Master Super Licence S-10 help needed, the hardest license test ever

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Man, I struggled big time with Master S-10. Been playing GT since 1997 and have never had so much trouble. I'm a casual player and have always played with controller on directional buttons and auto trans (I know, I know...haha).

After 20 minutes or so I ran a 1:43.888 but was mostly running 1:44.2's or so consistently. This was with Auto and TC on 0, no other assists. Stubbornly I figured I got so close once (gold is 1:43.830) that I figured I could do it, but I was wrong. After another couple hours and lots of miles I just couldn't do it.

Have never used manual trans and using a controller with directional buttons it was not natural at all, but I knew it had to be done once I saw the advantage I got in the first sector just double shifting on the straight. Kept at it and after another couple hours and many more miles I got gold with 1:43.785 using manual and TC1.

I've never come across anything in GT I couldn't do with my old method and auto trans, but I think this was as close to impossible at it gets with AT. I did run a 1:43.888 early so I guess in theory it could be done, but it would have to be an absolutely perfect lap and with a car like that it would be tough to do. I do really like the MP4/4, very nice driving car and glad I finally have one in my garage!

Best of luck to anyone else struggling on this, its a tough one.
Man, I struggled big time with Master S-10. Been playing GT since 1997 and have never had so much trouble. I'm a casual player and have always played with controller on directional buttons and auto trans (I know, I know...haha).

After 20 minutes or so I ran a 1:43.888 but was mostly running 1:44.2's or so consistently. This was with Auto and TC on 0, no other assists. Stubbornly I figured I got so close once (gold is 1:43.830) that I figured I could do it, but I was wrong. After another couple hours and lots of miles I just couldn't do it.

Have never used manual trans and using a controller with directional buttons it was not natural at all, but I knew it had to be done once I saw the advantage I got in the first sector just double shifting on the straight. Kept at it and after another couple hours and many more miles I got gold with 1:43.785 using manual and TC1.

I've never come across anything in GT I couldn't do with my old method and auto trans, but I think this was as close to impossible at it gets with AT. I did run a 1:43.888 early so I guess in theory it could be done, but it would have to be an absolutely perfect lap and with a car like that it would be tough to do. I do really like the MP4/4, very nice driving car and glad I finally have one in my garage!

Best of luck to anyone else struggling on this, its a tough one.
I just squeaked into Bronze and felt like I won the lottery.
What is double shifting?Can someone explain the technique?Thanks.
Shifting up 2 gears at a time. I wouldn't even have thought of it if it weren't for this thread. For the most part I short-shifted into 3rd, then straight to 5th, it gained huge amounts of time on the demo ghost on the straights. Either that or 2>4 then 4>6, but I had a bit better luck going 3>5. How you accomplish it is when the rev counter is full in a gear you just tap the up shift twice quickly and it goes up 2 gears essentially skipping a gear. I guess it helps with this car due to the enormous turbo lag.

I just squeaked into Bronze and felt like I won the lottery.
I was so tempted to just leave it at silver and be done with it. Hey, at least you got the Master license, right? I just couldn't stare at the 99/100 Golds and the fact that I've never had to leave something undone in GT after all these years, I just had to do it.

Keep going is my best advice. Watch the lap that Pigems posted earlier in the thread and you'll get a feel for what you need to do. Or even watch the demo again. The car can take a lot more than you're probably giving it, its pretty easy to under-drive a Formula car with the insane amount of grip they have. The most important thing with the test (other than running manual trans to save some time) is to run a perfect line. There is a lot more grip to be found when running the right line in this car, and in some corners its not the actual racing line, that took a bit of getting used to.