up with the GLaDOS computer and Aperture Science Labs to bring you an amazing re-creation of the Portal Gun in a convenient T-Shirt based format. Sadly, actual teleportation is impossible, but due to the computing power of GLaDOS we were able to create a simulation of active teleportation portals. The Interactive Portal Shirts use two wireless 5.8 GHz video cameras mounted in the front of each shirt along with two high-res LCD TFT screens. The camera in the orange shirt transmits the image to the screen of the blue shirt, and vise versa. A fully functional, no-lie portal is yours!


Squeez Bacon®
Every once in a while a product comes around that puts life into perspective. When we got our first bottles of Squeez Bacon (from Sweden) to taste test, we each had a moment of pure revelation. For years, we had thought that the BBBLBT (Bacon-Bacon-Bacon-Lettuce-Bacon-Tomato) sandwich was the pinnacle of gastronomic enjoyment. And suddenly, after a single taste of Squeez Bacon, our world was rocked. Squeez Bacon is imported straight from its Swedish source and delivers taste right out of the bottle - no cooking or refrigeration needed. Enjoy all the flavor and health benefits of bacon, without having to slave over a frying pan.


Ultimate Assassins Weapon Ice Mold
The perfect assassination (as video games have taught us) is the one that cannot be traced back to the assassin. Of course, the easiest way to avoid being traced is to bring the weapon with you, but that's still very risky. The best way to ensure your safety is to make the weapon disappear - literally. The Ultimate Assassin's Weapon is just what you need: just add water and pop the silicone mold into your freezer - instantly does it's duty than melts. Of course we really don't want you to kill anyone; think of this as the ultimate gaming party ice. But just in case, the Ultimate Assassin's Weapon will make sure you'll be ready for anything.


USB Pet Rock
Let's face it: even if you take the time to learn about it, history repeats itself. Everything that's old becomes new, and the Pet Rock fad of the 70s is no exception. But we've added our own touch to the phenomenon: a USB cable. What does it do? Abso-frickin-lutely nothing. And therein lies the beauty, for this is, without a doubt, the greenest USB gadget ever created (it draws absolutely no electricity). But it sits on your desk and looks up at you (with imaginary eyes) and for some reason, you'll feel happier. As everyone stares at it in confusion, you'll feel even more happy. And best of all, the USB Pet Rock is plug-and-play compatible with all past, present, and future operating systems.
That sleeping bag would come in handy when we go camping this summer.
That sleeping bag would come in handy when we go camping this summer.
You'll need to get a Hoth snow patrol helmet to complete the set.
You'll need to get a Hoth snow patrol helmet to complete the set.
Should be easy enough. We already have Yoda, Commander Cody (not the Hot Rod Lincoln Commander Cody), Captain Rex and Obi-Wan costumes. :D
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