GTPClioCup: Pre-Season Test #1 - Tsukuba Circuit ***RESULTS POSTED***

  • Thread starter CAMikaze
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For Japan and Racing Miku. ^_~
@ Suzuka Circuit in GSR Spirit. ^_~
GTPlanet Clio Cup Series
Pre-Season Test #1
Tsukuba Circuit

Track Map credits - AMG.

Deadline: Sunday, August 26th @ 8:00 pm EDT (24:00 GMT)

The long-awaited first Test Session for the GTPlanet Clio Cup Series is at hand. And appropiately, Tsukuba Circuit is the venue. Many racers from around Japan come to this track to test out their vehicles for racing here as well as other circuits. Not only Tsukuba is active with many test sessions, races take place here on a near-weekly basis.

Time for us to see what we can do with our new rides in getting ready for the season ahead. :)

Car Specifications
Power: 261 HP (-11), Weight: 1058 kg (-8), Top Speed: 260 km/h (0), Tires: RH/RH only

Rules and Regulations

All rules, regulations, car specifications, and races are controlled by the GTP Clio Cup officials. Any and all questions should be directed to the GTP Clio Cup officials (CAMikaze or RACECAR) and they will do their best to answer in a timely and accurate manner.

All drivers must run at the specified Tires, Top Speed, Weight and Horsepower settings for each round.

Penalties for Late Time Submission will be as such.
If the driver submits times Private Messaged through GTP to CAMikaze and/or RACECAR before the deadline as time-stamped by GTP, no penalty will be given. For the upcoming season, a driver has up to 2 hours after deadline to send in their time, but a penalty will be enforced equal to the lateness of the submission, 1 second for every minute after deadline up to 2 hours past deadline. Anything after 2 hours will not be accepted and will post a DNS/DNQ.

All Other Standard Online Racing Rules apply.
  • No Cheating, Hybrids, or any funny stuff like that. Run the car according to the Specifications please.
  • Try and keep two wheels on the road at all times. No shortcuts.
  • No wall-riding. It slows you down.
Practice Format
  • Arcade Mode >>> Time Trial >>> World Circuits >>>Tsukuba Circuit >>> Select Car
  • TCS and or ACS is allowed IF DESIRED, but NOT mandatory..
Time Sending Format
Please make sure you send your Times formatted this way. It'll make it easier, and we'll be good.;)

[B]Driver:[/B] [Your name here]
[B]Car #:[/B] [Your car # here]

[B]Best Practice Lap:[/B] [Your fastest practice lap here]

Good Luck, and Good Racing to all of you!:sly:👍
**Test Session #1 Results**
Car # Name (Country),          T1 Time/T2 Time/[B]Lap Time[/B]
[*]#41 Fantomas40 (HUN),     13.400/30.189/[B]56.994[/B]
[*]#76 GTXDriver (HUN),      13.549/30.419/[B]57.117[/B]
[*]#33 SammiTougeGirl (GBR), 13.522/30.459/[B]57.197[/B]
[*]#55 nige (GBR),           13.538/30.419/[B]57.278[/B]
[*]#43 Optikal (USA),        13.583/30.546/[B]57.396[/B]
[*]#13 mnm_bmx (MAL),        13.554/30.728/[B]57.785[/B]
[*]#69 Tyre King, (GBR),     13.714/30.915/[B]58.013[/B]
[*]#99 Venari (GBR),         13.646/30.833/[B]58.019[/B]
[*]#26 TS (USA),             13.808/31.129/[B]58.350[/B]
[*]# 5 RACECAR (USA),        13.950/31.326/[B]58.539[/B]
[*]# 0 CAMikaze (USA),       13.832/31.363/[B]58.623[/B]
[*]#17 ranhammerR34 (USA),   14.290/32.289/[B]59.965[/B]
[*]#57 BigdaddyGT (USA),[B]1'00.883[/B]
I hate to be a pain, but in this it tells us to use racing mediums, but in the rules it tells us to use racing hard. Which should I use?
I hate to be a pain, but in this it tells us to use racing mediums, but in the rules it tells us to use racing hard. Which should I use?

I think it's Racing Hards only. If so, Post 1 needs to be changed.

I think it's Racing Hards only. If so, Post 1 needs to be changed.

According to the Race Procedures, everyone is to race on Racing Hards so it is just a typo by CAMIkaze. I will see to it that he is notified.
Oh well, I just ran about 25 laps on mediums, I will now go back to the garage before the stewards find out and I get a fine or a stern taliking to or worse.
Oh well, I just ran about 25 laps on mediums, I will now go back to the garage before the stewards find out and I get a fine or a stern taliking to or worse.
"Beep Beep!" Too late for that:). Since you were also confused by CAMIkaze's typo, you won't be penalized, but remember that everyone is on RH tires.
"Beep Beep!" Too late for that:). Since you were also confused by CAMIkaze's typo, you won't be penalized, but remember that everyone is on RH tires.

Cheers. thanks for clarifying that. 👍
Hope everyone has a good weeks racing.

Cheers. thanks for clarifying that. 👍
Hope everyone has a good weeks racing.

No Problem. I'm starting to wonder about CAMIkaze. Normally, He would be online on AIM and then be on here, but I haven't gotten a response from all day.
No Problem. I'm starting to wonder about CAMIkaze. Normally, He would be online on AIM and then be on here, but I haven't gotten a response from all day.
**walks into room** Hey guys, what's going on? I've been at work all day today.

**Sees whats going on** :crazy::ouch:

**makes edits to the first post**

Sorry about that guys. :embarrassed: **goes off-topic**But it could have been worse. I could have gone down to Maple Grove Raceway to see the NHRA race only to have been rained outand had to go home withough seeing the Finals. AGAIN.:guilty:

**Back on-topic** On another note, I added a little something regarding discussions of Lap Times. We ask you keep it to mentioning only the sector times. Mentioning the Lap Times before the results are posted could result in a time penalty being added on to what you have already submitted.
Question for the most esteemed stewards.

Regarding the discussion of lap-times/splits etc.

If this and the next two events are pre-season tests, and no points are going to be awarded, what is the harm in discussing all aspects of the laps? (including lines, braking points, splits and full lap-times)

I mean, especially on this track where the first T-point is in between turns 1 & 2, and the second is less than halfway through the lap, and a good lap is sub 1 minute. AND considering the fact that I have done about 15-20 laps (as light relief from Monaco) and am already chasing 1000ths.

Just a thought!

Now that you mentioned it Neil, I think that would be a good idea. Chances are there are some people in this series thast are new to online racing and could use a few good pointers to improve on their race times and being able to control the car better.

Also, I took out my Clio late last night and put 30 laps on it myself.;)
You could always nip over to the WRS forum, and ask whoever is doing the weekly splits leaderboard for the code and implement it for these pre-season tests.
It might generate a few more postings?

Well,how am i supposed to post my time then? Should i post it here or should i PM it to CAMikaze?

Anyways,did a few laps on Tsukuba with the given setup and had some on and off laps. Some were just around the 1 minute bracket and some did get under the 1 minute bracket. However im still having a hard time getting the line for the last corner right (always get mixed up between the braking and turning point :ouch:) So well for the safe side i'll just post my sector times:

T1: 14.173
T2: 31.570
Best Practice Lap: 59.003
(i know its not the best...)

Did it with my G25.
Well i was wondering, can i submit more than 1 time? I mean if i improve my lap times,can i edit my last post and set in the new time? Well for now i have to give my DS2 a try and see if im any better....
Well,how am i supposed to post my time then? Should i post it here or should i PM it to CAMikaze?

Anyways,did a few laps on Tsukuba with the given setup and had some on and off laps. Some were just around the 1 minute bracket and some did get under the 1 minute bracket. However im still having a hard time getting the line for the last corner right (always get mixed up between the braking and turning point :ouch:) So well for the safe side i'll just post my sector times:

T1: 14.173
T2: 31.570
(i know its not the best...)

Did it with my G25.
Well i was wondering, can i submit more than 1 time? I mean if i improve my lap times,can i edit my last post and set in the new time? Well for now i have to give my DS2 a try and see if im any better....

Yes since, it is a test run, feel free to post your full times, I am not going to yet since I did 3 laps only. Once I throw in a decent time I will post it.
Well i see,then i guess its okay then.Well here are some times after my post above (oh yeah,i forgot to mentioned i used TCS & ASM for the lap time above)

Car #: #13

This is my run with a DS2 controller with TCS & ASM:
Best Practice Lap: 59.004 (forgot the sector times!)

My second run on the DS2 without the TCS & ASM:
T1: 14.001
T2: 31.248
Best Practice Lap: 58.647

And this is my second run with my G25 without TCS & ASM
T1: 13.716
T2: 31.100
Best Practice Lap: 58.446

So with this test,it looks like im better with my G25 than my DS2. So it looks like im going to race with my wheels from now on :D (oh yeah,see my last post for the best lap for my first G25 run) and i think i have nailed the last corner perfectly,now to work with my consistency....
I'm gonna post my splits in a while, plus a brief lap run-through.

You should ALWAYS be faster with a wheel, especially on an open track.
Simply, the fact that you can trail-brake whilst still on the throttle, and that you will have finer steering control, means you should be faster, more consistent, and more accurate with your lines.


Ok, here goes!

Obviously, flat out over the line, sticking to the left side of the track.
Brake hard at the start of the rumblestrip & down to 2nd (48mph), turn in and hit as late an apex as possible to get good speed to T1 (13.883)
Straighten out the left/right kinks and aim for the right-hand side of the hairpin.
Down to 2nd again, and again a late apex drifting right as the front's push under the power.
Then get to the left of the track and at the rumbles, a very light tap of the brakes (without lifting off the gas) and turn into the right-hander, full on the gas and drifting left under power again.
Take a nice smooth line round the left sweeper and through T2 (30.929).
Approach the next hairpin as far left as you can get without going grass-tracking, hit the brakes & down to 2nd again.
Hit as late an apex as you possibly can (preferably full on the gas & just staying on the track AS the right-hand rumblestrip ends) so you can stay on the gas 100% all the way round the corner and onto the straight.
Up to 5th and the approach to the final corner.
Come in on the extreme left of the straight. A very light squeeze of brake, and down-shift to 4th as the grass on the left turns to mud, turn in ON the power, hugging the rumble-strip apexing just before the cones, and drifting out to the left again to run over the last 1/4 of the rumble strip on the left & over the line @ 58.208

More to come, I am sure.

But I would REALLY like to be able to adjust the gearing, I think it is one of the finer arts involved in GT4 racing, and can make a MASSIVE difference to how a car handles and to the lap-times that can be achieved.

Is there a specific reason why it isn't allowed, or was it just an arbitrary decision to make the racing closer?

I'm gonna post my splits in a while, plus a brief lap run-through.

You should ALWAYS be faster with a wheel, especially on an open track.
Simply, the fact that you can trail-brake whilst still on the throttle, and that you will have finer steering control, means you should be faster, more consistent, and more accurate with your lines.


Heal toe:scared: we have a good driver here. Let me guess, D1 WRS?

Or is that left foot braking, my cockpit doesn't allow either for my G25, it is most annoying, there is a support pillar for the cockpit, which means you cannot left foot brake, and the bucket racing seat is to cramped for me to perform heal toe.

Either way looks like I am going to have to really put sometime in knocking splits off, I recon there is at least 5 splits on my first 3 laps, either way, if your chasing 0.00X seconds then there is very little chance I can get close to it. I am going to have to remove the support pillar and get those times down.
I'm gonna post my splits in a while, plus a brief lap run-through.

You should ALWAYS be faster with a wheel, especially on an open track.
Simply, the fact that you can trail-brake whilst still on the throttle, and that you will have finer steering control, means you should be faster, more consistent, and more accurate with your lines.

Yeah,i think it should be that way.I do always get a better feeling of the car when i use my steering wheel.But its just that i haven't really mastered it well enough to think that im good with it. So i just did a comparison test to really see where i was better at a G25 or a DS2. (sorry CAMikaze for posting so many lap times. Just take the best time...)

Heal toe:scared: we have a good driver here. Let me guess, D1 WRS?

Or is that left foot braking, my cockpit doesn't allow either for my G25, it is most annoying, there is a support pillar for the cockpit, which means you cannot left foot brake, and the bucket racing seat is to cramped for me to perform heal toe.

Either way looks like I am going to have to really put sometime in knocking splits off, I recon there is at least 5 splits on my first 3 laps, either way, if your chasing 0.00X seconds then there is very little chance I can get close to it. I am going to have to remove the support pillar and get those times down.
Are you talking about me or Tyre King? :confused: If you were talking about me then.....I'm just using left foot braking. Can't do heel-toe with the original configuration of the G25. (pedals too close to each other) My driving style always keeps me very focus and agile. I'm just using a computer table as my cockpit as i have no money or time to build a cockpit.....Maybe just find another way to replace the cockpit so that the pedal doesn't feel cramped.

I still want to see everyones lap times. I wonder how good you guys are as i never raced with other people before :indiff:
Are you talking about me or Tyre King? :confused: If you were talking about me then.....I'm just using left foot braking. Can't do heel-toe with the original configuration of the G25. (pedals too close to each other) My driving style always keeps me very focus and agile. I'm just using a computer table as my cockpit as i have no money or time to build a cockpit.....Maybe just find another way to replace the cockpit so that the pedal doesn't feel cramped.

I still want to see everyones lap times. I wonder how good you guys are as i never raced with other people before :indiff:

aha, I was talking to Neil acctually. I am not so concerned after seeing the splits, I was perhaps worrying myself a bit.
Here are my splits:

T1: 13.825
T2: 31.239
Final: 58.767

I know I am losing a lot of time, especially in sector 3. What is your minimum speed while taking the last turn?

Never actually got into D1 WRS :(, sat in middle of D2 for the whole of the time I did it.
I did WRS for about 1 1/2 years, week in, week out. Very rarely missing a race, but got severely hacked-off with all the bitchin, moaning, arguments, and socio-political wrangling that was going on.

Hot laps are OK for a quali session, but to be honest I got extremely bored with hot-laps almost every week. Unless you are a dedicated hot-lap (or as I like to call them Fluke-lap) officianado, like HotBoy or Holl, they just get monotonous, dull and have a very short life-span for entertainment.

So, came over here, and started doing the real racing! Long races are definately the best way to spend time.

Anyway, as to my driving, heel/toe is doable with my setup, but completely wrecks my knee! (Too many full kit runs/assault courses/shooting comps when I was in the Army, and too many slips/slides when playing county level squash/badminton/rugby when I was younger)
So, I do left-foot brake!

Here are my splits:

T1: 13.825
T2: 31.239
Final: 58.767

I know I am losing a lot of time, especially in sector 3. What is your minimum speed while taking the last turn?

Well,it really depends on how you take the corner.Do you stick to the inside,outside more or you go for that out-in-out line? Well,i aim my speed at around 140kph,so thats how i got around the corner. But i found a better technique for that corner, if you believe me that is. Try to go sightly slower into the corner (and try to "power understeer"* into the corner if you can) and accelerate full throttle at halfway/two-thirds of the corner and run wide into the rumble strips. I'll try to perfect that line tomorrow and see if i can improve on my lap times. :)
I was aiming for the line pretty much what Neil mentioned, but I am dropping a tad below 140kmph. Guess I need more laps in...

Another question: Why is it that you are faster without the TC and ASM? For me also, generally, running with ASM slows me down, but TC improves my laptimes. But aren't both of them assists, to help you with faster times??
I was aiming for the line pretty much what Neil mentioned, but I am dropping a tad below 140kmph. Guess I need more laps in...

Another question: Why is it that you are faster without the TC and ASM? For me also, generally, running with ASM slows me down, but TC improves my laptimes. But aren't both of them assists, to help you with faster times??

Well its up to you on how you want to find a faster way out of the corner. Well if you have to ask, i did it without TCS & ASM. Yeah, sounds fishy but you should give it a try, you can gain time at places where you least expected (as there is no assist,the car can actually accelerate faster out of the corners, but be prepared for some understeer in some of the corners. But try to take the advantages of understeer with the out-in-out technique) Well,look at the results at my last few posts to see which settings i used the best.

Edit: Oh yeah,i forgot to mentioned the "power understeer"* technique. Its a technique where you forced your car to understeer into a corner. Its faster if you couple this technique with a out-in-out technique.

Well don't always rely on one person only. There are some others here which did more races than i did, so take any advice from them as well.
13.8 / 31.8 / 58.8

Plenty of time to come for the Pink 99, that was after about 6 laps.

I'm going to get a few more laps in to get comfy then do maybe ~30 laps in one sesh and do some analysis.

And yeah, the Clio does recover from pushing its nose wide in the last bend by simply adding more lock. It's forgiving like that. It will scrub off speed on the exit, but if you've misjudged your entry speed, it helps a lot.
TCS and ASM are the WORK OF THE DEVIL!!!!!

They should only be used on VERY high Hp cars (650+ FR, 450+ FF), or on VERY bumpy & long tracks like Le Sarthe, and then TCS only!

All they do is slow you down!

If you need ASM, you are either trying too hard into the corner's (Braking too late), trying too hard in the middle of the corners (Going too fast), or trying too hard out of the corners (have no throttle control)...............Basically you are trying too hard!:crazy:

Also, it is almost impossible to make this car spin-up on anything softer than RSH tyres with this little Hp, so why would you need TCS anyway?

Nice splits Sammi!

All that low power, momentum driving you are getting in the GTPLMS is obviously paying off 👍
Looks like I still have some work to do!
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