- 27,387
- Toronto
- NewAesthetic
- SlipZtrEm

Further explanation of the theme, provided by LACOSTER:
"Take a picture of the future. Show the most futuristic cars and the weird oddities in
your garage. Having an outlandish background would help a lot too."

Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow
the rules may result in disqualification. If you have any questions, please, send me a Private Message.
This Thread has everything you need to know.
- No other editing, besides proportionally resize and rotate, is allowed outside GT5 Photomode.
- Only one entry per user allowed. It must be that user own work and never used in another competition;
- Do not ask other members to choose your entry.
- Entry post must be marked with a FINAL ENTRY text and indicate which side during H2H weeks;
- Entries may only be changed once and it must be indicated clearly;
- Entries must be posted in either thumbnail or a preview. We recommend you to link either to it's full size;
- Posts containing bigger previews than allowed, full sizes or links only will be ignored;
- Previews should not exceed the limit of 500px in either direction and have any effect not present in the original image
- It's recommend you to use a free image hosting service, such as ImageShack, Photobucket or Flickr;
- Only the best 30 entries will get through the Classic Poll Style; and best 15 for each poll in a H2H Poll Style.
- In H2H weeks, entries must choose a "team", and the best from each poll faces off;
- Keep in mind that the Host of this competition may ask for the original image and it must be submitted if so.
It's recommended to store the original image (from the USB stick) until competition week ends.

[14.00 GMT]