Mad FinnTuners Co.™ - Finished 301010 with GT-Rdammerung - BIG THANKS everyone!

  • Thread starter Greycap
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It'll be interesting to see how safe that car will be while wall-riding. :sly:
I shall post my counterpart bit later today. It will be all natural screamer, a real banshee for a sedan..
The mechanical grip levels of the S60 are indeed remarkable but then again, it's largely a Focus RS in different clothing (or vice versa) so perhaps it's understandable. With less power it feels even better but I wanted to top the factory S60R power figures.
Honda Accord Euro-RR'00

318 bhp, 318 Nm, 1210 kg

Clickable for full size

Parts to fit:
Racing Exhaust
Racing Brakes
Brake Balance Controller
NA tune stage 2
Port Polishing
Engine Balancing
Racing Chip
FC Transmission
Triple-plate Clutch
Racing Flywheel
FC Suspension
S3 Tyres
Weight Reduction Stage 1
Rigidity Increase (rollcage)
Oil Change
New Wheels (optional)

Spring Rate: 10.0 / 8.0
Ride Height: 110 / 130
Bound: 8 / 6
Rebound: 6 / 8
Camber: 2.3 / 2.3
Toe: 0 / -2
Stabilizers: 3 / 4

Brake Controller
Brakes: 3 / 3


Note: First, reset the gearbox to the default settings, then set the Auto setting, and only then set the gear ratios.

Gear Ratios
1st: 2.520
2nd: 1.772
3rd: 1.400
4th: 1.139
5th: 0.956
6th: 0.815
Final Gear: 4.100

Autoset 10

Initial: 5
Acceleration: 20
Deceleration: 5

Driving Aids
ASM Oversteer: 0
ASM Understeer: 0
TCS: 0

First thing that comes into your mind when you think of Honda Accord is family, followed by pensioners and soccer moms. And while regular Accord Euro-R is a step to right direction, we decided to kill the boredom with one swift stroke, and gave the good old H22 from Prelude fame a thorough massage, which woke it up nicely. We also kept the interior as close to stock as possible, which meant that the practicality isn't quite gone despite the cleverly integrated rollcage. Take it for a spin, and remember.. This is a rare Honda with torque which matches the power.. So, third gear is recommended for corners. Have fun!
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I'd like to put up a short survey here, regarding my future work for the rest of this garage.

The thing is that I'm feeling increasingly lazy and making the engine power graphs takes about as much time and effort as the link banner, big images and thumbnails all combined. Which is why they sometimes appear long after the actual release (the Solstice and S60 still lacking theirs) when I finally find the motivation for them.

Do you look at them, use them as reference to driving the cars, or are they just another nice looking but useless feature? Because I don't like making the latter ones. Speak freely.
Personally, I usually look at them but at the same time I wouldn't miss them if they weren't there. All I need is the total H.P. so I know for sure that I have all the right parts installed.
Whenever I shop one of these tuning shops, I'm usually after a set of settings. Sometimes, it's because I've tuned all I feel like tuning and want a second opinion. Other times, I didn't tune at all and want to get some fresh ideas. :) MFT by far has the car I'm looking for most often, since it's usually a weird vehicle (Hommell, for instance) that I'm after.

I look at the graphs if there is one, but if they're too much of a hassle, they're not 100% necessary. I won't cry if there isn't one for every single car.
I don't miss the graphs, all I need is horsepower and torque figures.
Off-topic slightly, but if PD doesn't put engine graphs (and proper gearing charts) in GT5, then I will cry! :( But you don't have to do this, Greycap. The graphs you guys make are cool, but pretty much icing on the cake.
Makes me think, why have I wasted something like dozens of hours making them this far? :P Then again we're clearly on the home run with this garage as GT5 should be out sooner or later so perhaps I could as well keep a clear record and make them.
Indeed.. And let's not forget those nice banners and slight enhancement of the photos.
Makes me think, why have I wasted something like dozens of hours making them this far? :P Then again we're clearly on the home run with this garage as GT5 should be out sooner or later so perhaps I could as well keep a clear record and make them.

I wouldn't necessarily say you've 'wasted' hours. All your efforts are definately appreciated by me at least, but if the charts are that much of a burden,....don't worry so much about them.

So I've been doing the PD Cup these last couple days in an Integra. Decided to dedicate three GT4 tuning slots to three different tunes, then hunted around for various tuning shops carrying Integras. Didn't look at every single shop, though...just the ones on the first page (which carries recent threads for a month with my GTP page settings). Anyways, here's what I put in the three tuning slots.

A=MFT Mugen Integra (albeit somewhat bastardized)

B=Red-Zone Autoworks Integra

C=My tuning (which varied per track)

My particular Integra was an '01 Acura from the used lot. I've used it quite a bit so it already had Stage 1 weight, engine balancing, and port/polish...

I tried using the MFT suspension, ballast, LSD, and sometimes brake settings. As it turns out, there was way too much ballast involved, so I nixed that early on, but I can see why it was used (creates an interesting balance). I also wasn't using the recommended power, but that's mostly because I flucutate power per track in an effort to make a close race. The MFT tranny wasn't used, but this is (again) my effort to make for a closer race with less overkill. Instead, I was using stock or close tranny with twin clutch. Flywheel varied.

The Red Zone Integra was just way too harsh. I only tried qualifying with it at a couple tracks. Its suspension was okay, but there was way too much LSD involved....way too much understeer while powering-out especially. I'm not sure what the true purpose of this car is; I know D24/7 likes doing Touge tunes, but like I said there was just way too much understeer.

I tuned slot C with my own settings, but I gotta say I could NEVER get it as balanced and predictable as the MFT tune in slot A, especially the balance between braking-in, getting situated mid-corner, and then powering-out. There was always a somewhat imbalanced feel with my tunes, although not to the point of total suckage. :D But I could never get the Integra exactly where I wanted.

The MFT Mugen worked especially well at Twin Ring, Suzuka, Tokyo Route 246, and Fuji 2005 GT. The only tracks the MFT Mugen Integra would have problems at was El Capitan, Sarthe, and Infineon (mostly because the bumps could cause it to get squirrely) so I'd revert to my own settings. But I couldn't get that near-perfect balance! :indiff:

Don't take this as an official review, I wanna drive the actual MFT car (with recommended power, tranny settings, etc) after I'm done the PD cup.
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Don't take this as an official review, I wanna drive the actual MFT car (with recommended power, tranny settings, etc) after I'm done the PD cup.

Did you at some point actually think I would have considered it to be a proper review when even the base car wasn't anywhere near what it should have been? :P

No, really. The Acura is a boat compared to the Honda and even more so when the ballast trick is used as it takes the balance to an entirely new level. You've only got a faint glimpse of the greatness this far and if you already think the balance is near perfect you're in for a strike of awe when you get your hands on the full model. I still consider it to be my best FWD tune ever.
Wow, it makes that much of a difference between Honda and Acura huh? I'll get around to driving both cars with the same parts and settings, then.
With your guy's Finnish wisdom, We would like your permission to try any Rally cars (only) and see if we can pick-up a few pointers on a decent balance. I will say I am pretty good, along with my buddy, DJP. We are perhaps the best on dirt. There is always more knowledge to learn at anything. 👍
. I will say I am pretty good, along with my buddy, DJP. We are perhaps the best on dirt. There is always more knowledge to learn at anything. 👍

Here's your lifejacket....hope you can swim in the deep ocean because that comment has just put you there with a pair of great white sharks called Leo & Greycap. :eek:

Go test their rally cars, and watch how your cars would eat their dust....sorry T-fan but as Kurt Angle says, "It's true, it's damn true."
Yes you are correct Mafs, it is just a little here or there on advice for supreme dirt tuning. Being said I leave the road tuning to folks that know what there doing, unless it is a car I feel like doing. you should try my Prelude!
...And here is your shovel. Start digging, T-Fan. Trust us on this, you can't go knowcking on the doors of MFT with claims like that at your stage in your GTP career...
Right I understand that but I am pretty sure I don't want there car settings listed as my own, or to even list there cars as my own, more or less the settings copyrights. For advice on our cars.
That's not what I meant.

Go build your car up, run your car at ANY rally circuit and set a time. Then go and build one of their cars up and run it at the same track and compare the time vs your car. I could almost guarantee a 5 second advantage to the Finns.

Actually, let's get someone impartial in here.......I would suggest Parnelli but I don't think you're on the best of terms with him. :lol:

...And here is your shovel. Start digging, T-Fan. Trust us on this, you can't go knowcking on the doors of MFT with claims like that at your stage in your GTP career...

But I can though, I love kicking in the door at MFT and getting Leo to tear a few hairs out every now and again, pretty sure he's looking like Homer Simpson now with the amount of hairs left. :cool::mischievous:
Good idea, but i want there permision first and it isn't a competition since I don't add power on my cars. As far as Parnelli goes he is worried about my personal life DJP says the same thing.
I think everyone on this particular part of the forum has given you more than enough time and patience over the last couple of months. Then you come in here, with your 19 seconds of GT4 tuning ability (and I use the term "ability" loosely), having decided to "concentrate" on dirt tuning only yesterday, and throw it in their faces with:

We are perhaps the best on dirt.

I mean, come on. Where's your proof of this statement? How on Earth can you possibly have the front to spout such utter bovine excretions? Until April you though tuning involved slapping R5 tyres on everything, putting "the best parts" on, nitrous and setting everything to maximum or minimum. And yesterday, when you decided dirt tuning was your niche, you were still altering driving aids, ignorant of the fact they're completely disabled on rally tracks.

Wolves, he's all yours.

Wolves, he's all yours.

Thank you Famine, those of us who are more moderate in our treatment of members now have our release!

T-Fan: STOP MESSING WITH US WITH YOUR UNFOUNDED CLAIMS!!!! Was that large enough to read? You are NOT the best tuner here, on tarmac, dirt, water, air, space, or any object for that matter! Most new members on this great site sit back for a while and LEARN FROM THOSE WITH EXPERIENCE, but as you lack this ability, I for one will be cold shouldering you, and would encourage fellow members to do the same until he shows some improvement. Farewell, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Wolves, he's all yours.

Thank you Famine, those of us who are more moderate in our treatment of members now have our release!

T-Fan: STOP MESSING WITH US WITH YOUR UNFOUNDED CLAIMS!!!! Was that large enough to read?

No it's not senamic, you need to do it this way..........

I think everyone on this particular part of the forum has given you more than enough time and patience over the last couple of months. Then you come in here, with your 19 seconds of GT4 tuning ability (and I use the term "ability" loosely), having decided to "concentrate" on dirt tuning only yesterday, and throw it in their faces with:

I mean, come on. Where's your proof of this statement? How on Earth can you possibly have the front to spout such utter bovine excretions? Until April you though tuning involved slapping R5 tyres on everything, putting "the best parts" on, nitrous and setting everything to maximum or minimum. And yesterday, when you decided dirt tuning was your niche, you were still altering driving aids, ignorant of the fact they're completely disabled on rally tracks.

Wolves, he's all yours.

Utter bovine excretions? Why, what a delightfully, AUP appropriate, exquisite way of saying horse 🤬!:lol:
:lol: Oh my, this is going to be a good one. I think I shall lay back and munch popcorn while I wait that Greycap arrives. He's is the more artistic one of us when it comes to verbal explosions.

Yeah, I didn't explode.. Haven't you noticed? Despite of my willingness to use axe to defend my property, I'm actually the one with large amount of self control. ;) Greycap, on the other hand.. :nervous: Uh, I think we all should look for shelter.
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