~ Ready, Steady, Go! - Chapter 55 ~ (02/03/12)(56k/MobileApp Warning!)

  • Thread starter VTiRoj
Yeah it's a play on the "dub" part of VDub and dubstep. :P Funny though, because Volkwagen's press cars have WOB on their number plates. :lol:


So nothing to do with chavs then? :sly:
Well I know chavs "try" and be VDubbers but that's not what I was aiming for myself. :P

But chavs lack the mental capacity to comprehend the beauty of an ATS, Schmidt or BBS split rim, or the sheer awesomeness of stretched tyres and tucked wheels. All chavs respond to is chrome, basslines and Lambo-style door kits
i know its nothing to do with VDub's but you should check out the 2010 Honda Eibach meet...some of the best car's in the world! i think there is a red (EG) in there, it has Gold and Silver BBS rims. It may sound a bit chav but i think you'd love it! :)
But chavs lack the mental capacity to comprehend the beauty of an ATS, Schmidt or BBS split rim, or the sheer awesomeness of stretched tyres and tucked wheels. All chavs respond to is chrome, basslines and Lambo-style door kits

But they do like VAG....
First race report thread to hit 1,000 replies? I think so. Yay. :D

But chavs lack the mental capacity to comprehend the beauty of an ATS, Schmidt or BBS split rim, or the sheer awesomeness of stretched tyres and tucked wheels. All chavs respond to is chrome, basslines and Lambo-style door kits
Pretty much. Don't forget Halfords. They love anything Halfords has. :lol:
Yeah...when's your next big meetup, like the Race Warz thing a while back?

That was frustratingly fun:P
Not a clue, it's unlikely that I'd need another big meet though. Maybe you could organise one for your fic? :lol:
i know its nothing to do with VDub's but you should check out the 2010 Honda Eibach meet...some of the best car's in the world! i think there is a red (EG) in there, it has Gold and Silver BBS rims. It may sound a bit chav but i think you'd love it! :)

That doesn't sound remotely chavvy. :odd::P
1,000 post's in this forum is kinda epic, and also keep the good work with your story, it seems to be the only one that's still updated every week
But chavs lack the mental capacity to comprehend the beauty of an ATS, Schmidt or BBS split rim, or the sheer awesomeness of stretched tyres and tucked wheels. All chavs respond to is chrome, basslines and Lambo-style door kits

"chrome, basslines and Lambo-style door kits"..

That's "ricers" - chavs have a Vauxhall Nova (or Corsa if, by some miracle, they've got a job), drainpipe exhaust on a 1.2, 13" alloys that are "wicked bruv" - except they're not, they're normally from another car from same manufacturer, plus they BOOM their 'choons" through a stolen stereo with some 6x9s they got for Xmas from Halfrauds, which they'll defend with their lives.

Then, when they finally have enough money (and about 128 kids), the Chavs will get the one thing that makes life worth living for them - a 10 year old BMW 3 series and they'll be "...king of the road....".....!!!!

I applaud of your hard work and motivation to reach such a milestone.
Why thank you. 👍
1,000 post's in this forum is kinda epic, and also keep the good work with your story, it seems to be the only one that's still updated every week
Thanks! I'm not sure I'm the only one who updates every week, but I believe I'm the only one who releases chapters like I'm some kind of TV channel. :lol: Tune in next week for the next episode of Ready, Steady, Go!
"chrome, basslines and Lambo-style door kits"..

That's "ricers" - chavs have a Vauxhall Nova (or Corsa if, by some miracle, they've got a job), drainpipe exhaust on a 1.2, 13" alloys that are "wicked bruv" - except they're not, they're normally from another car from same manufacturer, plus they BOOM their 'choons" through a stolen stereo with some 6x9s they got for Xmas from Halfrauds, which they'll defend with their lives.

Then, when they finally have enough money (and about 128 kids), the Chavs will get the one thing that makes life worth living for them - a 10 year old BMW 3 series and they'll be "...king of the road....".....!!!!


I think you're still looking at 90's chavs there. :P All the Nova's have been wrote off or scrapped now. The only ones left are the ones that avoided the chavs and actually got treated nicey. The older Corsa's are the chav car of choice these days. Chavs and ricers may as well be the same thing in the UK, since eBay Lambo doors and eBay chrome wheels are cheap enough for the benefit-abusing gits to afford now.
"chrome, basslines and Lambo-style door kits"..

That's "ricers" - chavs have a Vauxhall Nova (or Corsa if, by some miracle, they've got a job), drainpipe exhaust on a 1.2, 13" alloys that are "wicked bruv" - except they're not, they're normally from another car from same manufacturer, plus they BOOM their 'choons" through a stolen stereo with some 6x9s they got for Xmas from Halfrauds, which they'll defend with their lives.

Then, when they finally have enough money (and about 128 kids), the Chavs will get the one thing that makes life worth living for them - a 10 year old BMW 3 series and they'll be "...king of the road....".....!!!!


It's funny, I know someone exactly like you described, but his 1st car was a Saxo. He went for the 10 year old BMW 3 series though. :D
I didn't completely get the VAG thing :lol: And why I don't get invited for cameos ? :lol:
Because you're not 2 clicks away like Dragonthing is. :lol:

I know everyone wants to help and I appreciate the support, but before I post here asking for help, I ask my two comrades at RKM. :)👍
don't wanna violate the AUP!

How about: "The place where babies pop out"? :lol:
Chapter 42 - First On Race Day

Sapphire: Ready?
Yuka: Ready!

Sapphire floored it towards the first hairpin, giving her 135i a short burst of power before braking hard for the hairpin.


She negotiated the hairpin with ease and set about taking on the rest of the track.

Yuka: I can already tell this a much better setting than ours. This 135i is holding the road much better and the acceleration is much better too.


Yuka: I just wonder if it’s fast enough for League B…
Sapphire: From what I have heard about you already, I'm sure your skills can take this through League B and beyond. You're quite the talk of the racing scene here already.
Yuka: Really? Hmmm, I hope I can live up to the hype then.
Sapphire: You will, I’m sure of it.


Sapphire went into the next hairpin hard, flicking the 135i into a well-controlled high-speed drift.

Yuka: I see you’ve kept the fun in this car too!
Sapphire: You like that huh?


Yuka: I can’t wait for our 135i to be like this…


The 135i carved up the next hairpin and begun doing the same to the Schumacher S curves.


Sapphire: It took me three weeks to get the suspension to this level. It was worth it in the end.
Yuka: Amazing. You can push so hard and the car still listens to you. It’s like my Civic in that respect.


The 135i made quick work of the following high-speed sections, behaving more like an M3 than a 135i.


Sapphire braked hard for the chicane, sticking close to the inside of the corner, showing the 135i’s superb agility.


Only to then jump the next corner, shoving the foam barrier out of the way. Yuka started giggling, despite the fact Sapphire collided with the foam barrier.

Yuka: Ahhh! How fun! You’re crazy!
Sapphire: I love doing that.


Sapphire negotiated the last hairpin with ease and headed back down the main straight back to where the other 135i was parked.


The 135i pulled in after having a quick blast to the end of the pit wall.


She parked behind Hitomi and the other 135i and shut off the engine.

Sapphire: Were you satisfied?
Yuka: Yeah. We’ll bring the car to your workshop tonight if that’s okay?
Sapphire: That would be great. I’ll have it done before lunch tomorrow in that case.


Hitomi walked over to Sapphire and Yuka.

Hitomi: So what’s the verdict Yuka?
Yuka: It’s amazing. We’re going to win for sure with this.
Hitomi: Great. Lets get home already, I’m hungry.
Yuka: Okay. Thanks a lot Sapphire! I’ll see you tonight!
Sapphire: See you!
Hitomi: Laters.

Meanwhile, at Laguna Seca…

Viper Driver: How can an old relic like that keep up with a Dodge Viper?


Viper Driver: Damn we’ve caught up to traffic again… This is just what I need… At least he can’t out-manoeuvre me with that pony car.


Viper Driver: Huh?! Crap! He’s actually got grip with at old thing. Incredible.


Viper Driver: Wait a second… That licence plate… Shin? Oh man the rumours were true… He’s gone and tuned that thing…


Charger Driver: Whoa dude!
Shin: This power… It’s unreal.


Shin: I used to fight my way to the top here. Now I’m practically on Hitomi’s level. An effortless victory… I can’t wait for our rematch, Dave. You’ll need more than a poor track choice to take me down this time.


Later on…

Yuka and Hitomi drove the 135i down to Dragon’s Tuning’s workshop, located close to their hotel. After blasting down some backroads, they finally reached the workshop. They pulled into the workshop, Sapphire had already left one of the bays open for them. They parked up and got out. Sapphire came out to greet them.

Sapphire: Hey.
Yuka: Hi!
Hitomi: Nice place you got here.
Sapphire: Thanks. It’s not as nice as my workshop back in the UK though.
Hitomi: My garage back in the US is about this size but it’s full of junked cars so there’s barely any room to work on anything.
Yuka: Why is it full of junked cars?
Hitomi: I pick up cheap cars from used lots, thrash them, wreck them, salvage the good parts the scrap them. It’s a profitable little operation but the problem is the local scrap yards wont take anything until next month…
Yuka: Oh I see. Anyway yeah, thanks a lot for this Sapphire!
Sapphire: You’re welcome! As I said, I’ll have this back to you tomorrow lunchtime.
Yuka: Yeah. That gives us a couple of hours before the race. I guess I’ll have to adjust to the car as I race. I’m confident in your tuning though Sapphire!
Sapphire: Likewise, I’m confident in your racing. You’ve got this in the bag, Yuka.
Yuka: Thank you! It means a lot!
Hitomi: So do we pay you now or after?
Sapphire: After. Actually, we should all meet up for coffee or something before you depart for your race at Monza.
Hitomi: Oh yeah, definitely.
Yuka: Ah, Monza. That’ll be the last new track we race on won’t it? After that it’s Rome a couple of times then London…
Hitomi: Yeah. We’ll be even faster than we were last time though we went to Rome and London though, since we have some track knowledge now.
Yuka: Yeah. Anyway we’ll be off now Sapphire! See you tomorrow!
Sapphire: See you both tomorrow!
Hitomi: Bye bye!

Special thanks to Dragonthing for the cameo!
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I was just wondering why your Mustang front aero was white when the one I had was black... then I remember the stripes on mine we're black not white... Crap, they look better in white :lol:

Why I am seeing a 3-way battle between Yuka Civic, Dave Atenza (?) and Shin's Mustang ?