LOST: Season Three

  • Thread starter Jedi2016
Excellent write up FK. To be honest this episode wasn't the action packed hour of awesomeness I expected but it was still ok I guess.
In all honesty the write-up could have been:

  1. Kate got married and then left him because she was still on the run.
  2. Locke sees the verse on Eko's prayer stick.
  3. Kate and Sawyer got it on.
  4. Jack sees that they got it on and agrees to do Ben's surgery.
  5. Danny goes to shoot Sawyer while the surgery is happening.
  6. Jack puts Ben in danger of dying unless the Others let Kate and Sawyer go.
  7. We get a cliffhanger with Jack telling Kate to run while Danny has the gun to Sawyer's head.

It had a lot of story to get to a small point. But the last 15-20 minutes was tense because who lived and died all hinged on Jack and he appeared to be snapping.

I noticed this earlier (last season, I believe) that if you go one more line down it reads "Lift up your eyes and look North John."

I noticed this earlier (last season, I believe) that if you go one more line down it reads "Lift up your eyes and look North John."
Just under it has John 3:05. I never thought about reading it that way though. I think my Christian background has me just reading Bible versus as they come and being able to take messages without it being directed at anyone.

I also just assumed that Locke would be the one to use the clue as he was the first to look at it and who else would take a clue from a prayer stick.

Sadly, the clue was given to him already when it fell out of the tree with that verse facing him. He didn't recognize it then and Eko had to die in order for him to have a reason to get the stick and read it again. This is, of course, ignoring the real life reasons for Eko's death.
Maybe the island of the others is north of "our" island.
I hope so, otherwise Locke is going to have a long swim ahead of himself.

That or the Others village.

I am going to make a prediction:

Locke heads north and gets all the way to the shoreline, but sees nothing. He is getting confused and fed up and Sayid is trying to convince him that he is mistaking coincidence for fate or something like that when Kate and Sawyer come flopping out of the water (Robin Hood: Men in Tights style) or they are on whatever Alex has been using to get back and forth between the islands and Alex is with them.

It is possible Locke will be able to see the other island, but I like the hidden island theory too much to let go yet.

If I am even partially right you can expect another BOOYAH.
Don't forget the overhead shot with Locke looking up yelling "What do you want me to do, Mr. Eco?!?"
Ok, my thoughts.......DAMN the producers of this show for getting me sucked in! Bugger this 6 episode thing, why couldn't they just run the whole 6 seasons back to back.

1) Who is Jacob?
Could it be the HIM they refer to?
2) What is this list he has?
Their good/bad list?
3) Who's giving me mad props for calling the prayer stick clue?
Ok I will.
4) Do Kate and Sawyer get away?
I hope so, I like perving on Sawyer.
5) Will a DHARMA shark eat them?
6) Who was Alex's boyfriend that they killed? (The guy in Ep. 1?)
The guy that was in the cage opposite Sawyer.
7) What is Alex and Ben's relationship?
8) Did he kind of adopt a fatherly role for her?
9) Is it a crazy fatherly adopted/Woody Allen romantic relationship, which is why Juliet doesn't like Ben now?
10) Where is home for Alex? Otherville?
Not sure, if it was our island and she is wanting to help our guys then why hasnt she conatcted them.
11) WTF is going on?
No idea, as usual
why couldn't they just run the whole 6 seasons back to back.
Because American TV is too screwy and too reliant on sweeps periods to determine how much money should be charged for advertising. I forsee a change with the new ratings system they are implementing, which will essentially be putting an end to sweeps weeks and giving a more accurate overall rating. The networks don't like this because it means that they have to actually put a lot of production effort into the entire season instead of just the beginning and end. I think we will eventually develop television the same way the rest of the world does with small series instead of year-long seasons full of reruns and breaks. Either that or straight half-year runs like 24 does.

1) Who is Jacob?
Could it be the HIM they refer to?
2) What is this list he has?
Their good/bad list?
I think who Jacob is and what the list is will have to go together. At first I thought that maybe Jacob was Ethan's real name, but two things threw that out: 1) Ben called him Ethan in Episode 1 (could have been assigning a fake name, which leads to 2) 2) In Claire's kidnapped flashback Ethan gets in trouble with Tom for not having a list.

So it is someone else who is keeping a list of some sort, which makes me wonder if they weren't brought to the island on purpose, but Jack wasn't on the list of people they want. He did survive, however, and Ben sees it as a fortuitous side effect of their plan as he just discoverd he had a tumor on his spine.

3) Who's giving me mad props for calling the prayer stick clue?
Ok I will.
Because I rock! :sly:

4) Do Kate and Sawyer get away?
I hope so, I like perving on Sawyer.
5) Will a DHARMA shark eat them?
Well, we've seen my previous prediction.

6) Who was Alex's boyfriend that they killed? (The guy in Ep. 1?)
The guy that was in the cage opposite Sawyer.
Karl. I am just trying to figure out why she was looking for him, demanding that Danny tell her where he is, then wants to speak to Ben, and then she told Kate they killed her boyfriend. It's almost as if she is talking about a "him", Ben, and her boyfriend. Of course, she seemed emotionally upset too.

7) What is Alex and Ben's relationship?
8) Did he kind of adopt a fatherly role for her?
9) Is it a crazy fatherly adopted/Woody Allen romantic relationship, which is why Juliet doesn't like Ben now?
I suspect that Alex, Danielle, and Ben's relationship to each other is more complicated than we know. Let's not forget that we never actually see Danielle capture Ben, she just shows Sayid that she has. Ben has some sort of connection to Alex and just happens to wind up in Danielle's net, without us seeing it? Too much coincidence for this show and Ben is becoming well known for elaborate schemes to trick the Losties.

10) Where is home for Alex? Otherville?
Not sure, if it was our island and she is wanting to help our guys then why hasnt she conatcted them.
If she has a close bond to Ben she may be in a moral dilemma. Betray Ben or do what she thinks is right by helping the Losties. She has tried to find a balance by helping any captives. I think this may change over now that she believes they have killed her boyfriend.

11) WTF is going on?
No idea, as usual
They promise answers in February. And I trust them as much as I trust Ben.
I guess Jack doesn't know that they are on a seperate Island. Where can they run too? I would take a couple of guns and demand a boat.
I guess Jack doesn't know that they are on a seperate Island. Where can they run too? I would take a couple of guns and demand a boat.
Jack just gave Kate and Sawyer an upper hand and if they don't think to demand a boat, or even a ride, then I will be upset. I could see Kate kind of freaking out and forgetting but Sawyer is calm and collected enough to think straight in this situation.
That makes it sound like they are making it up as they go along.
I am starting to think that this is more the case than just making things up to meet the outline.

I flipped to an interview the creators/producers/writers did with Stephen King and they mentioned how the story takes over and it ends up being nothing liek you originally envisioned it and it kind of moves in its own direction as you go. Stephen King said this is common for him and if his books goes nowhere he can just toss it but a novelist sells teh book when it is finished and that works fine for him. In TV it is paid for in advance and has to work.

This all smells of making it up as we go along. I'll link the article when EW puts it online.
Well with the continuation of Season 3 starting on the 7th of February i thought id bring this thread to attention again.

Also for those that havnt seen them yet, here is a link to a sneak peek of lost and a few other vids. There is about 3 lost videos all in all.


Whats the deal with the oriental lady and jack! Im thinking its some kind of flashback which is relevant to Kate and Sawyer escaping.

Well with the continuation of Season 3 starting on the 7th of February i thought id bring this thread to attention again.

Also for those that havnt seen them yet, here is a link to a sneak peek of lost and a few other vids.


Whats the deal with the oriental lady and jack! Im thinking its some kind of flashback which is relevant to Kate and Sawyer escaping.

Jack, you dog!!!

I am guessing it is a flashback where we are supposed to learn what the deal with his oriental tatoos is all about.
NEWS :: England to show lost only a few of days after America

Good news for all your Losties in england. Alot of people in england who cant wait several months for Lost to broadcast on TV here usually resort to downloading the episodes so that we can keep up with America. Well i saw an advert on channel 4 and they are going to air the new season of lost each Sunday starting this Sunday.

England will now only be a few days behind. 👍

Alright, maybe now the Brits can join in the conversations.

And that reminds me. For America Lost starts back tonight. Episode times have now moved to 10pm ET so that it won't have to compete with American Idol. So, anyone who has to miss because they just have to knwo who got booted will now be able to watch both.

Tonight does have a special episode at 9pm ET where the producers will give us glimpses into the lives of our Losties, or something like that.

With Lost starting so late and me having to get up at 5am it is possible that my write ups may not happen very quickly, which may be best for the British audience.
Good deal FoolKiller, your reviews have always been something to look forward to by myself at least.

Being a Brit myself and of the impatient type i have watched Lost already and what an episode. I wont give anything away but in traditional lost style some questions are answered, well your given information you can interpret as you see fit too and some more questions are asked too.

Roll on the discussion and the next episode!

Being a Brit myself and of the impatient type i have watched Lost already and what an episode. I wont give anything away but in traditional lost style some questions are answered, well your given information you can interpret as you see fit too and some more questions are asked too.
Gee, there's a shocker.

I need to rewatch it as I started going in and out of sleep in the last few minutes when Juliet and Jack were talking.

This 10pm stuff sucks. The show ends and I had to get up six hours later, but I still had to get ready for bed. :ouch:
YOU MISSED THAT BIT!! :eek: missed a bit of a important bit there my friend.

That's okay. I digitaly record every episode with my computer.

At least I wasn't as bad as my wife. She fell asleep during the "Previously on Lost" bit.

Of course, this is the same woman who fell asleep in the movie previews on our first date.
That's okay. I digitaly record every episode with my computer.

At least I wasn't as bad as my wife. She fell asleep during the "Previously on Lost" bit.

Of course, this is the same woman who fell asleep in the movie previews on our first date.

Very unorthodox dating approach, maybe ill try that one next time........

What Jule's says at the end of the conversation is not so important in what she says but its important in what she says if you know what i mean?

What i mean is the content of what she says although purposefull isnt very meaningfull. We have head what she says before offered to jack. Its just that is she telling the truth, does this imply who calls the shots or is it simply another mindgame. Remember juliet seems quite the professional when it comes to manipulation.

Finally, my Lost write-up.


As usual my personal thoughts will be in blue[/blue].

Episode 7: Not in Portland

This is a Juliet-centric episode.

Flashback: As you wish

We find Juliet sitting on a beach, watching the ocean. She gets up and walks inside holding what appears to be a pocket book. As she is waling down a hallway Ethan passes her and says hello. She goes inside a room and sits on a bed next to a woman who appears to be sleeping. She opens the pocket book and pulls out a syringe, vial, and bandage. The woman wakes up and comments that she fell asleep, and Juliet points out that she left candles burning too, real safe. The woman sits up and Juliet tells her that they don't have to keep doing this but the woman asks if it is because she thinks it won't work or because she is afraid "he" will find out. Juliet just has her lift her shirt to expose her stomach and then cleans a spot on her stomach where she then injects the needle. The woman makes a small painful cry but then it is over and Juliet is putting the bandage on the spot.

Then the woman says, "Some doctor you are," and Juliet says that she doesn't do it because she is her doctor, but because she is her sister. She then asks the woman to come live with her because she doesn't like her being alone but the woman says she likes being by the beach.

Juliet stands up and says, "This is Miami, Rachel, everything's on the beach," and then throws open the curtains revealing the city of Miami just as an airplane goes by.

Later we find Juliet going into a building that a sign out front identifies as the bio-research building – security level 5. She walks up to the door and swipes a security card labeled Miami Central University Medical Research Lab. As she goes in the door she looks over her shoulder and then walks down a hallway. Her phone rings and she quickly answers it, talking in a hurried way. It appears to be secretary confirming an appointment with a Dr. Alpert for 2:00 the next day. She hangs up and then heads into a lab, closing the door carefully behind her and not turning on the light. She opens a small refrigerator and removes two vials, just like the one we saw her give her sister. Suddenly the lights come on and she ducks behind a desk. She peeks around the desk to see a man and a much younger woman who appear to be intimately involved. Suddenly Juliet's phone rings. (Dumb!!!) She quickly turns it off and tries to sneak off, but it is too late. The man walks up and says, "Hello, Juliet." She casually stands up and says hi to the man, who she calls Ed. He asks her why she is there and she says that she realized she inverted some numbers on her lab work. He begins to ask her why it could wait until morning when the young woman interrupts. He introduces the young woman as Sherry and then Juliet as his ex-wife, Juliet who was just leaving. As Juliet walks out he asks her to turn off the lights and then starts getting frisky with Sherry again.


Say hi to Sherry.

Later we find Juliet at work when Sherry walks up and tells her that Ed wants to see her. Juliet asks if she works there now and Sherry says that she is the new research assistant. Juliet just says, "Of course you are."

Juliet goes into Ed's office where he tells her he wants in. Juliet says that she doesn't know what he is talking about. He explains that he has read her notes and he knows what is missing from the lab. The only thing he doesn't know is who her guinea pig is. She tries to explain that she has been doing her own research on her own time and Ed interrupts guessing that it is her sister. He then explains to her that it could turn out that her work is genius or that there are serious ethical implications, possibly even criminal concerns. He explains to her that if she works with him that due to his reputation it will be viewed as cutting edge science and they will win awards.

Later Juliet is in a conference room where Dr. Alpert is trying to convince her to come work for Mittelos Bioscience. (If you chased down the clues online you will know that Mittelwork Industries is part of the Hanso Foundation, who funds DHARMA) They are making things look like a wonderful place to work. He explains it seems cheesy but it really is that wonderful. She explains that she is flattered but doesn't understand why they want her. He asks if it is true that she impregnated a male field mouse. She says it was but he didn't carry to term. He then pulls up a slide and asks what she sees. She says that it appears to be a human womb, and judging by its look it is of a woman in her 70s. He tells her the woman is 26 and if she wanted she could have unlimited resources to figure out what happened to her. They believe that she is specials and want her to lead a team highly trained people.

Juliet tries to explain that she can't and when he asks why she breaks down saying that her ex-husband won't let her. Dr. Alpert asks if he wouldn't want her to have this opportunity and she says he wouldn't because he doesn't want her to have anything. Dr. Alpert says that they could reach out to him, but she says it won't work. The only thing that would work is if he were hit by a bus. She then apologizes, explaining that she is a mess, not a leader and leaves.


Mittelos Bioscience

Later Juliet shows up at her sister's house where Rachel is sitting on a sofa and asks how the interview went. Juliet says that it isn't for her because it is too far away in Portland. Rachel says that she hopes it isn't because of her. Juliet says that she wouldn't want to go to Portland for research that doesn't even work. Rachel then says, "But it does work. I'm pregnant" She shows Juliet the pregnancy test and they hug and cry. Rachel then says that her whole life she just wanted to have a baby and now because of Juliet she can, she just has to stay healthy long enough to see the little bugger get into an ivy league school. She tells Juliet she can tell Ed what to do with his ethics.


Let's cry because I'm preggers!

Next we see Ed walking out of the research building talking on a cell phone. He is saying, "Because you're insufferable and you're mean. Well, you asked me for the truth, Mom." Just then Juliet comes up to him and he gets off the phone. Juliet tells him that Rachel is pregnant and the research worked. He says he wants to see her labs and to verify the data but she says that she doesn't want to publish.

Ed begins crossing the street and turns and says, "If you're not interested then why are you concerne….

Yep, it's a bus. – thank God for frame by frame video editors.

Juliet gets a bit distraught and people come running. (The sort of stuff you expect to happen when a man gets hit by a bus and disappears in a puff of irony.)

Later we see Juliet in the morgue where a man tells her they have paperwork when she feels up to it. She starts on it but begins crying. Someone walks up and hands her a tissue. She looks up to see Ethan. She asks if they have met and Dr. Alpert walks up and says hello. When she asks what he is doing there he explains they heard about the incident on the news and her office told them that she was at the morgue so they came by to offer their condolences. He introduces Ethan and he greets her warmly. Juliet then explains that he was hit by a bus and Dr. Alpert says they know because of the news and she explains to him that she said that was what she wanted to happen. HE explains that she can't blame herself because he doesn't even remember her saying that.

She then asks why they are there and he says that they want her to give them six months to try them out and that she would be back before her sister gives birth. When she asks how he knows about that he just says they are very thorough in their recruitment process. Juliet asks if her sister can come with her and they explain that they won't ave access to the clinics that she needs. Juliet explains that Portland has plenty of clinics but Dr. Alpert tells her that they are not quite in Portland.

MAIN STORY: What everyone wishes for, without the irony.
We rehash last episode where Jack yells at Kate to run. Then Kate and Sawyer use the distraction to attack their captors, Danny and another man. In the operating room Tom tells Juliet to stop the bleeding but she can't. She orders one of the men in the room to go find Danny and then stop Kate and Sawyer, killing them if necessary. Jack threatens to kill Ben if the guy goes but Juliet tells him to go. At the cages, Kate and Sawyer over power Danny and the other man. Sawyer then slams Danny's head into the food button until it shocks him, and then they lock the cage and run.



Juliet explains to Jack that his plan won't work because they aren't on the main island. Jack looks at Tom and he says, "'Fraid so." Juliet suggests a peaceful resolution and Jack asks her if that is what she calls asking him to kill Ben and making it look like an accident. Juliet denies it but Jack goes on to explain how she said she would protect him. Juliet tries to deny it still but Tom orders her out saying that if she can't save Ben she doesn't need to be there.

Meanwhile the other man finds Danny in eth cage and lets him out. They go chasing after Kate and Sawyer.

Kate and Sawyer are on the beach and Kate realizes for the first time that there is no hope. Sawyer asks her if she didn't believe him and she ignores him saying they need a boat. Sawyer responds by saying, "Yeah, and some towels and a buffet lunch." Kate suggests following the shore to find a boat and Sawyer tells her to ask for directions, which gives her an idea. She calls Jack on the walkie talkie and starts to ask him if he is okay when Sawyer tells her to say he said hi and then tells her to get to the point. Kate tells him they need a boat and Jack asks Tom how they get off the island. Jack starts to talk to Kate again but the radio in her hand explodes as a bullet hits it. They turn and look to see Danny and the other two men coming out of the jungle shooting at them. They run into the jungle with Sawyer trying to shoot back but he runs out of bullets. One of the men gets ready to shoot Kate but gets hit in the face by a rock. Kate and Sawyer turn to see Alex behind them with a sling shot. She leads them into the jungle where she has a covered hole that they jump into. The men walk past them.


Down in a hole.

While standing over Ben Tom asks Jack if Juliet really did want him to kill Ben. Jack says she did and then Ben says that's not helping anything. Jack and Tom look down and see that he is awake and Ben asks them to get Juliet. Tom goes out to get Juliet and tells her that Ben is awake. When she asks how he says that Jack says he's a spinal surgeon, not an anesthesiologist.

Meanwhile Kate, Sawyer and Alex climb out of the hole when Sawyer asks her if digging holes is a hobby and she tells him that it is, along with basket weaving if he wants one. He asks her if she has a tunnel to the mainland and she tells him no, but she does have a boat. She tells them that if they help her get her boyfriend she will take them to the island. Sawyer asks her if his name is Karl and she ways it is.

Ben is talking to Ben and tells him that he has stopped the surgery. Ben says he knows because he has been able to hear them for a while now. Just then Juliet comes in and Ben asks to talk to her alone, but Jack refuses. Ben pleads with him saying that three minutes won't hurt anything since he only has 27 minutes to live. Jack agrees and tells Juliet not to touch him and then he and Tom go to the observation room, where Tom finally introduces himself by his real name. While watching them Juliet begins to cry and Tom explains that they have history. Juliet gets up and joins them and tells Jack to finish the surgery because she is going to go help his friends escape.


A private talk.

Juliet goes to the security room and flips through the monitors until she sees Kate and Sawyer with Kate and says, "Oh, hell."

Kate, Sawyer and Alex come up to a building with a man guarding the door and Alex says that Karl should be in there. Sawyer asks her if she isn't sure and she says that it's the only place she hasn't checked. Kate asks if Alex knows the man. Alex says his name is Aldo. Sawyer asks how they expect to get past him with a gun and no bullets. Kate tells him she has an idea.

Alex leads Kate and Sawyer out of the jungle at gun point with their hands tied behind their backs. Aldo points his gun at them and asks Alex what she's doing. She says that she caught them in the jungle and asks him to open the door. He is very nervous and tells them to stop and says that Alex isn't supposed to be there. He tells her that if her dad finds out he'll kill her. She tells him that her dad was the one who told her to bring them there and that he can call him if he wants. Aldo gets on the walkie talkie but Sawyer attacks him and knocks him down, taking the gun. Sawyer looks at Aldo and says, "Don't get mad at me, just because you fell for the old Wookie prisoner gag."


The Wookie is loose!

Alex comes up and asks Aldo where Karl is and he says he doesn't know. Kate tells Sawyer to shoot him in the knee and when Sawyer hesitates she grabs the gun, saying they don't have time and then points it at Aldo's leg. Aldo immediately tells her where Karl is and they go in to find him. As they walk down a hallway Sawyer tells Kate that it was a good con, he thought she was actually going to shoot him, but Kate says that it wasn't a con. They find the room and go inside. There is loud music and a screen with a lot of images and words going by. Karl is strapped to a chair with special glasses forcing his eyes open, making him watch. (Brainwashing?) Kate and Alex start to get Karl from the chair but Sawyer is mesmerized by the screen. Kate has to yell at him and it takes him a second to snap out of it. Once he does he grabs Karl and they go out.


Where can I get a pair of those?

Later Danny finds Aldo unconscious and wakes him up, yelling at him. Just then Juliet runs up and tells him that they are letting them go. He doesn't believe her and she tells him that Ben woke up. Danny says that Ben is in surgery, but she tells him that he woke up and Jack won't finish the surgery unless Kate and Sawyer go free. Danny tells her that he knows Ben would rather die than let them go.

Meanwhile Tom is watching Jack finish the surgery, but is getting sick because he doesn't like blood much. Jack holds up a chunk of tumor and says that must really bother him then. Then Jack asks Tom why they don't just take him to a facility if they can leave the island. Tom starts to tell him something about when the sky turned purple, but he is interrupted when blood begins spurting out of Ben's back. Jack steps back as a monitor begins beeping at him. Tom asks what happened and Jack says he nicked an artery, but it wasn't on purpose this time.

As Kate, Sawyer, Alex, and a very out of it Karl get to the boat Sawyer asks Alex about being the bosses daughter because he didn't see that one coming. Sawyer gets Karl in the boat Karl looks up and calls Sawyer Danny. Sawyer corrects him but Karl says it again and Sawyer turns to see Danny pointing a gun at him. Sawyer starts walking towards Danny and Kate yells at him, but just then Juliet comes out of the jungle yelling at Danny. Danny turns to her with the gun and Juliet shoots him three times.



In the operating room Jack forces Tom to help him stop the bleeding despite Tom's aversion to blood.

On the beach Juliet looks over Danny's body and tells Kate and Sawyer to go, but Alex must stay. She explains to Alex that her father won't let Karl live if she goes. Alex and Karl share a moment and say that they love each other. Kate and Sawyer start to push the boat out but Juliet stops them and hands her walkie-talkie to Kate.

In the operating room Kate comes over the walkie talkie and Jack tells Tom to hold it up for him. Kate tells him that the blonde woman is letting them go and that they are safe, so Jack asks her to tell him the story. Kate tells him the story of him doing surgery and making a mistake. As Jack works on Ben his heart rate stabilizes. Jack then tells Kate that he doesn't want her to come back for him. Jack tells Tom to turn it off and Kate begins to cry. Kate and Sawyer then get in the boat and sail off, back towards the main island.


Going sailing.

Juliet arrives back in the OR and joins Jack in the observation room where he asks her what he is supposed to do now, just sit in his cell. She tells him that until they figure out what to do with him that is what he will do. Jack then asks her what Ben said to make her change her mind and want to save his life. Juliet says, "I've been on this island for three years, two months, and 28 days. He said that if I let him live and I helped you, that he would finally let me go home," and then walks away.


She gets to go home, but what about Jack?
A great review once again Foolkiller.👍

Ok, im going to start with some speculation, Juliet impregnated a woman with a field mouse.....what you think the chances of her impregnating a human with a polar bear? Or a polar bear with other types of animal. It would seem the polar bears are not random on the island and they are either the end result of some testing or the test's themselves. We know they were held captive on the "others" island as they made one or two comments about the bears figuring out how to get the food from the cells quicker than sawyer did. Polar bears are also renowned for swimming great distances so the trip across to the Losties island would have been a piece of cake and would explain their presence on the island. As im writing this it occurs to me that they are either doing some kind of mental testing. The bears had certain tasks to learn in the cage and now we have seen Karl in some type of chair, not dissimilar from the one in "a clockwork orange i might add" and also shares similar ideologies. In A Clockwork Orange the film's central character, Alex(more coincidence?), is transformed by scientists from an underworld tough to a defenseless model citizen only to be resurrected, at the end, to his savage original state by the "good" forces............

Who is the boss?

Now it seems that we have solid evidence that Ben is indeed the boss but are we being mislead? I have been thinking about this for a while now and i getting a notion that we are being tricked. Im starting to think that Juiet is a little more important than we are being made to believe. Remember Juliet is indeed an artist in deception and we have seen this countless times when she interviewed jack in the "aquarium". Perhaps Juliet gave the order for the others to get Ben back when he was captured by the Losties and when she and Ben spoke they didn't actually talk about her freedom they just found away where jack could be deceived and they would both get their own way. Juliet could just keep low in one of the other facilities while jack is on the island and maybe it was all a plot to see if Jack is good or bad? Juliet appears to have been sought out by DHARMA/Hanso foundation a long time ago which would most likely make her a valuable asset to the scientists research. Of course they can let the Losties go, they are only going to the other island after all. If they really want them back then they can hop in a boat and go poaching. We have also seen Juliet's gift not to dissimilar from Walt's gift which would further back up Juliets importance to the scientist community..........However, If Ben really is the big cheese around here and can allow people to get off the island then maybe we will see the back of jack in the not too distant future although i kinda doubt it as i can only see jacks roll in the series becoming stronger in a possibly the return of Micheal esque way.

Ive forgotten half of the stuff i wanted to write in this post, i must remember to make a list while watching the show, so i will post again once i have remembered. Hopefully what i have written should help spark off the discussion and get them off the wall ideas going about what exactly is going on is lost!

I am pretty sure that Ben is the boss/Alex's dad, mainly because the only time someone didn't say "This is what Ben wants," was in a conversation with Alex and they replaced "Ben" with "your dad." At a minimum Sawyer was referring to Ben as the boss (he hasn't been told his name), because Ben is the only person he has seen in charge.

I have no clue what Juliet and Ben are up to. Even if she is being honest with Jack, and her flashback gives us reason to believe her, she can't leave yet. Twice now we have seen Tom almost mention why they can't make contact with the outside world due to something to do with when the hatch imploded/exploded.

And my mind just made a jump. Michael and Walt were allowed to leave AFTER the sky turned purple. Perhaps they could have left but actually can't now, something Ben and the Others didn't realize until later, but they forgot about Michael and Walt.

Back to Juliet. If she really does want to leave but can't and Jack has done his thing for Ben would they both just get dumped back on the other islandm Juliet to become a Lostie?

And I want to know what made Juliet go from mousey, scared woman who only cared about her sister to cold, hard leader who can kill without hesitation. There is more to her backstory I want to know.

And I'm sorry I took so long getting my write-up done. I am wanting to have them done on the weekends, although I can guarantee this next one will be somehwta late since my wife and I are doing V-Day on Saturday and then I am going out with some friends on Sunday. I used to do them at work during down time, but we are much busier than we used to be.
THANK YOU! you just jogged my memory about one of the things i forgot to mention and its with regard to Alex. This young girl is the son of Ben which also means that Daniel the mother of Alex had something to do with the others at some point. Now if Ben is indeed the boss then maybe Danielle was too or she was the first woman to be inseminated or whatever it was Juliet did to her sister. If so then maybe Danielle was put through the brainwashing like Karl has been and Alex is pretty special/super intelligent or something? This would also explain why the reference to "her father not letting her go" was dropped in. Could Danielle's memories, stories and the whispers etc be an after effect of the treatment she received? Im not sure on the facts here but didn't the transmitted message say she had been on the island for 16 years? Maybe that is how long she has been on that island but may have given birth to Alex a few years before.

As for the write ups i wouldn't apologizes, they are always appreciated and you don't have to do them. They are great for us losties on here as the help detail what some of us might not have picked out on and are references for us to look back on to confirm certain information. Keep them coming my friend we all appreciate them even if we have to wait a few days

THANK YOU! you just jogged my memory about one of the things i forgot to mention and its with regard to Alex. This young girl is the son of Ben which also means that Daniel the mother of Alex had something to do with the others at some point.
Unless Danielle is telling the truth, which means that Alex was kidnapped as an infant. Alex would never know that Ben wasn't her natural father.

The other thing is that Danielle did become involved not long after Ethan was killed. Could she be a plant of some form? She "caught" Ben, but we never saw it.

Now if Ben is indeed the boss then maybe Danielle was too or she was the first woman to be inseminated or whatever it was Juliet did to her sister. If so then maybe Danielle was put through the brainwashing like Karl has been and Alex is pretty special/super intelligent or something? This would also explain why the reference to "her father not letting her go" was dropped in.
Juliet's flashback wasn't from more than 16 years back, judging by clothing and technology (microchip keycards - the same as my office uses). Sherry's dress was definitely not 1970-80's fashion. So unless the process creates some form of accelerated growth...

Another thing is that Juliet was told by Alpert that she would be leading the team of specialists, but Ben says he has been on the island his entire life. I believe leadership has clashed between expertise and seniority, creating the tear between whatever their history is, which still seems to have been romantic.

Could Danielle's memories, stories and the whispers etc be an after effect of the treatment she received? Im not sure on the facts here but didn't the transmitted message say she had been on the island for 16 years? Maybe that is how long she has been on that island but may have given birth to Alex a few years before.
The message is the thing that makes me think is the determining factor to Danielle's allegiance. It could have easily been faked for the Losties and only broadcast enough to be heard on the island itself, or if it is real then I would bet Danielle is telling the truth, or at a minimum not alligned with the Others, because they wouldn't want their secret island sending out a signal like that. We've so far been led to believe that it was broadcasting the numbers until Danielle changed it. If she was part of the Others they definitely wouldn't want that changed, whatever it is.
No, I don't think so. I think what we saw was a "vision" of some kind, created and/or influenced by.. well, something else. More of a move "sideways" than forward or back.

The lady who worked in the jeweler's shop. I think she's one of the ones that was creating the "world" that Desmond was experiencing. I also think she's on the island, and always has been. Her and others. We've heard them, but never seen them before.

She let slip that the pressing of the button and the activation of the fail-safe had a direct impact on her and those like her. The first thought that popped into my head was "OMFG SHE'S ONE OF THE WHISPERS."

I got that impression before the show picked up again, in a shot from next week's episode, the "people" that are outside of Jack's cage. "We're here to watch". I don't think they're part of the Others. The Others may not even be aware of them.

This is getting really wierd. But, on the plus side, the producers are starting to throw ye olde mystery back into the show, and I like that.
I'm unsure whether it is time travel or what Jedi says. If it is some sort of time travel it would make some sense. Desmond did change a few things in his past by going to the bar with his Indian Professor friend. Which is it just me or are all British professors on TV Indian nowadays? Anyway, and Desmond bought the ring when he normally didn't.

Now, take that and look at Locke and how he woke up after the plane crash. Desmond waking up reminded me of that. What if Locke had a backwards time travel into his own life as well? It appears we are using Wuantum Leap rules here in that you can only go back within your own lifetime, and in this case your own body, but not physically. What if Locke avoided the car accident and that is why he can walk now? What if Locke's time travel hasn't happened yet, but it does in the future and since he isn't conciously aware of it he believes he is occasionally having visions, not memories? This would explain why when he became obsessed with opening the hatch and wasn't moving forward his legs started to not work. He kept Boone distracted and he didn't die when he shoul have, but once Locke and Boone began moving forward again, and Boone died because the universe corrects its course, Locke's legs worked again because he was back on his path towards a time travel incident.

I do like the idea that it was a vision and connected to the whisperers somehow. It seems much more plausible than time travel. Of course, neither explanation really tells us why Desmond can see/remember the future, unless he does it again in the future.
Honestly, I almost think I like time-travel better. For some reason I just have this underlying hope that this is all going to make sense (relatively) realistically with no (or minimal) supernatural things to explain it. I'd much rather hear about vast government conspiracy than you know, a "magic island".