Learning curve - the hardest corner - Chapter five (5) FIVE!!

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Spam 'nades!
I decided to start my own story.
Because I like doing things that probably don't benefit me in any way.

Chapter 1: So... I suck?

Comentator: With only a lap to go the Opel Speedster has the lead, despite the driver's questionable driving technique.


''Ha! This is easy. Those guys don't stand a chance.''

Comentator: Yes young Drake Hunter has a thing to learn about racing if you ask me. Those lines are terrible!


''Easy as pie!''


''Oh 🤬''


''Woo. The finish line is right around the corner!''

-1 corner later-

Comentator: Well the race is over and the Opel won just like last time.Good thing nobody watches this race or people would be pissed.... Is this thing on?


And so ended another race. My name is Drake and I win races because I don't have a choice (I'm not particularly good at anything else). It'd be nice if I could compete in the better races, but the cars the other racers have are too good. So until I get another car this is what I'm doing. So excuse me I need to go annoy the other racers.

I walk up to three people talking next to a Renault Megane.

''So you lost again, eh? I was hoping you would improve over the last two weeks.''

''Oh not you again. You know that the only reason you actually ever win is because you have a better car, right?''

I shake my head disaprovingly and feel a sudden need to prove them wrong, but I remember that reruns of Family guy are being shown on TV, so I just call them soore loosers and move on.

I slowly head to my car looking at the people talking and going about their business, when I notice a rather big man standing in front of my car. He looks like he stepped straight out of a gangster movie. He has dark hair, sunglasses and a jacket. God knows why since it's a warm sunny day. I continue walking towards the car, curious of what he wants, when I hear him talk. He has a deep and comanding voice.

''Hey you! You the driver of this car?''

''Yeah, uhh... what do you want?'' I mumble in a confused manner.

''We need to talk to you about your racing here. It seems you've been racing here for the last 4 times we held this race.''

''Yes I have. Is there a problem?''

''Is there a problem? Yeah. We want you to stop coming here with an overpowered car!''

This comes as a shock to me, so I answer back rather irritated.

''What? Where does it say that overpowered cars aren't allowed to compete?''

''It doesn't and quite frankly I don't care. You either accept this and come back with a slower car, or you don't accept this and we don't let you enter? It's not the other racers fault you can't drive.''

Now this gets me mad. I want to punch the guy in the face, but I take a second look at him and decide not to. I just open my car door and make sure I stare at him in the eyes like that would hurt him somehow.


I get home and I feel like I want to destroy something, like that would somehow help, but after a long think at the table with some chips I calm down and decide I'm going to buy a new car tomorrow. I can't continue like this. Things are bad already.


Beep, beep, beep!

Oh another Monday morning. I'm unemployed and it's still not a particularly nice day. I get up and make myself some coffee and a sandwich. I start up my laptop which is low on battery as always and open a site with ads of used cars for sale. I take a big bite out of the sandwich and wait for the site to open.
I take a glance at some Toyota's, Mitsubishi's and even a Mercedes. The car that catches my eye is a Nissan Silvia S13. It's not too far and only costs around $7000. I eat the sandwich and drink the coffee. I call the owner and he says I can come right over and we'll negotiate a deal. I run out the door wisely forgetting to lock the front door like usual. I call up a cab and it drives me to the house. There's a silvia in front of the house, but that's probably not the car I'm here for. The door is opened by a small girl who looks at me like I'm some sort of monster or something. In my mind I'm putting on a huge mask and saying ooga, booga, booga, but I decide that the real world is not ready for the things I think of in my mind.

''Uhh... is your father home?''

The little girl runs off and a man in his 40's comes to the door. He's in a tank top and holding a can of beer.

''Yeah? Whaddya want''

''Hi. My name is Drake Hunter. We talked on the phone about the...''

''Oh yeah, about the car. She's right there''

Sadly he points to the direction of the car I spotted earlier.

''You said that the color is cranberry red. That car looks kind of... pink''


The owner looks irritated, like he remembered years of friends mocking him for driving a pink car.

''Listen I don't have time for this. Do you wanna buy the car or not?''

I wait for a moment to think. Do I want a pink car that I haven't driven before whose owner looks like he hasn't showered in a week?

''Yeah, sure''

I pay the man and he hands me the keys.

Over the course of the next two weeks I had a mechanic change the oil (Which apparently looked like someone blended pizza and put bits of chewing gum in it* it didn't smell like pizza though -weird, right?) and got used to the way the car drives. It's really not a bad car. I found something, that looks like a 2 inch furry caterpillar in it... and it probably is a 2 inch furry caterpillar, but all the non-organic bits in the car seem to work. It is however quite slower than the opel and well I expected that. I just hope I do well on the race which conveniently starts right now.

I park my car and walk to the sign up booth. There I notice a friend from two weeks back.

''I told you and your opel to scram!''

''I didn't bring an Opel. I have a new car. Take that!''

I point in the direction of my new silvia proudly and expect the gangster man to apologize or something.

''Why is it pink?''

''It's not pink, It's cranberry red!''

''Yeah, whatever you say.''

Gangster man takes a piece of paper and writes something on it. I suspect he wrote pink in the colour box.

I walk away from the booth and prepare to race. I'm quite confident about this. I'll win.


Commentator: And today we have a nice lineup of cars. One of the drivers is Drake Hunter from the last race, but not in his Opel! He brought a pink Nissan Silvia s13 this time. Maybe we'll see what he's really made of.

Oh great my first day of racing with this car and already at least 3 people think it's pink.
Gangster man, the commentator and me.

The race starts and I am in last place. Like usual. Right... all I have to do is drive this car.
And drive it fast.


Commentator: Drake Hunter already passes the Fiat, but we'll see what happens later.

Alright so far so good, but I can't pass anything else. What's wrong?

Commentator: As I suspected Drake Hunter still needs some practice. On the other hand the Miata up front is showing off some stable driving also the...


Not again! After 5 races I still can't remember to brake here. I blame it on the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico.

-fast forward to the end of the race-

Commentator: And the race is over with the blue Miata driven by A. Iron in first place, the...
...and Drake Hunter finishes in last place after braking too late in the last corner. Point and laugh everyone!


After the race I hurry home. I probably went over the speed limit. Well that is if this car can go that fast. The radio is broken, so there isn't a problem of anything interrupting my thoughts anyway.
What now? I only have around $4000 left.
I could get a job at McDonalds.
Although I hate the smell of that place. I do believe that the antichrist will be the result of a filet o' fish gone wrong...

Eh you know what. I always risk everything anyway and although it all went terribly bad I need to do this!

I will learn how to race!

Preferably starting with the next chapter.


*It IS a reference to YARS what with the nasty oil and such.

Comments appreciated 👍

And yes I know. The title is absolutely terrible
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I like it. It's interesting having a character who can't drive and relies on superior machinery because so many people can relate to doing this!
And I for one like the sarcastic commentator; adds a comedic edge. And, if I'm not mistaken, is the "cranberry red" an RvB reference? If so, kudos to you, man :D
I like it. It's interesting having a character who can't drive and relies on superior machinery because so many people can relate to doing this!
Thanks 👍
I wanted to differ from the stories, that seem to become a bit repetitive sometimes, so I decided to make a character, that's not a particularly good driver (yet) and is sort of an ass.

And I for one like the sarcastic commentator; adds a comedic edge. And, if I'm not mistaken, is the "cranberry red" an RvB reference? If so, kudos to you, man :D
No it's not a reference. That's what it said under the color for this car in GT4...
Can I keep the kudos? :D
That commentator's such a jerk. I wouldn't expect him to have many friends on Facebook.
Nice new story! 👍 I like how the main charecter has the same driving skills as a drunk chimpmunk (no offense).
Nice new story! 👍 I like how the main charecter has the same driving skills as a drunk chimpmunk (no offense).

None taken.

It's actually kinda hard to drive like that after trying for so long to drive perfectly. I thought to myself. Okay I should brake here and...
oh wait I'm doing that.
No it's not a reference. That's what it said under the color for this car in GT4...
Can I keep the kudos? :D

Sure, keep the kudos, you've earned 'em either way :D

It's just a reference to one of the characters in the show having pink armour, but constantly reassuring people it's "lightish red" :sly:
Yay, new story :)
Anyway, nice job on it so far. I like the change from the norm of race storys in which the driver has ungodly driving talent. (mine included:()
Chapter 2: Driving like a drunk chipmunk

~/ ...in other news, today police found, that an accident occured to an unknown man in a pink Nissan while he was driving behind a jet plane, which pushed his car off a cliff. The car fell on a cartoonishly spikey rock. For some reason the water was infested with piranhas and prehistoric deep sea half bear, half shark creatures. Needless to say the unlucky driver did not make it. The question needs to be asked. Why is there an airport next to a road on a cliff above...


I turn off the radio and have bizzare thoughts about how that description matches me and my car... well not the paint obviously.

I eat the scrambled eggs I burnt to a crisp... I mean prepared and exit my house. I need to get to my friend. A mechanic. He knows things about cars. He'll know what to do.

While I'm driving I see a strange car. Specificaly a Mazda 787B. Who knows what it's doing on the road. Too bad. If this were any other race story I would be able to miraculously race that thing and win.
Oh well.


I reach my friends garage. It's a small place. Or it looks small due to the piles of random junk lying around the place. I spot a pair of legs lying out from under a car. I figure, that the pair of legs is attached to my friends body.



''Get out from under there I need to talk to you''

My friend gets up from under the car grunting something before doing so. He has some torn jeans that would nowadays be considered fashionable and a T-shirt from 6-disneyflagsland.

''So you wanted something?''

''Uhh yeah I decided I want to start racing good. I mean yeah I already race good, but I wanted to become even better, because...''

''You want me to teach you how to not suck, right?''

''Of course not'''

''They banned your opel?''

''No way! Why would they do that?''

''Wait... Is that a pink car?''

''Of course not. I'll have you know it's cranberry red!'

''erm.. right... Listen I can't teach you. I don't have the time and I personally think you're a hopeless case''

''Who told you I need help?''

''But... I know a guy, that supposedly does some racing. I'll give you his adress and phone number.''

''Honestly I don't need any help!''

I take the note with the number and adress of the person that is going to train me and get back into my Nissan.


By the miracle of story telling I now arrive to the adress Gerald gave me. I didn't bother calling him beforehand.

As I approach the house I spot A Nissan 300ZX. Nice looking 2 seater... If it wasn't for the wing and the rims...


Suddenly a guy comes out the house. He has a red T-shirt on, a shaved head and some baggy trouser thing
''Hey that's my car. Get away!''

I look at him. Surprised.

''Err... alright dude chill''

''What are you doing here? Tryin' to steal my car?''

''No no of course not. I'm here, because Gerald told me someone from the house you came screaming out of could tell me how to race.''

''No way man. I still need to finish Man Furismo 100%, before the new one...''

Suddenly another person comes out of the house.

''What's going on here?''

''He's tryin' to steal my car!''

''I am not!''

''Excuse me? It's our car you know!
Excuse me. My name's Max and this is my brother. Oliver''

I look at both these guys , but get bored of that and look at a hot girl in the background, but remember I have a story to tell.
''Umm...err. My name is Drake. I came here, because I suck at driving and Gerald told me you could help me?''


Wow what a reply.

''Just like that? No I don't knows or I'll think about it's?''

''No. We both have time. Don't we Oliver?''

''No we don't''

''Meet us at Trial mountain tomorrow at 3''

''Alright thanks guys! See you tomorrow''

Well that went on rather nicely. Well appart from Oliver almost calling the police.


By the miracles of story telling I am now at Trial mountain at exactly 3 pm although I had no idea where this place is yesterday.

I look around and there's not a whole lot of people here. I thought track days were more popular than this.

As I attempt to determine what that is on my shoe I see a red car coming.
It is a Suzuki espresso or whatever they're called. Something about coffee. Silly cars those. They remind me of shopping trolleys with a minescule engine.

Oh yeah and there's a red 300ZX coming too.


Max steps out of the 300ZX and greets me, while Oliver listens to his iPod

''Hey, you made it.''

''Yeah. I managed somehow. So how are we gonna do this?''

''Well I need to see what you're made of'. You're gonna go on the track and show me what you know.''

''Alright I'll do it.''

''Oh one thing before you go. Why is your car pink?''

''Oh come on. How many times must I say, that it is CRANBERRY RED.''

''umm... ookay''

I go to my car and drive to the track. Alright time to be the best I can be.
I know, that somewhere inside me is a good driver.

Suddenly I feel adrenaline. I feel like I could do anything. This shows in my driving. It feels like I am much more smooth. The car is faster....


Oh no... wait
that's just my imagination. A car is overtaking me.


Right. That caught me off guard. Now to drive in an awesome way...

Oh wait another car


A temporary setback. Now I will...
Hold on it's...
Yes another one.


Okay that's IT! I've had it. I have to put my foot down and get a good time!

Oh wait. Another one.


After that lap came another lap of the car driving me around the track. I decided, that that was the last lap right now... I'll go see, what Max says.

I drive up to where Max and Oliver are. Max is facepalming and Oliver is laughing like a monkey.

''Hahahaha! Dude you...''

''Yes yes I know. That wasn't very...''

''No man you ahaha you have a pink car?''


''haha yeah. Sure''

''Hey you're one to talk. You guys have a car with red wheels. That will NEVER look good''

''Let me just point out that was Oliver's idea. I promised I would let him pick them if we buy this instead of a. Ugh... Supra''

I should be asking why a Supra is considered bad in his book, but I have a Nissan, so I suppose I'm supposed to agree.

''Okay about your driving. It's absolutely terrible.''

''Oh come on. It's not that ba...''

''Yes it is.... It is. Now I'm going to show you how to do it right and I hope you atleast try to learn something.''

5 minutes later Max is on the track and I watch his every move on the monitors set up next to the sign up booth.


Wow. He turned right... riveting


Well I suppose his lines do seem more flowing. They make some sense!


Hmm looking at the times Max is actually quite good. He's beating all kinds of cars. Even an NSX.


Oliver did a couple of laps and then left the track.

''So. Did you learn anything?''

''Yeah. I see, that your lines are a lot more flowing''

''That's right! They're called racing lines. Now. Because everyone reading this knows what they are here's a radio thingomajig, so we can communicate while driving''

''Oh cool! A radio thingomajig''

I jump into my car and smartly forget to turn on the radio device.
And it's not easy trying to drive and turn a device on.

But I did it eventually and did a couple of laps with Max guiding me. I also heard Oliver trying to sing something. That was when I went off the track and Max bought him an ice-cream to keep his attention.

At the end of the day we went our way. Specifically Max and Oliver went to their house and I went to mine. Tomorrow Max said he feels confident enough to come in the car with me and teach me there.
I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not.

I'm not very satisfied with this chapter but yeah... Blame it on the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico.
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Yeah, Maj. The title's actually very good. I've got some constructive criticism (I gave it to you without asking - how nice of me :lol:). There's a bit in you're story where the past and present tense got mixed up. And a few of the pictures are quite dark. But other than that, a funny story that's bound to become a GTP Favourite :D
This is really entertaining! I like the title. ;)
:lol: Yeah thanks for giving me the chapter title, even though you didn't know it at the time.

Yeah, Maj. The title's actually very good. I've got some constructive criticism (I gave it to you without asking - how nice of me :lol:). There's a bit in you're story where the past and present tense got mixed up. And a few of the pictures are quite dark. But other than that, a funny story that's bound to become a GTP Favourite :D
Thanks! See that's what happens when you write a story at 1am. And I don't think the pictures are too dark. Only the ones inside the tunnel, but those are well... supposed to be dark.

This is great! Not seen many stories where a character is totally hopeless on the track!
Thank you. And yeah, I was trying to think of something a bit more different.
Absolutely fantastic story mate! Nice title, story sequence and quite funny too!

Hopefully we can get Chapter 3 shortly, this sounds promising mate ;)👍
A new day, a new chapter.

Chapter 3: RAGE!

I came home from the local store. I brought in a big box. In it was a Plopy Station 2. I also bought a racing game called Man Furismo 4.
As I plugged it into the TV I wondered how accurately they rendered trial mountain. The track Max was teaching me on. I was just about to turn on the TV, when someone knocked on the door. It was Oliver and Max.

''Oh good. You got it.''

''Yes I did. But I don't see how a video game will help me become a better driver.''

''Well with it I can teach you what racing lines to take without having to get into the car with you/getting run over by you.''

Suddenly Oliver shouted from inside the house. I didn't even notice he went inside.
''What car do you want to use?!''

''When did yo...?''

''Just pick a Nissan Silvia like he has.''

''No, don't... I want a Opel speedster turbo.''

''Why do you want an Opel Speedster?''

''That's my car.''

''What? I'm pretty sure you drive a...''

''No, no the Opel is my first car and the Nissan is my second.''

''Hold on. If you were going to get better at racing. Why get a slower car? If you learned to use the Opel you could compete in better races.''

Oh man I need to tell him the truth... I didn't know I sucked at first...

''I erm... don't like the Opel.''

''Why do you want to use the Opel in the game then?''

I'm about to open my mouth, but I am interrupted by Oliver.

''Are you guys coming or not?!''

I quickly got the grasp of the controls. Sadly it was almost as hard to drive in the game as it is in real life. This of course means I made almost as many mistakes as in real life and Max was displeased.

The first couple of minutes:
''What are you doing?!''

The first hour:
''I can't believe this.''

The second hour:
''I quit.''

But he didn't quit. And after a week Max thought I was ready for the real thing.
I'd better be, since I am kind of running out of money.


Back at Trial Mountain and I am ready to apply my new found knowledge. This time I came with my Opel.

''So what color is this? Kumquat yellow?''

''Will you give it a break. Sheesh.... and the color is actually named mandarin.''

''Haha. You're like the weirdest person I know''


''Alright. Enough with the childishness get in the car Drake''

''Alright, alright''

I went into my car and Max was sitting in the passanger seat. Time to show him my new skills.





''What? Was that good?''

''Well... no. But it does resemble actual driving now.''

''For a moment there I thought you would give me a compliment.''


This went on for a couple of laps. Max gave me a couple of suggestions. He told me about braking points etc etc. and ultimately Max did give me a compliment.... sort of.

''Well. I've got to hand it to you. You've improved. The only person better than you, that is on the track right now is using an NSX-R prototype''

''As in... a one off prototype? What are people thinking? That should be in a museum or something''

''Be glad. If it were in a museum you would have to pay for a ticket, but now you can look in your rear view mirror.''


''Wow he's right behind me''

We raced on for the rest of the lap untill...



''I felt it. Now you shou...''


''Yes I understand, now...''

''RAAAAGEEE :mad:''

I really was mad. I pushed the car faster than I ever had. I saw Max bracing for collision every time a corner approached.



''Please don't!''

''Shut it!''

Max seeing as he couldn't do anything noticed it would be better if he let me concentrate on my driving, but he also noticed, that I was actually... keeping up.



''Drake... are you driving good?''

''Of course not!''

That was at first meant as a joke, but then this happened...


''Well... It was nice... I mean absolutely terrifying while it lasted, but you crashed... Great job.''


I drove the car in the safety of the pit stops and Oliver was waiting. But not in our designated pit stop, but that of the NSX-R driver's, who also pulled in for a stop.

''And another thing: Who the 🤬 brings a prototype to a track day?! You stupid idiots, you...''

''Umm what's going on?''

The NSX driver came up to me. He was very tall and looked strong and he knew it.

''Ey you! You dented my bumper dude! What's da matter with you? You gonna pay for that''

''Me? You're the one that rear ended me!''

''Well you should have stayed out of my way!''

Oliver decided he wanted to start with his yelling

''Hey you leave my friend alone, alright?''

Suddenly the NSX driver picks up Oliver by his shirt

''Are you talking to me?''

This would have ended terribly, but then Max came and tapped the NSX driver's shoulder. Naturally the guy turned around and Max punched him. In the face.

''Whoa dude!''

The driver stumbled onto his car and his friends rushed to help him. We decided it was time to leave.

''Hey! Don't think this is over! You don't know who I....''

I didn't have the privelege of hearing that sentence be finished, as I turned the key In my Opel and Max turned the key in his Nissan. We drove to the nearest bar and had a seat.

''Wow man. That was the most awesome thing I've ever seen you do!''

''Yeah. My bro is awesome.''

''And my bro is a stupid lunatic, who thinks he can do whatever he wants and then I have to save him.''

''I love you too.''

We talked about my driving and the NSX driver and Oliver being an idiot and when that was over went our seperate ways.

Before I closed the door of my car Max came up to my car.

''Oh I almost forgot. That was some... dare I say... good driving back there.''

''Was that a compliment?''

Max realising what he'd just done quickly added some words.

''It was still nowhere near good enough. You're really going to have to practice. I actually think you are hopeless... honest''

I close the door of my car and drive away. Knowing, that I had finally done good.

End of chapter 3

I quite like this one. Sorry about the mass of text at the beginning and ending.
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Well, it'd be cool to actually go back to a track more than once. The Van would kind of... eliminate the area, if you know what I mean.

EDIT: Also, the speed doesn't really get up there until you get the combo multiplier above four or five.
I like the idea of this story, the main character, at first, just plain suck at pretty much everything, and as the story goes on, he learns how to be good... or at least how to not suck!:D

This is developing ito a great story. Keep it up!
Chapter 4: Return of the commentator

~ Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Heeeeey Macarena

Oh God... Why this song?

I'm being driven back home from Gerry's place. I left the Opel there, since the bodywork needs fixing. The cab driver ignores me, when I ask him to change the radio station.

~ Heeeeey Macarena!

When I get home I pay the man and retreat into the safety of my home. It's raining pretty bad. But atleast that gives me time to think of an excuse to tell Gerry about why I can't pay him for the bodywork. I'm flat broke. All I have left is the change I got from the cab driver. Maybe I should have handled my money better. The Plopystation wasn't necessary.

-knock, knock, knock-

''Go away!''

''Shut up and let us in!''

''Oh, it's you guys.''

I let Oliver and Max in and they sit down.

''You don't mind us coming here for a bit, do you? Our mum gets easily agitated, if it's raining''

''No, of course not. We can practice on the Plopy station or something, but one thing... The race I participate in frequently is in three days and I'm really running low on money. I was thinking I could try it out again.''

''But you're not ready yet.''

''I know, but I can practice. And besides. If I don't get money soon I'm going to have to move in with you guys.''

''Umm well... You would have to get our permission you know.''

''I have my ways. A radio and a Justin Bieber CD... all night''

Suddenly Max was much more enthusiastic about the racing idea.

''Racing? Why yes of course. We'll get you ready till then. Just don't get anywhere near me with a Justin Bieber CD. I beg you. It can only end in tears.''

''Great! Let's get started,shall we?
I think we should go out on the track.''

''It's raining! You can't race on a wet track!''

''Well I need to practice. Or do you want the Justin Bieber treatment?''

''Lets go. What are you waiting for?''


I'm at the autumn ring. We've decided, it would be best to go here, since this is where the race will be held. Max had one of those silly coats on made of plastic to protect him from the rain.

''Let's not waste time. Get on the track.''

I get in the car and drive on the track. Really lucky, that we are allowed to drive on here whenever we please. As in right now.
I start driving the car and get lost in thoughts.

''Wow. It's so familliar. Like a lost memory. I missed this track. And to think I didn't know, that I have to take the corner like thi.... WHOA''

Suddenly I loose control of the car. God knows how that is possible. The car hardly makes 130hp. Last thing I remember is a very sturdy looking wall.


''Whoa everything is white. Am I in heaven?''

''No dumb:censored: you're in a hospital''

''What happened?''

''You wanted to feel if the wall is hard enough with your car''

''Oh I remember... Wait. What day is it?''

''It's Saturday. Why?''

''Oh man, oh man. The race is tomorrow and I don't have a car!''

''I don't think you're going to race tomorrow. We should see what the doctor says.''

Conveniently the doctor came in shortly after that.

''Ah mr. Hunter. You've rcovered nicely. You can leave... now''

''Huh? Shouldn't I stay here and recover my strenght or something like that''

''No. We hate you. Go away''

Max gives me a ride home. I'm not really worried as I go to bed. We thought of a plan.


Commentator: And today we have another fine race here. And today you all should welcome back Drake Hunter. Apparently he got a very special car for the occaision. I ensure you, that this will be hillarious.

Okay. I can do this. This may be Max's mother's car, but it's the best I have, since I wrecked both my cars...

Commentator: And they're off. Drake Hunter is of course last, since we didn't want him to slow down anyone else.

What's that guy got against me?



Commentator: Because I am so sure mr. Hunter will loose I made a bet with a guy named Oliver, that he would loose. $50 here I come.


Hmm. This car is quite nimble. I wonder if I could...


Take that commentator!

Commentator: Since the Megane driver feared for his life, when he saw the small brick on wheels Drake is now 5th. Pitiful.

Logic dictates, that I should loose.


But I won't

Commentator: I never liked that chrysler.


Commentator: Or that MG.

I've really improved. I guess practice does make perfect.


Commentator: Well I am very sorry. Although Drake did bribe all the other drivers, so now he's second, but this is the last la pand he needs to be 1st for me to loose the bet. Once again the commentator wins. Hahahaha!


Come on. I can do it.

Commentator: No you can't.


Commentator: Sorry. My bad. Anyway.
One more corner. I can almost smell my 50$


I'm going to win, I'm going to win!

Commentator: Whatever. I bet that golf is tuned.


I drive into the pits and I see Max shocked. I have a feeling, that he thought I would loose. Time to rub it in his face.

''Ha! I told you I could do it!''

''No you didn't''

''Well I was going to tell you that. Anyway. Hahaha I win and you said I was not ready.''

''Okay. Seriously.''

''Admit your mistake, I defeated you! Huzzah!''

Before I could rub it in his face some more a man with greasy hair and a cheap looking tuxedo approaches us.

''Where's Oliver?''

''He's over there.''

Max points at Oliver, who has a smug expression on his face.
The man approaches Oliver and he extends out his hand.

''Gimme five! Oh no... Make it fifty!''

The man hands Oliver some money and before I put 2 and 2 together the man is gone.

''Was that...''

''Yes it was the commentator. ''

''You bet on me to win?''

''Yeah. I had a few beers today, but hey. I'm $50 richer''

''And I'm $600 richer''

''And they lived happily ever after''

''Yes... with $600''

''What shall we do now?''

''Nothing. It's the end of the chapter''



Yes I made commentator's voice pink on purpose.
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You made the commentator's voice pink to make sure we don't forget the nice colour of Drake's Silvia? 💡

Anyway, keep the good chapters coming. 👍