GT4 European Cup | Champion: R1600Turbo !

  • Thread starter Adam41
I really wasn't looking to win the first race today, but everyone kept crashing around me. :lol: Having to start in the back for Race 2, my goal was to finish 5th or better. Slowly got up to 3rd, then pit stops worked out in my favor. Was really surprised to see Kamy up there after the stops, the last time I looked back to see who was behind me there was nobody there. Then all of a sudden, there he was. Must have pitted on the lap I looked back. Anyway, was looking like a 2nd place finish until Kamy messed up on the last lap and handed over the win. :D

Good racing this season, even though my car handled like a tank. :lol:
Outlaw - maybe we should team up next season. We often seem to find each other to crash into. Usually in the 2 lap lag check, or the formation lap...!
I noticed that. On the formation lap, I thought we were in the F configuration and I wanted to keep going straight instead of turning for the hairpin. :lol:

I'm pretty certain the 2nd incident was not lag related. You braked a lot earlier than I anticipated and I simply rammed you from behind. I had to wait for everyone to get going again and I lost a ton of track position. Didn't matter to me since that meant a good start for the F race. I still can't believe what happened to me at the 2nd race. I was in prime position and something laggy happened and I lost so much time after the crash. I'm pretty certain that I would have come out 1st after the stops with no one behind drafting me. Oh, so close! :(
I really wasn't looking to win the first race today, but everyone kept crashing around me. :lol: Having to start in the back for Race 2, my goal was to finish 5th or better. Slowly got up to 3rd, then pit stops worked out in my favor. Was really surprised to see Kamy up there after the stops, the last time I looked back to see who was behind me there was nobody there. Then all of a sudden, there he was. Must have pitted on the lap I looked back. Anyway, was looking like a 2nd place finish until Kamy messed up on the last lap and handed over the win. :D
I was surprised to see him up front as well. That Evora must have brilliant tire wear or something.
Good race weekend.
First race had some up and downs.
After starting in pole managed to ahve a good battle with Aderrrm in first laps. Then I made a mistake and braked later into the chicane and swerved left to avoid hiting him. Managed to let all the pack through without hiting anyone. Was following the back of that pack fighting with twissy(you were using run offs a lot), when I saw Paginas spining. Managed to squeaze into 2nd and had a great fight with Turbo in the last moments of the race, and was side by side with him braking to the chicane in the last lap when something rocketed me into the chicane wall. :(

Second race I started good and was having good fight with Turbo, Tiger and Paginas. Hit Paginas pretty bad. I'm sorry. We were slowing down each other, so I decided to pit as early as I could. So when I saw the lap marker on 8 I hit the pitlane. Exited right in front o Jay with clear track ahead. Managed to overtake Outlaw and was close to Aderrrm and Turbo. Those laps on new tires gain me some time. Thats how Pirelli works. ;) Had a great fight with Aderrrm and Turbo and managed to pass them both and put a bit of a gap. Poor Aderrrm was strugling on his big fat Stang. :D In the last couple of laps my tires were worn out, and I was being slower and could see the red Z growing in the mirrors. Made a mistake in last lap and gave Turbo the win.

Sorry for the big post ;) but had to share the best race I had in the series (so far I hope).

Thanks for the series Aderrrm 👍 :cheers:
In the last couple of laps my tires were worn out, and I was being slower and could see the red Z growing in the mirrors. Made a mistake in last lap and gave Turbo the win.

That's funny because I was trying my hardest to catch you and you just maintained a 3-4 car gap. I could close the gap under braking, but you would just pull away coming out of the corners. You had it in the bag if you wouldn't have messed up. :P
Congrats Turbo.

I'm looking forward to racing with you all again. I was on vacation.

Thanks for the hard work Adam.👍
Thanks everyone. :)👍👍👍

Congrats to...

  • R1600Turbo, the champion with a double win at Nurb GP.
  • Outlaw, overall 3rd.
  • R1600Turbo, outlaw, si_berian_tiger and Jay for participating in every round. 👍👍
  • Most pole positions and best fastest laps go to myself. Sorry about that. :sly:
Some interesting things...

  • There was a different fastest lap setter for each and every race!
  • 4 different people took pole positions out of a possible 5.
  • And yes... an Evora won Monza. :D

P.S ignore the 'Positions' forgot to change them around! :P EDIT: although that's interesting because it shows where everyone was before Monza!

If there is a season 2, the thread will be up between the 6th and 20th of August and the first (pre-season) race will be on the 27th.

Thanks again! :cheers:
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First race had some up and downs.
After starting in pole managed to ahve a good battle with Aderrrm in first laps. Then I made a mistake and braked later into the chicane and swerved left to avoid hiting him. Managed to let all the pack through without hiting anyone. Was following the back of that pack fighting with twissy(you were using run offs a lot), when I saw Paginas spining. Managed to squeaze into 2nd and had a great fight with Turbo in the last moments of the race, and was side by side with him braking to the chicane in the last lap when something rocketed me into the chicane wall. :(
See my earlier post about hitting tiger before the chicane. That's why I waited until I let the ones involved get around me. You guys took far too long, though. :lol:
Second race I started good and was having good fight with Turbo, Tiger and Paginas. Hit Paginas pretty bad. I'm sorry. We were slowing down each other, so I decided to pit as early as I could. So when I saw the lap marker on 8 I hit the pitlane. Exited right in front o Jay with clear track ahead. Managed to overtake Outlaw and was close to Aderrrm and Turbo. Those laps on new tires gain me some time. Thats how Pirelli works. ;) Had a great fight with Aderrrm and Turbo and managed to pass them both and put a bit of a gap. Poor Aderrrm was strugling on his big fat Stang. :D In the last couple of laps my tires were worn out, and I was being slower and could see the red Z growing in the mirrors. Made a mistake in last lap and gave Turbo the win.
I was so certain that you hadn't pitted yet so I was shocked when your green Evora not only went around me as I was exiting pit road but kept pace with the leaders. Then you, RT, and Aderrrm looked content to run single file for a few laps and pulled away from me using the draft. I was a bit upset but then I realized I was doing that the first stint with Aderrrm. My plan was to have both of us pull away for most of the race and get around him since I knew his tire wear was worse than mine. Couldn't tell if that was working but I didn't see anyone behind me until the unfortunate glitch.
Really wish there was a win there. Oh well. At least I was consistent. Don't know how I got a fast lap at Nurb D but I guess I did. :lol:
Congrats R1600Turbo!

And congrats to every one who had loads of European flavored fun!

Yay no more Mustangs!

I think I may go for the 'vette next season. Hopefully my alarm clock's set right by it's PEBKAC use messes it up!
Got the Nurb G pics ready. Since double posting is frowned upon, someone post some gibberish so that I can add the Nurb F pics. :lol:

As a reminder, if there's any pics from this season you want in their 16:9 glory, let me know and I'll be happy to send them over. 👍


1. KamyKaze1098 leads the field to the green.
2. The entire field goes through Turn 1 without much incident.
3. Paginas leads a train of cars early in the race.
4. The field safely navigates the chicane.
5. GTP_Aderrrm takes the lead.
6. GTP_Twissy attempting an outside move on si_berian_tiger at the hairpin.
7. outlaw4rc brakes entering the chicane.
8. KamyKaze1098 goes off at the chicane, losing a lot of track position.
9. si_berian_tiger, R1600Turbo, and GTP_Twissy going three wide down the frontstrech.
10. MULE_9242 and KWZX10 attempting to out-brake each other going into the chicane.
11. A group of cars exiting Turn 1 battling for 3rd.
12. si_berian_tiger almost loses it, throwing a lot of smoke down in the process.
13. R1600Turbo, Paginas, and GTP_Aderrrm braking into the chicane.
14. GTP_Aderrrm makes contact with the quarter panel of Paginas, sending him into a spin.
15. R1600Turbo avoids the crash. outlaw4rc crashes into GTP_Aderrrm.
16. GTP_Aderrrm and Paginas spin out of contention. outlaw4rc receives front end damage but continues.
17. si_berian_tiger goes flying into KamyKaze1098 after outlaw4rc rams si_berian_tiger when he braked earlier than anticipated.
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If there will be a next season I'm going to have a very hard time choosing the car. I hated the handling of the 'vette and I couldn't handle the tyre wear. But that's also what I liked about it.

Just when I write about this I get this hate moment again.:lol:
So I think I'll use a different car.
Thanks for the pics outlaw. :) I still don't believe I hit Pag like that. Ruined what was going to be a great end to a race. :guilty:

If there will be a next season I'm going to have a very hard time choosing the car. I hated the handling of the 'vette and I couldn't handle the tyre wear. But that's also what I liked about it.

Just when I write about this I get this hate moment again.:lol:
So I think I'll use a different car.

I don't think it's that bad on tyre wear, but yeah on certain tracks like Nurb GP and GVS with long sweeping corners it suffers badly from front tyre wear just like the Mustang.

:lol: Similar to me. It was fun using the Mustang, but it wasn't. :irked:
Thanks for the pics outlaw. :) I still don't believe I hit Pag like that. Ruined what was going to be a great end to a race. :guilty:

I don't think it's that bad on tyre wear, but yeah on certain tracks like Nurb GP and GVS with long sweeping corners it suffers badly from front tyre wear just like the Mustang.

:lol: Similar to me. It was fun using the Mustang, but it wasn't. :irked:
I don't know how bad it is. Just that I can't stop killing my fronts after 10 laps on most tracks.:yuck:
Almost seems like the fronts have so much grip (downforce, weight, slicks) that it just gets too much.
If there will be a next season I'm going to have a very hard time choosing the car. I hated the handling of the 'vette and I couldn't handle the tyre wear. But that's also what I liked about it.

Just when I write about this I get this hate moment again.:lol:
So I think I'll use a different car.
May I suggest the Z4, then? It's a fun little car that I got to handle well and the tire wear is 2nd best. The only issues is that the power band is very narrow and the fronts will still be chewed up at the end of a stint.

Okay, enough blabbling. Below are the Nurb F pics:


1. MULE_9242 leads the field to the start of the GT4 Nurburgring GP/F race.
2. The field exiting Turn 1. KWZX10 and si_berian_tiger slide their cars but hung on.
3. Jay_1086 ate some kitty early in the race.
4. MULE_9242 goes too wide and dips the wheels into the kitty, spinning him out of the lead.
5. Paginas dips the wheels in the kitty exiting the Schumacher S but continues.
6. GTP_Aderrrm and outlaw4rc in a braking duel at T11.
7. GTP_Twissy goes sideways exiting T11.
8. Paginas leading a group of cars exiting Coca Cola.
9. si_berian_tiger leads a group of cars exiting Ford.
10. Rear view of R1600Turbo at Dunlop.
11. KWZX10 dives into the kitty exiting the Schumacher S.
12. R1600Turbo and KamyKaze1098 dueling on the frontstrech.
13. A group of cars battling at T1.
14. R1600Turbo leads the group exiting RTL.
15. si_berian_tiger losing it at the Schumacher S.
16. KamyKaze1098 entering the NGK chicane.
17. Paginas is spun out by the Lotuses.
18. 2nd shot of Paginas spinning out.
19. The aftermath of the Paginas incident. He would retire soon after.
20. GTP_Aderrrm battling KamyKaze1098.
21. GTP_Aderrrm, KamyKaze1098, and R1600Turbo battling for the lead.
22. GTP_Aderrrm, KamyKaze1098, and R1600Turbo goes three wide heading towards Dunlop.
23. GTP_Aderrrm makes a mistake and dips the wheels into the kitty exiting Bit-Kurve. outlaw4rc catches up and steals 3rd away.
24. Disaster! KamyKaze1098 makes the same mistake on the final lap, losing the lead.
25. R1600Turbo goes from last to first in an impressive victory.
May I suggest the Z4, then? It's a fun little car that I got to handle well and the tire wear is 2nd best. The only issues is that the power band is very narrow and the fronts will still be chewed up at the end of a stint.
I'll definately take more time choosing the car. Fun to drive is the most important factor for me (and the 'vette wasn't (at all)) so I'll look into that car you suggested. I'm looking for car that doesn't feel like it drives on rails (which could be hard on slicks).
Congrats to RT for the win first of all and thanks to Aderrm for the superb organisation of the whole series!

Cheers to everyone else for the excellent racing throughout.Although I was not anywhere near the pace of the front runners I still had some great races with my DS3 and now I have a DFGT I may be able to compete a bit more.

Sadly for me I got taken out by KWZX on the second race with the reverse grid, but KWZX did apologise straight away and give the position back.

Thanks again to all and see you on track soon.
Yup, will certainly be up for a season 2. Will not be picking the 350z though next time. It was a dog to drive going round nurburgring, back end snapping out everywhere, apologies to anyone I held up in the corners, was quite handy down the straight though, but always seemed to chew up its tyres quite quickly.

Very well organized championship Adam, this is certianly the sort of racing i enjoy, 7 or more cars in a train, bumpers separated by a cigarette paper all josling for position. Its the sorta racing im after in this game and you guys provided that.

👍 to all
I've really enjoyed the whole series. A BIG thanks to Aderrrm for taking the time to organise the series and for being a fair host. This was only my 2nd series of online racing, and it was an excellent experience.

I'm testing out a small selection of cars for S2 (e.g 370Z, M3), but I've really enjoyed driving the Evora, and I've got the hang of it a bit now. I just need to find a bit more speed in the corners...
I'm testing out a small selection of cars for S2 (e.g 370Z, M3), but I've really enjoyed driving the Evora, and I've got the hang of it a bit now. I just need to find a bit more speed in the corners...
I'm going to test the Camaro sometime this week. 👍
FYI, I have my Z4 set to online status so if anyone wants to feel it out, go ahead. It has the Nurburgring D/F setup with the extra ballast out so I'm guessing it could do a high 2:07.

I'm 50/50 on returning to the Z4. I'm thinking about either the M3 or the Corvette if I choose a different car.
I just need to find a bit more speed in the corners...

Really?? It's probably the best handling car of the lot. It just lacks top speed to be perfect.
It's probably the fastest in hot lap mode, but when racing the lack of top speed can make a race frustrating, as I found out through the season, where I had to be perfect in every turn and enter straights in the rear bumper of other cars to have a shot at overtaking.

I'll probably keep driving it though. I just hope Aderrrm puts in a little more weight and power.

And Aderrrm you can see you have to do a 2nd season. Everybody wants it. ;)
So when you're back from holidays you got yourself some work to do. :sly: You can count on my help if needed.
What's the chance that we can use our own team colors next season?

Edit: Won't be super flashy, I promise. :D
What's the chance that we can use our own team colors next season?

Edit: Won't be super flashy, I promise. :D
I PM'ed about this already. :sly:
5. How about we have three choices of color for each car next season? I know we're trying to be like the real GT4 but seeing a whole field of white, green, and a lone car with color just makes it look dull.
Yeah. Well it would have looked quite colourful but sadly the colourful cars were chosen by the people who dropped out/never bothered attending a race. For next season you will have no choice over aero parts and rims, but you will be able to paint your car any colour you like (as long as it's not silver chrome or similar ). The colours of the official cars will still be given if you feel like being really authentic.
Hey Aderrrm, your weight number for the Camaro is wrong. It's legal Stage 1 + 2 weight reduction puts the car at 1615kg, not the 1439 you have listed. ;)
I just did a test run with the Corvette at Nurburgring F. What a difference between the two cars. The Corvette is much more compliant AND it has more front grip than the Z4 AND it has more power. Even though tire wear is worse, the Corvette still can match the Z4's times at the end of the stint. I just don't understand it. Was I just setting up the Z4 wrong or something? :confused:
Congrats to RT for the win first of all and thanks to Aderrm for the superb organisation of the whole series!

Cheers to everyone else for the excellent racing throughout.Although I was not anywhere near the pace of the front runners I still had some great races with my DS3 and now I have a DFGT I may be able to compete a bit more.

Sadly for me I got taken out by KWZX on the second race with the reverse grid, but KWZX did apologise straight away and give the position back.

Thanks again to all and see you on track soon.

Cheers. :) A wheel is definitely worth it imo, if it doesn't improve your skills over the long run it definitely does improve the fun factor.

Yup, will certainly be up for a season 2. Will not be picking the 350z though next time. It was a dog to drive going round nurburgring, back end snapping out everywhere, apologies to anyone I held up in the corners, was quite handy down the straight though, but always seemed to chew up its tyres quite quickly.

Very well organized championship Adam, this is certianly the sort of racing i enjoy, 7 or more cars in a train, bumpers separated by a cigarette paper all josling for position. Its the sorta racing im after in this game and you guys provided that.

👍 to all

Cheers. Yeah you have to be quite careful with the 350z otherwise it's a back end gets a bit happy. :P

I've really enjoyed the whole series. A BIG thanks to Aderrrm for taking the time to organise the series and for being a fair host. This was only my 2nd series of online racing, and it was an excellent experience.

I'm testing out a small selection of cars for S2 (e.g 370Z, M3), but I've really enjoyed driving the Evora, and I've got the hang of it a bit now. I just need to find a bit more speed in the corners...

Thanks. :) The Evora will have more weight and therefore more power next season so it will be more stable in the corners and better on the straights.

And Aderrrm you can see you have to do a 2nd season. Everybody wants it. ;)
So when you're back from holidays you got yourself some work to do. :sly: You can count on my help if needed.

Haha I guess so. And thanks. :)👍

Hey Aderrrm, your weight number for the Camaro is wrong. It's legal Stage 1 + 2 weight reduction puts the car at 1615kg, not the 1439 you have listed. ;)

Hmm. My GT4 Spec Camaro has stage 1 + 2 weight reduction and weighs 1439 kg. I checked my stock Camaro and it weighs 1755 kg right? I went to the tuning shop and it showed stage 1 weight reduction would decrease the weight from 1755 > 1579 kg. So stage 2 weight reduction should lower it from 1579 > 1439 kg. I have no idea how you got 1615. :P

I just did a test run with the Corvette at Nurburgring F. What a difference between the two cars. The Corvette is much more compliant AND it has more front grip than the Z4 AND it has more power. Even though tire wear is worse, the Corvette still can match the Z4's times at the end of the stint. I just don't understand it. Was I just setting up the Z4 wrong or something? :confused:

Yep the Corvette is the most stable and has the most grip but front tyre wear in an issue (the rear tyres actually stay cold during a race). The Corvette has more power, but it is doing similar speeds down the straight. Remember testing (results before a few changes were made but it gives you a rough indication).

Car: speed at end of Rome straight (mph)

Z4 M: 146
350z: 146
Corvette: 145
M3: 144
370z: 144
GranTurismo: 144
Evora: 142.5
Camaro: 142

I'm not sure why you found the Corvette faster. Perhaps it's down to preference and the Corvette suits you better. The Z4 is a light car, so maybe you weren't making the most of it's potential in the corners? Just a stab in the dark. :P Thanks for your GP/F pics aswell. :)

Looking at them speeds though, I might actually make the Camaro heavier aswell but we'll see.
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