The GT7 Livery Editor Competition #44: Autobahn (CLOSED)

  • Thread starter syntex123
Cheers, it’s not to hide your content, it’s only to increase visibility of what to quote when making the poll. :D (when scrolling fast and clicking all posts with pics in them it’s nice to "hide" the rest, if you know what I mean)
I know, i just forget the rules sometimes😅 luckily posts are easily edited😉
Stefan Johansson's TAG Turbo 911 by Lanzante. Saw it at Goodwood in 2023, figured I'd have to do some kind of replica, started it ages ago, never got around to finishing it.
I had four options for the VGT, the closest one to completion is a bit too similar to Syntex's. I'd liked to have gone with the M J Nelson art car, but it remains problematic.
Too similar? Should we encourage a round of ONE car to make, to see how everyone's interpretation is? :D

I don't think that when someone posts their entry, it disqualifies all other versions of it; it should rather be the opposite. If someone thinks they can do better - don't hold back! And just being similar isn't enough to not post it, don't be afraid. I think this happened once in the past (that I've been a part of anyway), that two persons had the same livery in the same comp.

Either way. Your entry is elegant. My new mantra is elegance in simplicity*. :lol:

*When did something become simple when making decals from scratch for GT. Even a stupid DMV license plate seal takes me hours sometimes. :lol:
Should we encourage a round of ONE car to make, to see how everyone's interpretation is?
Well, it's not that similar.


Covering a car with racetracks isn't really a unique concept, so I'm doing it so every one is unique, to scale, and (given projection defaults) orientated north. This is a lot of work (I think I've drawn about 180 circuits so far), and ultimately your Porsche will likely look better (and get less VGT hate), so I'm keeping this one on the down-low for now...

edit: I might also make something in real life, since I'll have all the tracks, and I have a plotter, vinyl, and a car.
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Well, it's not that similar.

View attachment 1410696

Covering a car with racetracks isn't really a unique concept, so I'm doing it so every one is unique, to scale, and (given projection defaults) orientated north. This is a lot of work (I think I've drawn about 180 circuits so far), and ultimately your Porsche will likely look better (and get less VGT hate), so I'm keeping this one on the down-low for now...

edit: I might also make something in real life, since I'll have all the tracks, and I have a plotter, vinyl, and a car.
I can only imagine the struggle to keep it all scaled.
Well, it's not that similar.

View attachment 1410696

Covering a car with racetracks isn't really a unique concept, so I'm doing it so every one is unique, to scale, and (given projection defaults) orientated north. This is a lot of work (I think I've drawn about 180 circuits so far), and ultimately your Porsche will likely look better (and get less VGT hate), so I'm keeping this one on the down-low for now...

edit: I might also make something in real life, since I'll have all the tracks, and I have a plotter, vinyl, and a car.
Please tell me you have an M2 with a mad kit IRL?
Please tell me you have an M2 with a mad kit IRL?
Sadly not. I did think about it when I was weighing up getting a bespoke rebuild on my 320si, but although a base pre-LCI M2 is doable, the cost of the MTC VGT kit, the wheels, the fitting and a wrap, easily more than doubles the donor car cost... Which is way above my pay grade.

I can only imagine the struggle to keep it all scaled.
To cut a long story short, it's pretty easy so long as the circuit itself is less than 1.8km in either it's north/south or east/west dimensions. So far there's only about 5 that that applies to (including pikes peak, which is on the other side of the car).

I'm tracing them all from Google maps, so orientation is easy and I scale them at the same time. The problematic bit is the final scaling on the car, they're all at 25% at the moment, I'm banking on that filling the car nicely without having to miss more than a few circuits. If it doesn't, I'll have to adjust them all!
Well, it's not that similar.

View attachment 1410696

Covering a car with racetracks isn't really a unique concept, so I'm doing it so every one is unique, to scale, and (given projection defaults) orientated north. This is a lot of work (I think I've drawn about 180 circuits so far), and ultimately your Porsche will likely look better (and get less VGT hate), so I'm keeping this one on the down-low for now...

edit: I might also make something in real life, since I'll have all the tracks, and I have a plotter, vinyl, and a car.
The BMW VGT is (imo) one of the better VGT’s so I doubt you’d get hate. Mine looks like the irl car I replicated (plus some original GT tracks for fun) but I’d think yours would win over mine, since you’re scaling it correctly! I thought of it too, to differ from the replication but ultimately it’s too much work for an ADHD-perfectionist/quality obsessor* like me to wrap my head around. It would never ever be done. :lol: hats off to you, Sir. Your creativity is truly inspiring. :cheers:
I'm tracing them all from Google maps, so orientation is easy and I scale them at the same time. The problematic bit is the final scaling on the car, they're all at 25% at the moment, I'm banking on that filling the car nicely without having to miss more than a few circuits. If it doesn't, I'll have to adjust them all!
I’d imagine scaling them at 100% would prove quite difficult… :sly: :lol:

*fun fact. I was so close to get diagnosed with OCD today! :lol:
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And let’s not forget how the LEC started, or rather round 2, where we all made GTPlanet sponsored race cars. And to my knowledge also the only round where usermade decals weren’t allowed, only shapes. :D good and bad memories, a poor guy got banned from the livery subforum because he wouldn’t comply to the rules of the theme. :lol:

Which made me think of a crucial point of the LEC. It’s to show what we can make, not what we can assemble. By always allowing decals from the showcase and/or ask people here for decal help isn’t always a good idea. Sure it’s about the fun more than to be competitive, but shouldn’t it be to develop skills and such and be proud of what we make? Everyone can assemble a livery, heck even my wife did a near 100% perfect replica once, but I made the actual decals. So can we really say she made it? She merely placed the decals.
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And to my knowledge also the only round where usermade decals weren’t allowed

There was a round where we could only use the in game square and circle decals.

That was 'fun'
There was a round where we could only use the in game square and circle decals.

That was 'fun'

I remember that.
Surprised myself with how much could be done even with that restriction.
Which made me think of a crucial point of the LEC. It’s to show what we can make, not what we can assemble. By always allowing decals from the showcase and/or ask people here for decal help isn’t always a good idea. Sure it’s about the fun more than to be competitive, but shouldn’t it be to develop skills and such and be proud of what we make? Everyone can assemble a livery, heck even my wife did a near 100% perfect replica once, but I made the actual decals. So can we really say she made it? She merely placed the decals
It's a difficult question has to how to handle the decals fairly. I'd find it hugely restrictive not to be able to make my own decals, but being able to do so may put me at an advantage, and is being able to use a graphics package what the LEC should be about? I think in a purer form the competition should be about the idea and execution, which leads me to think disallowing replicas in any form would help to show of people's skills more... But I think generally people like replicas (to the point that what they replicate sways people's votes as much as how good the livery is), so for the health of the LEC disallowing replicas is risky.

Just spit-balling. I'm not really participating these days so feel free to ignore me!
There was a round where we could only use the in game square and circle decals.

That was 'fun'
Oh yeah, I think I entered that one.
It's a difficult question has to how to handle the decals fairly. I'd find it hugely restrictive not to be able to make my own decals, but being able to do so may put me at an advantage, and is being able to use a graphics package what the LEC should be about? I think in a purer form the competition should be about the idea and execution, which leads me to think disallowing replicas in any form would help to show of people's skills more... But I think generally people like replicas (to the point that what they replicate sways people's votes as much as how good the livery is), so for the health of the LEC disallowing replicas is risky.

Just spit-balling. I'm not really participating these days so feel free to ignore me!
Oh yeah I agree. What I meant was more that if svg’s are to be used - it’s your own work not anybody else’s, if you know what I mean. I too would find it restrictive to not use them as I almost exclusively use svg’s.

But what we know is not everyone makes their own decals and rely on others, which is my point. I don’t mean that people aren’t allowed to use community made decals, but sometimes encourage people to try to learn to make them themselves(if they have the tools to do so), that only decals they made themselves are allowed.

But in the end. LEC is just another word for fun, so whatever people do is up to them, same for the theme creators. I’ll be fine with it either way.

And what you say about replicas is actually more interesting. Imagine replicating a livery - without replicating it. Kinda like how PD make their DTM and JGTC liveries. That could be a fun theme some day.

Ps5 Raytracing
Hi there! That's my first participation in a livery contest!

Ths one was made when i decided to start making more complex liveries. It's inspired on Brabham BT52, the car that gave Nelson Piquet his second F1 world title in 1983.

I love to create GT3 and GT4 versions of F1 cars liveries. The BMW M6 GT3 endurance model is a beautiful car and there's a pretty close relation between Brabham, Nelson and the BMW brand, so i think that was a perfect choice.

The most challenging job here was designing the continuous blue line that starts on the hood and goes through the entire car until meeting itself coming from the other side of the body. Like the original car, it's only one line. Very difficult to match.

Also, i tried to use all the decals, sponsors and features that are present in the original livery, but revisiting them in a similar way that fits better on the GT3 car, adding some references to Brabham Team in the end, which is one of my fav f1 teams.

It's one of my favourites between all the liveries i ever made and i really hope you like my first participation!

Bonus images below.

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Oh man I remember that discussion. Dude was against custom decals and had a showcase with 150+ liveries all filled with custom decals made by others.

Its always a peculiar discussion. I tend to look if users used some very popular decals from the showcase for my votes but yeah, in the end it's just a personal opinion.

And I think replicas also kinda force you to get better at liveries and decals because there are no workarounds.
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Inspired by the song ‘Fighting My Way’ from Gakuen Idolm@ster.

Song by Saki Hanami (VA. Aoi Nagatsuki)
Lyrics written by HIROMI
Composed and Arranged by Giga
