LOST: Season Three

  • Thread starter Jedi2016
Honestly, I almost think I like time-travel better. For some reason I just have this underlying hope that this is all going to make sense (relatively) realistically with no (or minimal) supernatural things to explain it. I'd much rather hear about vast government conspiracy than you know, a "magic island".
Well, I think it is actually playing out to be a corporate conspiracy more than government. We've seen no evidence of any government involvement so far. I'm still going with the idea of the scientists working to save the world but knowing that it will require ethically questionable practices that wouldn't be allowed by society. It brings about all kinds of cool philosophical questions about what you would be willing to do if the end of the world was resting on your shoulders Is the death of a few innocents worth saving the billions of others? Then you would look back on the episodes and realize that the Others weren't really that bad, just desperate.

Plus, it avoids the whole overplayed government/corporate conspiracy thing, which I feel has people in general thinking corporations are all just evil entities and leads to a mentality that actually hurts capitalism and/or government plans. It makes a good story, but I miss the old days of just bad people doing bad things. Dr. Evil used to be the villains and nowadays it is Evilcorp. Heck, these days they will rarely make an evil corporation/government without making it appear to be bad from head to toe. Janitor Joe doesn't know if the company is dumping nuclear waste into the water supply, but he somehow winds up carrying a machine gun and getting killed or assaulted by the hero.

Working in a corporate world and having family in government it is much easier to believe that an evil genius egomaniac would cause massive trouble without anyone catching on and all involved knowingly being a part of the scheme. For an example see any real-life terrorist group.
Lost is getting weirder and weirder.

Final Destination anyone?
My first thought was Final Destination, but I don't think it just refers to death because Desmond couldn't even prevent himself from winding up on the island. I mean, the guy knows when the storm will hit that strands him yet still gets there.

I think it is more along the metaphysical (is that the right term?) theory that time travel cannot allow past events to be changed. The fact that Desmond is remembering things in the "present" makes me wonder if he (in conjunction with my Locke theory) somehow isn't doing this all again. What if in the future he comes back to now?

Basically the idea is that the universe is stable enough to reject temporal paradoxes. If you go back and kill your own father you end your own existence meaning you didn't kill your father and thus you did live. The universe doesn't blow up, but just shudders in a Deja Vu moment and then things go on once you break the time loop by not killing your father.

Heroes is currently exploring the time-travel != changing the past. When he tried he actually got jerked back to his normal place in time and space.

The irony of all this in both Lost and Heroes is that the people being affected have made references to destiny and fate. In Lost Charlie had "F-A-T-E" written on his hands, as well as "L-A-T-E" at one point. Perhaps his fate is late? Now, I could be wrong about Desmond currently revisiting the past again, but having future visions. That brings about theories of future changes. Can you stop the future before it happens? Is Charlie's fate still to be determined? The two Charlie deaths could have just been coincidence. The lightning bolt would be a crazy thing in any situation and Charlie could never swim, and has even said so, but if Claire were in danger he would risk it to save her.

We will see what happens.
Write-up time!


As usual my personal thoughts will be in blue[/blue].

Episode 8: Flashes Before Your Eyes

This is a Desmond-centric episode.

Typically I do the Flashback first, followed by the main story on the island, but this episode was different in that the flashback/time travel, whatever, is party of Desmond's main story. So, with that said, it will be a different format for this episode.

Flashback - See above, I hope you didn't skip that.

Main Story - What the?!

We find Desmond walking along the beach looking worried and then cut to Charlie and Hurley digging through Sawyer's stash. (Someone is in for a beating.) Hurley explains that he isn't sure about doing this and Charlie says that he would want them to do it. Hurley sarcastically says digging through Sawyer's stuff sounds exactly like something he would wants. Charlie tells him he is looking at it wrong because Sawyer stole it in the first place and people need food and medical supplies, as well as shocking amounts of pornography, and holds up a stack of magazines.

Just then Desmond walks up and asks Charlie and Hurley to come with him. Charlie asks if they found Eko but Desmond just says he needs both of them and begins walking away. They follow Desmond until they reach Locke and Sayid. Locke explains Eko's death, describing it as the island killed him. Charlie asks what that means but Locke tells him that he knows what that means. He then begins telling them that the people in camp look up to them for leadership and they need them to help keep everyone calm when they announce Eko's death. While he is explaining this Hurley notices Desmond looking around wildly and asks him and then the others what is wrong. Just then Desmond takes off running. The rest follow him and as he runs he begins taking off his shirt and shoes. He reaches the ocean and dives in. Sayid asks what he's doing and Locke notices someone else out in the water. Just then Sun walks up holding Aaron and Charlie asks her where Claire is. Sun explains that she went for a walk. At that Charlie makes a dash into the ocean, but Desmond is already coming ashore with Claire. Charlie tries to help but Desmond tells him to get back. Desmond performs CPR on Claire and revives her. Charlie comes close again but Desmond pushes him back as he walks off with her. Then Charlie begins yelling at him, wanting to know how Desmond knew she was drowning. Hurley walks up and tells Charlie that Desmond knows because he can see the future.


Desmond is thinking.


Charlie yells too much lately.

Later we find Desmond sitting on the beach looking at his picture of himself and Penny. Claire walks up and seeing the picture asks her name. Desmond tells her and then asks how she is feeling. Claire explains she is shaken up and then tries explaining about how the undertow grabbed her and how if it hadn't been for Desmond she would have probably drowned, but Charlie walks up, interrupting her, and telling her that Aaron is starving. She quickly apologizes and then thanks Desmond. He just says that it is his pleasure.

Later Charlie and Hurley are walking through camp and Charlie is saying that he doesn't trust Hurley's seeing the future theory because if he could see the future he wouldn't have wound up on the island. He wants to know what is up with Desmond. Hurley tells him that if Charlie does come up with a plan Desmond will know it first. Charlie pulls a bottle of whiskey from Sawyer's stash and says that they will just have to get good and drunk then. So Charlie and Hurley approach Desmond on the beach and Charlie starts off apologizing for not being grateful earlier and thanks him. Then he offers him some of the whiskey as a peace offering. Desmond says that he has been drunk too much as of late and Charlie acts offended and says they will take their drink somewhere else. Just then Desmond sees the whiskey bottle and asks what kind it is and Charlie looks at it says it is MacCutchin. Desmond laughs and says that then he will drink. Charlie hands him a cup but Desmond grabs the bottle and says that if they've come to drink then they should drink. Then Desmond opens the bottle and takes a swig.


Drink up

Later that night, after they were all good and drunk Charlie and Desmond are singing a drinking song. Hurley then asks if all the songs are about drinking, fighting, and girls with one leg. Charlie says they are about girls with one leg and then Desmond joins him in saying and a heart of gold. After they laugh Charlie asks Desmond how he knew Claire was drowning. Desmond says that he could hear her calling for help, but Hurley says that he was a mile away. Desmond just says that he has good hearing and brushes it off so Charlie asks if he can hear lightning too and goes on about Desmond's lightning rod. Desmond just walks away, thanking them for the drink. Charlie goes after him saying that he doesn't know what is going on but he had better tell him because turning the key doesn't make him a hero. He calls Desmond a coward and Desmond turns and tackles Charlie yelling that he doesn't want to know what happened when he turned the key.

Then we go back to when Desmond turns the key and after he turns the key images of the island flash before his eyes and then he wakes up on a floor covered in red paint. He looks up and asks what happened and Penny comes up and tells him that what happened is a combination of climbing ladders, drinking alcohol, and painting the ceiling and asks if he is okay. He looks around and recognizes his flat. Penny tells him that if he wants her to feel at home he should begin calling it "our flat." She then asks him how many fingers he can see. He just keeps looking around and she asks him what is wrong. He looks at her and says that nothing is wrong.


Is my face red?

Later Desmond is trying to tie a tie when Penny comes up and helps him and asks how his concussion his and he says it is a small price to pay to have her move in with him. She tells him that he doesn't really need a job from her father but he tells her it isn't about the job but having his respect. She tells him that if her father doesn't it won't be the end of the world/ Just then Desmond hears the beeping of the hatch and starts looking around, but Penny goes and opens the microwave, which is where the beeping is coming from. She sees the look on his face and asks if he is okay and he says he just had a bit of déjà vu.

Later Desmond walks into an office building and tells the secretary that he is there to see Mr. Widmore. While he is giving her his information a delivery man walks up and says that he has a delivery for 815. Desmond asks him to repeat it and then thinks about the timer in the hatch. Just then the receptionist tells him that he can go in to see Mr. Widmore.

In Mr. Widmore's office Desmond looks at a painting of a polar bear and the word Namaste can be seen written backwards across the top. Mr. Widmore looks over Desmond's resume and comments that he hadn't mentioned he had acted but Desmond corrects him saying he did set design for the Royal Shakespeare Company. Then Widmore asks him about not graduating from university and Desmond attempts to explain that he had to look after his brothers. Widmore interrupts him and asks about military experience, which Desmond says he has none. Desmond then notices a model sailboat and comments on it. Widmore explains that he is sponsoring a solo race around the world. Desmond then flashes to being on his sailboat in the storm, then it being in the cove, and then on Kelvin just after he died.

Desmond looks at the painting. (click for bigger)

Mr. Widmore snaps Desmond out of his memory and then offers him a job, but Desmond then explains his real reason for coming. He wants to marry Penny and her father's permission would mean a lot to him. Widmore tell shim he is impressed by the gesture and then pulls out a 60-year-old bottle of MacCutchin whiskey. He tells the story of Admiral MacCutchin and how he earned more medals in the Royal Navy than anyone before or since. He then takes out two glasses and pours a small bit in just one. He holds it up and tells Desmond that it is worth more than Desmond can make in a month and that to share it with him would disgrace the man it is named after. Desmond starts to say that he knows he isn't a great man but Widmore interrupts and says that what he isn't is worthy of drinking his whiskey, so he could never be worthy of marrying his daughter.

Desmond is outside angry and throws his tie to the ground. There is a man singing in the street taking donations and when Desmond walks up to him he sees that it is Charlie. Desmond asks if he knows him but Charlie says he would remember if he could get some help, pointing at his guitar case with the donations sign. Desmond remembers Charlie in the hatch asking if he could get some help. Then Desmond remembers and says "You're Charlie," but Charlie just says that it is, his name's on the sign. Desmond has flashbacks of the island and then says that they were on an island together where they had to push a button. Charlie just tells him that they are on an island, it's England. Desmond explains that it was real and he remembers. People begin looking and Charlie says that this is why we don't do drugs. Desmond suddenly realizes he has done all this before and tries explaining to Charlie how he loses his tie and Penny asks about it and then it rains. Suddenly, it begins to rain and everyone runs to take cover.


Remembering Charlie.

Desmond runs to a building where he meets up with a man coming out that he calls Donovan. Desmond asks him what he knows about time travel. Later they are in a pub and Donovan asks him if he is insane. Desmond wants to know if it is possible but Donovan wants to know if he means the island or the computer that keeps the world from ending. Desmond asks him again and Donovan just laughs. He explains that Desmond gets berated by Penny's father for not being a great man and suddenly he dreams up a life where he saves the world. When Desmond tries explaining that they are memories Donovan wants to know what happens next, but Desmond tells him it doesn't work like that. Just then the jukebox plays the same song Desmond played in the hatch and Desmond tells Donovan who is going to win the game on TV and that then a guy will come in and hit the bartender with a cricket bat. Then the game ends and Desmond was wrong and Desmond looks towards the door, but two girls walk in. Donovan looks at him and tells him that there is no such thing as time travel. He then tells Desmond that true love can be just as unlikely and that if he truly loves Penny then he should marry her.

Later Desmond returns home and Kisses Penny. She remarks that he smells like the pub and he tells her it's because he was at the pub. They discuss his not getting the job, which Desmond makes sound like he just wasn't qualified, and so Penny wants to celebrate his not having to work for Widmore Industries. When Desmond says he doesn't think that is worth celebrating she says then it should be because she loves him. He asks her why she loves him and she says that it is because he is a good man and those are hard to come by. He looks away and she asks where he is and he says that he is right there and kisses her.

Later Desmond goes into a pawn shop and begins looking at wedding rings. A woman comes out and says that he obviously doesn't do this often, she can always tell the first timers. She asks him his price range and he explains that he doesn't have much. She tells him she has just the thing and shows him a simple ring with a small, but shiny, diamond. When Desmond says he will take it the woman asks him to repeat himself and then tells him he won't and asks for the ring back. Desmond asks what is wrong and she tells him he doesn't buy the ring, he has second thoughts and walks out the door. He says he doesn't know what she is talking about. She then says, "You don't buy the ring, Desmond." When he asks her how she knows his name she says that she knows his name just like she knows that he doesn't ask Penny to marry him, but rather breaks her heart which is what drives him to enter the sailboat race and wind up on the island where he spends three years pushing a button until he has to turn the fail safe key and that if he doesn't do that then every single one of them is dead.


Give me that sodding ring!

She notices that he is being difficult and leads him outside where she buys some chestnuts form a street vendor. She notes a man wearing red shoes and when Desmond asks why she noticed she says it is a bold fashion statement. Desmond then decides that he had his concussion and she is his subconscious trying to talk him out of marrying Penny. He says there is no island or button and that he loves Penny and she loves him and they are going to spend the rest of their lives together. The woman just tells him they won't Then scaffolding falls down and Desmond turns to look to see red shoes sticking out of the rubble. Desmond asks why she didn't stop him if she knew. She says that if she had he would have been hit by a taxi and if she warned him about that he would fall in the shower and break his neck, the universe has a way of course correcting. That man's path was to die, and Desmond's path is to go to the island. He doesn't choose to do it he just does because it is his path. Desmond refuses to listen, saying that he is going to ask Penny to marry him and she is going to say yes. The woman tells him that he may not like it but pushing that button is the only great thing he will ever do. Desmond just asks her how much the ring will cost.

On the way home Desmond stops by an Armed Forces Career building and looks at a poster for the Royal Scots Army.

Later he and Penny are walking along when a photo vendor stops them. (Does London just have vendors everywhere like this?) Penny wants to take a photo so Desmond agrees. The photographer goes through a number of backgrounds and the settle on a marina scene. They snap the picture and the photographer gives it to Desmond while Penny pays. Desmond looks at it and it is the same picture he has been carrying around with him on the island. While looking at the picture Desmond remembers that he can't go through with it. Penny asks him what he said and he explains that he can't do the relationship. He says that he can't take care of her, he can't even pay for a photograph. She tells him that she is choosing him but he says that love and being a good man isn't enough. HE tells her everything is happening too fast and he doesn't even know why she would leave her flat for his. She slaps him telling him not to pretend he doesn't care because he asked her to leave her flat because he didn't want to live there. She then tells him that if he is going to end it not to make it about what she deserves and to just admit that it is because he is a coward. He just apologizes and says that they aren't meant to be together. Penny walks away crying and then Desmond throws the ring into the water.



Later Desmond is in the pub and asks the bartender for his cheapest pint after looking at the bottle of MacCutchins. He says that he is celebrating and when the bartender asks what he says it is for making the biggest mistake of his life, which he thinks he made before. Just then the Mama Cass song comes on the jukebox again and Desmond looks at the TV to see the game he had predicted earlier. Desmond realizes that he isn't crazy and that he can change things. Just then a man comes in with a cricket bat and goes at the bartender with it so Desmond yells for him to duck. The bartender ducks, but the bat hits Desmond on the backswing. Desmond suddenly sees himself turning the fail safe key and everything goes white.

When Desmond awakes he is in the jungle again and naked. He is standing by where the hatch used to be and can see things form the hatch and the hole in the ground. He finds his picture of himself and Penny and begins crying, begging that he be allowed to go back and fix things.

We go back to Desmond wrestling Charlie and Desmond telling him that he can't change it no matter what he does. Hurley makes a crazy gesture with his hand and Then Charlie and Hurley take Desmond back to his tent. On the way Desmond apologizes for trying to strangle him and Charlie apologizes for calling him a coward. Desmond tells him that he is right though. Then Charlie tells him that he still wants to know what happened to him. Desmond explains that when he turned the key his life flashed before his eyes and then he was back on the island, but the flashes didn't stop. Charlie asks him if he is saying that he saw flashes of Claire drowning, but Desmond says that he wasn't saving Claire, he was saving Charlie. Charlie is saying that it doesn't make sense but Desmond explains that he saw the lightning electrocuting Charlie, and then he saw Charlie drown while trying to save Claire. HE says that he dove into the water to keep Charlie from doing it. He says that he has tried twice but the universe has a way of course correcting and he can't stop it forever. Then Desmond says, "I'm sorry, because no matter what I try to do, you're gonna die, Charlie."


"You're gonna die, Charlie"
I just want everyone to know that I haven't forgotten about Lost, but work has been killer. I was given a lateral move at work to start a new department and had to work a minimum 12 hours a day just to get things done. Most days were around 16 hours. It wasn't uncommon for me to get up at 4:30 AM and then get home at 9-10 PM.

That has all calmed down and now I have caught up on all my Lost episodes. I just got offered what I will call a diagonal promotion at work (I guess someone liked what I did). It doesn't give me any more authority, but it does give me a pay raise. Anyway, depending on how this goes will determine how up to date I can stay.

So, my massive overtime paychecks are stowed into savings and either tonight or tomorrow I will give a full up-to-date summary to catch us all up.

Basically, some people have been betrayed, some have switched sides, and some have died. And no one has gotten off the island - Big shock there, huh?

I'll go into more detail later.
Summary to get us back up to date:

Episode 9: Stranger in a Strange Land

Jack's flashbacks involve his time in Thailand. He gets it on with a pretty hot local chick and then he follows her to find out more about her because she is secretive. He finds out that she is a tattoo artist, but her tattoos describe a person's true identity. She tells Jack that he is a leader, a great man, but it makes him lonely, frightened and angry. Jack wants it tattooed but she refuses because it is only for locals. Jack makes her do it and then gets beat up by the local guys the next day because of it.

Presently Jack is moved to the cells outside and Juliet is put into his aquarium cell for shooting Danny. There is a woman that Tom calls the sheriff. giving orders. Juliet is having a trial and Ben's back is infected. Jack refuses to help Ben until Alex tells him that they will kill Juliet. So Jack has Alex take him to Ben and promises to help Ben if Ben helps Juliet. While helping Ben Jack finds out that Ethan was their surgeon and that is why they are in such shape medically. Juliet gets to live and just gets "marked" instead. Then they all leave to go back to the Others' village. The sheriff tells Jack that his tattoos say he walks among us though he is not one of us. Jack tells her that is what they say, but not what they mean.

Kate and Sawyer get back to the main island and argue about what they should do about going back for Jack. Sawyer wins out and they head back to the beach. Along the way Sawyer lets Karl go.

Episode 10: Tricia Tanaka is Dead

In his flashback Hurley is a young boy and his dad leaves. Later we find out that Hurley bought his old fast food job and during a news report the reporter, Tricia Tanaka dies when the restaurant is hit by a meteor. After Hurley goes home he finds his dad has returned. Hurley also kept the old broken down car that his dad promised to fix with him when he was a kid. Hurley decides he is going to go find the secret to the numbers in Australia with hopes of breaking the curse. When he leaves he asks his dad to leave but his dad says he wants to give the money away and make a fresh start. Hurley says he'll send a postcard and his dad says he'll still be there when he gets back.

In the present Kate and Sawyer return. Charlie tells Hurley what Desmond said about his visions of him dying. Hurley says it is because of his curse. That's when Vincent comes out of the jungle with a half-rotted human arm. Hurley goes after him and comes across an overturned VW bus. Hurley comes back to camp excited, trying to get everyone to help him fix it up. He finally gets Charlie, Jin, and Sawyer to come. They pretty much give up on fixing it when Hurley realizes they are near a hill and wants them to push the bus down the hill so he can pop the clutch. Charlie decides to temp fate and risk certain death to join Hurley. It actually works and they drive around in a field for a while.

Back at camp, Kate sets out to find Jack. Locke and Sayid catch up to her and explain that they have a compass bearing because of the way the sunlight hit Eko's stick. Kate begins to explain that she is looking for Danielle when shots are fired at them. Kate realizes it is Danielle and yells to let her know it is them. When she asks Kate what she wants Kate explains that she believes she found her daughter.

Episode 11: Enter 77

In his flashback Sayid is working as a chef when a Middle Eastern man eating at the restaurant asks to see him. He explains he owns a restaurant and wants Sayid to work for him. Sayid agrees but when he arrives he is attacked and held prisoner. The owner of the restaurant tells Sayid that he had tortured his wife when he was in Iraq and he wanted to hear him admit it. Sayid admits to what he did in Iraq, but claims he never saw the man's wife before. After a while of this the man's wife comes in and talks to Sayid. He admits to it and apologizes. She tells him that she will tell her husband she is mistaken and he will be let go.

Sawyer, Kate, Danielle, and Locke head through the jungle until they come across a communications station. Danielle refuses to approach. As they approach Sayid gets shot in the shoulder. Finally the man inside comes out and it is the man with the eye patch that they previously saw from the Pearl Station (Mikhail). He tells them a story about being the last member of DHARMA and how the Others allow him to stay there as long as he doesn't venture out. During this Locke begins to play a computer chess game. Sayid doesn't believe him and a fight ensues. After they get him subdued they search the building and find a hidden basement, where we see a flame logo and the foundation surrounded by C-4, and they find Ms. Klugh, the woman who worked with Michael. During this time Locke stops watching over Mikhail and continues playing the chess game. He beats it and it opens the Flame Station operations manual. Locke tries a few options but it is all inoperable. The final option is to enter 77 if the hostiles have invaded. Just then Mikhail gets loose and sneaks up on Locke. Sayid finds Mikhail with Locke at gunpoint. They argue about a prisoner exchange when Ms. Klugh, in Russian, tells Mikhail to shoot her, and he does. They take Mikhail prisoner and while Kate and Locke search eth house Sayid calls for Danielle. She comes out and Sayid shows her that he found a map that will lead them to the Others' camp. She suggests they kill Mikhail, but Sayid refuses. Just then Kate and Locke come out, Kate with flashlights, Locke with nothing. He explains that he just played the video game. Just then the building explodes. When asked, Locke says that he pushed 77 because it told him to. Sayid urges them to move on because it will attract attention.

Meanwhile, on the beach, they find the remnant of the ping pong table from the hatch and put it back together. They need a ball, which Sawyer happens to have. He asks to play the best player for it. If he loses he can't use nicknames anymore. He agrees. They end up putting him up against Hurley, who wins easily because of his time playing in the mental institution.

Episode 12: Par Avion

In her flashback Claire is in a car accident that puts her mother in a coma living on life support. The medical bills are being paid by an unknown person. One day she comes in and a nurse mentions the new American doctor. Claire walks in and Christian Shephard is standing there. She comes to find out the he is her father who had been run off by her mother and aunt because he had another family in America. He tries to convince her not to keep her mother on life support and Claire runs him off saying that he is just trying to clear his conscience and she doesn't even want to know his name. He leaves.

On the beach Charlie plans a picnic with Claire but suddenly Desmond interrupts them, telling Charlie that it would be in his best interest to go hunting with him. Just then a flock of birds flies overhead and Claire sees a glint of metal, from a tag, on the leg of one. She comes up with an idea to catch a bird and attach a note to the tag. Desmond discourages Charlie from it and when Charlie says he isn't interested Claire gets upset and demands to know what is going on. Charlie can't tell her because he believes that she will think he is crazy. Claire approaches Desmond about it and finds Desmond catching a bird for her. Desmond tells her about his visions and then Claire goes back and apologizes to Charlie.

Meanwhile, the rescue party is following the map towards the Others' village when they come across a series of columns in a line. They are afraid to cross because they don't know what will happen. Finally, Locke gets tired of Mikhail and arguing so he grabs Mikhail and shoves him across the line. A loud noise is emitted and Mikhail's ears begin to bleed and his mouth starts to foam, then he dies. Realizing it is some sort of sonic fence they decide to cut down a tree and use it to go over. In the process a pack of C-4 falls out of Locke's bag, revealing he intended to blow up the communications station. They go on and get over the fence and continue heading for the village. They run across it and hide in the woods to see Jack playing football and socializing with the Others.

Episode 13: The Man from Tallahassee

In his flashback Locke is approached by a man named Peter Talbot. Peter explains to Locke that his father is now engaged to Peter's mother and he suspects it is for her money. Locke is hesitant but shows up to check it out. His father is using a different name, but it is him. Locke discreetly approaches him and tells him that he will give him the chance to back off before he goes to the police. Later police officers approach Locke about Peter Talbot, who is now dead. Locke goes to his father and his father denies knowing anything about it. Locke asks why he hasn't backed out of the marriage yet and his father refuses to because he is in love. Locke goes to call the police but his father grabs him and throws him off of his eight-story balcony, breaking his back. (That was a three year teaser)

On the island Locke, Sayid and Kate discuss getting Jack. Danielle disappears. After it gets dark they go in and Kate goes to get Jack while Sayid watches the front and Locke goes around back. Kate finds Jack but he tells her to go because they are watching him. Men come in with guns and pin her down as two more come in with Sayid. They ask who else is with them and they say no one. At that moment Locke was sneaking into Ben's house. Locke tells him that he is looking for the submarine. Just then Alex comes in. She asks what's going on and Locke tells her to be quiet. Just then Tom knocks on the door. Locke hides with Alex in the closet and then Tom comes in to tell Ben about Kate and Sayid. Ben gives him orders to separate them and then asks Tom to get the man from Tallahassee. After Tom leaves Locke makes Alex go get the pack from Sayid, with the C-4. During this time Ben reveals that he knows how Locke broke his back. Ben begins to ask Locke about his recovery and realizes that Locke wants to destroy the submarine so that he won't ever have to leave.

Meanwhile Kate and Jack are allowed to talk and Jack explains that he will be allowed to leave in the morning. He intends to send help when he gets home. At the same time Alex gets Sayid's bag and Sayid begins talking to her about her mother. When she says that her mother is dead Sayid says that he is sure that is what they told her, then the guard knocks him out.

Ben and Locke continue their conversation and Ben explains that there is a place on the island where you can get whatever you imagine. He asks Locke why he is so angry and Locke says it is because he is cheating by using electricity and modern amenities. Ben asks him why he thinks he knows so much about the island after only 80 days and Locke says it is because Ben is in the wheelchair and he isn't. When Alex returns with the pack Locke has her show him the submarine. She leads him to a dock and Locke let's her go, apologizing for involving her in this. Danielle watches from the woods.

Back at Ben's house Jack comes in and asks Ben for a favor, he wants them to let his friends go after he is gone. Ben agrees that Jack's friends will get to leave as soon as he is gone. Jack then heads towards the sub with Juliet. As they approach the dock Locke walks up soaking wet and apologizes to Jack seconds before the sub explodes.

Later, Locke is tied up and Ben comes to see him. Ben has someone untie Locke and Ben explains how Locke gave him an answer to his problem of letting Jack go or breaking his promise, both showing weakness. Then he offers to show Locke what the island has now given them. He explains to Locke that he has some sort of communion with the island, even though he has no idea of what he is talking about. They then open a door and inside is Locke's father.

Episode 14: Expose (The redshirt episode)
Nikki and Paulo - centric

In the flashback Nikki is a guest star on a TV show and dating the director. Paulo is the new chef. Paulo poisons the director and he and Nikki steal millions of dollars in diamonds. They crash on their way back to America and spend all this time trying to find their bag with the diamonds. Paulo eventually finds them and keeps them hidden from Nikki, afraid that once she doesn't need him she will ditch him. Nikki finds out and takes a Medusa spider from Artz's collection of specimens he was keeping and throws it on Paulo. The spider bites him, paralyzing him, but not killing him. Nikki finds the diamonds on him. We hear what sounds like the monster and then many Medusa spiders come up and one of them bites Nikki. She quickly buries the diamonds and runs to the shore where she falls over paralyzed in front of Sawyer and Hurley.

In the present Hurley and Sawyer see Nikki come out of the woods and fall over. They determine that she's dead and begin to investigate. Eventually they come across Paulo's body. They both appeared to die of the same mysterious thing. Sawyer sees the dirt in Nikki's fingernails and disturbed dirt near Paulo, and he finds the diamonds. He eventually gets caught with the diamonds. They begin digging graves for them and during this process Charlie admits to Sun that he was the one who took her, not the Others (season 2) and explains that it was Sawyer's idea to get the guns. They finally bury Nikki and Paulo and Sawyer throws the diamonds in the grave. Nikki's eyes open just as they begin throwing dirt into the grave, but no one sees before the dirt covers her face. They finish the burial and have a funeral.

All new crash survivors introduced at the beginning of a season should be considered redshirts from this point on. With the exception of Bernard none of them have lived more than a few episodes into the next season. And Bernard and Rose have been no shows all season.)

Episode 15: Left Behind

In the flashback Kate is driving in a truck and it breaks down. She gets towed to a station and she sees Cassidy (from Sawyers The Long Con flashback) trying to sell off some fake necklaces. When a man threatens to call the sheriff Kate jumps in and buys one, making it look real. Kate is in town to try and see her mother, but the marshal is all over town with cops. So, Cassidy helps Kate and Kate eventually gets to see her mother to ask why she turned her in. Her mother explains that she loved her husband, despite how he treated her. She then tells Kate that she won't report her right now, but if she sees her again she will turn her in.

On the island Kate is being held in a game room where she attacks Juliet when she brings her food and then Locke comes to tell her he is leaving with the Others and to say goodbye. He explains he tried to make a strong case for her being a "good" person, but then they told him who she was and what she had done and they don't forgive easily. He then leaves. Later Kate is eating what she can of the food Juliet brought her when she hears people outside. She looks out to see the Others putting on gas masks and then someone throws a canister in the door. Kate passes out.

When Kate wakes up she is in the jungle handcuffed to Juliet. Eventually Juliet wakes up and they begin to head back to the village, fighting along the way. Eventually things become violent and Juliet gets her arm dislocated. They get chased by the monster and hide and then Juliet tells Kate that Jack made a deal to leave because Kate broke his heart, he saw her and Sawyer on the monitor. A little while later they get chased by the monster again and Kate stops when they come to the sonic fence. Juliet tells her it's off, but Kate doesn't listen. Juliet pulls out a handcuff key and runs across, then opens a control panel. Kate runs across and Juliet turns the fence on just as the monster comes to it. The noise sounds and it and the monster together make the same noise we heard in the pilot episode. Juliet explains that they don't know what it is but they know that it doesn't like their fences. Kate and Juliet make it back to the village where they revive Sayid and Jack. As they begin to head back to the beach Sayid says that Juliet isn't coming but Jack says that she is because they left her behind too.

On the beach Hurley tells Sawyer that after the diamond incident with Nikki and Paulo the group is considering a vote to banish him. He talks him into doing nice things, like giving Claire a blanket and helping Desmond hunt a boar, then cook it. Talking to people at dinner Sawyer realizes there is no vote and Hurley had tricked him. Hurley explains that he needs to be nice to people because it feels good and he is their leader right now. Sawyer says he doesn't want to be but Hurley explains that Jack didn't either.

Episode 16: One of Us

In her flashback Juliet goes to work for Mittelos Bioscience. Once there they drug her for the trip and she wakes up in the submarine, docked at the island. She has been brought there to find out why pregnant women keep dying before coming to term. After three years she still doesn't have an answer. She has developed a romantic relationship with Goodwin. One day she looks at an x-ray of Ben's back and realizes he has a tumor. She gives him his diagnosis. Because he has cancer she believes that he lied to her about them being able to cure her sister, so that she wouldn't have to go home. A few days later the plane crashes. Afterwards, Ben takes her to the observation post where Mikhail is watching footage of the news stories. Ben asks him to compile detailed files on all the passengers and Mikhail says that he is already on it. Then Ben asks for a specific linkup and a monitor shows a newspaper with eth date September 22, 2004, today, and then it pans up to show her live video of her sister at a playground with her daughter. Juliet says that she wants to go home but Ben tells her that she must help solve the problem. She says that the mothers keep dying and there won't be anymore. Ben says that there will be more, there may even be one on that plane.

In the present Jack, Sayid, Kate, and Juliet stop to camp. Kate and Jack go to get firewood and Jack basically gives her a summary of how he made a deal to get off the island and kept his head down. At the camp Sayid tries to get Juliet to give him information, even threatening her. Jack comes back and tells Sayid that she is under his protection.

At the beach Claire is starting to not feel good when Jack and the others show up. Everyone is greeting them when Sawyer looks up to see Juliet and asks what she is doing there. No one trusts her and after a while Hurley talks to her and tells her what Ethan did, then shows her his grave. (Message delivered) Later everyone is arguing about Juliet, and Sawyer even suggests having Sayid torture her, when Claire passes out and has blood coming out of her nose. Jack starts trying to help her when Juliet gets Kate's attention to deliver a message that she knew what was wrong with Claire, because she did it to her. When Jack comes over Juliet explains that the treatment to prevent her from dying during pregnancy was causing a reaction. She tells them how Ethan was trying to help Claire and take blood samples when he was found out, so he grabbed her and ran. She explains that Ethan kept supplies that she needs to reverse the symptoms near the caves. Jack tells her to go. She finds a tree with the same mark as the one made on her back from the punishment in episode 9. Beneath it is a buried medical case, but before she can go Sawyer and Sayid show up wanting her to talk. She confronts them by asking how a torturer and a murderer became the moral police and they let her go. She runs back to camp and gives Claire the injection. Claire gets better overnight.

In a final flashback we see Juliet talking to Ben. They are going over what Juliet will do to gain the trust of the survivors and what her story will be, including a backup story about trying to get their trust if they don't believe her. They even plan on activating an implant in Claire to make her sick so that Juliet will have a chance to save the day and gain even more trust. Ben then says he will see her in one week and hands her a gas mask.

Episode 17: Catch 22

In Desmond's flashback he is in a monastery. After a vow of silence for many days he becomes a novice and he works to help them make wine. One day a man comes to see him and punches him without a word. Later Desmond goes to a house where the man answers the door and Desmond asks if he can talk to his sister. Desmond meets a woman who he was apparently engaged to marry before joining the monastery. He claims he had a calling but she goes off on him for running away. Later he begins drinking the wine at the monastery and gets drunk. After he is caught he gets "fired." When Desmond says he has a calling the monk says he does, but it isn't to be a monk. He will do something important. When Desmond gets ready to leave he takes his clothes to the monk's office, where we can see a picture of him with eth woman from Desmond's trip back in time. They arrange a ride for him into town with the delivery truck if he helps load and unload. The woman buying the wine is Penelope who is charmed by Desmond and asks him out.

In the side story Sawyer goes to Kate's tent and walks in on her getting dressed. He asks what Jack knows and Kate tells him that Kate saw them together. Sawyer then asks if he can have some "afternoon delight." She walks off and he asks if she wants him to make her a mix tape. (Wow, talk about 1980's/90's high school) Later Kate is sitting on a table eating oatmeal when Kate walks up. Kate tries to start up a conversation but Jack just asks to borrow her spoon and walks off to eat with Juliet. Kate immediately walks to Sawyer's tent and tells him not to talk. He sees her crying and says something but she tells him to shut up. (Can a woman explain the one guy hurt me so I am sleeping with another one mindset? I don't get it.) The next morning Jack and Juliet are talking while she is trying to get a shelter together when Sawyer walks up and asks if they are arguing about who their favorite Other is. Then Sawyer invites Jack to play ping pong. While playing Jack asks where they got the table and Sawyer reminds him that there was one in the hatch and says it fell out of the "purple haze" and if they don't play every 108 minutes the island will explode. Sawyer comments on being back and Jack says that Kate said the same thing at dinner. Sawyer asks if they ate together and Jacks says he ate with Juliet. Later Sawyer hands Kate a tape, saying it was her mix tape, but if Bernard asks he doesn't know anything about it. Then he asks her about her being upset with Jack and says that she doesn't have to use him, she can just ask.

Elsewhere, Charlie, Desmond, Hurley, and Jin are walking through the jungle. Hurley and Charlie are arguing about The Flash and Superman racing and who would win. (Trivia: They raced multiple times in the comics. The one actual organized race saw The Flash win by about an inch. - I own this issue) Charlie steps on a wire and an arrow hits him in the throat where he dies in Desmond's arms and Desmond apologizes. Suddenly we see flashes of Hurley picking up the wire on the beach, a flashing light in the sky, Charlie and Jin holding a parachute, and a flash of Penny. Then Desmond is sitting on the beach and looks up to see Charlie drinking water.

Desmond rushes to Hurley and asks him about the wire, letting him know he had a vision and someone is coming. He then gets Charlie and Jin to come with them under the guise of camping. As opposed to what they have been doing for 80 days?) They go along the beach until the find the wire hidden in the sand and make camp there. Later that night they are telling ghost stories around the fire, including Jin in Korean, when they hear a helicopter, but then it makes a screeching noise and they see a splash out in the ocean. Desmond begins to freak out until he sees a parachute beacon overhead going into the jungle. Desmond wants to go investigate and says "she" when referring to the parachutist. This leads Charlie to think that Desmond is up to something and he doesn't trust him, saying they will wait until sunrise. Finally, Desmond gives in and they wait. They go in search and find a pack in a tree. In the pack is a book which has the picture of Desmond and Penny stuck between the pages. They keep going when Desmond hears Charlie and Hurley talking about Superman and The Flash. He finds the arrow launcher hidden in a tree and looks over to see Charlie step on the wire. At the last second Desmond yells for him to duck and dives to knock Charlie down. The arrow misses, hitting the neck of Charlie's guitar. As they continue their search they have to split up and Charlie demands to follow Desmond, where he confronts him about knowing that would happen. Desmond explains that he wanted everything to be perfect like his vision so that Penny would come and they could save her. He admits that until the last second he was even willing to let Charlie die. Just then Hurley yells and they find the parachutist. Desmond climbs into the tree and first cuts down the parachute so the others can use it to catch the parachutist after Desmond cuts the ropes. At first they believe it is just a dead body until it moves and a woman moans. Desmond rushes forward and removes the helmet calling her Penelope, but it isn't Penelope. It is a dark-skinned brunette who says Desmond's name.

OK, I have a problem with this episode (not the Kate in her underwear part or the women confusing me. That was very good, and normal). Normally Desmond has visions of events that will happen unless he stops them. This time he has a vision that happens because he saw it and then creates it. Since when was the future a self-fulfilling prophecy? What's the point of the visions if Desmond has to create the scenario to make it happen? Their being out camping should have been a natural occurrence independent of Desmond.
Episode write ups return, for the moment at least. Hopefully it will last through the finale.


As usual my comments will be in blue.

Episode 18: D.O.C. (Or "Nuh-uh, you're dead.")
This is a Sun-centric episode.

Flashback: (Mother-in laws can be such a pain.)
Sun is walking along and answers her phone. It is Jin. While talking she sits down on a bench. From their conversation it seems they have just gotten married and are getting settled in. He is at home setting up the bed. As they get ready to hang up she tells him that she loves him madly. A woman sitting next to her holds up the wedding announcement in the paper and points to the picture, asking if that is her. Sun says it is. The woman congratulates her and then asks about her father's automotive business and then about Jin's parents. Sun explains that she has nothing to do with the family business and that Jin's parents are dead. The woman then says that it would bring great shame if it was known that she had married the son of a fisherman. Sun explains that she knows and doesn't care. The woman asks if it matters that his mother was a prostitute. She then tells Sun to meet her in three days with $100,000so that she can spare her husband the shame of learning the truth if she loves him as madly as she claims.

Back home Sun is unpacking boxes with pictures when Jin walks in with food. He tells her he got her tofu soup, her favorite. She shows him a couple of pictures and asks if he minds if she puts them on the table. He comes up behind her and looks at a picture of her in her graduation gown with her parents and comments that even then she was the sexiest woman he has ever seen. She asks him about pictures of his family and he says that he never had a camera growing up and didn't have any from his father because he was in the army when he died. She comments that she thought he was 16 when his father died. This starts an argument as Jin defends himself and Sun quickly apologizes for the mistake, ending the conversation.

Later we find Sun in the fishing village where Jin grew up. She finds Jin father and asks if he is Mr. Kwon. He immediately recognizes her and takes her back to his house for tea where he asks her about the wedding. Sun asks why he didn't attend the wedding and explains that Jin said he was dead. Mr. Kwon explains that Jin did it to avoid the shame of where he came from. Sun then asks about his mother being dead. Mr. Kwon explained that Jin's mother had been with many men and left him with the baby. He didn't know if it was actually his or not, but he raised him as his own. He then begs Sun to not ever tell her about meeting him or what she knows about Jin's mother in order to save Jin the shame. Sun agrees.

Sun goes to meet her father at his office where she interrupts a meeting. The men meeting with her father congratulate her on her wedding and then leave. Sun asks her father for the $100,000. When he questions why she says it is because she pretends to not know what he really does and that if he gives her the money she will continue to pretend. He says that the world doesn't allow for no questions to be asked and she says it is to spare someone she loves deep shame. He figures she is talking about Jin and says that if it is for him then he will pay off the debt and will work for him from now on.

Later Sun is home making the bed when Jin comes in. He says that he heard she was at the office and she says she was visiting her father and didn't want to bother Jin. He says it is never a bother. He then says he is going to get the mail and she tells him that the mail key is in her purse, where Jin also finds the money. Sun lies saying that it is for furniture and a nice honeymoon, but Jin tells her that he will provide and asks her to take the money back because he doesn't want to be in her father's debt any more than they already are. She agrees and says she loves him, madly.

Sun meets the woman and gives her the money. She then asks her why she didn't admit to being Jin's mother. The woman says that she gave birth to him, but that does not make her his mother. Sun then warns the woman about how powerful her family is and tells her that Jin thinks she is dead and then warns her not to force Sun to make that a reality.


Jin's mother

Main Story - part one (My baby's daddy)

Sun is working in her garden when a rustling in the woods scares her, but it is only Jack. Jack mentions going by her tent earlier and asked if Jin is gone. She explains that he went out with Hurley, Desmond, and Charlie and asks if he needs him. Jack says he was actually looking for her. He begins asking her about how her pregnancy is going, morning sickness, etc. and Sun finally asks why all the questions. Jack says that he is back he is just trying to do a check-up on her. She explains that she is fine and Jack leaves. Sun looks after him , worried.

Later Sun is helping Kate tie down a tarp and asks what happened to Jack. Kate tells her that Jack claims to have just kept his head down and only cooperated because he thought he would get off the island. Sun asks if she believes him and Kate asks why. Sun explains that she is worried the Others may want her baby. Kate explains that Jack isn't working with them, that Juliet was their fertility doctor and they tried taking Claire's baby for research. Sun immediately jumps up and starts heading for Juliet. Kate tries stopping her but Sun tells her to go away. Sun walks up to Juliet and asks her to tell her about her research, what happens to pregnant women on the island. Juliet just asks if she is pregnant. Sun ignores her and asks her repeatedly why they are taking children and what happens to pregnant women. Juliet bluntly tells her that they die. Kate catches up and pulls Sun away while giving Juliet an evil look.


Somebody looks mad

That night Juliet walks through the camp to Sun's tent and puts her hand over Sun's mouth. Sun wakes up and tries to scream. Juliet tells her to be quiet. She explains that she has answers and can help Sun and her baby but Sun must come with her immediately. When Juliet removes her hand Sun asks why she should go with her since, if what Juliet says is true, Sun is dead already. Juliet explains there may be hope and then stands and helps Sun up. Juliet leads her through the jungle and explains that there is a medical station nearby that has an ultrasound machine. Sun says that Claire and Kate found it, but it was abandoned. Juliet tells her they just didn't know where to look. Sun asks what Juliet is going to do and Juliet says that she is going to look at the baby and determine the DOC, Date of Conception. If Sun got pregnant off the island then she will most likely be okay, but if she got pregnant on then they will have to cross that bridge when they come to it. She then asks Sun when the last time they had sex was and Sun refuses to answer, saying that the machine will answer those questions.

When they reach the medical station Juliet turns on the lights. Sun asks why Juliet is doing this and Juliet explains that before coming to the island telling a woman she was pregnant was celebratory news. Since being on the island she has lost nine patients in three years. She says that she is helping because she wants to give good news again. Sun then tells Juliet about her affair, but Juliet says everyone makes mistakes. They go into a locker room where Juliet reveals a hidden room with nursery and medical equipment. Before going in Sun wants to know why it was hidden and Juliet explains that it is where they brought the women to die.


Opening the hidden room

As Juliet preps for the ultrasound Sun explains that Jin was sterile and that she knows the baby isn't his. Juliet explains that on the island the sperm count in men is five times higher than normal. Juliet then puts some lubricant on Suns stomach and begins the ultrasound. Sun asks if she will see the baby and Juliet tells her that it is still her first trimester and it will be iffy. Sun asks how it works and Juliet explains that they will take a measurement of the fetus and that will give them an idea of when the baby was conceived, and who the father is. Sun says that she will lose either way, she either dies or finds out Jin is not the father. Juliet asks if she wants to continue and Sun nods.

Juliet finds the baby and shows Sun the image on screen. Sun asks if it is a boy or girl and Juliet says that it is too early to tell. She begins working on the keyboard as she figures Sun had been on the island 90 days. She then looks at the screen and figures the baby was conceived 53 days ago, on the island. Sun begins to cry and Juliet promises to do everything that she can. Sun then smiles and says that it's Jin's. Juliet smiles too.


The Ultrasound - I don't see it

As they begin to leave Sun asks Juliet how long she has. Juliet says that most women made it until the middle of their second trimester, none made it to the third. Sun figures that gives her two months and she is happy that it is Jin's. She tells Juliet that she gave her good news. Juliet then says she needs to check a few things inside real quick and asks Sun to wait outside. Sun agrees and Juliet goes back in. Juliet goes to a locker and opens it. There is a tape recorder. She picks it up and hits record and then says, "Ben, it's 6 a.m. on Saturday morning. Kwon is pregnant. The fetus is healthy and was conceived on island with her husband. He was sterile before they got here. I'm still working on getting samples from the other women. I should have Austen's soon. I'll report back when I know more." She stops the recording and then says, "I hate you," before placing the tape recorder back in the locker.

Main Story - pt 2 Nuh-uh, you're dead!

Desmond, Charlie, Hurley, and Jin are all gathered around the woman from the parachute. They ask Desmond who she is but he says that he has never seen her before, despite her saying his name. She begins to cough and they try to sit her up but she tries talking. It is Spanish and Hurley translates that she says she is dying. They find she has a tree branch stuck in her side and is bleeding. They start debating on trying to make the eight hour trek to get Jack or not. Charlie is worried that someone may be in the jungle but Desmond explains that no one knows they are there. Just then a flare shoots into the sky. They all look over at Hurley, who is holding the flare gun, and says, "Oops."



The parachute girl talks in another foreign language, which Jin identifies as Chinese but he doesn't speak it. Charlie wants to pull the branch out but Desmond says it will make it worse. They begin to argue and Charlie asks if it is another one of his flashes, and wants to know who is getting an arrow in the neck this time. Desmond snaps, pointing out that she said his name and had a photo of him. As they continue to argue they hear a rustling in the jungle as someone is running towards them. Desmond pulls his knife and Mikhail comes running out of the jungle (Nuh-uh, he's dead!). He takes one look at them and then turns around and runs. Jin chases after him, eventually catching him. When Desmond and Charlie catch up Desmond puts the flare gun to Mikhail's chest and demands to know who he is. Charlie says that from what Kate told him he is the guy from the station Locke blew up. Hurley comments that he thought Locke had killed him and then Desmond demands answers from Mikhail. Mikhail points out that Desmond only has a flare gun, and Desmond points out that it will still hurt. Mikhail comments that he already died once. Just then the parachute girl begins to talk and Mikhail obviously understands her. He says it is Italian and she says that she needs help, she is dying. Mikhail tells them he used to be a field medic in the soviet army and can help. After looking at her he says that the branch has punctured her lung and it is filling with blood. She will die if it isn't ventilated soon. He offers to do it, if they let him go. Desmond agrees.


Dude, aren't you, like, dead?

As Mikhail is working on the girl he asks what they know about her, or if she had anything on her. Hurley says she just had the flare gun, a book, and the satellite phone. Charlie quickly shakes his head at him, but it is too late. Mikhail asks if it works and Hurley says he wouldn’t tell him. Mikhail asks for some help from one person and tells everyone else to stand back. Desmond volunteers. Mikhail has him hold her down and then stabs a syringe into her lung, blood splattering everywhere, but she begins to breathe more easily. Then he yanks the branch out of her side and they bandage her up. She begins mumbling and Mikhail says that she said thank you for helping her.


This scene is just too cool for description, blood splattering and sucking noises. Awesome!

After bandaging the girl's wound Mikhail says that she will be fine and should be better in a day. Charlie questions this and Mikhail tells him that on the island the wounds are a bit different. Mikhail then says that he did as he promised and after some complaint from Charlie Desmond lets him go. As Mikhail walks off Jin looks through the girl's bag and notices the phone is missing and takes of after him. When they catch him Jin grabs the phone and Charlie asks him about it, but Mikhail asks how they could respect him if he didn't try. Charlie says, "How about I take your other eye. Would you respect that?" Mikhail makes a sarcastic apology and Charlie goes to hit him but Desmond stops him. Charlie says that letting him go is a mistake and Desmond tells him that they gave him their word.

Later as they are building a stretcher Charlie is arguing with Desmond about how they can't trust the Others. Desmond comments that by his count they've killed more of them. Charlie comments that they started it and says that just because one came back with Jack doesn't mean they can be trusted. Meanwhile Hurley is sitting by the parachute girl and picks up the phone and puts it to his ear, pretending to talk to his mom. Just then the girl wakes up and in British English asks where she is. Hurley tells her he doesn't know. He explains that they are on an island and asks if she is there to rescue them. She asks who he is and he tells her and explains they were on Oceanic Flight 815. She recognizes the flight and says that it isn't possible and Hurley starts to tell her how it wasn't easy but they found food and the hatch. She interrupts him and says, "No. Flight 815. They found the plane. There were no survivors. They were all dead."


OK, my theory is that Desmond is either working with the Others, but I doubt it, or that the Others faked the plane wreckage somewhere else where it would be found. Don't forget that they were 1000 miles off course without a radio and the pilot said that any search team would be looking in the wrong place.

I also think that it is possible that the girl was working with the Others and bringing them the satellite phone. I still believe that Penny's father is in on all of this DHARMA stuff (and possibly Sun's) and the girl could have been coming for the Others but Penny asked her to find Desmond too, handing her the picture. Or the girl could have been just searching for Desmond after tracking the EMP burst, where we saw the researchers at the end of season 2 call Penny and tell her they found it.

Oh, and Juliet either turns against Ben and the Others at the last minute or negotiates a temporary truce in order to allow her to use the pregnant Losties (I believe Kate will be in this - 5 times the sperm count) to do her research. Of course, none of Juliet's work has anything to do with the Others' main goals, which we still know nothing about.

Then a new thing from here: http://www.broadcastingcable.com/article/CA6433767.html
To avoid the scheduling fiasco of the past few seasons, ABC Entertainment President Steve McPherson has indicated, Lost will run straight through next season with original episodes. A fall start would make it collide with the holidays, so odds-makers are betting that it will follow the same path of Fox’s 24, by airing January-May.
Possibly no reruns next season?
I have news, but no write-up. Sorry guys.

Lost ends in 2010 and will do 16 episodes from February to May, no breaks, every season.

Shorter seasons will allow plots to be more tightly constructed and "will make it a real event," Lindelof says. "We won't have to do episodes where people are standing on the beach looking at the water and wondering what's going to happen next."
Or driving around in a VW bus?

So, after this season we have eight months to wait for Lost to return. It works for 24, so it should work for Lost. Unfortunately this half-season scheduling means either an experimental content driven show, reruns, or more reality TV in the fall. Who wants to take a guess at which it will be?

EDIT: I thought I would explain why no write-up. My wife's grandmother was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia last week and the doctors don't expect her to make it through this week. So, we have all been at her house nearly every night. If I don't get a chance to do my write up then I will give a small summarized paragraph Wednesday morning-afternoon (my time).
Well, that finale was a bit of WOW, OMG, and WTF all rolled into one. Exactly why I like this show so much.

We also coined two new phrases tonight... "Jackback", a flashback centering on Jack. And "Hugowned"... Those of us who saw it know where that comes from. :)
Well, that finale was a bit of WOW, OMG, and WTF all rolled into one. Exactly why I like this show so much.

We also coined two new phrases tonight... "Jackback", a flashback centering on Jack. And "Hugowned"... Those of us who saw it know where that comes from. :)

Watched the session end here in the UK with my wife last night and felt the same way.....

.....but we don't think the Jack flashback was a flashback at all; rather a flash forward. A look at what could be coming for Jack. The reasons being......

[SPOILER ALERT - highlight to read - you have been given fair warning - session 3 finale info]

Jack had his Tats in the scene in his room, which he got during his time in Thailand, I don't believe he went back to the hospital to work between then and the crash on the Island. His ex-wife was pregnant, something that has never been mentioned before. He talks about his 'golden tickets' allowing him to fly as often as he wants in his conversation with Kate at the end, and never been mentioned. He was talking to Kate, as far as I know they did not know each other prior to the island. His grief and suicide attempt are linked to a newspaper article about someone both Kate and he knew, and maybe to the result of the very last satellite phone conversation with the ship (just after Locke kills the girl with the phone).

[End Spoiler]


Watched the session end here in the UK with my wife last night and felt the same way.....

.....but we don't think the Jack flashback was a flashback at all; rather a flash forward. A look at what could be coming for Jack. The reasons being......



Was reading your spoiler thing and was mighty confused as some things you mentioned I remembered and others I didn't but after a bit of checking I realised that the last episode was two episodes and it seems I have only seen the first one. Lucky for me I am on holidays this week so I can watch the real last episode tomorrow.
I really enjoyed the last LOST episodes of this series (unlike other people have said). It has really kept me thinking about all the different bits going on. Yes it is a bit confusing but definitely intriging me to see whats going to happen even when that was a flash forward - it has given me enough questions to be going on with!

Also there is still plenty of gorgeous blokes in it to satisfy me!!


Was reading your spoiler thing and was mighty confused as some things you mentioned I remembered and others I didn't but after a bit of checking I realised that the last episode was two episodes and it seems I have only seen the first one. Lucky for me I am on holidays this week so I can watch the real last episode tomorrow.

Opps hope I didn't spoil any of the surprise for you, and while it doesn't answer any major questions; the last episode (2nd hour) will leave you wanting more.


The ending of this season was just as annoying as the last 2 endings. But at least the last 2 wern't obvious. I guessed the flashback/forward twice about an hour before it was revealed (reminded me of the way The Village panned out, not sure why).
The Charlie bit was a bit cack as well.
Locke is my fav character and he was barely in it as well. Bad ending, bad! How the hell they can string this on for another 3 seasons is beyond me, but i will be watching.

It didn't help that it was the 3rd to last episode of 24 (season 6) today & it was an absolute corker!! quality opening action sequence.
Opps hope I didn't spoil any of the surprise for you, and while it doesn't answer any major questions; the last episode (2nd hour) will leave you wanting more.


Nah, you didnt give anything away, just enough for me to realize I hadn't been watching the same show as you. Which was a good thing, I wouldnt have realised until things didnt make sense in the first episode next season.

[edit]OK just finished watching it. And have to agree with Jedi on the OMG, WOW and WTF.
Will be interesting to here the theories about whats coming next.

Also there is still plenty of gorgeous blokes in it to satisfy me!!

Perfect reason to keep watching.
OK, so I can spend this calm 15 minutes before I leave work to make this post:


The finale was probably the best of any show this season.

As for Jack's flashback thing. He mentions his father twice as if he were alive. At one point he is in his car listening to Nirvana. This made me want to think that maybe they were in the past even though it was definitely post-island life. But then I noticed his ex-wife was pregnant (is Rachel Bowen pregnant? A curious thing to check) ad he was using a RAZR-style phone.

I think the mentions of his dad were intended to just throw us off and the Nirvana was just because Nirvana is cool. However, every bone in my body wants to think that the moment the man who is obviously sufferening from post-traumatic disorders would be helped out by his doctor friends when he starts rambling on about his dead father being upstairs. But they didn't even blink an eye.

Something was not right about this whole thing. Either too many red herrings were thrown at us for it to make sense or something weird (parallel universe?) is going on.

And of course I must wonder what Naomi's (parachute girl) goal was, who she is with, and why is it that Locke can put a knife in her back and shove Mikhail through a sonic barrier without hesitation but can't pull a trigger?

And with Charlie's dying message do they avoid leaving the island realizing that it is a trap, or something else?

And who died in the flashback-forward? That was not an adult-sized coffin. My best guess is Aaron.

Anyway, I have to rewatch the episode because there are some details that might help me along.
My therories, which probably really suck cos I can never pick what is going to happen.

Only a handful of people get rescued including Kate, Jack, whoever is in the coffin, Sawyer.

Kate is with Sawyer, which conbtributes to Jacks depression/post traumatic stress syndrome.

The person in the coffin could be Ben or Juliette. I didn't take much notice of the coffin size and whether it was adult size or not, close up it looks small but from a distance it looks ok but then I have never seen a coffin in real life. If it was one of the losties then surely Kate would care about the funeral.

Jacks dad never really died. Case of mistaken identity or something and maybe why Jack saw him on the island in early episodes.

Locke will become the new Ben, leader of whats left of the others.

Jack will team with Penny to try and find the island again so she can rescue Desmond and Jack can go back.
This is how I understand this:

Jack is deeply depressed because of the decision he made on the island. For this one time, he finally decided to do things his way, and not give in to the others. Ben told him that if he would, everyone of the losties would die. Jack didn't listen to him, and only a few people actually escaped, such as Jack, Kate, Sawyer as her bf/husband (don't know for sure, but could well be), and maybe a few others. Jack just couldn't cope with that, that so many good people were killed because of his decision. Or maybe he had to leave them behind, leave them with their own fate on the island, and that's why he wants to go back.

The thing with Jacks father: I think he really died, I think Jack just said that because he was totally wasted at the time, and wanted to express that he just isn't the perfect doctor his father was known to be before starting to drink.
There isnt alot to "get" really. It was a flash forward not back. & Jack regrets getting off the island. Simple.
Lost is never going to live up to the hype when we finalyl get to the ending (3 seasons from now)!
Kate was driving a Volvo. She was with somebody who had some decent money, which leads me to think it wasn't Sawyer.
There isnt alot to "get" really. It was a flash forward not back. & Jack regrets getting off the island. Simple.
Lost is never going to live up to the hype when we finalyl get to the ending (3 seasons from now)!
It is far from that simple. Everyone gets that it was a flash forward, but thast doesn't answer the questions of who died and why he was talking about his father as if he were alive. There is much more than just the surface story, which is what makes Lost so great.

Honestly, who has created the hype? Never once have I heard one of the creators say they were going to blow us out of the water. All they say is that they wanted to create a show that was different and drew us in with their character development and mystery. They have so far met that promise.

Kate was driving a Volvo. She was with somebody who had some decent money, which leads me to think it wasn't Sawyer.
Hurley! :D

I can't imagine that a golden ticket was all they were given for being stuck on an island for months. Or Hurley could have decided to share the wealth because these people are more family than anyone he has a blood relation to. Or maybe Sawyer connected with his daughter that he left his money the warden gave him from their con. Or maybe Sawyer has faced his demon and decided to get a real job for a change. I mean, he is a con man and succesful car salesmen make great money.

It is something we probably won't actually know until they do get off the island three seasons from now. Then they can explain to me how Kate got off of her murder rap.
I think it's because S4 is being pushed back into '08. On the plus side, it gives them more time to fine-tune the HD transfers. :)

Luckily, Buena Vista has been top notch in regards to Blu-ray transfers (The Prestige, Pirates of the Caribbean,). I was mildly disappointed in Planet Earth on Blu-ray, because they squeezed nearly three hours of full-screen HD content onto each single-layer disc. Even AVC had a hard time keeping up with it. Knowing BV, they'll use double-layer discs, for roughly the same amount of video, so it should look awesome. And all the same bonus features from the regular DVD set.
I think it's because S4 is being pushed back into '08. On the plus side, it gives them more time to fine-tune the HD transfers. :)

Luckily, Buena Vista has been top notch in regards to Blu-ray transfers (The Prestige, Pirates of the Caribbean,). I was mildly disappointed in Planet Earth on Blu-ray, because they squeezed nearly three hours of full-screen HD content onto each single-layer disc. Even AVC had a hard time keeping up with it. Knowing BV, they'll use double-layer discs, for roughly the same amount of video, so it should look awesome. And all the same bonus features from the regular DVD set.
I may have some form of Bd player by then (PS3), so I may decide it was worth the wait. But until then I will be angry.
The end of Season 3 of Desperate Houseiwives was last night (in england) and i have to say, the actual ending was miles better than the one in Lost.
The end of Season 3 of Desperate Houseiwives was last night (in england) and i have to say, the actual ending was miles better than the one in Lost.
That's it. You're out.

Two counts of treason: 1) You watched Desperate Housewives. 2) You claimed it was better than Lost.
The end of Season 3 of Desperate Houseiwives was last night (in england) and i have to say, the actual ending was miles better than the one in Lost.
Well, LOST certainly isn't everyones thing, which it doesn't have to. I just hope you're not going to be here for the following three seasons, telling us how bad the show is. :sly:
The end of Season 3 of Desperate Houseiwives was last night (in england) and i have to say, the actual ending was miles better than the one in Lost.



Foolkiller's right - your man-card is hereby revoked.
I never said the programme was better than Lost. But the season finale was miles better. In lost, oh look a flash back that i saw coming a mile off. In Desperate Housewives, holly crap she hung or self! It was slightly better.
I like Lost alot, its probably my 4th fav drama on TV (after 24, Spooks & Prison Break). It's just the finale's always seem to suck.