~ Ready, Steady, Go! - Chapter 55 ~ (02/03/12)(56k/MobileApp Warning!)

  • Thread starter VTiRoj
Chapter 45 - Return Of The Atenza

Yuka and Hitomi arrived at their hotel near Monza. It was pitch black outside, but in the distance, one could point out the floodlights lighting up the Monza race circuit. Yuka sat by the windowsill and gazed at it.

Hitomi: Nice view huh?
Yuka: Yeah.
Hitomi: Is there anything to actually look at? I mean, it’s basically black out there.
Yuka: I always gaze at the lights at night at home.
Hitomi: Feeling a bit homesick?
Yuka: Nah. Although I do miss my own bed.
Hitomi: Typical you. You never felt homesick when you’d come stay at my house over the holidays.
Yuka: I like travelling and staying in new places. I’d get homesick after a while of course, but we’re constantly travelling so it doesn’t feel samey yet.
Hitomi: I see your point.
Yuka: So, excited for your race tomorrow?
Hitomi: I guess. I mean, it’s fun to race but aren’t our opponents going to be struggling to compete with us?
Yuka: Yeah but it’s like when we had the C4. We kept modifying it until it became a complete beast. Sapphire’s tuning did wonders for this 135i. If an R8 cant beat our Beemer, nothing can. I mean, in terms of this little tour of ours. I’ve got no doubt my Civic or your Corvette would beat it, since they’re basically classified as tuner cars at this point.
Hitomi: Of course. In that regard, the only thing that’ll beat the 135i is something that’s tuned up more.
Yuka: Yup!
Hitomi: Yawn… I should hit the sack.
Yuka: So soon?
Hitomi: I’m very tired.
Yuka: Actually yeah, now that I think about it, you’ve looked terrible all day. Did you even sleep last night?
Hitomi: Yeah… Of course I did! Just because I woke up earlier than you doesn’t mean I didn’t sleep at all!
Yuka: Well okay. Sweet dreams then. I guess I’ll join you when I’m tired.
Hitomi: Mhmm. Goodnight…
Yuka: Night!

The next day, TJ arrived at his workshop to find Dave already there, waiting outside the door.

TJ: Yo.
Dave: You’re late TJ! It’s already nine! You open at eight!
TJ: Late? Pfft. No one comes here before ten anyway.
Dave: Well I do. I’ve been waiting an hour already. I want to drive my car!
TJ: Well if you must know, I woke up late this morning.
Dave: How come? You weren’t keeping a lady company were you? Hmmm?
TJ: Nope. I was out racing last night.
Dave: Oh. How’d it go? I’m guessing you won.
TJ: Dragged some kid in an Impreza. I made him taste my RB26. He was surprisingly quick off the line, but there’s no escaping an R33 when it’s turbos finally kick in.
Dave: True that.
TJ: Anyway, let’s get started, shall we?
Dave: Yes!

TJ opened the workshop door and walked in, closely followed by Dave. TJ walked up to the Atenza, unlocked it and passed the keys to Dave.

TJ: Let’s hit up your old stomping grounds. Suzuka East.
Dave: Are you sure? We’d beat those guys senseless, it wouldn’t be much of a race.
TJ: Who said anything about having a good race? We need to dial this thing in. The best place to do that is on a track. Why not make some easy cash at the same time?
Dave: Good point. Let’s go.

Later on…

TJ and Dave arrived at Suzuka with the refreshed Atenza. Dave took the Atenza through to the pit lane, noticing the other racers staring at the Atenza.

Dave: They’re staring…
TJ: It’s the wing. They probably think you’re a ricer now.
Dave: What? I’m not a ricer!
TJ: I know. They’ll figure that out after you blow their doors off.

Dave pulled up at an empty bay, behind a pair of Mitsubishi sports cars, one being an FTO, the other an Eclipse. The drivers glanced at the Atenza before bursting into laughter. Dave reached for the door handle, but was stopped by TJ.

TJ: Don’t. Let me handle it.
Dave: Alright…

TJ got out and approached the Mitsubishi drivers.

TJ: I couldn’t help but notice that you both find my buddy’s car amusing.
FTO Driver: Well yeah, it looks ridiculous.
Eclipse Driver: And I get stick just for driving an Eclipse. Just look at that Atenza’s wing!
TJ: I see. Well then I’m sure you both won’t mind a small wager on this race?
FTO Driver: Sure.
TJ: How about 100,000 Yen to the winners?
Eclipse Driver: You’re on.
FTO Driver: Yeah that’s fine by us.
TJ: Excellent. I’m TJ by the way and the guy in the car is Dave.
FTO Driver: I’m Todd and that’s Matt.
TJ: I’ll see you both on the track gentlemen.

Starting Grid
1. Black Honda Civic Type R
2. Todd’s White Mitsubishi FTO
3. Matt’s Blue Mitsubishi Eclipse
4. White Honda Prelude
5. Dave’s Red Mazda Atenza
6. White Nissan Primera
7. White Toyota Celica
8. Silver Honda Accord

Civic Driver: Switching to the EP has been great so far. I’ve not lost yet.


Todd: This’ll be an easy win. This FTO is tuned by professionals!


Matt: And they talk Eclipse’s down for being ricer cars… What was that Atenza driver thinking?


Prelude Driver: I should have no problem overtaking this Tyrese wanabe.


TJ: Walk this Prelude and then tailgate Matt.
Dave: What?
TJ: Just do it, it’ll be hilarious.


Primera Driver: Hope dad doesn’t mind me borrowing the car…


Celica Driver: The car in front will be a Toyota!


Accord Driver: This is one hell of a sleeper. Best saloon here by far!


The lights went green. Dave floored the Atenza. The boost from the turbo took him by surprise. He overtook the Prelude almost instantly, without much effort at all.

Dave: Holy…!
TJ: Punchy, isn’t it?


Prelude Driver: There goes my chances…
Matt: What the?!


Dave braked as he tucked in behind the Eclipse.

Dave: This is too fast!
TJ: It’s good to have power, isn’t it?


Dave tailgated the Eclipse all through the first bend, laughing the entire time.

Dave: Oh this is just epic!


Dave pulled up alongside the Eclipse and waved to Matt.

Dave: Hi!
Matt: Why you son of a…


With a simple prod of the throttle pedal, Dave left the Eclipse behind and rocketed towards the FTO.

Matt: He walked me. He actually walked me. Crap.


Todd: That ricer is already behind me? No… That’s no ricer is it? That’s practically a tuner car… I’m such an idiot.


Dave pulled alongside Todd, toying with him as he did with Matt.

Dave: Where’s your tough talk now huh?!


Dave pulled ahead and cut in front of Todd’s FTO, just to rub salt into Todd’s wounds.

Todd: Alright alright! I get it! Sheesh! Goodbye lap dance…


Civic Driver: That Atenza is behind me already? Damn. I’m no idiot, I know when I’m about to lose my undefeated streak, but I know how to defend my position too. Come at me bro.


TJ: Alright, enough playing. Unleash the boost and let all hell break loose.
Dave: Yes boss!


Civic Driver: Well, I guess that’s me done.
Dave: Let’s go, Atenza!


Dave floored it. The turbocharger kicked in hard and sent the Atenza down the straight like a missile, completely leaving the rest of the pack in the dust.


Dave pushed hard in the corners, finally letting the Atenza off its leash. The Atenza took the abuse well, eating up the corners as if it were a touring car.


Dave: Man this car is fast!


Dave had no problem keeping up the pace for the entire lap. The Atenza soaked up the curves and blasted the straights. Victory was already certain, Dave was just having fun at this point. TJ however, was carefully analysing the Atenza, picking out flaws in its current setup.


TJ: How’s the car feel?
Dave: It feels great! Better than ever!
TJ: Great enough to beat Shin a second time?
Dave: Um, I guess so?
TJ: I think there’s some tweaking left to do. I’m definitely feeling some reluctance to turn.
Dave: But you’re not even driving, how do you know that?
TJ: I can see by your arm movements.
Dave: Ah… Yeah I do feel a bit of resistance when I turn.
TJ: Then we still have work to do.


Dave flew down the final straight and finished the race miles ahead of Matt, Todd and everyone else unfortunate enough to be racing Dave.


Dave: Damn that was amazing!
TJ: Feels good doesn’t it?
Dave: I feel like I could beat anyone!
TJ: Hahaha!
Dave: What’s so funny?
TJ: Except me of course.
Dave: Well yeah.
TJ: And Yuka.
Dave: Okay okay, don’t piss on my parade too much.
TJ: Just don’t get overconfident. We’ve got tougher opponents to face yet.
Dave: True. I’ll do my best!
Did you custom paint the r8 white?if i'm not wrong ifyou paint it white the side will turn black

No, it's factory paint because it was an AI driving it. When you paint an R8 the sideblade usually turns carbon fibre. 👍
Chapter 46 - Less Whine, More Wine

Back at the hotel near the Monza circuit, Yuka woke up. She looked over at Hitomi, who was still asleep. Their race was only a few more hours away.

Yuka: I’m awake before her? Did I barely sleep or what? I feel fine though…

Yuka looked over at the clock. It had been a good ten hours since Yuka slept, which in itself was a few hours after Hitomi did.

Yuka: I slept as usual? Hmm, I wonder…

Yuka quietly got out of bed, trying not to wake her sleeping cousin. She quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face, before putting some clothes on and heading outside to the car park. She walked over to the 135i and knelt down beside the driver side rear tyre. She gave the tread a quick depth test and got back onto her feet.

Yuka: I knew it! Hitomi couldn’t help but drive the Nurburgring herself. I wonder why she didn’t tell me though…? Oh well. At least she didn’t total the car.

Yuka checked the rest of the tyres, confirming her thoughts. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a neat scrape on the rear bumper, as if it had lightly grazed a guardrail. Yuka felt the scrape, it was smooth and most of the silver flakes rubbed right off, revealing the sparkly factory paint underneath.

Yuka: How hard were you pushing, Hitomi? Or rather, how shot were these tyres and how shot are they now? I guess it’s true what they say. The Nurburgring really does demand a lot from your tyres.

Yuka went back up into the hotel. Hitomi was still sound asleep.

Yuka: Well I suppose I can’t blame you, can I?

Yuka proceeded to get ready for the race by herself, grabbing a nice, long shower and giving her hair some attention with her straighteners. Yuka finished up and checked the clock, there were only a couple of hours left before the race and Hitomi was still asleep.

Yuka: My word… Is she going to sleep all day? It’s her turn to race for heavens sake!

Yuka sat beside Hitomi and shook her.

Yuka: Wakey wakey sleepy one.
Hitomi: Mhmm…
Yuka: Hey!

Yuka shook harder.

Yuka: Oi! We need to be on the track like, now!
Hitomi: Tired…
Yuka: Still?! You’ve practically slept half the day away!
Hitomi: So… Tired…
Yuka: Oh man. Fine, I’ll race for you then. You owe me!
Hitomi: Ahh…
Yuka: Have a good rest.

Yuka gave Hitomi a quick hug and headed back out to the car park, this time with her racing supplies. After Yuka closed the hotel room door behind her, Hitomi opened her eyes and sat up on the bed.

Hitomi: Sorry Yuka, I’ll make it up to you.

Hitomi got up and walked over to the fridge. She grabbed the wine bottle from inside it and started pouring herself a glass.

Hitomi: I’m usually capable of bridging the gap between performance differences with my driving skill, but I still lost… Sure it was an Evo packing more power, more grip and even had some downforce helping it, but that doesn’t explain the amount of times I went off the track.

Hitomi started sipping her wine.

Hitomi: Maybe I was just trying to match the Evo’s cornering speed… Which of course is way out of the 135i’s league…

She finished her glass and reached for the wine bottle once more, but stopped herself before she could grab it.

Hitomi: No, no. What are you doing, Hitomi? You can’t drink just because of losing one meaningless battle. You’re stronger than this, girl. You can bounce back at Rome! Although I suppose wine will help cheer me up.

She grabbed the wine bottle and poured herself another glass before she had another chance to talk herself out of it. She took a big gulp and shook herself as the taste hit her.

Hitomi: Ooohhh! That’s the stuff!

Later on…

Yuka arrived at the pit lane just in time for the briefing before the race. She glanced up and down the pits, checking out her competition. Among the sea of typical Euroboxes, it was the green Renault Avantime that set Yuka off.

Yuka: Oh no it’s The Hulk! He’s going to smash us all! Hahaha! Wow, I almost feel like a jerk for bringing a BMW to a race full of economy cars, but then again I do drive a BMW, it’s expected of me!

Yuka giggled to herself before cracking open a can of Coke before the race.

Starting Grid
1. Wine Red Audi TT
2. Gold Volvo S60
3. Black Mercedes 190E Evolution
4. Grey Alfa Romeo GT
5. Cream Jaguar E-Type
6. Hulk’s Green Renault Avantime
7. Yuka & Hitomi’s Grey BMW 135i
8. Silver Audi A3
9. Silver Renault Clio V6
10. White Peugeot 406 Coupe
11. Red Audi S3
12. Black Citroen C5

TT Driver: This’ll be easy with Quattro power!


S60 Driver: Not sure anyone realises this is an ex-police car…


190E Driver: I’ll pass this slow Volvo and that ugly TT and win this whole thing with ease.


GT Driver: Like Jeremy Clarkson says, you can’t call yourself a real petrolhead until you own an Alfa Romeo!


E-Type Driver: I may lose this race, but I’ve already won the beauty contest.
Passenger: There is no beauty contest:
E-Type Driver: Shut up!


Hulk: Hulk need win race!


Yuka: It feels weird to not have Hitomi here and even weirder to even be racing right now. I guess I’ll have to rely on just overpowering my opponents and learn the course as I go.


A3 Driver: I’m glad I picked this over the TT. Far more practical and every bit as fast. The wife can’t complain, yet.


Clio Driver: Nothing beats a modified Clio!


406 Driver: Should I really be racing in my company car?


S3 Driver: Old Audi’s are way better than newer ones! I’ll overtake that A3 ahead and the TT further up!


C5 Driver: Time to see if grandpa’s car is as fast as he says it is…


Yuka passed the start line and floored it, sending the 135i barrelling towards the Avantime.


She made quick work of the green machine.

Hulk: Hulk lose already? Hulk unhappy!


Hulk: Hulk unimpressed by terrible European people carrier! Hulk want refund!


After passing the Avantime and E-Type with ease, Yuka set about taking down the Alfa Romeo.

Yuka: This is far too easy so far.


Yuka: Should I embarrass this guy on the inside or outside?


Yuka: Outside it is!


Yuka: Ooop! It’s easy to forget how much room you need to brake on a track like this.


190E Driver: Crap, it’s that Japanese chick with the BMW.
Yuka: That Mercedes looks amazing! Shame I have to beat you.


Yuka: This section looks safe to pass.


Yuka: Come on, come on! Faster!
190E Driver: She’s as fast as they say she is. Incredible.


190E Driver: I wonder if I can keep up with you.


190E Driver: Evidently not.
Hulk: Hulk continue to lose position! Hulk displeased!


Yuka: Come on Volvo, this isn’t Ikea, move over.


S60 Driver: This is probably why they replaced the Volvo interceptors with BMW’s…


Yuka passed by the S60 and made a dash for the leading TT. Yuka had a chance to capture the lead before the first lap and she went right for it. She aimed for the inside, attempting to dive down the inside of the TT, but the TT had enough of a lead to grab the inside before Yuka got there.

Yuka: Ugh! What an ugly car! As if that piece of junk could be leading!


Yuka struggled to match the TT’s cornering speed around the final turn. The TT’s four wheel drive coupled with the driver’s track knowledge gave the edge over Yuka’s inexperience and lack of grip. The TT had built up a marginal lead at the corner exit.

Yuka: I’ll get you down this straight. I’ll win this before the next corner!


Yuka floored it, reeling in the TT and tailgating it in typical Yuka fashion.


Yuka made her move under braking for the first corner. She moved into the next lane and braked a bit later than the TT, using her 135i’s superior braking to counter the TT’s four wheel drive.

TT Driver: Damn that girl!


Yuka flew through the first chicane, securing her victory against the TT.

Yuka: Hah! Now to cruise for four laps.


Yuka began building up her lead. With her minor track knowledge, she could push even harder than before.


Yuka: Never a dull moment in this car!


Yuka: Still hanging on there boys? Guess I need to stop showboating.


Yuka: This is becoming one of my favourite corners. I can go so fast and not even come close to driving off the track!


Yuka: Lap three!


TT Driver: How am I being beaten by front wheel drive cars?!
S60 Driver: Hey! Don’t cheat you TT driving scumbag!


Yuka: I’m holding this lead pretty well. I’m actually enjoying myself for once.


Yuka held her comfortable lead for the remainder of lap three. Easily holding her rapid pace throughout the lap.


However, part way through lap four, a challenger appeared.


Clio Driver: This isn’t over yet!


Clio Driver: Your showboating will be your downfall here.
Yuka: Weeeeeeeee!


Yuka: Hmmm? What’s that creeping up on me? Crap! Where did that Clio come from? Did it start behind me or something?


Yuka: Don’t make a dive, don’t make a dive…


Yuka attempted to cut in front of the Clio, attempting to block it from passing on the inside, but the 135i had a different idea, bringing it’s tail round into a spectacular drift.

Yuka: Bad BMW! No drifting!
Clio Driver: You dare underestimate me?
Yuka: Bad, bad!


The final lap was coming up and Yuka had just lost her lead.

Yuka: Damn it! I still have a chance though. Last lap coming up!


Yuka floored it in an attempt to stay on the Clio’s tail. To her surprise though, she started reeling the Clio, quickly catching it back up and pulling alongside it.

Yuka: Huh? So easily? Disappointing…


Yuka quickly shut the door on the Clio, before braking for the next corner.

Clio Driver: What the…?
Yuka: Typical Clio drivers, short on everything.


The Clio driver didn’t give up so easily though, hanging onto Yuka’s behind in a desperate attempt to reclaim his brief lead.


Yuka: Damn it, I can’t shake him? Get out of my draft!


Yuka: This is more like it. Now stay back there while I win.


The Clio caught Yuka back up inch by inch around the final turn, putting it within drafting distance of the 135i.

Clio Driver: Perfect. Now I just have to use your lead against you and slipstream myself past you.


The Clio started catching the 135i, slowly closing the gap.

Clio Driver: Closer… Closer… Will I make it in time?
Yuka: Oh ho ho, you’re not passing me before the line. Not a chance.


Yuka crossed the line, barely a car length ahead of the Clio.

Clio Driver: No! So close!
Yuka: I told you! My win! Mine!


Yuka finished her victory lap and pulled into the pits. She got out and inspected the 135i, making sure everything was still attached. The president of the European Racing League approached her in the pits.

ERL President: Miss Yuka?
Yuka: Yeah?
ERL President: My name is Sullivan. I’m the president of the European Racing League, the organisation sponsoring these events you and your cousin have been gracing with your talents.
Yuka: Oh right. Well thanks for making it all happen!
Sullivan: It’s nearly the end of the season, but you’ve already made quite the name for yourselves.
Yuka: Yeah, seems so.
Sullivan: Where is your cousin, by the way?
Yuka: At the hotel. She had a brutal night.
Sullivan: Ah. Well I just wanted to meet the girls who have single-handedly dominated Europe. One out of two is good enough though. I wish you both the best of luck at Rome and London. There will be a huge party held for you if you continue your landslide of victories.
Yuka: Thanks! I’ll let Hitomi know. She’s more of a party person than me.
Sullivan: I understand. Here’s your prize money, you’ve certainly earned it.
Yuka: Oh! Thank you!
Sullivan: My pleasure. See you.
Yuka: Bye!

Yuka counted the prize money, a very healthy 82,600 Euros.

Yuka: And that makes 226,800 Euros, including hotel fees. Damn that’s a lot of money.

Later on…

Yuka walked into the hotel room to find Hitomi sitting on the floor with an empty bottle of wine at her feet.

Hitomi: Well hello there, cousin! How was racing?
Yuka: Um… Good? I mean, I won. Are you drunk?
Hitomi: No drunk, I’m not Yuka!
Yuka: Oh lord…
I got a strange vibe when I started reading the chapter that something bad was gonna happen, but whatever, good chapter as always.
Oh the pun :lol: I like how the Clio prevented me (and Yuka) from yawning.

To be honest, I got that feeling during the actual race. Took first far too soon. I was thinking "should I go again or just find a harder grid?" Then the sodding Clio comes right up my backside, asking for trouble. :lol:
Every time I read this, it makes me want to make my own racing story. I am too lazy to censor it though.

Paste your story into Microsoft Word, CTRL+F, replace, replace <insert curse word> with "frig", "crap", "damn", "bloody", etc. and then you're done! Just remember to censor yourself as you write new chapters. :P
Paste your story into Microsoft Word, CTRL+F, replace, replace <insert curse word> with "frig", "crap", "damn", "bloody", etc. and then you're done! Just remember to censor yourself as you write new chapters. :P

Or do like driftking and put 🤬 instead of the curse word.
Chapter 47 - Roaming Rome

One day later&#8230;

After a full day of travelling and booking in and out of hotels, Yuka and Hitomi finally arrived that night at their hotel room in Rome, funnily enough being the same room they rented last time. Yuka put her bags down on the floor and jumped onto the bed, body slamming the bed sheets.

Yuka: Ahhhh! Isn&#8217;t this familiar?
Hitomi: Yeah. Home sweet home, sort of.
Yuka: We&#8217;re here for two races straight this time, so we might as well call it home. It&#8217;s the last hotel we&#8217;ll be staying at too. When we reach London we&#8217;ll be staying with Kyoko.
Hitomi: Oh right! Speaking of people we&#8217;ve met before, I hope Leon isn&#8217;t around here.
Yuka: Oh your boyfriend?
Hitomi: He&#8217;s not my&#8230;!
Yuka: But I thought he was.
Hitomi: You&#8217;re just trolling me now. You know full well how much I despise him at this point.
Yuka: You mad?
Hitomi: Dammit Yuka!

The next day&#8230;

Yuka and Hitomi were at the Rome city circuit, now for the second time in their European career. The pair sat on the bonnet of the 135i, enjoying the weather before the race.

Yuka: So, still remember how to take this track?
Hitomi: Yup. It helps that the BMW is better than the C4, this&#8217;ll be easy.
Yuka: Then after this we&#8217;ll have to get our hands on an Italian car.
Hitomi: Oh yeah, the first race of the Italian series is actually here as well.
Yuka: Yeah. Thoughts?
Hitomi: It has to be an Alfa Romeo. We need to become proper petrolheads!
Yuka: Yeah like Clarkson always says!
Hitomi: Yup!
Yuka: What Alfa though?
Hitomi: I kind of like the 147.
Yuka: Mmm, it&#8217;s pretty, but I&#8217;ve heard terrible things about their handling.
Hitomi: Oh I wasn&#8217;t talking about the GTA model. I was talking about the TI, the facelifted one.
Yuka: Oh right. Well we&#8217;ll have to see when the time comes!
Hitomi: Yeah.
Yuka: Maybe Leon can cut us a deal eh?
Hitomi: Shut up.
Yuka: Suit yourself. Anyway it&#8217;s about time we kicked this race off.
Hitomi: I&#8217;m ready.
Yuka: I hope so.

Starting Grid
1. Silver Renault Clio V6
2. White BMW M Coupe
3. Silver Alfa Romeo 147 GTA
4. Silver Jaguar E-Type
5. Black Volkswagen Golf GTi
6. Red Lotus Esprit
7. Yuka & Hitomi&#8217;s Grey BMW 135i
8. Orange Land Rover Range Stormer
9. Green Lotus Esprit
10. Red Audi S3
11. Blue Renault Clio V6
12. White TVR Griffith

Clio Driver #1: This Clio is sick bruv! I&#8217;ll beat these losers for sure.


M Driver: Man these chavs with their Clio&#8217;s. M Power will wipe their backwards caps off their bald little heads.


147 Driver: Don&#8217;t understeer into a wall, don&#8217;t under into a wall&#8230;


E-Type Driver: I hope father doesn&#8217;t mind me taking his baby for a drive&#8230;


Golf Driver: Man what&#8217;s with the old junker in front?


Esprit Driver #1: Is it unfair to bring a supercar to a road race? Nah&#8230;


Yuka: Don&#8217;t scratch the car this time.
Hitomi: Eh?
Yuka: Um, I mean, you know, you scratched the Elise and stuff.
Hitomi: Oh&#8230; Sure&#8230; I&#8217;ll try.


Range Stormer Driver: I should win out of pure pimpingness alone!


Esprit Driver #2: Why did I get lumped in with this lot? This wont even be a challenge&#8230;


S3 Driver: Another race, another last place.


Clio Driver #2:


TVR Driver: If I have to drive through these chumps, then go be it. I&#8217;ve got enough muscle with this TVR.


Hitomi: Alright, lets do this&#8230;


Hitomi put her foot down, maintaining her gap behind the Esprit. The V8 in the Esprit was enough to hold back the BMW, but once the double right came up, Hitomi sprung into action.

Hitomi: Here we go!


Hitomi: I still got it! I can&#8217;t believe this line still works!
Yuka: Back to your old self already eh Hitomi?
Hitomi: Yeah! I can&#8217;t believe I doubted myself!
Yuka: Oh?
Hitomi: I mean! Because I haven&#8217;t raced here for a long time!
Yuka: Right&#8230;


E-Type Driver: Damn, how did those girls overtake me so soon? Weren&#8217;t they all the way back there a second ago?


Yuka: Oh that&#8217;s the GTA.
Hitomi: Yeah, watch it crash next corner.
Yuka: I&#8217;d rather we overtook it by then.


147 Driver: Damn BMW&#8217;s!


Hitomi: Happy?
Yuka: Quite.


Yuka: Oh it&#8217;s one of those bloody Clio&#8217;s again.
Hitomi: No problem right?
Yuka: Mhm. Go for it!


Hitomi put her foot down, in hot pursuit of the Clio. The two cars were evenly matched, with only Hitomi&#8217;s cornering prowess gaining her precious milliseconds through the corners. She pushed harder and harder, pushing the 135i to it&#8217;s limit. On approach to the final double-right hander, Hitomi pushed the 135i, drifting wide, lightly scraping the concrete barrier.

Yuka: Hey! What&#8217;s with you and scratching the car?!
Hitomi: I have to or we wont win!


Hitomi&#8217;s risk-taking paid off, closing the gap between herself and the Clio.


Hitomi: Here&#8217;s my chance to shave some time off.


Hitomi: That&#8217;s it!


Hitomi finally caught up after chasing the Clio for nearly a full lap.

Clio Driver #1: Aw no mate!


Hitomi: You aint getting away!


Hitomi: Just surrender your position! You haven&#8217;t got a chance against me!


Yuka: He&#8217;s left the door open! On the left!
Hitomi: I see it!


Yuka: Yes!
Clio Driver #1: How the hell?!


Hitomi: Now all we have to do is hold on for another three laps.


Clio Driver #1: No! Get back here!


Hitomi begun a relentless charge, leaving the Clio further and further behind with each corner passed. Her confidence was coming back faster than she had lost it, allowing her to remain in total control of the BMW, while missing the guardrails by centimetres.


Hitomi begun lap four with a bang, taking the first double-right completely sideways, creating a smoke show worthy of the D1GP.

Hitomi: Haha I can&#8217;t even see that Clio through all that smoke! Take that!


However when the smoke cleared, it wasn&#8217;t the Clio that was now behind the 135i.

Yuka: Hitomi&#8230; There&#8217;s an Esprit behind us.
Hitomi: Oh crap, he caught up?
Esprit Driver #1: Hello again, ladies.


Hitomi kept her pace up, holding the Esprit behind her, but then an even greater threat appeared.

Yuka: There&#8217;s another one!
Hitomi: Another?!


Hitomi fought hard, using every inch of the road to gain the slightest advantage.


Hitomi: Oooh&#8230;!
Yuka: Careful!


Yuka: Last lap! You can do it Hitomi!


Hitomi: I&#8217;m not losing to you!
Esprit Driver #1: Damn this girl is crazy!


Esprit Driver #1: How am I going to beat a girl that knows how to defend? Damn and I thought I&#8217;d win&#8230;


Yuka: Well at least that side was already scratched.
Hitomi: Yuka&#8230;


Yuka: Yeah?
Hitomi: I&#8230;


Hitomi: I admit it. I took the car and drove on the Nurburgring without you knowing&#8230;
Yuka: I knew it.
Hitomi: And I went off the track while chasing an Evo&#8230;
Yuka: Hitomi, you know you shouldn&#8217;t be trying to get into such heated battles on tracks you have never driven on.


Hitomi: Please forgive me&#8230; I know I&#8217;ve disappointed you.
Yuka: Alright, but under one condition.
Hitomi: Anything!


Yuka: You behave yourself from now on. We&#8217;re nearly at the end, don&#8217;t blow it for us.
Hitomi: Done!
Yuka: Then I forgive you Hitomi, you lovable cow.


With another 82,600 Euros won, the girls&#8217; purse was now at 309,400 Euros, now tripling their original budget. The girls pulled up in the winner&#8217;s circle and headed up to the podium to celebrate their victory.

Later on&#8230;

Back at the hotel, Yuka was laying comfortably on the bed in her dressing gown, chatting to Kei on the phone. Hitomi was in the shower, washing the sticky champagne off her skin from the champagne shower she received on the podium.

Yuka: Yeah and then I poured what was left down her pants!
Kei: Yuka! That&#8217;s terrible!
Yuka: I know! That&#8217;s why it&#8217;s funny!
Kei: I don&#8217;t think Hitomi sees it that way! Anyway Yuka, I&#8217;m taking my driving test tomorrow! Wish me luck!
Yuka: Oh! Good luck Kei! You&#8217;ll pass first time I&#8217;m sure!
Kei: I hope so! I&#8217;ve spent so much money on lessons, I don&#8217;t want to spend anymore!
Yuka: I know the feeling. Don&#8217;t worry, you&#8217;ll be fine.
Kei: I hope so. Oh yeah! That Dex guy put the money in your account a while ago.
Yuka: Ah good, I was wondering if he&#8217;d keep to his word.
Kei: I&#8217;m so excited Yuka! TJ says if I pass tomorrow he&#8217;ll help me bring the Copen home since I don&#8217;t have insurance yet. I probably wont have insurance for another week actually. When do you come home again?
Yuka: In about a week actually.
Kei: Oh! Maybe I can pick you up from the airport?
Yuka: I&#8217;d like that.
Kei: Yay! Well I better let you go off already, let you find your next car and stuff.
Yuka: Yeah. I&#8217;ll talk to you soon Kei. I miss you.
Kei: Awww I miss you too Yuka! I&#8217;ll see you soon! Bye bye!

Yuka put the phone down and sat up to use the laptop. Hitomi emerged from the bathroom and started drying her hair.

Hitomi: I think I used up all of my shampoo trying to get the champagne smell out.
Yuka: Really? I didn&#8217;t have to use any more than usual.
Hitomi: Because you hardly got any on you! You poured half a bottle down my pants!
Yuka: I thought you didn&#8217;t have any hair down there? How come you have to use so much shampoo?
Hitomi: That&#8217;s not what I meant! I was drenched in champagne, that&#8217;s all that matters! Anyway, did Kei have any news or?
Yuka: Yeah she&#8217;s taking her driving test tomorrow.
Hitomi: Oh cool. She&#8217;ll be fine, since she&#8217;s been exposed to you.
Yuka: Exposed? I&#8217;ll show you exposed!
Hitomi: Why? Are you going to take my dressing gown away again? Aint gonna happen!
Yuka: Oh it is, it is going to happen.
Hitomi: That&#8217;s what I thought! Wait, what? Yuka!
Yuka: Come &#8216;ere!
Hitomi: Yuka!!
*plays LMFAO - Champagne showers during the victory scene :lol:*

Anyway the disappointing bit is that you could have given the Esprits more action. I was thinking that they could be rivals to each other or something. :guilty: Anyways, it's still a decent chapter.
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*reads over the final part of the chapter*
Oh God...I'm gonna need to think unsexy thoughts.
*plays LMFAO - Champagne showers during the victory scene :lol:*

Anyway the disappointing bit is that you could have given the Esprits more action. I was thinking that they could be rivals to each other or something. :guilty: Anyways, it's still a decent chapter.

I kept looking back to see if the Esprit's would start fighting each other, but that damn Clio kept them seperated! :lol:
Yeah, you heard. :lol:
Esprits? Who needs them you have a 135i.
Use a Coupe Turbo Plus in the italian races :lol:
I would, but it's a standard and I want to maintain my premium snobbery until the end of time. :indiff::P
*reads over the final part of the chapter*
Oh God...I'm gonna need to think unsexy thoughts.

Think of an Onboy x uMadson? fan fic. No need to thank me.
I kept looking back to see if the Esprit's would start fighting each other, but that damn Clio kept them seperated! :lol:

Think of an Onboy x uMadson? fan fic. No need to thank me.

Eeeh that bloody chav :lol:

... yaoi, yuck*pukes*
Eeeh that bloody chav :lol:

... yaoi, yuck*pukes*

I don't see what's wrong with that Clio. Though it does get in the way a lot&#8230;

:lol: More banter than story writing, if we ever got to do that. Unless by 'X', you mean&#8230;:yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck: *pukes moar*