LOST: Season Three

  • Thread starter Jedi2016
The new season begins in T-minus three hours. Let the games begin. :)

I'm heading downstairs to get ready even now. Fine-tune the TV reception a bit (poor boy, no cable.. besides, Lost is the only thing I watch). Watch some Stargate, then the S2 finale to warm up, and then off to the island! w00t!!
Good luck to ya !...

Don't know when we'll get it here in DK, so I guess I'll be firing up the ole Torrent Client tomorrow !....

I'll probably be out of this thread until I get to see s03e01.avi :-)
It's just started in the PST Zone(Oregon, California, etc.). Opening was very cool(without giving too much away). I hope the rest of the episode is just as good.
I hope the rest of the episode is just as good.
Wish granted.

In typical LOST fashion, I'm more confused than before, even though I have more pieces of the puzzle.
So, someone beat me to creating the thread.

Here is the global television schedule as it is currently known. It isn't much but it is better than nothing.

United States & Canada "The Glass Ballerina" - (new)
Wednesday, October 11th - 9/8c

United Kingdom Lost is currently on hiatus
Season 3 will begin in 2007

Australia Lost is currently on hiatus
Season 3 will begin February 2007

South Africa Lost is currently on hiatus
Season 3 will begin in 2007

Well, here is all the reference information and links.

Referal sites for all kinds of info are below. I'll try and keep these updated as usual.


For timeline~

Episode recaps~

For Spoilers~

Oceanic airlines (Plane)~

Hanso and Dharma (Hatch)~

For another LOST forum~

For screen caps~

Geronimo Jackson home page~

LostPedia - A Lost Wiki~
ABC Lost Wiki - Official (but ripped off idea) Lost Wiki~

My episode write-up will be coming shortly. I have a bit of work to deal with this morning but should be freed up later. So this afternoon or tomorrow morning.
Looking forward to the write up FK.

Just watched the episode, it was very good :D The opening was awesome, i don't think i've ever said "Oh my god" whilst watching tv and ever meant it so strongly.

Loved the rest of the ep. Sawyer's "problem" is good to watch, as is Kate in a summer dress 👍
Loved the rest of the ep. Sawyer's "problem" is good to watch,
"I see you got a fish biscuit! Good!" :lol:
as is Kate in a summer dress 👍
Mmmm, Kate in a summer dress :drool:

Edit: If anyone hasn't figured out the numbers yet or hasn't been keeping up with The Lost Experience game that has had people running around aonline non-stop here is the video "Rachel Blake" filmed and has been releasing in parts online.

Also here is Rachel Blake confronting the writers of Lost at ComicCon. It's kind of old but I didn't know who's seen it yet.

Just watched the first Ep of S3.... That certainly cleared up a bunch of s***...

Only, like... NOT...

Looking forward to E2 !... These guys know how to work a TV series ! 👍
Yeah the first five minutes were the best. I was like 'OMFG!!' but then I got less excited as the episode went on because I knew they weren't going to answer any big questions. Hopefully the next ep will be more informative.
I'm going to delve into spoilers and speculation for a moment.

It seems as though my "wild card" theory is holding up better than I thought. I viewed the island as having three distinct groups of people on it. The crash survivors, the Others, and the Wild Cards. The latter being Danielle Rousseau and Desmond Hume. Unlike the survivors, those two are completely outside the control or manipulation of the Others. And as such, have the unique position of being able to surprise the Others and cause problems in otherwise very finely-laid plans.

Henry seemed to be pretty pissed off at the end of S2 when Desmond set off the Discharge. I don't think Henry knew that Desmond was there, or that he had the key, or that he knew what the key did. He apparently wanted Locke to stop pushing the button, but I don't think he intended the fail-safe to ever be initiated, since the survivors would have no clue the fail-safe was even there, much less how to use it. He covered it up quite well, but if you watch the scene, right when the Discharge starts, Henry is looking inland, and he looks pissed.

Secondly, in the teaser for next week's episode, he finds out that the survivors have a sailboat. He looks quite stunned by this information, which tells me that, again, he had no idea of Desmond's whereabouts, activities, or even existance.

Also, it's been noted that the people who survived the plane crash were effectively isolated from the world before their flight. They didn't leave much behind. No families (except broken ones), nothing to hold onto back there. Even those that may have left something behind (Bernard and Rose, for example), now have reason to stay on the island. Again, except Desmond. Penny Widmore has obviously continued to spend huge sums of money in an attempt to locate Desmond, and she seems to know a lot about where he is.. she's missing only the precise location (until now, apparently, thanks to the Discharge, which, coincidentally, was set off by Desmond himself).

Henry also managed to get himself caught and shot by Rousseau, something I'm pretty sure he wasn't planning to do. Like Desmond, she's outside their planning or control, and can act as an interfering element.

I think it will be pretty interesting to see how this plays out over the course of the show. I think Desmond is going to wind up being a very important character, but perhaps not in a way people normally expect. A background character with more knowledge of DHARMA and the island than the Lostaways, but he may be a key element in their eventual escape/rescue from the island.
Wish granted.

In typical LOST fashion, I'm more confused than before, even though I have more pieces of the puzzle.
I thought it was pretty good, even after applying the high standard I set for a show like Lost.

Following might be considered spoilers:

Well, at least now we know why there were polar bears in middle of the jungle, or why the shark had Darma logo on it.

What's bugging me is the Kate's situation. Looks like the "Others" are roughing her up, right? But not Sawyer or Jack....... I hope she actually talks to Sawyer about what the heck the Others are doing to her, and for what reason. My coworker thought that the Others were torturing her for info on Jack, which ended up as a file on Jack's life(seen in the scene with Juliet). It made some sense at first, but if that was the case, why would they lock her up right across from Sawyer, where she could tell him exactly where Jack's information came from? Do you guys have any guesses on what's going on with Kate?
It seems as though my "wild card" theory is holding up better than I thought. I viewed the island as having three distinct groups of people on it. The crash survivors, the Others, and the Wild Cards. The latter being Danielle Rousseau and Desmond Hume. Unlike the survivors, those two are completely outside the control or manipulation of the Others. And as such, have the unique position of being able to surprise the Others and cause problems in otherwise very finely-laid plans.
I like your wild card theory, although a couple of things bother me. 1) Danielle was aware of the Others because she would hear their whispers. The whispers only happen when they are being watched, or about to be attacked. While we haven't established that the whispers are 100% a result of the Others it seems to be a safe bet because they always seem to go together. This makes me think they know about Danielle, how she got there, and who she is but as a rogue wild woman they no longer care. They may have just been doing things to limit her explorations and left it at that. She is not a good person but not worth the bother of killing. She still remains a wild card because they have underestimated her, but they do know that she is there.

2) What part did Kelvin play with the Others? We know he snuck off to play with the boat and repair it, but is that all he did? He was working for DHARMA and Juliet hinted that DHARMA and the Others were connected somehow. Did Kelvin inform them of Desmond or does he not even know about them? Whichever way it goes from next week's preview it does seem that Kelvin, at a minimum, did not inform them about the boat, possibly because he intended to escape.

What's bugging me is the Kate's situation. Looks like the "Others" are roughing her up, right? But not Sawyer or Jack....... I hope she actually talks to Sawyer about what the heck the Others are doing to her, and for what reason.
They are all being roughed up in their own way. Sawyer is a wild, vicious animal who wants freedom of all kinds. He is put in a small bear cage and teh only way to get food is to play their game. Then the food he does get is animal food. He has been demeaned by being caged and forced to act like a rat in a maze.

Jack is a control freak, and he is also a calm and collected thinker who strikes when least expected. He has been put in a cell used for sharks, which are methodical and strike without warning. Jack must have control in order to be comfortable, but instead he must submit his will in order to have food. His life was laid out in front of him and everything he is has been spread out bare for the Others to see. He was lying about who he was because it gave him some power in not playing their game and they stripped his last bit of power and broke him by showing him they already know and that the game is already won.

Kate is a wild, independant woman who struck out after seeing her mother abused. Now they are being rough to her and doing to her the one thing that angers her most. They have mistreated her and taken away her independence, her ability to run. She is now a prisonerm, the one thing that she has fought years not to be.

Each of them has been roughed up in their own personal way. Jack and Kate appear broken, Sawyer appears to not care, but he hasn't let his guard down because it is all he has left. Believe me, if anyone makes a move at this point it will be Sawyer.

My coworker thought that the Others were torturing her for info on Jack, which ended up as a file on Jack's life(seen in the scene with Juliet). It made some sense at first, but if that was the case, why would they lock her up right across from Sawyer, where she could tell him exactly where Jack's information came from? Do you guys have any guesses on what's going on with Kate?
Kate doesn't know all that about Jack. Jack has only todl them that he isn't married. Only Ana-Lucia got teh "not anymore" line. Kate doesn't know about his father and hwo he died. No one knows Sarah's name or teh story behidn teh infidelity. Kate doesn't knwo Jack that well because he has kept his intimate details and feelings close. He doesn't open himself up that way. The Others know Jack's entire life, things no one else could have the details of.

I am willing to bet that the Others have everyone else's history as well and if it fits the story we will see it.
With regards to the others knowing all about the Losties could this be the work of the black cloud/monster/cerberus or whatever its called's doing?

We did see the black cloud show parts of eko's past when he confronted it and I do remember somebody in the lost forums on GTP (i think it was Foolkiller) saying we would get an explanation about the monster in the coming episodes. It would make sense for this monster to be some kind of intelligence gathering being. Even if the others are just continuing in Dhama's work they may have found how to use the monster for their own will. They could have used it on Jack, Sawyer and Kate while they were drugged.

All in all it was a pretty good episode though. Im starting to think that the Others were once losties themselves though. Maybe they had a boat which crashed on the island and have been there for many years. After finding out about all the secrets the island held they stayed there living what seemed to be a peacefull life.

When the plane crashed on the island it created a panic and the others used the knowledge they gathered from being on the island for so long to give them the advantage and get rid of all the losties so their world is not disrupted. Perhaps what they mean by good and bad people are people they want to introduce to their world to help them develop more. People with better genes. The others i have seen so far apart from that bearded chap all look skinny and weak so perhaps they need better genes to create a stronger future?

Just thinking aloud here and adding some more fuel to fire.

I guess only time will tell

With regards to the others knowing all about the Losties could this be the work of the black cloud/monster/cerberus or whatever its called's doing?

We did see the black cloud show parts of eko's past when he confronted it and I do remember somebody in the lost forums on GTP (i think it was Foolkiller) saying we would get an explanation about the monster in the coming episodes. It would make sense for this monster to be some kind of intelligence gathering being. Even if the others are just continuing in Dhama's work they may have found how to use the monster for their own will. They could have used it on Jack, Sawyer and Kate while they were drugged.

All in all it was a pretty good episode though. Im starting to think that the Others were once losties themselves though. Maybe they had a boat which crashed on the island and have been there for many years. After finding out about all the secrets the island held they stayed there living what seemed to be a peacefull life.
I doubt it.. After all, that Stephen King book looked brandnew... All the houses are a nice even (almost like newly painted) Yellow and White. They have to have connections to "somewhere" to get books, paint etc.... And I mean, you can only keep a book club going for so long without getting new meterial..... :-)

I guess only time will tell
Ain't that right !...
Who do you love? Here it is, the Episode 1 write-up.

SPOILER ALERT!!!! If you haven't seen the episode and don't want anything ruined then stop reading until where I quote Spec at the bottom.

This will be given out of order from the show in order to keep the three main character stories together and be less confusing. In other words, I will tell Kate's whole part, then Sawyer's, and finally Jack's. It provides better continuity.

As usual I will put my thoughts in blue

Episode 301: A Tale of Two Cities

This is Jack-centric (well, the flashbacks are)

Introduction: The Village

We see a blonde woman that we have never met before getting ready for the day. She starts by putting in a CD and playing "Downtown" by Petula Clark. Something seems to be bothering her and has her on the verge of tears, but we don't know what. Suddenly a smoke alarm starts going off and she looks in the kitchen to see muffins burning in the oven. As she tries to take them out she drops the pan and tries to catch them with her unprotected hand. She drops the pan and falls to the floor clutching at her burned hand. While sitting there the doorbell rings. She opens the door to find an older woman standing there, who looks immediately concerned at the sight of the blonde woman with her hand wrapped. The woman explains that she burned her hand, and her muffins. There is a noise to the side and the old woman looks over to see a man working in a crawl space under the house and says, "He still hasn't fixed your plumbing?" The blonde woman says no and then invites her in.

Next we see a group of people in what appears to be a book club meeting in the blonde woman's house. A man is going off about how the book in question isn't even literature. The older woman from earlier asks why and the man goes on to say how Ben wouldn't have selected this book even for toilet reading. The blonde woman jumps in saying that the host gets to choose and this happens to be one of her favorite books. When she waves it about we can see that it is "Carrie" by Stephen King. She goes on to say that she is glad it is a book that Ben wouldn't have chosen.

At this moment the house begins to shake, as if in an earthquake. Everyone takes cover under doorways until the shaking stops and then steps outside. We see it is what appears to be a friendly looking suburban cul-de-sac. All the neighbors are stepping outside as well and we see Henry Gale coming out of a house. Suddenly there is a rushing sound from above and everyone looks up. It is Oceanic Flight 815 and it is breaking apart in mid-air. Henry quickly yells for Goodwin who comes running up. He tells him to go to where the tail section landed, he should be able to get there in a few minutes. He then yells for Ethan and tells him to find the fuselage. There may be survivors and they are both to join them and come back with lists in three days. Both men go running off. Then Henry looks over at the blonde woman and sees her holding her book and says, "So, I guess I'm out of the book club." Then we zoom out and see that this suburban cul-de sac has no roads and is actually a circle of houses nestled in the middle of the jungle on an island. Everyone take a second to say, "HOLY 🤬!" Got that out of your system now? Good. Let's move on.

Kate's Story: Last Chance to Feel Human

Kate wakes up lying on a bathroom floor. She stands up and looks around to find Tom (aka Mr. Friendly aka Zeek) and he tells her to take a hot shower. He even gives her a fresh towel, soap, and shampoo. Kate says she won't do it while he's there and he merely laughs at her and says that she isn't his type and then walks out. After Kate finishes her shower she walks out to the locker where she had put her clothes to find them missing. She begins yelling but then notices a locker with a note saying "wear this." When she opens the locker she finds a white, floral print sundress. :drool:

Once Kate has finished getting dressed and looks pretty Tom show back up and tells her to come with him. He leads her down to the beach where Henry Gale is waiting at a table with a beach umbrella. When she sits down he forces her to put handcuffs on and makes sure she puts them on tight enough. She really hates handcuffs. On the table in front of her is a fresh breakfast, which Henry offers her to eat. Kate asks why he is doing this and he explains that he wants her to see the beach and be comforted , knowing that her friends were looking at the same beach, he wants her to wear a dress so that she can feel like a woman, and he wants her to eat a freshly cooked meal with utensils so that she can feel human because the following two weeks are going to be rather uncomfortable.

Sawyer's Story: Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.

Sawyer wakes up in an outdoor cell, which is across a walkway from another cell, which holds a young kid. Sawyer tries speaking to the young kid, but he just looks back at him and then turns back around. Sawyer then looks around his cell at an odd machine that has multiple buttons. One button has a fork and knife symbol on it. Sawyer pushes at the symbol and a speaker overhead says warning. Sawyer pushes it a second time and the warning message rings out again. Sawyer gets ready to push it again when the kid tells him that he wouldn't do that. Sawyer makes a smart remark and then pushes the button a third time, receiving an electric shock that knocks him backwards.

Later we see Sawyer trying to work other parts of the machine by stepping on a lever on the ground and trying to reach across to pull on a lever hanging from the ceiling. The kid in the other cell is suddenly asking him about where his camp is, how far it was to get here, etc. Sawyer turns away for a second and looks back and the kid is out of his cell and running up to Sawyer's cell where he picks the lock. An alarm begins going off saying that a subject has escaped. Sawyer runs out and the kid tells him to run one way while he goes the other way. Sawyer takes off running but eventually runs into the blonde woman. When he tries to get away she pulls out a tazer and knocks him out with it. Sawyer is then drug back to his cell where Friendly Tom comes up with the boy, who he introduces as Carl and then forces to apologize to Sawyer for involving him in his escape attempt.

Later we find Sawyer reaching through the bars of his cell to get a large rock so that he can use it to work the strange machine in his cell. He places the large rock on the lever on the ground to hold it down and takes his shoe off. He then walks to the food button and hits it, creating the warning message. He then throws his shoe to hit the lever hanging from the ceiling. Circus-type music begins playing and a pink, fish shaped thing with DHARMA stamped on it comes out a slide underneath the food button. Sawyer picks it up and looks at it when what appears to be dog food comes out of the slide as well. Sawyer seems upset but then tries the pink biscuit. He seems somewhat disgusted by its taste and finds himself relieved when his water trough begins to fill. He starts drinking the water when Friendly Tom comes up with Kate and places her in the opposite cage. He has her stick her hands through the bars and removes her handcuffs. Her wrists have been scraped badly. What caused this? It is worse than just normal wear. Tom sees this and says that he will get her some antiseptic. Sawyer makes a smart comment (I forget what exactly) and Tom notices that Sawyer had figured out the machine. He says, "Hey, I see you got a fish biscuit." Sawyer tells him he figured out their contraption. Tom tells him that the bears did it in two hours. Sawyer then asks, "How many bears were there?"

After Tom walks away Sawyer asks if Kate is OK. She appears to be upset and Sawyer makes a few jokes that finally get her to smile. He then asks her if she's hungry and she nods, so he tosses her the remaining half of the fish biscuit, which she takes a bite of and then they just look at each other.

Jack's Story: Issues, Issues, Issues

Flashback: Obsessed much?
We see Jack sitting in a car watching a schoolyard where we see Sarah, his wife. She is laughing and joking with another teacher and Jack definitely appears to be jealous and upset.

Later we see Jack meeting Sarah in what appears to be an office of some sort where she asks where his lawyer is and he informs her that he fired him. Jack makes it obvious that he wants to get back together and reconciles their differences; Sarah won't have any of it. Jack then pushes her to tell her the other man's name because he wants to know who is with his wife. Sarah refuses to answer him and walks out.

Next we find Jack at his office in the hospital calling a list of numbers from Sarah's cell phone bill, attempting to find out who her new man is. Jack's father, Christian, walks in and asks Jack what he is doing, telling him that he needs to let it go. Christian tries to explain that he knows something about obsession (He must watch Lost) but Jack tells him there is a difference between being obsessed and being a drunk. Jack dials the next number on the list and Christian's cell phone begins to ring. Jack starts asking him why Sarah would be calling him and Christian says that she was worried about Jack. Jack refuses to believe him and Christian tells him he needs to let it go.

Later we see Jack working on a patient in the hospital when he sees his father getting a phone call in the hallway. Jack pretty much forgets about his patient and follows his father where he goes to a hotel. Jack follows him in and to a room where it turns out that he was attending an AA meeting and had supposedly been sober for 50 days. Jack continues to argue with him and it eventually turns violent.

Jack is apparently arrested for the aggression and Sarah shows up to bail him out because Christian called her. Sarah tells Jack that she called Christian because she though Jack needed help and his father would be the best person for this situation. As she leaves Jack follows her out and sees her leave with a man, who is definitely not his father.

Jack's Main Story: How to Break a Man

Jack wakes up on a metal table. He begins trying to check doors and walls for a way out. He even pushes the communication button, but it doesn't seem to work. He looks at the opposite wall and sees an open door and begins to walk towards it, but walks into a glass wall. He tries kicking it but it just won't break. He stands there yelling for them to let him out.

Jack continues to look for a way out when he notices chains hanging from the ceiling. He climbs on the table and grabs on to the chain and starts pulling on it. I have no clue what he was hoping to achieve. He keeps trying until a woman's voice asks him to stop. He looks up and the blonde woman from the book club steps through the door on the other side of the glass. She tries to convince him to stop yanking on the chain, but he seems pretty insistent.

Later Jack tries to drink some water dripping from the ceiling, but spits it out as if it tastes bad. Saltwater? Then he hears something over the communications box that says, "Let it go." Jack jumps runs to the box trying to talk to whoever is on the other side. The blonde woman comes in and begins asking Jack questions. Jack argues back at first by telling her that whoever is on the other side of that box needs to leave him alone and she tells him that it hasn't worked in years. She then tries to get him to tell her about himself and he lies, claiming to be a repo man. He asks her who she is and she says that her name is Juliet. It's about time we got that.

Next we see Juliet come in with some food, a grilled cheese sandwich. She offers to bring Jack the food if he promises to be good and sit against the far wall so she can bring it in through the door. Jack tries arguing with her and getting more information from her but she just says that she was a repo woman. Jack then asks about a button on the wall behind her and she says it is for emergencies. This goes on for a bit and Jack continues to be stubborn, so she leaves, eating the sandwich as she goes.

Juliet returns later with more food. She tells him that he needs to eat and drink as the drugs they used on him can dehydrate him and make him hallucinate. Is that why he heard the voice over the communications box? Jack reluctantly agrees and sits against the far wall. When Juliet leaves the viewing room to walk around to his door Jack gets up and as she opens the door he charges, slamming into her, knocking the plate to the ground where it breaks. Jack grabs a sharp piece of the plate and puts it to her throat. They go out the door and Jack tells her to open a hatch, but she says if she does they will die. Jack threatens her but Henry Gale walks in and says that she is right. Jack says he will kill Juliet unless they open the door and Henry simply says OK, we all die if she opens the door. Jack throws Juliet to the ground and begins turning the wheel on the hatch and Juliet tries to run but Henry leaves, locking the door behind him. Jack gets the hatch open and water comes pouring in. Jack and Juliet struggle to get to their feet and get into the viewing room where they shut the door and Juliet yells for him to push the button. Jack does and a whooshing sound can be heard. As Jack gets his balance Juliet punches him hard, knocking him out.

When Jack wakes back up he is back in his cell and Juliet is on the other side of the wall with a folder open in front of her. Jack looks around and says that this is an aquarium for sharks. Juliet says that it is, and dolphins too. Two things here. 1: This explains the DHARMA logo on the shark's tail. 2: Why do you need a communications box in a shark/dolphin tank that works both ways? Jack guesses that they are underwater and Juliet says they are and it is the hatch called the Hydra. Jack asks about DHARMA and Juliet tells him that it was a long time ago. When Jack asks if they were DHARMA Juliet tells him that it isn't important who they were, but who they are.

Juliet then goes on to tell Jack that she knows everything about him. She flips through her folder reading of different things, such as graduating from medical school a year early, details of his marriage and divorce, his father's autopsy record, even where Sarah is now. More information than Jack has told anyone on the island. This has to be from non-island contacts of some form. Jack asks what the folder is and she tells him that it is his life. Jack asks if it tells about where Sarah is and who she married and Juliet says that it does. Jack only has one question, "Is she happy?" Juliet says that she is very happy. Jack's head drops.

Juliet then tells Jack that he needs food and water and if he will be good and sit against the wall she will bring it to him. Jack does so, never raising his head. She has finally broken him. When Juliet walks out to come around to Jack's door Henry is standing there and says, "Good job, Juliet." Juliet gives him a look and in a negative tone says, "Thank you, Ben." Then Ben (Henry Gale) gets one of his looks.


I think I messsed Jack's timeline up a bit, so please forgive me. Work has been busy, and I have been trying to plan my fantasy football team, plus I have friends coming in from out of town. So, it ain't perfect but all the details are there.

I am not doing the list of questions here, but I will Monday. Most of them are in blue in the write-up.

With regards to the others knowing all about the Losties could this be the work of the black cloud/monster/cerberus or whatever its called's doing?
I would say yes, but Jack's folder had details about things he wouldn't know, such as exactyly what happened with his father and how Sarah is doing.

We did see the black cloud show parts of eko's past when he confronted it and I do remember somebody in the lost forums on GTP (i think it was Foolkiller) saying we would get an explanation about the monster in the coming episodes.
Take any rumor I pass on with a grain of salt. I have decided to assume the writers/creators can be lying at any time or they change things and no longer meet their promises.
I think I would be leaning more towards Duke's team. I liked his rebuttal but I feel that I am also leaning somewhat towards my own bias. I am happy I am not a judge.

Perhaps we can help. I haven't seen you in here:

I've been here reading your posts religiously since the beginning of the year when I caught up to US time on Lost. Just haven't posted anything because I haven't had anything to add, you do a brilliant job.

Does anyone else get the feeling that Juliet and Ben have some issues with each other?
Does anyone else get the feeling that Juliet and Ben have some issues with each other?

There's a popular theory on the Lost Wiki that the two of them used to be an "item", but are no longer. This explains why she seemed a bit broken up at the beginning of the scene, why she was pleased to have picked a book that Ben wouldn't have liked, why she seemed to give him the cold shoulder throughout the entire episode, and why he was no longer in the book club.

I'm thinking that, as a result of that breakup (assuming there was a breakup), she's much more sympathetic to the Losties, if for no other reason than she's now doubting Ben's ideas regarding how they should be handled. She seems to be genuinely fond of Jack, and seems to be the only one of the Others who has any semblance of human emotion, especially regarding these "strangers" that appeared on their island.
There's a popular theory on the Lost Wiki that the two of them used to be an "item", but are no longer. This explains why she seemed a bit broken up at the beginning of the scene, why she was pleased to have picked a book that Ben wouldn't have liked, why she seemed to give him the cold shoulder throughout the entire episode, and why he was no longer in the book club.

I'm thinking that, as a result of that breakup (assuming there was a breakup), she's much more sympathetic to the Losties, if for no other reason than she's now doubting Ben's ideas regarding how they should be handled. She seems to be genuinely fond of Jack, and seems to be the only one of the Others who has any semblance of human emotion, especially regarding these "strangers" that appeared on their island.
I think they might be on the money. It make sense to me.
Ben (Henry Gale) wasn't the man in the book club that disliked Carrie.

Jack seemed to be quite easily knocked out by Juliet. Was he very weak? Is she very strong? Was it an unrealistic mess by the writers? Hmmm....
Wow! Very nice write up FK, much appreciated.
I've been here reading your posts religiously since the beginning of the year when I caught up to US time on Lost. Just haven't posted anything because I haven't had anything to add, you do a brilliant job.
Thank you, guys.

Wenders, with Lost any kind of speculation is welcome, considering that the mysteries are so confusing there is no dumb idea----well, except for purgatory. Anyone that seriously suggests that will be sent there by my own hands. :sly:

Does anyone else get the feeling that Juliet and Ben have some issues with each other?
This is a perfect example of a great question.
There's a popular theory on the Lost Wiki that the two of them used to be an "item", but are no longer. This explains why she seemed a bit broken up at the beginning of the scene, why she was pleased to have picked a book that Ben wouldn't have liked, why she seemed to give him the cold shoulder throughout the entire episode, and why he was no longer in the book club.
Based on her emotional state aty the beginning I am guessing it was a dating relationship, but it could have been a leadership issue as well. Perhaps she lost a leadership role in the community to Ben? She seems somewhat more compassionate and Ben seems more iron-fisted. Could this be whay the Others appear to be so harsh in their ways? Is it possible that the community mood has switched leadership? It would explain the guy arguing with Juliet about her choice of books not being the kind that Ben would have picked.

This is just specualtion though to spur discussion, I am guessing a lovers quarrel and later Dr. Jack will heal her wounds.

I'm thinking that, as a result of that breakup (assuming there was a breakup), she's much more sympathetic to the Losties, if for no other reason than she's now doubting Ben's ideas regarding how they should be handled. She seems to be genuinely fond of Jack, and seems to be the only one of the Others who has any semblance of human emotion, especially regarding these "strangers" that appeared on their island.
I think that we have only seen a few of the Others and that others of them have human emotion and sympathy, but I think that Ben is keeping the more strong-willed and harsh at hand for dealing with eth Losties. I would guess that Juliet has some form of psychological background and thus is best suited for dealing with Jack, as he is the most strong-willed of Losties. Sawyer could be broken without any form of direct, constant contact, Kate has been imprisoned, which is all it took to break her and Ben, as teh leader, was all that was needed to show her that. Jack took time and effort to bring down his defenses. His entire life his father has been pushing him to be strong, to have what it takes, and so Jack had emotional and mental barriers that needed bringing down and since they were designed to defend him against fear and depression it took a gentler personality to break through them. That break came when Jack discovered that no matter how close he played his cards and no matter what he hid his defenses were penetrated. His information was exposed without him saying a word and he broke. Not only did they know the things he was hiding from them but they knew the things that had been hidden from him. His life had been laid open in a two-inch (at most) thick folder. All he had worked for to build, protect, and discovered was there on less than a ream of paper. His defenses were useless and that which he could never discover was opened up like a book by the Others. He can no longer save or protect anything.

Had this information been given to him by Ben or Tom then he would have fought and not believed them, but because it was someone who remained calm and kind, even after he threatened her life, he had no reason to distrust her (besides being locked in an aquarium).

My curiosity regarding Ben and Juliet is what happened in the two months between when the plane crashed and they have now been captured? What led Ben to go for a walk, wghere he was captured? What allowed Juliet to go from sad/depressed to cold/uncaring about Ben? Did Ben intend to get captured? Was he just out trying to gather information or even just get clear of Juliet for a while? A lot can happen in the two months after a break-up, especially if you are trying to hide your identity and civilization while determining if these newcomers can be a part of your group or if they should be eliminated. I foresee future flashbacks from these two.

Don't know about anyone else but this link takes me to Battelstar Galactica Wiki.
Me too, lol.
That is what I get for copying and pasting from an old post.
IP? We don't need no stinkin' IP.. we gots the domainz, yo.

It has now been fixed.

Oddly enough this is what I have in my bookmarks. I can't figure out why I updated my bookmarks and not the post. I did update the ABC episode recaps because they changed that.

If anyone else finds bad links let me know and I will fix them as quickly as possible.

EDIT: AGH!!! ABC just launched their own Lost Wiki. http://lostwiki.abc.com/ I will distinguish these on the links page as the Lost Wiki and ABC's Lost Wiki. I guess ABc couldn't handle a fansite getting bigger and more informative than their own stuff. They need to accept it, the fans have more man hours to put into this information gathering.

My money says we will see an official ABC GT Lost Planet within the year. :D

Ben (Henry Gale) wasn't the man in the book club that disliked Carrie.
No, Juliet called that man Adam, but he was going on about how Ben wouldn't have liked the book and wouldn't have even used it for toilet reading. Juliet responded by saying how glad she was to choose a book that Ben wouldn't have liked. This is the sign of tension we see in teh book club that he was referring to. Of course, at this point we had no clue who Ben was. Until we find out at the very end it seems like a non-important event used to show that the Others lived suburban-like lives. Once we know who Ben is and see the way they act around each other it become a huge clue into the relationship between Juliet and Ben and that there may be a divide in the Others.

Jack seemed to be quite easily knocked out by Juliet. Was he very weak? Is she very strong? Was it an unrealistic mess by the writers? Hmmm....
Jack was dehydrated, had been without food for days, and just got exhausted by trying to prevent himself from being drowned. Juliet was absolutely healthy and in good health. Had Jack been healthy it might have been different, but I get the feeling that he was on the verge of passing out by himself.