Mad FinnTuners Co.™ - Finished 301010 with GT-Rdammerung - BIG THANKS everyone!

  • Thread starter Greycap
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Thank you. We really try to do our best, although, there are cases when even the best effort isn't enough. We would appreciate it a lot if you could tell us which car(s) you have tested and what did you think of them. In return, you could get a custom tune from us.

That's a very nice thing to hear, especially seeing that sports tyres push the tuning far more to the limits than racing slicks. Sure, slicks are nice and there is a place for them every now and then but building a high powered car with sports tyres is simply more rewarding in the end. Both for the tuner and the driver. Pretty much everyone can make a car fast by slapping R5's and nitrous on it but not everyone can make it both fast and and fully drivable when there's 700 bhp going through sports rubber.
I might update "Blackbird" soonish. I created a new setup that actually does something that resembles handling. Also, next weekend shall see a release of new pair of cars.
My Review of the Spyker RC8 '02

My first impression of this car was, it won't turn in under heavy braking, it seems like the front wheels completely lock up. It stops the car ok in a straightline, but i found myself braking early and letting off the brakes long before I turn in. Whether it is a brake balance problem or just a problem with the base car's weight distribution, I don't know. After 3 restarts at Laguna Seca, I managed to get past the first corner without understeering onto the gravel, but then whilst accelerating in second gear, I span out. So in regards to this car, you have to be very gentle on the brakes incase you lock up, and counter steering is your best friend.

I underestimated this car, always have done (Whether it be stock/tuned), the designers seem to have deliberately made it as displeasing to the eye as possible. I've never given it a second look when deciding what car to purchase. I underestimated this tune because it only boasted ~650bhp (Which was laughable compared to my 800bhp+ Supra RZ which i've been using recently), I thought it would be a piece of cake to drive this thing, and I thought it would be slow too. How wrong I was. This car is so light, it is very quick under accelerating, and can handle corners at high speeds with ease, it may be ugly, but the aerodynamics do their job well.

I spent around 45 minutes lapping Laguna Seca and I simply couldn't get my lines right (My driving, not the car). This thing managed to lap consistently in the low 1'17s, it has room for improvement, it could hit the low 1'16s. This puts it almost on par with GT1 cars, which isn't half bad considering this thing is both heavier and less powerful than most of those (I think).

After giving up on Laguna Seca, I took it to the 'Ring, where I clocked a 6' laptime, which was pretty impressive (Compared to the 6'15 of my Supra). Whilst I thought it was hard to drive at first, compared to cars in the same class, it is really quite easy. This lightweight monster just glides around corners, as long as you are gentle with it. The straightline acceleration is impressive too, the gear setup works well on all circuits i've tried it on (Fine tuning could help it on some circuits, but it is an excellent all round setup). It tops out at 208mph on the main straight at the 'Ring.

The brakes are by far the biggest problem with this car. There arn't really any other faults regarding this car's performance. It is one fast, ugly piece of junk, and I love it :D

I've been comparing this to my Supra RZ '97 every step of the way, which has been tuned to the max, with Stage 5 Turbo, R3 tyres, weight reduction, Spoiler etc. It is my favourite car but for an inexperienced tuner like myself, it is an impossible task to tame this beast, I just can't find a balance between grip in the corners and straights, if the car handles well, there is too much wheelspin which shreads the tyres and hinders acceleration off the line and out of hairpins. If the car accelerates well without too much of a fuss, it has the turning circle of a train. Could you give this car a go for me? I've been trying for weeks, to try and get this car to lap the ring in under 6 minutes, but i'm 15 seconds off ;) That is my aim.
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Thank you. We really try to do our best, although, there are cases when even the best effort isn't enough. We would appreciate it a lot if you could tell us which car(s) you have tested and what did you think of them. In return, you could get a custom tune from us.

my absolute favourite is the grim reaper.

IT KICKS 🤬!!!!!!!!!
Drift King317, don't double post. At GTPlanet double posters aren't looked at with the highest regard. Next time, use the edit button next to the "Quote" button.
Shelby Series 1 SE'03

503 bhp, 590 Nm, 1057 kg

Clickable for full size

Parts to fit:
Racing Exhaust
Racing Brakes
Brake Balance Controller
NA Tuning Stage 2
Port Polishing
Engine Balancing
Racing Chip
FC Transmission
Triple-plate Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Carbon Driveshaft
FC Suspension
S3 Tyres
Weight Reduction Stage 3
Oil Change
New Wheels (optional)

Spring Rate: 6.5 / 6.5
Ride Height: 115 / 135
Bound: 4 / 2
Rebound: 10 / 7
Camber: 2.5 / 2.0
Toe: 0 / -2
Stabilizers: 2 / 5

Brake Controller
Brakes: 5 / 7


Note: First, reset the gearbox to the default settings, then set the Auto setting, and only then set the gear ratios.

Gear Ratios
1st: 2.571
2nd: 1.768
3rd: 1.343
4th: 1.077
5th: 0.894
6th: 0.750
Final Gear: 4.000

Autoset 12

Initial: 5
Acceleration: 20
Deceleration: 5

Driving Aids
ASM Oversteer: 0
ASM Understeer: 0
TCS: 0

Shelby Series 1 was an astonishing car in it's own right, but even the Old Man himself has admitted that it could had been so much more than what it was. Enter Special Edition, a beefed up version of the standard car. It produces 503bhp, has lost nearly 150kg of the already skimpy 1202kg weight and has received multiple changes to the suspension and powertrain. As a result, it utilizes the tires it has as well as possible at any situation and provides neck-snapping acceleration in a deceivingly smooth manner. While it doesn't feel fast, the clock will tell otherwise.
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Shelby Series 1 SE'03

Shelby Series 1 was an astonishing car in it's own right, but even the Old Man himself has admitted that it could had been so much more than what it was. Enter Special Edition, a beefed up version of the standard car. It produces 503bhp, has lost nearly 150kg of the already skimpy 1202kg weight and has received multiple changes to the suspension and powertrain. As a result, it utilizes the tires it has as well as possible at any situation and provides neck-snapping acceleration in a deceivingly smooth manner. While it doesn't feel fast, the clock will tell otherwise.

Where's the wing? You can't call it a "Fast & Furious" without some big-🤬 wing on the back! :sly:

All kidding aside, I'll have to take this car out for a spin soon...
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Because that's the "Fast" one of the pair. Mine isn't nearly as fast but a good deal more furious.

Oh, and if you don't mind, from the opening post:

If you want to quote the setup post, please keep it down to the essentials. Partly because quoting an entire post doesn't do too much good for the readability of the thread but mainly because the setup may be changed and we don't want people making a review based on the setup they found in the quote when browsing the thread as it may differ quite greatly from the improved version.
Nissan Silzerozero '98

484 bhp, 541 Nm, 1029 kg

Clickable for full size

Parts to fit:
Racing Exhaust
Racing Brakes
Brake Balance Controller
Port Polishing
Engine Balancing
Racing Chip
FC Transmission
Triple-plate Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Carbon Driveshaft
Turbo Kit Stage 4
Racing Intercooler
FC Suspension
S3 Tyres
Weight Reduction Stage 3
Oil Change
New Wheels (optional)

Spring Rate: 6.0 / 6.0
Ride Height: 130 / 135
Bound: 4 / 5
Rebound: 9 / 7
Camber: 2.0 / 2.0
Toe: 0 / -2
Stabilizers: 3 / 5

Brake Controller
Brakes: 5 / 8


Note: First, reset the gearbox to the default settings, then set the Auto setting, and only then set the gear ratios.

Gear Ratios
1st: 2.544
2nd: 1.799
3rd: 1.416
4th: 1.175
5th: 0.997
6th: 0.835
Final Gear: 3.150

Autoset 9

Initial: 5
Acceleration: 25
Deceleration: 5

Driving Aids
ASM Oversteer: 0
ASM Understeer: 0
TCS: 0

What began life as the CA18DET powered 180SX evolved throughout its existence and finally reached an entirely new level sporting the two litre SR20DET - but for some reason the name never changed. Except in Europe where it was more logically called the 200SX. The front ends of several JDM spec 180SX's met their fate in street racing and were mated to S13 Silvia front ends, creating a car called the Sileighty. But what would happen if we combined an European 200SX to a Silvia front?

We'd get a Silzerozero, of course. No idea what the engine was originally as there was little more than the firewall and front suspension left when we got our hands on it but now the SR20DET lurks there again. Not a normal one though, oh no. More like its insane distant cousin with a bloody huge hairdryer on its side and breathing through a specially made low resistance intake. The suspension looks stock... to the outside. Ride height is nice to have in everyday life. But the looks are betraying, behind the sleepy looks hides a fully customizable kit tuned to provide a reasonable balance of grip and comfortability, racing responsiveness and street stability. Give it a half hearted attempt of cornering and it'll push you right into the kitty litter, take the bull by the horns and there will be no doubt where the driving wheels are located as you'll be followed by masses of rolling smoke. With this car you indeed have to be out of control to be in control.

The ultimate sleeper? Well, maybe not, but surely one of those that you expect to be lazy boulevard sports and that turn out to be furious fire breathing monsters.
Brief notes on Leo's Shelby.

I've never tried this car because it seemed like one I'd hate, if only on principle. I therefore had hoped to write a scathing review of this tune. No such luck.

This tune is excellent. Virtually no wheelspin despite the high WPR ratio. Nevertheless, it's easy to kick out the back of it, which brings me to my favourite part.

The tune is extremely versatile; a precise grippy style and a flashy drifty style are equally viable options. Several times I slowed down just to see my ghost car slide through the esses before the tunnel at GVS. It just looked divine.

Also tried the car with default tune (no AIDS, S3s, all mods installed) and can see where your improvements were made. Exit speed is superb compared to default, due to the suspension and LSD tweak. Acceleration the same: my tuned ghost just flew out of sight, when using 2nd and 3rd especially, so the gears really hit the torque properly. Default version is way too stiff and unpredictable, and not in the least forgiving.

Tuned version consistently beat default by 3.5 sec per lap at GVS.

My only negative comments are regarding the car itself. Braking can be a problem, perhaps because it goes so horrifically fast. Understeer on turn-in should be expected. The default version will not let you apply throttle at all during a turn, but Leo's tune not only makes it possible, but quite a lot of fun, especially the late-turn slap that gets you into a classy powerslide.

I'm gonna give it another bash, so will PM if there are any more relevant comments to make.

Thanks, as always, for a great car.

EDIT: I'm not in front of the game ATM, is Grey's car a Sileighty '98?
My only negative comments are regarding the car itself. Braking can be a problem, perhaps because it goes so horrifically fast. Understeer on turn-in should be expected. The default version will not let you apply throttle at all during a turn, but Leo's tune not only makes it possible, but quite a lot of fun, especially the late-turn slap that gets you into a classy powerslide.

I'm gonna give it another bash, so will PM if there are any more relevant comments to make.

Thanks, as always, for a great car.

Well, I did try many things with the brakes, but it seems that they're not only weak, but have annoying ability to lock up if I raise the BBC settings. And while it is a light car, I think that the most of the weight is still on the front wheels despite adjustments of the suspension, hence giving it more heavy, understeering feel. I'm glad that this one satisfies your need for both grip and drift. Old rules apply, request per review! 👍
We already have a MotorSport Elise ready to run, to be published in a few days. Not full tune but still pretty quick. Be sure to return when it's out! :)

HI,SOUNDS LIKE U GUYS ARE GREAT TUNERS I HAVE A LIST OF 17 OF MY VERY,VERY FAVORITES,I DONT WANT THEM TO DRIFT BUT TO PERFORM A LITTLE BETTER.:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
I'm afraid I have to bring to your attention a section within our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) that focuses on the level of grammar that is expected here at GTPlanet:

No slang words that promote laziness, ie; “r”, “u”, “plz”, etc. will be tolerated. Decent grammar is expected, including proper usage of capital letters. Repeated violations will be grounds for suspension and/or permanent removal from the forums. All messages must be posted in English.

Thanks. 👍
Review of the Shelby Series 1 SE'03

This is a very fun car to drive. It likes speed and to oversteer around corners. At the same time it does just fine on the tighter tracks.

I went to get some quick cash at the Capri Rally and the car did suprisingly well there.
I am sure that Leo didn't have this in mind when the car was built. It hits 140 mph on the front straight and although it doesn't feel like it will, it gets slowed enough to make the corner at the end. It is very stable, both accelerating and while braking.There is very usable liftoff oversteer, very little or no understeer, the only trouble is with traction in the lower gears. (Especially if you use the X button for throttle control.)

I also ran the car at Trial Mountain. Here is where the car really shines. It likes sweeping turns with the back end way out in the breeze. It is extremely controllable cornering like this. The only bad thing is at Trial Mountain there are some pretty severe elevation changes, if you don't pay attention they will upset the car.
I recently did the Grand Valley 300KM in the '86 RUF BTR, and decided to try to shop for settings, came upon the Blackbird. :D Wound up trying the Blackbird's suspension, wings, brakes, and limited-slip during practice runs, and then tried a 'mock' race, lapping right up till the first pitstop before cancelling the race. I like doing mocks sometimes, just to see if it's possible to use a certain car.

Great stuff as usual, but it just didn't feel right for this situation (an endurance at GV up against JGTCs and DTMs), but don't take this as a huge criticism. The car felt fine if I drove it casually, but since I was limiting power to about 436, I'd need to be pushing BTR to the edge of disaster often.

Had alot of trouble controlling this Blackbird (actually, it's really only a half-Blackbird, since the tranny was still stock, and power not official MFT) but I think it's partially because I was using super-hard R1s, while the Blackbird's set-up called for R3s. I also notice the caption, which says basically that this car WILL bite your head off if mistreated, and I was needing something a little more compliant.

Turn two (first hairpin) was a disaster! Couldn't control the Blackbird worth a dang here! :lol: The blackbird was also set a bit too low for my style of driving, but only because I sometimes wind up going on GV's concrete pads and bouncing over an occasional rumble strip.

so yea, I wound up messing with the car till it did what I wanted, and wasn't even 10% Blackbird for this situation. :indiff: I even changed the wing settings from 30/30 to 25/30, simply because I needed the front-end to not be so grabby under braking into that first hairpin.

Does that qualify for a review? If so, how about making an '86 BTR that'll work for Grand Valley on super-hard tires? :D Just curious, I wanna see what you come up with so we can compare notes.

Hint: I finally learned I'd need to brake TWICE into that first hairpin, even with my settings. My typical habit (with other autos) is to brake only once into this area, somewhere before (or perhaps at) 100 M. With the BTR, I'd need to brake twice....once where the shadow is (there's a shadow that runs across the entire track just before that first left-kink), and once somewhere between 100 and 50 KM. If I tried braking only once, the BTR would get way-squirrely. Even if I didn't spin, the damage control needed to contain the beast would wind up costing too much time. It was simply safer to brake twice. :guilty:
Haha! Yet another one has to convert his driving into the methods that the Blackbird tolerates. :lol: Well, actually I have a brand new setup for that car, waiting for Greycap to come up with a partner for it. It's faster, better to drive ( still twitchy on R3's on an occasion, but far more enjoyable on S3's. :odd: Weird, I know..), and has racing tranny to squeeze all that power out while maintaining traction. If you wish to beta-test it before I publish it some day, let me know.
Sure I'll beta-test it, no prob. :)

One thing I noticed is that on Sport tires, I'd need really high brake 24/18. I did the PRO hall Supercar Challenge before the GV300, and realized the worst part of the BTR are its PD-inspired brakes, so I was trying to get all I could from them. But on Racing tires while testing for the GV300, the RUF would get way too grabby and even twitchier. Perhaps this has some thing to do with why your car is much easier to drive on S3s?

To be fair, my set-up was twitchy too. It's a rear-engine car, after all. I just needed to mute its worst behaviors so I could drive the BTR somewhat reliably. Still had a couple accidental moments, tho...and I came in 3rd at the GV300, but that's because I went on R1s for the 4th pitstop (shoulda used R2s).

I could last up to 11 or 12 laps on R1s while driving right turns conservatively, so my logic was to go "all out" from Lap 45 till about 55 on R1s, and then change up to R3 tires at the very end. Problem was: I caught and passed the leading GT-R at about Lap 50, got a 8 or 9 second lead, but that final pit put me way too far back. :mad: I wasn't thinking!!! :mad:

Shoulda gone with R2s after lap 45, and then continued with R2s for the final pitstop. This woulda seemed overkilly, but the final laps would have actually wound up being closer. :indiff:

Anyways, here the set up I used. The front toe, extra front camber, LSD decel rating, lowered front wing, and a few other items were all efforts to make the BTR safely dive into Hairpin #1 and a few other areas without one of those "snap spins". :scared:

Semi-Racing exhaust + Stage 2 turbo + Racing intercooler
(no oil change) 436 hp

Tires: R1. Shoulda used R2 near the end as mentioned

Brakes: racing hardware
Controller: 12/8

Drivetrain: all stock except for ultra-lite (Racing) flywheel

Springs: 10.2 / 7.4
Height: 128 / 121
B Damps: 7/5
R Damps: 6/4
Camber: 3.4 / 1.5
Toe Angle: +2 / 0
Roll bars: 3 / 4

Downforce: 25/30

LSD: 10/14/55

Ballast: none.

I was thinking maybe I shoulda experiment with ballast, putting some weight up front, but then the BTR wouldn't feel like a rear-engine machine anymore :lol: I kinda liked that RR feel; once I 'got it', I found it very reliable to work with, and didn't mind the fact that those rear tires would be toasty. Often on the very last lap before a pit, the BTR would be trying to get sideways under power, almost as if it was off-road! But I could still work with this.
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Alpine doesn't have snowflakes chance in hell against this new BTR. But Alpine is fast enough, in right hands, to run toe to toe with 500-550bhp cars.
The Alpine is light, but tricky as hell to drive on pavement. It does way better off-road, funny enough.
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