Hey about the ZZII, I told you I'll test her :
oil problem = silly perf tests so don't mind for the moment. Anyway they are here, "just for the post pattern", let's say, I'll update this later. My oil dropped from 754hp to 718hp after this test. Same gear setup and same driver of course, with sixaxis.
Your setup best of 10 laps : 1'39.170 (lap 9) (the best oil I had)
A work-in-progress setup best of 5 : 1'38.451 (lap 3) (+ little oil bias...)
Yours (5 laps) : 1'07.239 (lots of oil bias)
Mine (5 laps) : 1'05.975 (oil bias, better oil on this track)
High speed ring
Yours (10 laps) : 1'00.080 (oil bias)
Mine (5 laps) : 1'00.642 (oil bias, better oil on this test. I used to do under the minute on this one)
Yours : (coming soon)
Mine (2 laps) : (coming soon)
(I'm sure I'll win on this one since I never hit the grass)
The funny thing is all I predict reading your setup became true, but one thing : I didn't suspect so much oversteer so I kept bumping the walls, sorry. Your best laps are clean.
You're toe turning that car and I still say that's very bad for driving prediction, 50% of the walls I hit comes from your toe/camber. You also pretty broke the speed in long curves (160km/h vs 167 km/h in a curve in Tokyo, that comes from your dampers mainly) and overall stability of that car (corner exits, straigth lines, left/rigth curves). I lost control of that car more than a couple of times... On high speed ring !
But yes, you've got a big advantage in turning around curves but no stability in long ones. This car "absorb" curves when you have luck through braking, mine "carry through" them with no surprises, if you see what I mean.
Your brakes are terribles I'm sorry to say... They are clearly not stable and unefficient. That the bad part of your car : I steal you at least 10-15m at the end of the straigth line in Tokyo, or 5-10m in Rome, with no stabiliyt problem. The last 50 % of the wall I hit with your car comes from that problem... (toe and dampers, I told you ! Your front tires locks each time because of heavy camber, and your braking is not stable because of your toe and dampers absorb nothing they bump around) : predicting car's reaction heavy braking become a matter of luck. :/
About toe/camber you choose, pay attention with online games, your car may not win because you eat too much tires.
So... I still prefer my way for that car, sorry, mainly because I never head to tails with her and never (ever) hit a wall and with yours I keep hitting walls and loose control. It's not a problem of driving habit, I drive the Yellowbird. Your car is too much unpredictable.
I'm sure something in the middle would be great. It's like fire and ice (guess what, my car is blue

I had this oil problem. I've got to redo all the laptimes with fresh oil so this was really silly perf tests. That's not for today and tomorow I'm skype dice'n paper roleplaying.
Hey it's not a problem : we have an understeering ZZII and an oversteering ZZII. With this little competition, everyone should be pleased because better us/os setups will come out for that lovely car
If you think I used a bad track tell me another one !
My quick and dirty work in progress setup if you want to test (the rear train is under heavy work : it will evolve and become final along with future perf tests) but I've got 2 hours of work on RH/SR because that car still haven't got the thing I learnt from last two weeks.
It got, let's say, 25% of the things I want to correct from the setup you tested before. And, like ever, without using traction toe/driving aids because I want to win online games with her.
Dyn 15/52 -> 52 to rework sligthly
8/12 -> to rework slightly, maybe
trac 25/75
susp -25/0 -> 0 to rework to go -10 maybe because I still want that induced braking oversteer from that setting, that prevent me using front toe but still makes this understeers at high speed (rear aero become too hard in fact).
15.2/14.2 -> 14.2 to rework (to go like 13.5)
2/4 -> 4 to rework
4/6 -> 6 to rework (may become 7) (do tests like I said : test a 4/4 8/8 car then the same car with 8/8 - 4/4 and compare times, there's a big typo in the game manual : with cars you want to dive faster (compress faster, high compress) and come back smoother (extend slower, low extend). With the opposite you make the car bump on anything (imagine a spring, push it slowly then release it : it will jump. The same spring : push it fast, release slowly, it will absorb your strength on it and not jump), that's why you have unstable rear under rare condition like you wrote, the 1 diff is sligth but there)
2/4 -> to rework (maybe 2/5)
tyre geom 1.8/1.4 - 0/0 (camber to rework, maybe flatter or inverted)
brakes 5/7 (maybe to rework, flatter)