LOST: Season Three

  • Thread starter Jedi2016
I really can't stand Juliet - she irks me more than Ben irks me for some reason. Probably the fact that she acts "compassionate", yet still keeps them imprisoned. At least Ben doesn't pretend to be good.
I've been suspiciously quiet since the episode aired and here is why:

Yep, it's my write-up! I'm trying something new this week. You'll see. Tell me how you like it.


As always my comments will be in blue.

Episode 302 - The Glass Ballerina

This episode is Sun and Jin centered.

The Captives - Cool Hand Sawyer

We find Jack still slumped against the wall in his cell looking all depressed. We are shown a camera hanging from the ceiling in the corner. A man opens the door to his cell and Juliet comes in with a tray of food. She asks him if he is feeling any better and then tells him that it is tomato soup and that she made it herself but she won't take it the wrong way if he doesn't like it. Jack just sits there. Juliet leaves the tray and goes to his door and knocks twice, it opens.

In the hallway Juliet moves down to the end where she knocks twice on another door and it opens revealing a bank of TV monitors. We can see Jack on one. Ben steps out of the room and takes off his glasses. He smiles at Juliet and says, "You never made soup for me." (Was he ever held prisoner or is this just in general?)

At this point a woman climbs down a ladder and sees them and asks if she is interrupting. Juliet asks if it would matter if she were. HISS! The woman ignores this comment and looks at Ben explaining that Sayid had found the decoy village. Ben says that is good, it is what they wanted. The woman then tells them that a man named Brian followed him back to shore and he has a sailboat. Ben asks how, but she explains that she has no idea. (They don't know about Desmond! This confirms the wildcard theory for Desmond.) Juliet calmly comments that it is no big deal if they have a boat. Sailing around in circles will keep them busy. The other woman says that they could find them and then turns to Ben. He says he is thinking and then asks how quickly she can put together a team. She says she can do it within an hour and so he tells her to stop wasting time talking to them. As the woman starts back up the ladder Ben says, "Hey Colleen, I want that boat," and then gets one of his creepy looks.

Next we see Sawyer working the machine in his cage to get another fish biscuit and it begins playing the circus music, which wakes Kate in the other cage. See says, "Nice alarm clock," and Sawyer just says that he's woken up to worse and then offers her a fish biscuit, glaring at Tom as he walks by. Tom and the Others open their cages and one of them hands Sawyer a lunch box telling him he will need it to keep his strength up. They don't seem to be answering any questions. As they start to walk off Colleen comes running up and says, "Danny wait." The man that handed Sawyer the lunch goes back and talks to her. She whispers to him that they have a boat and he tells her to be careful and gives her a kiss. When Danny looks up Sawyer is smirking at him so he yells at him, asking what he is looking at. They begin walking.

They take Kate and Sawyer to an area where we see a group of people doing work. (It looks almost as if they are creating another fake village. I can see some people with corrugated steel and another tamping down the ground, making it look worn.) They take Kate and Sawyer to a rocky area and tell Kate that she is going to chop the rocks out of the ground and Sawyer is going to load them away. Kate asks if he expects her to work in the dress and Danny tells her it is up to her, she can take it off if she wants. Sawyer looks Kate over and grins and then sees an angry look on her face and quickly turns to Danny and says, "How dare you!"

Danny ignores all this and tells them that if they need anything they should raise their hand and they get ten minutes for lunch. Sawyer raises his hand saying, "I've got a question, Boss." (Very Cool Hand Luke. It makes the prison work detail blatant.) Danny says there are no questions and Sawyer starts t9o complain that Kate got to ask a question. Danny tells him that if he tries to run off he will get shocked. Sawyer misunderstands and says, "Shot! We don't even get a warning first?" Danny pulls out a tazer and clarifies that he said shocked and makes it clear that anything other than working will result in getting shocked and then orders them to get to work. Kate says that until she sees Jack she isn't doing anything. Danny walks at her menacingly with the tazer and then hits Sawyer at the last minute. Sawyer falls to the ground and Danny explains that it was a quarter charge. He then asks if they have anymore questions and tells Sawyer that as soon as he is able to walk the wheelbarrow is over there.

Once Kate and Sawyer are working, she chopping the rocks out of the ground and Sawyer hauling them off in a wheelbarrow, we see Sawyer stop for a second to admire the view of Kate bending over in her sundress. Danny sees Sawyer and yells at him to get back to work. We can see Juliet standing nearby. Suddenly Kate is interrupted by a voice from behind a bush. When she looks it is Alex. She asks Kate if they are staying in the cages and Kate nods. Alex asks if there is someone else there named Karl. When tells her it is just herself and Sawyer Alex acts worried saying he is supposed to be there. Kate asks what she is talking about and Alex ignores her asking about the dress, explaining that it used to be hers. She tells Kate to keep it, it looks better on her anyway and then she disappears. (Will Alex help them like she did Claire? She refused to hurt Kate before. As Kate tries to stop her to ask her more questions Sawyer comes up behind her and asks if she is having fun yet. She tells Sawyer to quit staring at her ass. Sawyer tells her to give him something else to stare at. Before Kate can respond Danny yells at them to shut up and work.

Sawyer admires the view.

A secret ally?

Later the work appears to be taking its toll on Sawyer and Kate. They are sweaty and their clothes are sticking to them. They appear to barely be able to stand up they are so exhausted. Sawyer looks over and sees Juliet and someone else sharing some water from a canteen. Juliet sees Sawyer watching and tosses him the canteen. Sawyer appears grateful, for a moment, but then dumps all the water on the ground. (They will suffer with him.) As he begins to start working again he sees Kate looking exhausted and runs over and kisses her, she kisses back. Danny eventually notices and starts yelling and then runs over with a rifle with a few Others. Sawyer hears them coming and gives Kate a smile just before Danny hits him with the butt of his gun, but Sawyer was prepared. As the hit lands he spins around delivering a blow to Danny and starts fighting with the Others. He gets a tazer and attempts to use it, but the safety is on, something he didn't realize they even had. He takes a hit in his hesitation but doesn't slow down at all. He eventually gets a rifle and tells them all to back off. Just as he is feeling good about himself he hears, "James," and turns to find Juliet holding Kate with a gun to her head. She tells him to put the gun down. He takes one look at her face and drops the gun. Danny walks up and tazers Sawyer strong enough to send him into convulsions.

Strawberry kisses.

That's gotta hurt.

Later Kate and Sawyer are returned to their cages. Kate looks at Sawyer and asks what he was thinking. Sawyer says he couldn't help himself, she just look so cute swinging that pickaxe. Kate rolls her eye at him and her tells her that chain gang looks good on her. Then he goes on to explain that he now knows which guards are able to fight and that he thinks he can take them. He also learned a good bit of info--the "zappers" have safeties on them. Kate smiles and asks if he saw the look on their faces when he got a hold of that rifle. Sawyer says that he thinks most of them have never seen real action but that blonde who had the gun pointed at her would have shot her, no problem. Kate then asks why she called him James and Sawyer confesses that it is his real name. He then says that he noticed something else; she tastes like strawberries. Kate says he tastes like fish biscuits. (Is Sawyer being funny or has Kate been able to eat something that actually tastes like strawberries? We still don't know what happened to her between the breakfast with Ben and being thrown in the cage. Sawyer says that now they just have to wait for one of them to make a mistake. This final image is in black and white and through the view of a security monitor being watched by Ben in the security room.

I be watching you!

Flashback - Who's the better spouse now?

We start WAAAY back when we see a glass ballerina fall to the ground and shatter. A young Sun is standing over the remnants. Next we see Sun playing a piano when she hears a noise and she stops. She moves towards the door when her father comes in with a garbage bag. He looks at her and asks if she broke the ballerina. Almost without blinking she says no. Her father asks who did and she says it was the maid. He tells her that if she tells him it was the maid then he must fire the maid and then asks her again. Sun still says it was the maid. Her father then walks out (presumably to fire the maid).

Later we see an adult Sun lying naked in a bed and then see Jae (her English tutor) rise up behind her. WHORE!!! He begins to kiss her and get close but she pushes him away and says that she doesn't want to do this. He tries to convince her and eventually pulls out a pearl necklace. Sun says that she can't wear it because Jin would notice and he tells her that he doesn't want to share her anymore and tries to convince her to leave Jin.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door and Jae asks if anyone knew she was there and she says no. Jae gets up to answer the door and Sun's father (Mr. Paik) walks in where he goes directly to the bed and gives her a sneer.

Later Jin is summoned to Mr. Paik's office. He presents Jin with a folder containing Jae's picture and information and tells Jin that Jae has stolen from him and he wants Jin to take care of it. Jin says that he will deliver a message but Mr. Paik says he wants it taken care of. Jin says that he can't do this, even threatening to quit, and Mr. Paik tells him that he has been shamed and because Jin married Sun he is now his son and has also been shamed. He must take care of this to return honor to the family.

That night Jin goes home and we see him set the folder down. Sun has dinner ready and as they begin to eat Jin tells her that he saw her father that day. Sun is obviously nervous and just asks what he wanted (She is playing dumb until the end). Jin tells her that he is supposed to deliver a message. Sun tells him not to do it. This starts an argument where eventually Jin says that it is what it takes to be married to her and Sun asks if he know what it takes to be married to him. At this Jin stands up, grabbing the folder and leaves, saying that he is going to do his job.

Later Jin is at the hotel that Jae is staying in and watches for him to arrive. When Jae goes in Jin follows him to his room and throws him in, beating him. Jin asks if he knows who he is and why he is there. Jae says he does and Jin tells him that he knows why he must do "this" and puts a gun to Jae's face. Jae is crying and begging forgiveness when Jin stops and tells him to leave the country and never come back, not even communicate, or he will have to finish the job. Jin returns to his car. But before he can leave Jae's body lands on his hood. When Jin steps out to look at the body he sees a pearl necklace in his hand.

At Jae's funeral Sun is there when her father approaches and asks what she is doing there. She asks him the same question and he says that he worked with his father. He then goes on to explain how he heard that Jae threw himself off of his balcony, it must have been because he was overcome with shame. As he begins to walk away Sun asks if he is going to tell Jin and he gets angry looking and tells her that it is not his place to tell Jin and then walks away.

On The Boat - We all know the couple that stays together but hate each other.

We see Sun rinsing her face, not looking too good. Jin knocks on the door and then asks her to open it. She tells him that she is okay, it's just morning sickness. They then go upstairs where Sayid is marking on a map of the island. Through Sun, Jin says that it is time to go, it has been over a day since they lit the signal fire and Jack should be here by now. Sayid explains that Jack knows they are out there and he is counting on their signal fire. He stands and looks towards the beach where a large fire is sending a large pillar of black smoke into the air. He wonders if the mountains are blocking their signal fire and decides that they should sail around to start another signal fire. Jin says no and when Sayid disagrees Sun begins to translate for Jin but he grabs her and says that he is not her husband. She jerks away, giving Jin a look at tells Sayid that he thinks they should go because he is the only one who knows how to sail the boat, but he is wrong and she will help him sail.

The Others' was better.

Later we see Sun apologizing to Jin for disagreeing in front of Sayid, but Jin says she shouldn't have disagreed with him at all. Then he asks why she came along and she explains that she didn't want to be without him.

Next we find Jin cutting up fish when Sun yells for him to come up. When he comes up there is a dock just off the shore. Sayid explains that it is decayed and over grown and hasn't been used in a long time. He wants to dock here and make a new signal fire. Jin asks if it is safe and Sayid assures him that it is.

Looks familiar to me. The end of last season perhaps?

After docking Sun is bringing gasoline to Sayid when she asks if she can do anything else and he tells her that she can help Jin gather more wood. She tells him that he is making quite a big fire. Sayid says that he wants to be sure Jack can see it. Sun asks him why he is lying. Sayid asks her what she would know about lying and then gives her a look. Sun ignores him and says that he is putting their lives in danger. Sayid explains that he thinks Jack has been captured, because there are tracks all over the dock that are as fresh as yesterday. Sun figures out that he isn't building the fire for Jack, but the Others. Sayid explains that he wants to lure in a scout party where he intends to take two hostages and kill the rest. Sun asks why two and Sayid says, "One to make the other cooperate." When Sun asks what she can do Sayid says he wants her to lie for another 20 minutes, once they light the fire it will be too late to go back.

Later Jin asks Sayid for a gun and Sun explains that Jin says he knows English better than she thinks he does and that he knows she betrayed him. Sayid gives him a gun and begins to ask if he knows how to work an automatic, but like a pro Jin pops the clip out, checks it, pops it back in, and cocks the gun, all in a matter of a couple of seconds. Sayid suggests that Sun wait on the boat and that if the Others get by them there is another gun under a blue tarp below. Sun explains that if they get to the boat then it will mean that her husband is dead and she won't care anymore.

After night falls Jin and Sayid are hiding in the trees while Sun is starting the stove to cook something in a pot. She hears footsteps on the boat deck as multiple people come aboard and goes to find the gun. (Where the hell did they come from? A second boat? In the jungle Sayid tells Jin that he doesn't think they are coming. We see Colleen board the boat and climb down into the cabin. She sees the stove is lit, but not before Sun has the gun trained on her. Sun demands to be let off the boat but Colleen explains that it isn't her decision to make and warns her that she has five friends up top. Sun warns her to keep her voice down and to stop coming closer or she will shoot. Colleen tells her that she won't because she knows her, using her full name, and says that they are not the enemy but if she shoots her that is exactly what they will become. She steps towards Sun again, but Sun fires, shooting Colleen in the stomach. The sound draws others to the cabin door and they begin shooting at her as she runs to a back room, closing the door. On shore Sayid and Jin hear the shots and begin running towards the boat but are pinned down by gunshots. The boat begins moving away from the dock as Sun manages to get a skylight open and climb out. As she gets to the deck Tom looks up and sees her and begins firing at her as she jumps overboard. Jin, seeing the boat moving away runs and dives into the water swimming after the boat with Sayid yelling after him. The boat disappears into the darkness and Jin sits wading water yelling. After a few moments we hear Sun yelling for Jin and they swim together.

Later we find them on shore where Jin covers her with a blanket and says that he doesn't know what he would do without her, both of them and puts his hand on her stomach. Sayid apologizes for dragging them into this and says that next time he will listen to Jin. He then suggests they get moving , as they have a long walk ahead of them.

Conclusion - "That's why the Red Sox will never win the Series"

Ben enters Jack's cell and opens a folding camping/captain's chair and sits in it. He explains the irony behind how two weeks ago the situation was reversed and Ben was locked up and Jack was asking questions. He then tells Jack that he understands Jack is angry about being lied to, but he hopes Jack understands because if he had told them that he was one of those people that Jack and his friends call the Others it would have been right back to Sayid….and his fists. Jack demands to know what he wants and Ben says that he wants Jack to change his perspective, the first step would be for him to introduce himself. "My name is Benjamin Linus and I have lived on this island all my life," he says as he squats and offers his hand. Jack ignores the hand and gives Ben a glare and then looks away. Ben comments on Jack not shaking hands and then goes to the glass and asks someone to bring something in. We see someone bring in a TV.

Jack demands to know where Kate and Sawyer are but Ben just tells them they are fine and they are close, but that is all he is able to tell him. Jack defies him saying that he can tell him whatever he wants. Ben admits that he is just telling him what he wants to tell him and that he will make things simple; if Jack cooperates he gets to go home. Jack asks what he is expected to cooperate with but Ben tells him in time and Jacks yells for him to answer. Ben just says patience. Jack then asks if home is where he sent Walt and Michael and Ben says that it is. Jack doesn't believe him asking why he is still here if he could leave whenever he wanted. Ben says, "Yes, why would we still be here?"

Jack accuses Ben of lying and says he is stuck here. Ben tells them that he isn't and to prove it says, "Your flight crashed on September 22, 2004. Today is November 29th. That means that you've been here for 69 days. And yes, we do have contact with the outside world, Jack. That's how we know that during those 69 days, your fellow Americans reelected George W. Bush, Christopher Reeves has passed away, and the Boston Red Socks won the World Series." At this Jack just laughs telling him that if he wanted him to believe the story he should have picked another team. Ben explains that they were down 3-0 against the Yankees in the division series and then won 8 straight games to win the World Series. Jack still looks unbelieving so Ben turns on the TV and the video of the final play of Game 4 of the 2004 World Series plays, showing the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series for the first time in 86 years. Jack gets up and walks to the glass unbelieving.

Ben turns the TV off and says, "That's home, Jack, right there on the other side of that glass," and then tells him that if he does what he asks then he will take him there. He will take him home.

Just tap your heels together three times and say, "There's no place like home."

A few questions (feel free to add):

1) Kate tasting like Strawberries bothers me. Is Sawyer being funny or did she actually taste like she hasn't been eating fish biscuits and going weeks without brushing?
2) The Others came onto the boat from the dock but not through the jungle, which means they used their boat. Are they on another island?
3) Is Ben's offer good for everyone or will Jack have to betray his friends like Michael?
4) Would Jack betray them?
5) Is Sun's baby Jin's because of super-cool island healing powers or is it from her affair?
6) Why would the Others stay on the island? Is this a The Village scenario and they are looking for a utopia or do they stay for the healing powers? Perhaps a looong-term research facility?
7) Is Alex going to get them free?
8) Why did Ben want the boat?
9) WTF is going on!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Do you like the pictures or is it too much? If a lot of people are using 56K I will understand and just give the links.

And after 7 ½ pages in Word, I am finished.

EDIT: I'll be! I typed all my tags into Word by hand instead of adding them later and didn't screw one up. YAY ME!
I like the pictures. Some more than others. :sly:

And they aren't so big that they take a ton of bandwidth to download.
A few questions (feel free to add):

1) Kate tasting like Strawberries bothers me. Is Sawyer being funny or did she actually taste like she hasn't been eating fish biscuits and going weeks without brushing?

I think it's more of a metaphor. The "stawberries" thing has shown up in films before (GoldenEye comes to mind most readily). I think it's more of a mental thing. Sawyer genuinely likes Kate, and kissing her is something he most definitely wants. Therefore, in his mind, she wouldn't just taste like spit and fish biscuits. I don't think it means much of anything, except an opportunity to call her "Shortcake".

2) The Others came onto the boat from the dock but not through the jungle, which means they used their boat. Are they on another island?

No, I think they're definitely on the same island. But they probably have another dock and another boat. Or they came in from the shore.. I think Sayid and Jin were watching the jungle more than the beach.

3) Is Ben's offer good for everyone or will Jack have to betray his friends like Michael?

I got the feeling the offer was for Jack only, but it's unclear as to what he wants out of the deal.

4) Would Jack betray them?

Highly doubtful.

5) Is Sun's baby Jin's because of super-cool island healing powers or is it from her affair?

Unknown... We don't know how long before the crash her affair was, that would narrow it down greatly. I did some reading on morning sickness, and it says that it normally peaks at around 5-7 weeks into the pregnancy. I'm going to assume that it's peaking now because she's actually vomiting. But, it can last into 14-16 weeks. That would put conception either just before or just after the crash, since they've been on the island for about 9 weeks. Now, if her affair with Jae was several months before they left for Australia, then the child is almost certainly Jin's. But if they "ran" immediately following the affair, then it could be Jae's. We just don't have a clear enough timeline yet.

6) Why would the Others stay on the island? Is this a The Village scenario and they are looking for a utopia or do they stay for the healing powers? Perhaps a looong-term research facility?

Why indeed? :) Obviously they have a reason for wanting to stay there, since they've made it clear that they have the ability to leave the island whenever they want. We'll probably find out what that reason is, or at least part of it, later in the season.

7) Is Alex going to get them free?

Hard to say. She's going to help them, I'm certain, it's just unclear how. I'm also curious to see her reaction when she finds out her mother is still alive and wandering the jungle. I have the feeling that the Others didn't tell her. And Kate specifically knows the story of Alex, as she heard it from Danielle directly in "Maternity Leave", and she probably heard Claire telling Danielle about the young girl who helped her.

8) Why did Ben want the boat?

I don't think he wanted the boat himself so much as he wanted to take the boat away from the Survivors.

9) WTF is going on!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Ask me again in five years.. lol. ;)

Do you like the pictures or is it too much? If a lot of people are using 56K I will understand and just give the links.

Keep the pics, they're cool. As TB said, they're small, so it's not really a 56K issue, either.
I like the pictures. Some more than others. :sly:
I promise that as long as I do the pictures I will be sure to include hottie pictures, for both sexes.

I think it's more of a metaphor. The "stawberries" thing has shown up in films before (GoldenEye comes to mind most readily). I think it's more of a mental thing. Sawyer genuinely likes Kate, and kissing her is something he most definitely wants. Therefore, in his mind, she wouldn't just taste like spit and fish biscuits. I don't think it means much of anything, except an opportunity to call her "Shortcake".
My thought too, but I am just throwing it out there. After how they got Michael to kill I wouldn't be surprised at anything now.

No, I think they're definitely on the same island. But they probably have another dock and another boat. Or they came in from the shore.. I think Sayid and Jin were watching the jungle more than the beach.
I'm just curious as Pacific islands tend to be in a chain due to forming from volcanic vents that don't move laterally when the Earth's crust does. It could be a twin island or even one extremely close, but just out of sight. Kind of like a housing island and the experimentation island. However, based on the first episode of the plane crashing I think we have all the visual evidence we need to see that it is just one island. I still wouldn't put it past the writers to suddenly make two islands, one we just never saw.

I got the feeling the offer was for Jack only, but it's unclear as to what he wants out of the deal.
I am unclear as well. Michael had to kill innocents, so what nefarious scheme can we have now?

Highly doubtful.
Unless Sawyer and Kate end up being hooked up. He might hold a grudge.

Unknown... We don't know how long before the crash her affair was, that would narrow it down greatly. I did some reading on morning sickness, and it says that it normally peaks at around 5-7 weeks into the pregnancy. I'm going to assume that it's peaking now because she's actually vomiting. But, it can last into 14-16 weeks. That would put conception either just before or just after the crash, since they've been on the island for about 9 weeks. Now, if her affair with Jae was several months before they left for Australia, then the child is almost certainly Jin's. But if they "ran" immediately following the affair, then it could be Jae's. We just don't have a clear enough timeline yet.
It was after we first saw Jin working for her father because he understood the term "deliver a message"now, and after Sun was planning to flee as she was talking to her friend about her english lessons then, without remorse. Thsi might have been the event that triggered her fleeing both Jin and her father.

Why indeed? :) Obviously they have a reason for wanting to stay there, since they've made it clear that they have the ability to leave the island whenever they want. We'll probably find out what that reason is, or at least part of it, later in the season.
Rumors are that there will be an Others flashback episode sometime this season, so I think we will see then. If it does happen I imagine it will surround Juliet or Ben as they are teh only two current plotlines will get us close to. I would bet Juliet because she seems nicer (even if she is coldblooded about killing) and will probably become closer to Jack over time. Of course, there is another rumor that Jack knew one of the Others in the past. If this is true then I would put my Others flashback on this person.

Hard to say. She's going to help them, I'm certain, it's just unclear how. I'm also curious to see her reaction when she finds out her mother is still alive and wandering the jungle. I have the feeling that the Others didn't tell her. And Kate specifically knows the story of Alex, as she heard it from Danielle directly in "Maternity Leave", and she probably heard Claire telling Danielle about the young girl who helped her.
Notice, in this episode they purposely found a way to have her not say her name. Once she reveals her identity I bet it she plays a major role, if just to find her mother.

I don't think he wanted the boat himself so much as he wanted to take the boat away from the Survivors.
It made me think of Darth Vader saying, "I want that ship," when he really just wanted Luke.

Keep the pics, they're cool. As TB said, they're small, so it's not really a 56K issue, either.
I thought they would add a visual refresher for those who got to see the episode and break up the bleakness of tons of text. I will do them as I have time. I want to add as much as possible. Plus, as long as Ben is in an episode I get a good picture of his crazy looks.
Yeah, excellent write-up and very good photos, too. So ... WTF is going on?

One thing that still makes me think is the others living in that village (as to be seen at the beginning of this seasons first episode). Combined with the latest info from Ben, that he (and I guess the other others as well) have lived there for all of their lifes, it seems like some kind of a small village experiement. What I mean is that it didn't seem like they live there to be prepared for something bigger, rather than living there for finding out what life in a small, "insular" community is like. Still, when they saw the plane going down, Ben immediately knew what to do and gave orders everyone followed on the spot, which more seemed like a professional military group.

What is this then? Was it organised by Dharma? Do the others know everything about the island and its secrets? And what do they plan with Jack, Kate and Sawyer? Damn, another week to go... :banghead:

I must say this is the best show I currently know, and I'm already looking forward to watch it again from the beginning once I got the full picture in a few years. This is absolutely brilliant! 👍

the Interceptor
Yeah that's what I love about this show, you think you've got it figured out then it adds something new that completely changes everything.
1) Kate tasting like Strawberries bothers me. Is Sawyer being funny or did she actually taste like she hasn't been eating fish biscuits and going weeks without brushing?
I think Sawyer is just being Sawyer, his version of funny/smart/flirting/I'm so rough but sexy as hell.
2) The Others came onto the boat from the dock but not through the jungle, which means they used their boat. Are they on another island?
A second island is a possibility. Ben was concerned that they'd be seen if the Losties continued sailing round in their boat. But in that case Desmond probably would have seen a second island. Mind you at the beginning of last episode when you saw an aerial view of the Others Village in relation to the plane crash sites, they seem to be high up in a crater and not on the coast so I dont see why Ben was worried they'd be found. My conclusion - buggered if I know!
3) Is Ben's offer good for everyone or will Jack have to betray his friends like Michael?
4) Would Jack betray them?
I think the offer is for Jack only and I don't believe he would betray them.

5) Is Sun's baby Jin's because of super-cool island healing powers or is it from her affair?
We don't know how long before the crash her affair was, that would narrow it down greatly. I did some reading on morning sickness, and it says that it normally peaks at around 5-7 weeks into the pregnancy. I'm going to assume that it's peaking now because she's actually vomiting. But, it can last into 14-16 weeks. That would put conception either just before or just after the crash, since they've been on the island for about 9 weeks.
Well we do know they have been on the island 69 days, that's 1 day short of 10 weeks. Sun took the pregnancy test about 1-2 weeks ago, which would put her at being somewhere between 4-8 weeks late at the time of the test. Most women will have a fair idea they are pregnant after only being 2 weeks late (I knew when I was a day late) especially if they start feeling sick. So I am figuring at the time of the test she was around 6-8 weeks pregnant. Still a possibility she had just conceived right before the crash but that would depend on the timeline of Jae's death. But given the time between a death and a funeral and then to pack up and leave Korea and then be on a plane from Sydney I would say that its getting on the unlikely side that the baby is Jae's. Plus I think that someone in Sun's circumstances wouldn't be having an affair without using contraception, specially when she knew her husband couldnt conceive. But this is Lost and anything is possible.
6) Why would the Others stay on the island? Is this a The Village scenario and they are looking for a utopia or do they stay for the healing powers? Perhaps a looong-term research facility?
It's just what they have to do. Ben said he has been there all his life. Does that mean he was born there? If so then this thing started a long long time ago its what they have been brought up to do, to believe in.
7) Is Alex going to get them free?
I have no idea.
8) Why did Ben want the boat?
So the Losties don't have it. A control thing.
9) WTF is going on!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
no freakin idea

Do you like the pictures or is it too much? If a lot of people are using 56K I will understand and just give the links
Pics are cool.
I think that someone in Sun's circumstances wouldn't be having an affair without using contraception, specially when she knew her husband couldnt conceive.

I got the impression that she was told well after the initial doctor's visit... I think she had the affair while under the assumption that she was the one that couldn't have children, thus thinking it was "safe" to have unprotected sex.
I got the impression that she was told well after the initial doctor's visit... I think she had the affair while under the assumption that she was the one that couldn't have children, thus thinking it was "safe" to have unprotected sex.
She knew it was Jin that was infertile but Jin didn't know, he believed that Sun suffered from endometriosis.
She knew it was Jin that was infertile but Jin didn't know, he believed that Sun suffered from endometriosis.

But what was the timeline? We know that Sun was told, but we don't know when she was told. Was it later that day? Was it months later, after her affair? We don't know.
Those are the ones that could stand to be a bit bigger.
I'm using the same site listed in the links. If you go there you can find pics that can be clicked on to make them larger than my 1240X768 screen. My two options were what you see and way too big. They also have a close up shot from thsi episode that you may like. :sly:

One thing that still makes me think is the others living in that village (as to be seen at the beginning of this seasons first episode). Combined with the latest info from Ben, that he (and I guess the other others as well) have lived there for all of their lifes, it seems like some kind of a small village experiement. What I mean is that it didn't seem like they live there to be prepared for something bigger, rather than living there for finding out what life in a small, "insular" community is like. Still, when they saw the plane going down, Ben immediately knew what to do and gave orders everyone followed on the spot, which more seemed like a professional military group.

What is this then? Was it organised by Dharma? Do the others know everything about the island and its secrets? And what do they plan with Jack, Kate and Sawyer? Damn, another week to go... :banghead:
Well, if they want to study a small "insular" community then this seems almost extreme. I mean, how many Amish are there to study? Heck we have Shakertown here in Kentucky. They can study that all they like, they all died out due to their belief that ALL sex is bad. :dunce: No one's there to complain.

My latest thought is along the lines of the disease, because they were shooting Claire up and Jack and Kate had bandages on their arms when they woke up. Sawyer didn't but we might have just not been shown it. It may be important as they zoomed in on Jack and Kate ripping them off. Anyway, what if there is some crazy disease and these people are all immune and trying to find the cure while studying a full infected zone? The quarantine from the hatch could refer to when it was first discovered/created and now only those known to be immune are left to live in the village and are taken by the Others. Everyone else is left to die because you can't introduce them back into civilization. If this is how the scenario plays out I see the Others being shocked when they realize that the virus mutated into something harmless and their entire lives have been wasted.

A second island is a possibility. Ben was concerned that they'd be seen if the Losties continued sailing round in their boat. But in that case Desmond probably would have seen a second island. Mind you at the beginning of last episode when you saw an aerial view of the Others Village in relation to the plane crash sites, they seem to be high up in a crater and not on the coast so I dont see why Ben was worried they'd be found. My conclusion - buggered if I know!
Ben and Colleen might be more interested in them landing on the opposite side of the island and exploring their way up to the village. The Losties having a boat kind of negates the whole "you don't cross this line here" rule they laid down last season.

Plus I think that someone in Sun's circumstances wouldn't be having an affair without using contraception, specially when she knew her husband couldnt conceive. But this is Lost and anything is possible.
I think Jin is healed by teh island plays into a theme and having it be Jae's child would ruin the sytsery a bit. It's better story telling to have it be Jin's. This, and tis reason alone are why I believe it may be Jins, but as you say this is Lost.

She knew it was Jin that was infertile but Jin didn't know, he believed that Sun suffered from endometriosis.
But what was the timeline? We know that Sun was told, but we don't know when she was told. Was it later that day? Was it months later, after her affair? We don't know.
Sun's doctor only told her after running into her on the street later. It wasn't the same day as the appointment, but as with all flashbacks we are given no concrete timeline. However, the affair was happening while she was planning her escape from Jin and her father, so I believe she knew before the affair.

Thsi brings up an interesting situation with Sun and Jin. Sun was running from Jin and her father. Sun's father is very controlling and her marrying Jin as her own decision was an attempt to break free from her father, but Jin's traditional values (ask the father) got in the way. So Sun's father only approved if it allowed him to regain control over Sun in some way.

Fast forward to today. Jin, the symbol of Sun's battle against control has become very controlling. He even attempts to wield his control over other Losties by demanding they do thinsg certain ways, arguing with Michael over how to build the raft, arguing with Sayid about whether to go home or not, etc. His desire for control is so string that when he discover Sun had lied to him he refused to talk to her until they had been separated and he feared he would never see her again. Once all was made better he became controlling again. Sun married her father in an attampt to be free of him. How ironic.

I think her affair with Jae was just Sun attempting to break free from control, as she always does. And as always she would sacrifice anyone to show her defiance.

Wow, no one has said anything about this week's episode yet. I am surprised. There is a lot to talk about. Well maybe once I post this write-up.

You've been warned.

As always my personal comments will be in blue.

Episode 303: "Further Instructions" - We need to find Eko and a pair of pants.

This episode is Locke-centric.

FLASHBACK - Never pick up hitchhikers.

We see a pick-up driving down a country road in the and it comes across a hitchhiker. The truck stops and John Locke rolls down the window to ask the young man where he is headed. He says that he is headed to Eureka. Locke says that he can take him as far as Bridgeville. The man gets in. As they drive Locke introduces himself and the man says that his name is Eddie. He tells a story about how he had to get away because his mom was dead and his dad was a drunk. He was hoping to find logging work in Eureka even though he's never done it before.

As they are talking the rain lets up and immediately following a cop pulls them over. Locke is polite with the officer who explains that he pulled him over for having a taillight out. He then asks them to get out of the vehicle and begins questioning Locke about what he is carrying in the back. Locke tells him that he has guns and groceries. Without asking the cop pulls back the tarp to reveal all kinds of guns - rifles, handguns, etc. (ILLEGAL!) Locke tells him that in the red binder are all the permits and registrations. The cop checks it out and then Locke finally becomes impatient and asks if they are free to go. The cop tells him that he can still arrest him for picking up a hitchhiker, but Eddie quickly says that Locke is his uncle that he had called to pick him up. The cop begrudgingly lets them go and then Eddie says, "So what is with all the guns, Uncle."

Farmer John.


Eddie, the hitchhiker.

Later we see Locke and Eddie drive up to a gate with a large "No Trespassing" sign on it. A young boy opens the gate and Locke calls him Bobby as he hands him what appear to be a bag of candy. They continue driving on down the road until they are well away from visual distance of the gate. As they get out Eddie sees a tent and asks Locke what it is. Locke explains that it is a sweat lodge where you can go and meditate to determine if you are a farmer or a hunter. Eddie asks Locke which one he is. Locke just smiles and then leads Eddie to a long picnic table where a group of people are preparing to eat. Locke introduces Eddie to a couple named Mike and Jan. Mike welcomes Eddie and Jan says that any friend of John's is a friend of theirs. Mike notices that Eddie is wearing a Geronimo Jackson shirt and asks if he likes them. Eddie explains that it was his dad's shirt and Mike says that his dad had good taste. (Geronimo Jackson again!) Mike then stands up and introduces Eddie to everyone else and then asks Locke to say grace. Locke says a prayer thanking God fro rain so that one of the other men will quit complaining about the droughts and then thanks God for helping him to not be so angry and for helping him find a real family, because they are a hell of a lot better than the one he used to have. Everyone says amen and starts to eat as Eddie says thank you.

Next we find Locke and Eddie walking through a barn and Eddie tries to convince Locke that a girl they just passed likes him, but Locke says he is too old and she would be better with Eddie. Eddie says she is too granola and really wants a daddy, just like everyone else there. Locke suddenly gets serious and says that it wasn't funny. Eddie quickly apologizes but then asks Locke why he never talks about his dad and Locke tells him there is nothing worth talking about. As they head towards the orchard Eddie sees men unloading fertilizer into a greenhouse and says that he is going to go help them, but Locke stops him. Eddie starts asking about the greenhouse and Locke tries avoiding it but Eddie doesn't let up saying that every time he gets near there someone stops him. Locke tries telling him that some things take time but Eddie reminds him that he has been there for six weeks and that Locke a bag full of guns when he first arrived. Locke tries to tell him to back off because Mike and Jan welcomed him in to the family but Eddie just says his family has too many secrets and he knows what is going on -- he wants in on whatever they are planning to blow up. Locke just laughs and says that he will talk to Mike and Jan.

Mysterious greenhouse.

Next we see Locke approaching the greenhouse where a man is standing outside. He sees Locke and says that Mike and Jan want to talk to him. Locke says that is good because he wants to talk to them. He goes into the greenhouse where we see numerous marijuana plants. Mike and Jan are arguing and putting files in boxes. Locke asks why they are planning to leave and Jan thrusts a file into his hands telling him that is why. Locke looks inside and one of the pages has an image of Eddie's police ID. He has been there for six weeks gathering evidence. Mike and Jan tell him he screwed up and now it is all over. Locke stops them and says that he hasn't been in the greenhouse yet and he can take care of it. Mike turns and asks Locke how.

Mike and Jan packing up the evidence.


The real Eddie

Later Locke and Eddie are out hunting deer. Eddie asks Locke if he has talked to Mike and Jan and Locke tells him that he has. Everything will be explained to him after supper. Locke suddenly points behind Eddie and he turns asking if he spotted a deer. When Eddie has his back turned Locke raises his rifle. Eddie turns back around and asks what Locke is doing. Locke asks him if they knew it would be him, if they purposely targeted him in the truck. At first Eddie plays dumb and begins raising his gun, but Locke tells him he didn't load it. After demanding that Eddie answer him he says that they did pick him because the profile showed he hadn't been there long, had no criminal record, and was amenable for coercion. Eddie then starts to back away telling Locke that he is a good man and can't shoot him - he is a farmer. Locke tells him that he was a hunter, is a hunter, but Eddie just begins walking away and Locke can't bring himself to shoot.

Eddie's cover is blown

Main Story - Ghosts from the past

An eye opens. It is Locke. He is lying on the jungle floor. He sees Desmond run by but when he tries to yell he can't. Locke slowly, almost painfully gets up. He carefully tests his legs - they still work. He hears a noise above him and looks up to see a stick falling out of the tree. He avoids it and then picks it up. It is Eko's "Jesus Stick." The camera focuses on the writings and one verse is clearly seen dead center. It says, "Gen 13:14 Lift up your eyes and look north." (The actual verse says, "The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, "Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west." (NIV). Is the lack of the three other cardinal directions on purpose and a clue? I checked multiple versions, and they all include all four directions, essentially saying look around you. Eko's version just says look north. Are the Others to the north? Is there something that must be done to the north?) Locke makes his way back to the beach camp and begins cutting a tarp from a shelter. Charlie and Claire see him and Claire urges Charlie to go talk to him and find out where everyone else is.

The Jesus Stick.

Charlie follows Locke to where he and Eko had been building a church and asks Locke why he has been gone for an entire day and hasn't written or called, just being a regular smart ass. Locke tries to talk but can't and mimics the message to Charlie. Charlie asks if he is mute and then asks where Eko and Desmond are, wondering if they are being mute and building structures as well. Locke again signs that he can't speek, in frustration, and then motions towards his mouth. Charlie asks him if he needs to speak and Locke nods. Charlie asks if he needs to speak to him and Locke shakes his head, picking up some sand. Charlie asks if he needs to speak to the sand and Locke waves his arms around at the jungle. Charlie says, "Oh the trees. I hear that they can be wonderful conversationalists." Locke stands and comes at Charlie but Charlie stops him, saying that he doesn't understand. Locke begins making huge sweeping motions with his arms and Charlie starts guessing at different things until he says island and Locke points at him. Charlie says, "You need to speak to the island?"

Locke sucks at Charades

Later Locke finds Charlie again, but this time he has a pen and paper and he has written, "I need help."

Charlie answers, "Oh right, so you can talk to the island." Locke writes that he needs Charlie to stand guard, but Charlie reminds Locke that he detests him, reminding him of how Locke repeatedly punched him in the face and accused him of using heroin, even though he wasn't.

Locke's only response was, "Sweat lodge."

Locke sp3@ks 133t Imglish

Back at the unfinished church structure Locke has built a sweat lodge in the middle of it. He is sitting over a fire mixing a concoction in a coconut shell. Charlie asks him if he is taking drugs, because there is a strict zero tolerance policy that was enacted by Locke and he would hate for him to have to punch himself in the face. (Someone is holding a grudge) Locke merely retells him that he needs him to stand guard and Charlie says he knows that Locke is going into his hut and he will stand guard in case Locke devolves into a monkey. Locke tells Charlie not to come in and then enters his hut. While Charlie wanders around bored Locke eats his concoction and pours water over rocks heated by the fire.

Locke stares into the fire when a hand grabs his shoulder and startles him. It's Boone. Boone says hi but Locke still can't talk. Boone says that he knows Locke is trying to apologize, but it's okay because he was a sacrifice the island demanded. Locke just shakes his head and then tries to speak again. Boone tells him not to worry because he will speak when he has something worth saying. He then explains that he is there to help him find his way again so that he can bring the family back together and tells Locke to follow him. Locke tries but his legs won't work. Boone tells him he is going to need that, and points at the wheelchair, which just appeared on the other side of the fire.

Suddenly Boone is wheeling Locke around an airport. He explains that someone here is in danger and only he can save them. First Locke sees Claire and Charlie with Aaron. They are dressed up and appear to be together as a couple, almost husband and wife-like. Boones tells him they will be fine for a while. ("A while" sounds foreboding) Next Locke sees Jin, Sun, and Sayid. Jin and Sun appear to be arguing and Sayid is standing just behind them, looking as if he is trying to mediate. Boone says that Sayid has that one. Then Locke sees Hurley as a ticket agent and he types THE numbers into the computer. Boone says he's fine. Next Desmond, as a pilot, walks by with many stewardesses. Locke points but Boone says that he is helping himself. Locke sees Kate and Sawyer in a security line together joking and flirting, Jack is just ahead and Ben is the security agent who wands Jack. Locke begins waving hi arms at them but Boone says there is nothing he can do for them, not yet. First he has to clean up his own mess. Suddenly Locke is at the bottom of an escalator and Boone is at the top. He waves at Locke to come on up. Locke has to lay on the escalator and let it carry him up and then he has to drag himself across the floor at the top. He finds a puddle of blood with Eko's stick in it and then Boone appears covered in blood and tells him that he must hurry, Eko doesn't have much time.

Boone guides Locke through the airport

Kate and Sawyer - Happy Together

Locke finds himself back in the sweat lodge. He starts to get up when a polar bear comes through the tent at him. (I didn't expect it so I jumped.) Locke rolls out quickly and looks back. There is no bear. Charlie comes running asking if he is okay. Locke stands up and grabs his knife and looks at it. Charlie asks what he is doing and Locke says that he is going to save Mr. Eko's life.

I didn't see that coming

Knife-wielding, crazy Locke from Season 1 is back! I missed him.

Locke and Charlie start searching for Eko and eventually finds his cross lying on the ground. He figures that he was drug this way. Charlie asks by what and Locke tells him it was a polar bear. He then finds blood and tells Charlie he should go back, but Charlie says he will take his chances. Locke says that he doesn't want to stay with him. Bad things happen to people who hang around him. (What happened to detesting Locke?)

They find their way to the remnants of the hatch, a hole in the ground. They continue to search and find a dead boar with large claw marks in its side. Locke says that it is an active kill, which means whatever killed it will be back to eat it later. Charlie asks him to just say polar bear if he means polar bear and Locke picks up some white fur and says, "Alright. Polar Bear." Just then a loud roar comes up and they begin to run. We can see glimpses of a polar bear running through the jungle after them. They stop running when the bear sounds die down. Then the bushes near then begin rustling as if something large is coming through. Locke throws his knife and we hear a man yell. Locke pulls some branches aside and finds Hurley, Locke's knife through his canteen.

All that remains of the hatch

Hurley tells them about the Others capturing them and sending him back to tell everyone they can never go over there. He also tells them that the man they knew as Henry was their leader. Locke stops. (I'm taking bets on who kills Ben, Sawyer or Locke.) When Hurley asks what they should do Locke tells him to do what he was told and go back to camp and tell everyone. Hurley asks if he is going to do anything and Locke says that he is doing something. Charlie explains how the island told Locke to save Eko from the polar bears and that they just made an active kill, so he may want to hustle. Hurley just says, "Bear? What bear?" Locke and Charlie move on and Locke finds more fur. Charlie tells him how he used to watch nature shows when he was high and the polar bears were supposedly very clever and were like the Einsteins of the bear community. At this point they come across a cave.

That looks friendly enough

Charlie is nervous about the cave and suggests they hurry because it might be out having its lunch. Locke says that if they are lucky they won't be in there and if they are they won't smell them and then begins smearing mud over his skin. Then he pulls out a can of hairspray and Charlie points out that Locke doesn't need it. Locke smiles and says that it isn't for him. Locke then lights a torch and heads into the cave. As he goes in he bumps something with his foot and bends down to find a child's toy dump truck. As he goes on he finds skeletons of all sorts of creatures, including a human skeleton wearing the few remnants of a DHARMA uniform. He finally comes across Eko who is alive and barely conscious. Locke goes to him but a polar bear grabs Eko by the leg and begins dragging him farther into the cave. Locke grabs Eko's arm and throws a rock at the polar bear's head. It only angers the bear and as it turnbs its attention to Locke he sprays the hairspray through the torch, making a homemade flamethrower, spraying the bear in the face. The bear roars and runs deeper into the cave. Locke picks Eko up and drags him out, telling Charlie they need to go.

Locke saves Eko

As they take Eko back to camp Charlie asks Locke what he saw in the tent. Locke tells him about how he saw Boone, who told him he had to clean up his own mess. Charlie says that it was spoken like someone who's had a few too many messes to clean.

When they hear a stream they decide to take a break and rest Eko against a tree. Charlie goes to get water and Locke apologizes to Eko, despite his being unconscious. He says that if he had listened to Eko and had faith in the island he could have saved their friends who have been captured. Suddenly Eko begins talking, telling him that he can still save them. Locke tries to explain that he doesn't even know where they are but Eko says that he will find them because he is a hunter. Charlie walks up asking if Locke said something and he says that Eko is awake, but when he looks over he is unconscious. (Did he wake up or was it a vision?)

Side Story - Can we get some pants over here?

After talking to Locke and Charlie Hurley is walking back towards camp when he hears a rustling in the bushes. He asks, "Bear, is that you?"

He gets a response he didn't expect, "Are you alone, brother?"

Hurley says that he is and a naked Desmond stands up. Hurley quickly covers his face and starts saying that he isn't alone. Desmond explains that the camp is nearby and wants Hurley to get him some clothes. When Hurley asks what happened to his Desmond tells him he woke up like that. "So ,like the hatch blew your underwear off?" Hurley asks.

Desmond uncovers his crotch and steps forward saying, "You want to discuss this in great detail?"

Hurley turns away saying that he might have something on him. He reaches into his bag and pulls out one of his shirts. He gives it a sniff and then asks Desmond if he likes tie-dye.

More detail than we need

On the way to camp Desmond is wearing Hurley's shirt like a dress as he explains to Hurley about turning the fail-safe key and how the hatch imploded. Hurley asks if he is going to turn into the Hulk or develop powers or something. Desmond just kind of laughs. Hurley asks if that is what made the island shake and turn the sky funny colors. Desmond says that he doesn't know what he's talking about. Hurley tells him about what happened and that Jack, Kate, and Sawyer saw it too just before they got bags slipped over their heads. Desmond tells him not to worry because Locke will save them; he said so in his speech. Hurley asks him what speech he is talking about. Desmond just says he's right and brushes it off as if his head is all messed up.

Main Story (part 2) - Ghosts from the future

Locke and Charlie wander into camp with Eko and Claire sees them. She has Aaron and yells for Paulo and Nikki to come and help them. (WHO? Oh, new characters. I hope they blow up too. Arzt exploding was cool.) Hurley asks if Eko is alive and Locke says he is and he will be fine eventually. Nikki says that they need Jack, but Hurley explains that he isn't coming back because they have him. Everyone starts asking questions about how it happened and Locke jumps in saying that Jack, Kate, and Sawyer have been taken. Everyone says that they have to get them back. Locke says he will get them back as soon as he can, but first they have to help Eko. Hurley looks at Desmond who is down the beach. (Not even hearing the speech himself.) Charlie is standing next to Hurley and says that it wasn't a bad speech. Hurley just stares at Desmond. Charlie snaps him out of it and Hurley just says that he got hit by déjà vu. Charlie tells him that when he snaps out of it he needs to get bandages from the kitchen. Hurley gives a lingering glance to Desmond throwing rocks into the ocean.

What has he become?


Introducing Nikki and Paulo.


OK, just a few questions this week:
1) So what is up with Desmond? Shouldn't he be on Heroes or something?
2) Locke's got his faith back, is the island's mysticism going to be back in full swing?
3) Was the verse on Eko's stick a clue to us or just to tell Locke how to find Eko?
4) Did Locke get busted with the pot growers? Anyone else feel that flashback ended too soon?
5) Will Desmond be able to guide them with his new powers now?
6) Will Desmond step on Locke's spiritual toes, maybe making Locke jealous that he wasn't given the gift?
7) Will Desmond ever put some pants on?
8) WTF is going on?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

So, on Desmond, a friend thinks he time traveled when the hatch imploded and it was kind of like in Terminator, which is why he had no clothes. Just throwing that out there.

So, who wants in on the bets to see whether Sawyer or Locke get to Ben first? I am guessing Locke, when he saves them. But I think that whatever the Others are doing plays into the mysticism behind the island and Ben might be able to convince Locke to be on their side.

And as for Geronimo Jackson, perhaps I should have scoured through my Season 2 DVDs a bit closer:
An easter egg on Disc 4 of the Season 2 DVD features a short video clip of supervising producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz elaborating on the band's backstory. They claim it was the brainchild of Keith Strutter, a Kentuckyan who ran away from home in the 1960's and wound up in San Francisco. The band's first gigs were at burlesque shows, working their way up to play clubs like the Avalon and the Filmore. They never headlined, but put out one album - Magna Carta - which has been out of print for some time. Kitsis claims that the band disappeared into obscurity in Woodstock, NY in 1971. It was put into Lost as a tribute to an under-appreciated band.
I guess I will have to check that out tonight.

Anyway, what are everyone else's thoughts on this episode?

Oh, and a quick congratulations to everyone who downloads Lost to watch it. It was the second most downloaded show last week.

EDIT: I almost forgot. If anyone is a fan of the Us version of The Office last night's episode had a Lost reference. Ryan is wanting to learn how to be a better salesperson so he asks Dwight to take him on a sales call. Instead Dwight takes him to his beet farm and has him doing things like planting seeds and at one point sits him in a chair and starts asking him questions about Dunder Mifflin and the people they work with. Just before the commercial break Dwight gets right in Ryan's face and says, "What is the DHARMA Initiative?"

I thought it was funny to have a current non-NBC television reference, that and just the fact that it was Dwight being Dwight.
About Desmond, I remembered something today. Back when Desmond and Jack first met, when they were talking about Sarah.

Jack: "I failed, I didn't fix her."
Des: "But what if you did?"
Jack: "I didn't."
Des: "Yeah, but what if you did?"
Jack: "It would be a miracle."
Des: "Don't believe in miracles, huh?"

So this isn't the first time he's shown an inclination to know things that haven't quite happened yet. In fact, it seems it's been there since before he ever went to the island.
There's one thing I noticed and two questions that came up.

When Locke had his vision in that tent at the beginning, it was not just him or his subconscious that told him what to do, it must have been the island. Remember Kate flirting with Sawyer, the doc and Ben at the airport? Locke didn't know what state they are in at the time. So, it must have been the island "knowing" it and then telling him in his vision. This may have been obvious for you all, but it actually took me some time to notice.

And here are my questions:

1. When Desmond was talking to Hurley, he mentioned Lockes speech. What speech was he referring to? The one at the end? How could he know?
2. That déjà-vu Hurley had when he saw Desmond throwing stones into the water, what was he remembered of?

Very good write-up again by the way! 👍

the Interceptor
About Desmond, I remembered something today. Back when Desmond and Jack first met, when they were talking about Sarah.

Jack: "I failed, I didn't fix her."
Des: "But what if you did?"
Jack: "I didn't."
Des: "Yeah, but what if you did?"
Jack: "It would be a miracle."
Des: "Don't believe in miracles, huh?"

So this isn't the first time he's shown an inclination to know things that haven't quite happened yet. In fact, it seems it's been there since before he ever went to the island.

He also said something about seeing him in another lifetime. So maybe he does have some sort of 'powers'. Might have something to do with the others not knowing about him as well.

Anyway I have only sort of half watched this weeks episode while I was busy setting up my daughters new laptop (very very early chrissy pressie. I just don't know why she couldnt leave it in the box for another 2 months :) ) As usual it leaves us with more questions and not enough answers.

And here are my questions:

1. When Desmond was talking to Hurley, he mentioned Lockes speech. What speech was he referring to? The one at the end? How could he know?
2. That déjà-vu Hurley had when he saw Desmond throwing stones into the water, what was he remembered of?
Your second question pretty much answers your first. The speech he is talking about is the one Locke gives at the beach at the end of the episode, which is why Hurley says he is having a deja-vu because Desmond had told him about it before it happened.
Your second question pretty much answers your first. The speech he is talking about is the one Locke gives at the beach at the end of the episode, which is why Hurley says he is having a deja-vu because Desmond had told him about it before it happened.
But how did Desmond know about that speech before Locke actually held it? And Hurley talks about a déjà-vu while looking at Desmond standing at the waterline. I think he was referring to that, rather than to lockes speech.

the Interceptor
I got the impression that Hurley's deja vu comment was aimed at Locke's speech not at the stone throwing, although it did take me a second to work out what the hell he was deja vuing about...:

People generally have deja vu when they feel like they are experiencing a repeat of a situation.

In this scenario, Hurley isn't really experiencing a repeat of a situation. If anyone should be saying "Whoa dude, deja vu" it should be Desmond as we're led to believe that he has seen or heard of Locke's speech before. Hurley is only remembering what Desmond said about an hour before it happened. I don't think remembering words alone only a short time period before constitutes "deja vu", that's called having a memory. If Hurley heard Locke saying them and not Desmond then it'd be deja vu (thus Desmond being eligible for deja vu not Hurley).

The question of how Desmond knew of the speech is a good one. At the moment i'm just accepting that he does. We'll be told in time how. I don't believe that the stone throwing is significant right now.
I watched the scene again, and now, I agree with you guys. Hurley had his déjà-vu about Lockes speech, not about Desmond.

the Interceptor
I watched the scene again, and now, I agree with you guys. Hurley had his déjà-vu about Lockes speech, not about Desmond.

I think it's both, actually. His "woah" moment was his realization that Desmond knew about the speech before it happened. :)

"How" is simple enough, as there's only one explanation.. precognition. Assuming you ignore the wilder fan theories about time travel. As I posted above, I think it's something Desmond has had for years now, he's just used to keeping it to himself. He was disoriented and confused after the Discharge, and "let it slip" during his conversation with Hurley.

That's my take on it, anyway.

As for his catchphrase, "I'll see you in another life", I think it's just that.. a catchphrase. I think it's just his way of saying farewell to someone that he doesn't expect to ever see again.
People generally have deja vu when they feel like they are experiencing a repeat of a situation.

In this scenario, Hurley isn't really experiencing a repeat of a situation. If anyone should be saying "Whoa dude, deja vu" it should be Desmond as we're led to believe that he has seen or heard of Locke's speech before. Hurley is only remembering what Desmond said about an hour before it happened. I don't think remembering words alone only a short time period before constitutes "deja vu", that's called having a memory. If Hurley heard Locke saying them and not Desmond then it'd be deja vu (thus Desmond being eligible for deja vu not Hurley).
Hurley said he just had deja vu just to kind of explain off to Charliewhy he was zoned out due to the fact that he realized Desmond told him about Locke's speech before it happened.

Hurley's language skills aren't the greatest, adding a touch of realism to his character. It's just like the confusion of people calling Arzt: Artz, Arts, or even art, because Hurley NEVER said his name correctly even though Arzt spelled his name A-R-Z-T to try and correct Hurley. Over-analyzing teh actual meaning of deja vu is l;eading people off track. The most obvious answer, even if it isn't proper usage of the term, is the correct one.

The question of how Desmond knew of the speech is a good one. At the moment i'm just accepting that he does. We'll be told in time how. I don't believe that the stone throwing is significant right now.
I think the stone throwing was merely a way to show that Desmond was kind of reflecting on something (What, I don't know). The last image of that deep-thought look I posted of Desmond is the last we see of him.

I do like the theory that Desmond always had precognitive abilities, which hide him from the Others, he and accidentally revealed them now due to being disoriented from the blast. However it is based purely on specualtion with nothing hard to back it up, so I am not putting much faith in it. Besides, it becomes weak when you consider that he didn't know he would become shipwrecked, that Kelvin would betray him and then die, or what not entering the numbers would do. He didn't see a lot of stuff coming that precognition would have helped him with. So, while I like the theory I think it is a little weak at the moment.
Big news for the Losties on their own islands across the pond.

Ireland begins showing Lost on RTE TWO on Tuesday October 31st at 10:00 pm.

The United Kingdom will get Lost in three weeks (no solid date/time yet) on SKY ONE.

And in the US after Lost finishes its 6 episode stint in the fall it will restart on February 7th to finish the season in one straight run.

The write-up is coming, but it will most likely be tomorrow as it is half way through the day and I have yet to start. I'm busy working to get my new insurance stuff finalized on my new car.

For those who saw the episode last night: I called it!!! You know what I am talking about. My wife couldn't figure out why I jumped up and started screaming, "I KNEW IT!!! I said it!!!" I then had to explain to her that I had been saying it ever since the beginning of the season.

For those who haven't seen it yet, you will know soon enough.
Like usual, take your time with the write-up, FK. Do it once, do it right. :)

I hope everything goes will with the new VW. Are you going to get a license plate with an "8" on it? Of course, you'll spend all your time explaining that it is because of a rabbit on LOST instead of Herbie.

Maybe it's not such a good idea.
I hope everything goes will with the new VW. Are you going to get a license plate with an "8" on it? Of course, you'll spend all your time explaining that it is because of a rabbit on LOST instead of Herbie.
I'm loving the VW. I order a University of Kentucky plate while at the dealer, no 8. Although when I saw the show last night I was yelling about the rabbit.

Even if I don't make a Herbie reference I do call my car Jack (as in Rabbit). Cheesy I know, but he needed a name as he has lots of personality.

You know, I didn't know faxing an insurance contract, signing it, and faxing it back could take so long. It's all because I threw some renters insurance on there while I was at it. I've been off and on the phone with them all day yesterday and today.
Sorry it has taken so long. I've been playing with my new car.

Here it is, the write-up


Episode 304: Every Man for Himself

This episode is Sawyer-centric.

As always my comments will be in blue.

FLASHBACK: - Never Trust a Con Man

Sawyer is in a boxing ring and knocks a guy down. Someone calls him ford and tells him that's enough. We see that Sawyer is in prison. Sawyer helps the man he was fighting and they comment on the fight, making some jokes. As they head back through the prison they see a man getting beaten up and Sawyer's friend explains that his name is Munson and he apparently ripped the government off for $10 million, but the money was never found and the warden keeps stopping the fights, otherwise the guy would be killed. Sawyer looks up at the warden watching from above.


Later Sawyer approaches Munson in the sewing room, commenting on how he got a cushy job while Sawyer has been doing trash duty for months. He explains to Munson how the warden is trying to con him out of the $10 million dollars and will use his own wife against him. Munson wants to know why Sawyer is telling him this and Sawyer explains that he hates the warden. At that moment the warden walks in eating an apple and asks Munson if Sawyer is bothering him. Munson says no but the warden threatens Sawyer with extending his sentence if he steps out of line and then drops his apple on the floor and tells Sawyer to pick it up the trash.

Later Sawyer is in the visiting room watching Munson when Cassidy (The woman he conned in The Long Con, Ep. 213) sits across his table and calls him Sawyer. He tells her to use his real name, she knows it because she got it right when she pressed charges. She asks what he expected and then shows him a picture of a baby telling him it is his daughter, Clementine. Sawyer asks what she wants from him and she says that she wanted him to know. He asks her if she expects him to suddenly become Father Knows Best and she says that she just wanted him to write a letter. He asks what he should write to a baby and denies that it's his daughter. She tries to say it is but he stands up saying he doesn't have a daughter and then storms out.


Later Munson approaches Sawyer explaining that his wife is trying to find the money and has even hired a PI. He wants Sawyer to move the money. Sawyer says no, but Munson explains that if he doesn't the warden will get it all.

Later Sawyer is in his bunk reading "Of Mice and Men" when a guard approaches him and takes him to see the warden, where the warden tells him that he isn't the dumb hick he mistook him for; he is a dumb hick that knows how to steal. Sawyer asks them to get it over with and tells the warden where the money is. The warden explains that when the money is recovered he will receive his commission. Sawyer tells him to put it in a bank account in Albuquerque in the name of Clementine Phillips and to make sure there is no way she can find out who it was from. The warden congratulates him on lying and cheating his way out of prison; he is a free man.

Side Story 1: Desmond - The Weatherman

Desmond is sitting on the beach watching Claire with Aaron in her shelter. He walks over and tells her that she has a problem with her roof and he would be happy to fix it, but he needs her to leave for a bit. She says that she doesn't want to right now because Aaron just fell asleep. Charlie walks up and asks what's going on. Desmond explains about the roof and Charlie says that he can fix it, he was building a church before Eko exploded. Desmond says OK and walks off. Charlie comments that they may have to give him another button to push.

There's a problem with your roof, ma'am.

Later Desmond walks up to Paulo, who is using the golf clubs to hit fruit into the ocean. He asks if he can borrow one, Hurley said it would be OK. Paulo asks if he's off to save the day again and then tells him to take the 5 iron because he never uses it and won't miss it after Desmond gets killed in the jungle. Desmond takes the club and then tells him to square his shoulders a bit more. Paulo asks him if he plays golf and Desmond says, "I'm Scottish," and then walks away.

Should he be hitting food into the ocean?

Desmond builds a tall tower-like object with the golf club at the top and sticks it in the sand on the beach. Hurley sees it and asks him if it is art. Desmond says that it is an experiment. Hurley starts to walk out towards it and Desmond tells him that he may want to wait a minute. It immediately begin pouring rain and behind Desmond's tower we see Claire and Charlie gathering Aaron in to shelter. Suddenly a lightning bolt strikes the golf club, sending sparks flying, and is harmlessly grounded. Charlie looks at the golf club, Claire's roof, and then at Desmond.


Main Story - Of Mice and Con Men

Jack is sitting in his cage watching cartoons on the TV on the other side of the glass. There is a knock on the door and Jack sits in the corner. The door opens and Juliet comes in with a plate of food for Jack. She asks how he is doing and he tells her great sarcastically. When she asks why he seems frustrated he asks if he is going to watch cartoons or if someone is going to tell him why he is there. He asks if he can talk to Ben because he thinks that she is just the person that brings his food. She tells him that he can talk to Ben but he won't tell him anything. Jack says that she works for him and that he is in charge and she explains that isn't how it works over here. They make decisions together. Jack tells her that when he was threatening to kill her Ben didn't seem to care and that decision seemed to be made on his own. She tells him he doesn't know what he is talking, she doesn't answer to Ben.

Jack needs a PS2, maybe a little GT4.

Just then Ben rushes in and asks her to come with him in a demanding way. (I love irony!) When Juliet asks if it can wait Ben says, "The sub is back. We have a situation, so come with me now." (Even more irony. Wait…did he say sub? What sub? They have a sub? As in submarine?) Juliet looks at Jack and then leaves with Ben. Jack rushes to the door to try and listen.

Did he just say sub?

Sawyer and Kate are in their cages when Danny, with a broken nose, opens Sawyer's and says it is time for work. Sawyer says he sounds stuffy and Danny tells him to give him an excuse and Sawyer says that he thought he just did. Does he have to talk about his mother. Danny starts after Sawyer but his walkie-talkie starts squawking so he walks off to answer it. He visibly gets upset and then Ben and Juliet come out and men with a stretcher come by with Colleen on it. Juliet starts checking her out and they all go inside, leaving Kate and Sawyer in the cages. Kate asks Sawyer what happened and Sawyer says, "We happened." She asks if he is smiling and he says he is because they just found their ticket out.

Sun's handiwork

Later Sawyer is making the machine deliver a fish biscuit and water and the water begins running out into a puddle in front of his door. Kate asks what he is doing and he explains that because Danny is distracted with his girl and then shows Kate how the machine delivers a shock if you push the button too many times. He explains that whoever comes to get them will step in his puddle and then he will grab them and shock them. He says that he bet the bears never thought of that. Kate says that they will both get shocked, but Sawyer says that he's felt it and he can take it. Kate glances away and he asks if she thinks he's crazy and she says that she's actually impressed. Sawyer tells her they are going to do it but then she asks about Jack and Sawyer says it is every man for himself.

Later Ben comes out and Sawyer whispers to Kate that it's the big kahuna. Ben walks up and asks Sawyer how much he weighs and how old he is. Sawyer says that he weighs 180 or so and that he is 32. Ben tells him not to lie and he says 35. Ben steps in the puddle and Sawyer grabs him and then hits the button, but nothing happens. Sawyer asks Ben what they did and he tells him they turned it off and then hits Sawyer with a billy club Ben then goes into the cage and beats Sawyer unconscious.

When Sawyer comes to he is strapped to a table. He overhears Tom talking to Ben saying, "…been two days since the sky turned purple, we've been blind, our coms are all down and I can't get them back up again, and in case you forgot, Colleen's in critical-" But Ben interrupts and tells him that Juliet is taking care of her. (Sounds like the hatch implosion created an EMP) Sawyer looks up and asks where he is and Ben addresses a man named Jason who approaches Sawyer and tells him to bight down on a stick for the pain. Sawyer tries to fight him and is screaming no. Another man walks over with a very large needle and raises it above Sawyer's chest. Ben looks away mumbling about how he hates needles. Jack, in his cage, can hear Sawyer screaming over his communications box. The man with the needle gets ready to use it, but looks very nervous. (Not medically trained I guess?) Another man comes up and says, "No you have to go through the sternum, the sternum. Like in the movie." (Pulp Fiction? So their outside communication is very definitely recent.) Finally the man with the needle brings it down.

I liked it better when it was Uma Thurman

When Sawyer wakes up he is still strapped to the table, but he has a patched spot on his chest. Tom walks in with a bunny in a cage and sets it on Sawyer's chest. The bunny has a black 8 painted on it. Ben picks the cage up and starts shaking it and yelling at it. Finally the bunny just flops over on the side of the cage. Sawyer asks if Ben just killed the rabbit and Ben explains that it had a pacemaker designed to control it if it gets too excited, stressed, or tried to escape. He then straps a watch-looking heart monitor to Sawyer's wrist and explains that based on Sawyers weight and age they have set his pacemaker to make his heart explode at a heart rate of 140 and that is how they know Sawyer will behave now. He lets Sawyer get up and explains that if his rate gets within 15 of 140 the monitor will beep to let him know that he needs to calm down. Sawyer asks why they don't just shoot him and Ben says that it is because they aren't killers. Then he tells him that if he tells Kate anything then they will do the same thing to her.

Follow the white rabbit.

They take Sawyer back to the cage and then give he and Kate clean clothes and stuff to wash with. Kate asks what they did to him and Sawyer says they just asked him questions. Kate doesn't believe him but Sawyer doesn't let her go any farther. Kate starts to get cleaned up and tells Sawyer to look away. As she starts washing Sawyer peaks at her and his heart monitor starts beeping. :lol: She asks what that is and he tells her it's his watch, it's busted. She asks when he got a watch and he says that he doesn't tell her everything and then asks her to put some clothes on. He dumps his bucket of water on his head and the monitor finally goes off.

There's only one cure for this.


A cold shower

Later Kate thinks that she can climb through the top of her cage but Sawyer tells her not to bother. Kate is determined but Sawyer forces the issue, refusing to explain why, just saying that they should chill out.

Later Juliet comes into Jack's cell and says that she needs him. Jack sees blood on Juliet, and having over heard Sawyer's scream, asks her what they did to Sawyer. She quickly explains that it isn't his blood, someone has been hurt and they need his help. They put a bag over Jack's head and lead him outside where sirens are blaring so that he can't hear Kate and Sawyer as they walk by. Juliet leads Jack to a room where Ben begins to argue with her about her bringing Jack there. She explains that he is a surgeon and he can help. Ben starts to say, "This isn't why--" but Juliet cuts him off and asks if he wants Colleen to die.

Jack being led past Sawyer and Kate

Once Jack can see what is going on he asks what happened and Juliet explains that she was shot. Jack goes up and looks at some X-rays but she explains that those aren't Colleen's. Danny, standing over Colleen, looks up and sees Jack. He starts getting upset and says that Jack should know who did this, but Jack orders him out and Juliet and Tom force him out of the room screaming that it's his wife. Juliet explains that she got the bullet out but can't stop the bleeding. Jack starts asking her to do stuff and she explains that she isn't a surgeon. Jack says he knows but he needs her to do this. Danny, Tom, and Ben can be seen in an observation room. Colleen begins to flat line and Jack asks for a crash cart but Juliet explains that it doesn't work because nothing has ever happened before. Jack starts CPR but after a while gives up. He goes to call the time of death, but there is no clock..

Whose is this?

Seeing that Colleen is dead Danny freaks out and runs outside where he grabs Sawyer out of his cage and throws him against Kate's. He begins beating Sawyer, asking if she loves him. Sawyer's monitor begins beeping. Kate tries protecting Sawyer by wrapping her arms around him and finally answers that yes, she does love him. Danny stops and stomps away.

Later Sawyer is back in his cage and nursing his wounds when Kate asks if he is OK. Sawyer says that he is and that the guy punches like a girl. Kate wants to know why he did that and Sawyer says that he has no clue. Kate climbs through the top of her cage and Sawyer tries to get her to stop but she says that whatever they did to him was bad enough to have him lying about it and that scares her more than anything. She climbs out the top of her cage and starts to beat on his lock with a rock. He tells her to go without him as his monitor starts beeping again. Kate asks what it is and Sawyer refuses. She keeps trying to ask him questions and set him free but he just tells her that if she really loved him she would go. She says that she only said it so Danny would stop hitting him. Kate climbs back into her cage and when Sawyer tells her to go she says, "Live together, die alone."

Meanwhile Ben and Tom are watching them on a monitor and Tom says that Danny wants to kill him, but Ben says that Danny can wait. Then Tom asks about Jack, but Ben says he wants him to sit with her for a while.

In the operating room jack is handcuffed to a table and is sitting next to Colleen's body with a sheet draped over it. Juliet walks in and apologizes for having him handcuffed but she explains that she is a fertility doctor and isn't used to death. Jack asks about Colleen and then Juliet says she should have come for him sooner, but Jack tells her that it wouldn't have mattered. She was dead before they set her on the table. (Sun has good aim.) Juliet asks if he is just saying that to make her feel better but he tells her he doesn't care about making her feel better. Juliet then begins to take him back but he grabs her and asks her whose x-rays those are. He says that it is the spine of a 40-something man and he has a tumor on his L-4 vertebrae. He wants to know who he is really there to help. (I'm guessing Ben and that is why he is staying on the island.)

Sawyer is sleeping in his cage when Ben wakes him and tells him that they are going for a walk. We see him following Ben with Tom and some Others following behind them. Sawyer is getting tired and Ben tells him it isn't much farther, just over the next hill. Sawyer says, "What's up there? That little place you always wanted, George?" Ben looks at him and Sawyer says, "What? Don't you read? It's from Of Mice and Men. You'd like it, puppies get killed."

Sawyer's watch begins beeping and the heart rate keeps getting closer to 140. He asks if they brought him up here to kill him, make the pace maker blow up his heart. Ben explains that his heart won't explode because they didn't put anything inside of him other than doubt. Ben then pulls the rabbit out of his bag and shows the 8 painted on it and says they gave it a sedative, not a pace maker. Sawyer asks how he knows it's the same bunny and they didn't just paint an 8 on another one. "You don't," says Ben. Sawyer punches him. (And I laughed. Sawyer is the type to take that risk for a little revenge.)

Sweet Satisfaction

Once he recovers Ben says that the rabbit isn't what he wanted to show Sawyer. Ben asks him if he has heard of Alcatraz, the island prison that couldn't be escaped from then leads him to a ledge and shows him that the island he is standing on is not THE island. (I CALLED IT!!!) He explains that the island he is standing on is roughly twice the size of Alcatraz. He just wanted Sawyer to see that there is nowhere to run. Sawyer asks if he did all this just to keep him in a cage and Ben says, "We did all this because the only way to gain a con man's respect is to con him. You're pretty good, Sawyer, we're a lot better. Funny thing is, us telling you about the pace maker wasn't what kept you in line. It was when we threatened her. You work so hard to make her think that you don't care, that you don't need her. A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. It don't make no difference who the guy is, as long as he's with you. I tell you, a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Sawyer asks.

"It's from Of Mice and Men. Don't you read? Come on. Let's get you back to your cage."

Nice view. Well, not for Sawyer.

I'm short on time so I will bring up the questions and debate topics later.

Really just debating the fact that Ben said Sub should keep us busy. I think the fact that the Others have a submarine is the most disturbing knowledge I have of them. But it does explain a whole lot.

One thing before I go: this week's Entertainment Weekly had an interview with Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet) and it mentions that she shoots some one "shocking" in an upcoming February episode.

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