Master Super Licence S-10 help needed, the hardest license test ever

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I think that’s for the Normal License, the one with Porsche 917K around a damp Spa-Francorchamps.
So which one do you mean? Aah, I see. Master 🤦🏻. How much harder are the master licenses than normal if you don't mind me asking. I'm not a gold digger, perfectly happy with bronze 😂
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So which one do you mean? Aah, I see. Master 🤦🏻. How much harder are the master licenses than normal if you don't mind me asking. I'm not a gold digger, perfectly happy with bronze 😂
Not sure they are much different. There are a few tricky ones, but a few.of the normal ones are just as tricky, most of them are totally fine.
Here’s a reference lap, it’s a bit sloppy, but it will at least give you reference points and gearing. You’re definitely gonna wanna learn manual, it’s going to be the easiest way to gain that .7 you’re after. Good luck, and feel free to fire away with any questions. I shared the replay in game too, tagged GTP, TPC and MP4. 🍻

It's great to watch this. Typically with the MP4/4 I use my H pattern which is what the car uses. I've not done the masters yet (I want to gold all the normal S first) but I bet the H pattern manual is the way to go so you can block change
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How much harder are the master licenses than normal if you don't mind me asking.
I'm re-doing all the Licenses on my 2nd account. I have golded all the normal licenses and have golded the first few licenses in the Masters. I think I'm about 2/3rd of the way through my Masters-IA license with all golds.

I would say the Masters licenses are similar in difficulty to the normal licenses, however my margin of victory is about 1-2 tenths on average instead of 5-6 tenths on the normal ones. They are still very doable, but I have found them to require a bit more finesse with the throttle. It seems as though 60-80% throttle actually makes you go faster than full throttle in the majority of these tests.
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THAT is your problem. Trust me. Change that.
robin hood GIF

He’s already learnt MT and golded it 👍🏻
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I've probably struggled for longer on a few of the Circuit Experiences (Tokyo's walls, Mount Panaroma's downhill corkscrew) but Master S-10 did make me question whether I had learnt anything in the 99 previous licence tests. After a few hours I was still 0.7s shy and baffled as to where I was losing time. I'm adding my tips in case it helps.
I use M/T and TCS 0, Counter Steer Strong and Brake 3 Rear (not sure how important last two are but saw others using this)
Exit casino in 2 smooth power to full then rev out 3 & 4 then straight to 6. No idea why using 5 is slower but certainly felt I was hitting max speed much earlier missing it out. I was crossing S/F line at 153-156mph in line with Demo.

First corner is where I think I was losing 1 second, combination of half-braking, pushing stick hard right and gunning down the gears whilst getting car into a nice final smooth slingshot out to kerb was tricky to master. First time I think engine braking from down shifting seems to be important. I tried spacing the downchanges to keep some revs going, exited in 3rd to reduce wheelspin allowing smooth power on. Check time to end of exit kerb and anything over 15s is lost time.

The S curves - less haste more speed, when you are chasing a time, it's easy to be greedy in one turn and lose it in the next, also the racing line is not the ideal line. You don't want too much going round first left nor do you want to be up on right hand kerb as that seems to throw you towards left side of track going towards second curve. I tried to blip throttle (not too aggressively) after exiting each curve and getting car into a rhythm. I used 3rd, I guess 4th lets you be more aggressive on throttle but i felt I had less control of car speed. Being right side of track going into Dunlop is important (ignore racing line) which meant a tiny bit of braking and using 2nd momentarily going into penultimate left hander to keep as close to inside kerb as possible. The split here is hard to check given you are entering Dunlop but anything higher than 29.1 is time lost.

The next subtle revelation was coming around Dunlop and initially finding it hard to brake as late as 50 for Degner. I think I was still slightly arcing right to left coming down that short straight, whereas getting the car fully straight on left side of track allowed for later braking (at 50m) and getting through Degner faster then using 3rd to exit turn 9 to avoid wheelspin and the next split should be sub 47 as others have mentioned. I was often in the mid 48's so I had no chance of Golding until finding the 2 seconds I was losing up to this point.

The first time I got a mid 46 time here, I got my Gold so the rest of the lap seemed straight forward. I exited the hairpin in 2nd and I got into 3rd quickly to avoid wheelspin but the rest was usual maxing the gears I didn't use any more double gear shifts and I got a mid 1.43. The best part about having to do Casino at the start is that it is like an old friend at a time when other tracks (like Spa) it would be a concern that you can easily throw a good lap away in slow fiddly corners when you are over anxious to get the hammer down.

I'm grateful for all the reference laps people have posted, I watched quite a few and was amazed to see a lap 2 seconds under Gold, some really great driving. If anything I am happy it took me maybe 8 hours and moments I doubted if I would ever achieve it. It felt a very fitting final test, the iconic car and track, containing a lot of subtle challenges to get a good lap time. I have finally got 100% on everything on my dashboard and all the trophies. I think maybe from time to time I might see if I can shave more time off those Master S1 to S10 laps but otherwise I think that's enough stress and frustration for now :)

Another few hours of practice to get down to a 1.43.080 and I decided to call it a day - I've added a video with tips in case it helps anyone else Master S-10 Gold Tips
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Thank you all for the tips, the double shifting made the difference for me to gold master S-10. Just normal S-10 for me to do (plus the Nord. and fisherman’s ranch CEs which I can’t see myself ever revisiting).
Thank you all for the tips, the double shifting made the difference for me to gold master S-10. Just normal S-10 for me to do (plus the Nord. and fisherman’s ranch CEs which I can’t see myself ever revisiting).
Fisherman's Ranch can go and k##s my a##e 😡
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Thank you all for the tips, the double shifting made the difference for me to gold master S-10. Just normal S-10 for me to do (plus the Nord. and fisherman’s ranch CEs which I can’t see myself ever revisiting).
I approached the Nord. as a week-long quest. in my lunch hours. I used google maps to trace each sector onto an A4 sheet, gave each a code name after the main turn it included (like Carousel, SwallowTail, TierGarten etc) and then practiced each until getting regular Golds, annotating the paper maps for reference points, more as an aide memoire. Once I finished the last sector, I would go back to practicing sector 1 again to refresh my memory and go through each sector again until getting regular Golds. The 2 carousels were hard to consistently master so I practiced those sectors more than others. Remembering the order the sectors come in became ingrained by the time I tried the 1 lap attack and although it took a little bit of adjustment going from sectors to a full lap and another hour of practice I got the Gold on TCS 1. I then did a bit more practice and did it on TCS 0. It's just practice, muscle memory. You can do it.
Thank you all for the tips, the double shifting made the difference for me to gold master S-10. Just normal S-10 for me to do (plus the Nord. and fisherman’s ranch CEs which I can’t see myself ever revisiting).
Good job!
I just finally got my Master S-10 gold today. Double shifting definitely made a big difference. 👍
For Masters S-10 I double shifted from 2-4 then from 4-6. I've found saving down/up shifts tends to decrease overall lap times in just about every car. Unless you need to drop an extra gear to help with engine braking or to help with car rotation, don't make the extra shift.

I found TC1 to actually perform better than no traction control in this car. It was much easier to get on the gas early and not spin up the tires. For me, I needed to make up time right in turn 1. You can carry a lot of speed through that long turn and slowly downshift from 6th to ideally take it in 4th gear for the exit. This saves extra down/upshifts through that area. Drop to 3rd through the s-curves and shift to 4th early into Dunlop. Up to 5th and back to 4th through Degner, 3rd through turn 9 and go hard into the hairpin. Use the gears to help with deceleration and car rotation. I think a quick shift to 1st to help the rotation is how I did it, but went back to 2nd right away to get on the throttle early. Double shift to 4th, then another double shift to 6th as you head toward Spoon curve. Treat the first half of this turn like you did turn 1. Use slow downshifting through the first half to maintain a lot of speed. Downshift to 2nd just to help get the car rotated for the exit of the decreasing radius of turn 14. Full throttle on the exit and do the double shift to 4th and again to 6th. Full throttle through the sweeping left hander. You should be bouncing off the rev limiter heading into the braking zone of Casio. I didn't see much of a difference on this turn shifting to 2nd or first on the entry so go with whatever you are most comfortable with. Exit in 2nd and double shift to 4th to maintain traction on the right hander towards the finish line.
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The main thing I'm really wondering about this thread is how people are having trouble with the Master S-10, which is only about driving the car fast, but not the normal S-10 with its instant aquaplaning when exiting the dry line that is at places narrower than the car. Is everyone else just using every assist available and flooring it through the wet and I was playing the game all wrong when doing them... or have the physics changed THAT much? I'll have to revisit the Porsche.

EDIT - yes they have. Two seconds off the old record and Blanchimont doesn't require braking just to survive anymore.
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The main thing I'm really wondering about this thread is how people are having trouble with the Master S-10, which is only about driving the car fast, but not the normal S-10 with its instant aquaplaning when exiting the dry line that is at places narrower than the car. Is everyone else just using every assist available and flooring it through the wet and I was playing the game all wrong when doing them... or have the physics changed THAT much? I'll have to revisit the Porsche.

EDIT - yes they have. Two seconds off the old record and Blanchimont doesn't require braking just to survive anymore.
Yeah S-10 is very hard now. The demo is completely pointless too
Yeah S-10 is very hard now. The demo is completely pointless too
No I mean, I took two seconds off my old record. That was with the launch physics though and they were far worse than what it is now, no idea what it has been somewhere in between.
Yeah, the new rain physics makes the regular S-10 challenge much easier. It only took me about 5 tries to gold it where it took me 5 hours last time.
...I got gold on Master S-10 on my second complete lap and I'm not fast whatsoever. Maybe that's the benefit of playing on this physics engine since 2017 lol.

I did the Tokyo Expressway Central Counterclockwise circuit experience recently though and that took me a couple hours.
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I've got gold on all of the Master Super License tests except S-10. McLaren MP4/4 at Suzuka. I've got silver but I really want to get gold. But... this license test is one of the hardest things I've ever attempted on a video game. Has anyone else found this one to be insanely hard?

I think I have attempted this somewhere in the region of 800-1000 times (I'm not joking but not all in one go. I usually do 200-250 miles a day before I give up). I've done this so many times I can visualise the track in my sleep. I know exactly where to brake, when to hit the throttle and position the car because I've done it hundreds and hundreds of times. It's second nature to me now. I can get through half of the lap reasonably close to the demonstration ghost (and very rarely ahead of the ghost) but after Degner 2 it just zooms off into the distance. Part of me is determined and wants to keep trying to get gold but the other part of me is thinking whether I have the skills to get gold considering I have done this over and over again and just fail. The gold time is 1:43.830 and my best is 1:44.540 so I'm 0.710 away from gold. Do I have to set a deadline and say "if I haven't got gold by this date I'll just have to give up as it's clear I don't have the skill to do this?".

Any improvements I have made have been tiny, yesterday I improved my best lap by 0.001 (I'm not joking). I've had the TCS on 1 but I've seen a few videos where people change it between 0 and 1 during the lap. I started doing this yesterday. Is this necessary? Can you complete this without having the TCS on 0? Or do you have to do this?

You might say that getting gold isn't that important because all you get is the McLaren MP4/4 (which I've already got!) but I want all gold. Seeing nine gold trophies in a row and then a silver trophy just doesn't look right. I am desperate to hear the music that plays when you get a gold trophy so much!

I always thought the Nurburgbring Nordschleife Circuit Experience 1 Lap Attack was the toughest thing on GT7, this is miles harder despite Suzuka being a much shorter track.

Has anyone got gold on this? What do I need to do to get gold? Is it actually possible?
I’m also stuck on it, I’ve already driven over 1300km and have a blister on my thumb. And I’m about 0.7s off …

The S bends I can get way ahead, but it’s the hairpin and corner before that always catches me out. Never mind I get chomped on the straights. It’s frustrating.

P.S. I’m using AT on controller
In case you haven’t tried this: try shifting up twice instead of once down longer high speed sections. So you exit Casio to start your run and after filling the bar in 3rd gear, you shift from 3rd to 5th as soon as you can; you don’t rev 4th gear out. This buys you a lot of time on the straights.
Is this based on a real thing with the MP4/4, or was it more like a bug within GT7?

EDIT: Or, as a third thing, could it be due to the gear ratios being relatively close?
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Is this based on a real thing with the MP4/4, or was it more like a bug within GT7?

EDIT: Or, as a third thing, could it be due to the gear ratios being relatively close?
Being an old car, the MP4/4’s gearbox takes a while to complete the gear change, so there’s a substantial delay before the car starts accelerating again.

But if you execute the double shift correctly, the game will recognise that you’ve shifted up twice, but will only give you one delay. If you do the second shift too soon after the first, the game will ignore the second shift up and you’re stuck in the intermediate gear. Too late, and the game will give you the second delay as if you had shifted up twice normally.
Just got gold this morning - that double-shifting trick is a life-saver. I wonder if the demo uses it as well? I can't believe I had forgotten about it, as I remember using it in that one online time trial.
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Is this based on a real thing with the MP4/4, or was it more like a bug within GT7?

EDIT: Or, as a third thing, could it be due to the gear ratios being relatively close?
It’s just a GT thing, GT has always been like this with manual h pattern gear boxes, especially if the car has a turbo, with a lot of lag.
I did it with the controller few days ago. It's not that hard if you enable assists and put TC to 5. Stay out of the wet areas. This is for the normal S10 not Master.
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