Praiano's Tunes: Waiting for GT6 & FERRARI ENZO FXX.

  • Thread starter praiano63
praiano, i was talking about CSLACR. he's the one that helped me, not AVGTUNER. just wanted to make sure you knew who i was giving credit to. like i said, AVGTUNER is just using an old and debatable method. i actually like your way, much more simpler with better results.

Ok, i did not understand, i think it's not a problem, madame CSLACR Lovato, is a very cool lady, she know a lot and share all his experience too.

The method is very good , but not for all kind of cars.Just for those who have a straight to very straight powerband. For the others ,no difference, and for the low power 5 gears , it become a problem.

Have a good night.
NEW UPDATED TUNE. Special super close gearbox, with the tutorial "how to do" to fit any car, 5 / 6 / 7 gears.

Mercedes SLS AMG '10 // UPDATED // ONLINE OK //

Fully tuned & Aerodynamics parts on.

This car is a blast, 1'54"500 at Suzuka. 6'20" Nurburgring.

839 ch
1313 kg
644 pp

Tuned with all aids off except ABS on 1.

Aerodynamics: 0/35


Try this very special one , click on the link and follow the "how to do". Easy.

Downforce: 00/35

LSD Rear 10/35/05

Ride Height -10/-15
Spring Rate 15.1/16.1
Extension 9/7
Compression 8/8
Anti-roll bars 1/2

Camber 1.9/1.8
Toe -0.03/+0.03

Brake Balance 8/5

tires : Racing soft tires.



Tunned to the max.

Downforce 60/85

Transmission how to process:
1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 3800 (stock)
3- Select top speed at 430 km/h = 267,2 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 2960
2: 2049
3: 1493
4: 1133
5: 0893

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 392 km/h = 243,6 mph

Tracks: All around / adapt with final gear to each track

power 876 hp
weight 830 kg
perf. Points: 721 pp

LSD Rear 09/18/08

Ride Height -25/ -20

Spring Rate 15.6/15.6
Extension 6/3
Compression 4/2
Anti-roll bars 6/3

Camber 2.4/2.8
Toe -0.10/+0.18

Brake Balance 6/5

tires R3/R3-R2/R2-R1/R1


Ehi praiano, what is the time on the nurb with this car?
On the SLS tune, you leave your top speed at 220kph?

Yes ,when you set the final gear ,at the end of the tutorial ,you will change your speed automatically , this is the only way you fix it. The top speed setting stay 220 km/h, but your real speed appear above on the right 370 km/h.

Ehi praiano, what is the time on the nurb with this car?

Around 5'35" ,don't remember, but the same of others LM cars same power.
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TUNERS ON STAGE , present another tune, the second of the session and also the second for the same tuner Valeboss94.

Audi R8 Race Car (Audi PlayStation Team ORECA) ’05

Ehi praiano, I have a new set-up, this time for the:

Audi R8 Race car ( team Playstation Oreca )


power 800 cv
weight 950 kg
pp 705

Turbo 1° step ( but you can buy the 3° step )

Aero 60/85

Set final gear to 3.260
Max speed 420

Set every gear in this way

1° 2.865
2° 2.018
3° 1.499
4° 1.156
5° 0.925
6° 0.766

It will give a top speed of 405 km/h

LSD 12/14/16

Suspensions settings:

Ride Height -15/-5

Spring Rate 14.8/12.4
Extension 8/2
Compression 8/4
Anti-roll bars 7/5
Camber 1.0/0.2
Toe -0.12/+0.18

Brake Balance 7/8

Racing soft tires


This car hates curbs, and goes fast as hell!
Actually I made a 5:41 on the Nurb, because I didn't buy the turbo stage 3, and I made a lot of mistakes during the lap.
Infact the R8 has a lot of oversteer, so you'll have to be focused while driving it, but don't be afraid, if you understand what the car wants to do, you'll literally dance with it on the track!
For me this set-up works good, lot of power with a good handling, but the R8 isn't an easy car.
Good day Praiano,

Tunes Praiano's tunes: AUDI R8 5,2 FSI QUATTRO '09 // 600 PP // ONLINE OK

I joined a 555 pp online race at the Nür last night, (those guys were driving lap after lap flawlessly, using Lexus LFA and Ford GT '06, felt almost arcade like sensation, the grip was amazing for several cars.

They were only using PRoduction Vehicles, as a rule, so I tried your new updated tune for the Audi R8 FSI 5.2 '09, but had to downlimit too much I think, but anyways, at 555pp,

this car I must say is the best handling car I have yet driven from you, online. I kept up with the elite pack, even getting into first from start, but I good too nervous from being in the lead, and 1 mistake and you're out. No tolerance for driver error on those races.

I am driving more and more online now, so I am looking for good production online tunes, 500pp / 550pp (Lexus LFA is dominant)

Very nice, I look forward to trying your updated online tunes.

Your transmission ratios did not match on your update, but that doesn't matter, we know how to tune them.
Thanks, hope you like it!

For me it's OK . I've tested it quickly this morning, half ring, the car is fast ,have some oversteer but nothing nasty. This is your tune and you can be proud of it.
I'll test it better and will do a little review.
Have a good day.
Quick update my friend. too much work at the moment but the SRT8 was a winner of the muscle cars. Not by much but it still won. Down to the car but I'm not a bad driver either..

I have a 500pp only race coming up soon and as I have already read that the LFA is one of the best for this, however I am always looking for another car that breaks the mold.. Could you have a look at a car for me please.. The Alfa Romeo 8c Compeizione '08.
I think this car has the makings of a winner however, if you would have a play with it for me at 500pp could you tune it up full and give it a good tune then too..

I know its a bit much to ask but I would love it if you would please.. Going to post a tune of my own on here too soon. I did the 1970 Mustang Trans-Cammer. but only for 550pp, also did a drift tune for it if you want that too..?
Thanx for you time

Edit:- The race is for 550pp not 500 sorry
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Good day Praiano,

Tunes Praiano's tunes: AUDI R8 5,2 FSI QUATTRO '09 // 600 PP // ONLINE OK

I joined a 555 pp online race at the Nür last night, (those guys were driving lap after lap flawlessly, using Lexus LFA and Ford GT '06, felt almost arcade like sensation, the grip was amazing for several cars.

They were only using PRoduction Vehicles, as a rule, so I tried your new updated tune for the Audi R8 FSI 5.2 '09, but had to downlimit too much I think, but anyways, at 555pp,

this car I must say is the best handling car I have yet driven from you, online. I kept up with the elite pack, even getting into first from start, but I good too nervous from being in the lead, and 1 mistake and you're out. No tolerance for driver error on those races.

I am driving more and more online now, so I am looking for good production online tunes, 500pp / 550pp (Lexus LFA is dominant)

Very nice, I look forward to trying your updated online tunes.

Your transmission ratios did not match on your update, but that doesn't matter, we know how to tune them.

Good to know the AUDI did well , the new tune of the LFA is one of my best tune i think. What are the tires you race with ? Are some tuners cars allowed ? In this case need to check the AMUSE S2000 R1 ‘04 // 540 pp , for me one of the best car in this range. BMW too, CSL/GTR M3.....

Quick update my friend. too much work at the moment but the SRT8 was a winner of the muscle cars. Not by much but it still won. Down to the car but I'm not a bad driver either..

I have a 500pp only race coming up soon and as I have already read that the LFA is one of the best for this, however I am always looking for another car that breaks the mold.. Could you have a look at a car for me please.. The Alfa Romeo 8c Compeizione '08.
I think this car has the makings of a winner however, if you would have a play with it for me at 500pp could you tune it up full and give it a good tune then too..

I know its a bit much to ask but I would love it if you would please.. Going to post a tune of my own on here too soon. I did the 1970 Mustang Trans-Cammer. but only for 550pp, also did a drift tune for it if you want that too..?
Thanx for you time

I see my "TEAM" is having good results :) cool, for the Alfa Romeo 8c Compeizione '08 ,i allready do an update for the tune. Try it first reducing to 500pp and tell me what do you think. After we'll do some fine tuning to adapt to your need.

Have a good day everybody.
I see my "TEAM" is having good results cool, for the Alfa Romeo 8c Compeizione '08 ,i allready do an update for the tune. Try it first reducing to 500pp and tell me what do you think. After we'll do some fine tuning to adapt to your need.

I will give that a go soon and get back to you when I have done it. probally tomorrow for me now.. Thanx, I'm sure I can do a little fine tuneing myself as I do most cars. I dont like the look of the areo on some cars so I dont use them and tune a bit more from there. I found with some cars also that when you have low hp (almost stock) the standard gearbox is sometimes all you need. tried this with a few car now!
hello, friend
you could help a beginner in GT5 to find a good setting for the

Tank for help a friend from Brazil !!!
Good to know the AUDI did well , the new tune of the LFA is one of my best tune i think. What are the tires you race with ? Are some tuners cars allowed ?

I use Racing Softs online, for I feel if there is no tire restriction, naturally people will jump to use them, and offer better grip. Am i wrong to assume this? , ofcourse, if there is tire restriction / selection, I will respect that too.

yes, Tuned production cars were allowed, rule is simply pp limitation.

I am greatly looking for best handling cars only for Nurburgring Nordschleife track. I like a car that is soft if clips rumble, must not liftoff-understeer (absolutely dreadful for most curves), and the rest just flows nicely if I don't get understeer on this track (when off throttle), the rest is modulated with throttle and good steering.

coming as a G25 user, It is common to lift off throttle completely, as the gas pedal already has little travel, and feels light to the touch. I think I should practice to never actually lift off "completely" this might reduce my burden. Also, when applying the throttle ever so slightly, (feather weight - sock foot), it does apply throttle to the car, although completely inaudible in engine and transmission, this is a great caveat to the fine game.
hello, friend
you could help a beginner in GT5 to find a good setting for the

Tank for help a friend from Brazil !!!

You have 3 tunes here. Choose the one fit better to you.
Good luck amigão.

You have all the tunes you want at this link

I use Racing Softs online, for I feel if there is no tire restriction, naturally people will jump to use them, and offer better grip. Am i wrong to assume this? , ofcourse, if there is tire restriction / selection, I will respect that too.

yes, Tuned production cars were allowed, rule is simply pp limitation.

I am greatly looking for best handling cars only for Nurburgring Nordschleife track. I like a car that is soft if clips rumble, must not liftoff-understeer (absolutely dreadful for most curves), and the rest just flows nicely if I don't get understeer on this track (when off throttle), the rest is modulated with throttle and good steering.

coming as a G25 user, It is common to lift off throttle completely, as the gas pedal already has little travel, and feels light to the touch. I think I should practice to never actually lift off "completely" this might reduce my burden. Also, when applying the throttle ever so slightly, (feather weight - sock foot), it does apply throttle to the car, although completely inaudible in engine and transmission, this is a great caveat to the fine game.

Since i use G27 i rediscover GT , pedals and wheel allow to feel and apply anything on the car you're driving. Talking about driving ..... let's drive now.
Thank you, I will test and then I tell you the result.
I will run a championship with this car / limit 500pp.
Do you recommends put the spoiler ?

Vc eh Brasileiro ?
Thank you, I will test and then I tell you the result.
I will run a championship with this car / limit 500pp.
Do you recommends put the spoiler ?

Vc eh Brasileiro ?

Hi, for 500pp races it's better not use rear downfoil, extra HP are welcome at the place. Those 2 tunes were for the 525pp european shootout, offline event, very different with what you will have online (till now, perhaps it change in a few days with the new update).
I'm a world citizen ,born in south of France, live there till 17years old, lot of country and travels and 35 years in Brasil now.Me sinto Brasileiro de coração sim. So, my 2 kids and my heart are Brasileiros, yes senhor !
thanks again. I'll take these 3 setup and try to change a bit to improve my lap times. I'm running in the Fuji F and is difficult to control the outputs back of the Speedster.

Legal vc ter adotado o Brasil como sua casa , depois de viajar o mundo inteiro ...

minha ID : Gui_BezerrinhaBR
You obviously havent tried my Legacy then :D

Talking about the Legacy, the car did not give all i expected on the "Songai Shinro" track. Till now only the premiums Subaru are topcars on it.
2 MR premium lotus are faster than the Subaru 4WD. Like you see on track yesterday, i'm 3'40"/39" online safe with Subaru, but the 2 lotus are faster. 111R can do a 3'38" the evora also.... Just forgive less driving error. Don't know yet what to choose, but it will be between: the 2 lotus

Lotus Elise 111R ’04
Lotus Evora ’09
Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STI (18inch BBS Wheel Option) ’10.
Praiano I would like to thank you for all of your AWESOME tunes. I was using the tunes from another garage until I stumbled upon yours and I've been here ever since.

I have one question it a way to dial out some of the understeer in the Audi RS6 Avant? In online races I'm chewing through the tires after 2 1/2 to 3 laps and it seems to HATE low speed corners. Can you please help me with this? Thanks 👍
Praiano I would like to thank you for all of your AWESOME tunes. I was using the tunes from another garage until I stumbled upon yours and I've been here ever since.

I have one question it a way to dial out some of the understeer in the Audi RS6 Avant? In online races I'm chewing through the tires after 2 1/2 to 3 laps and it seems to HATE low speed corners. Can you please help me with this? Thanks 👍

Hi, thanks, for the understeer it's difficult to say, you're talking about my tune? Try another ride height, if actually -20/-25 try -15/-25 or -10/-25 till you feel better with the car. you can try a softer front swaybar ,if 6/5 , try 4/5 or 3/5. It's difficult to say like this. For the tires, an heavy car with more than 900 HP will eat tires for sure. I don't build the tune for tire wear or long races. they are very special tunes, but generally not fast cars. They use soft springs and low TOE value. My R6 ha a TOE Angle : -0.20/-0.15 ,this does not help, but it's not a problem for short races.
I will update this R6 tune after the new GT5 patch in a few days. Waiting to see what will change effectively.

This tune is very special. This car is amazing, very easy to control direction throttle and weight displacement.



I used this car to gold the new drift challenge around the road track. It was easy for a fool like me to use this excellent car and tune.

So another thank you from me to you Sir. :)
I used this car to gold the new drift challenge around the road track. It was easy for a fool like me to use this excellent car and tune.

So another thank you from me to you Sir. :)

Thanks, drift yes, but fast drift, i will present it for the next tsukuba shootout and i think it will do well..... the car is fun to drive and easy to control sliding away. I'm a very bad drifter, but with this peugeot i can play around the cones at TGT with comfort tires easy.


Transmission how to process: OK
1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 3000
3- Select top speed at 340 km/h = 211,3 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 3878
2: 2823
3: 2152
4: 1699
5: 1386
6: 1168

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 322 km/h = 200,1 mph

Tracks: All around / adapt with final gear to each track

power 516 hp
weight 1090 kg
perf. PointS: 607 pp

Downforce 35/60

LSD Rear 10/25/08

Ride Height -15/ -10

Spring Rate 17.5/13.5
Extension 9/2
Compression 8/3
Anti-roll bars 5/4
Camber 1.6/1.4
Toe 0.00/+0.15

Brake Balance 7/8

tires R3/R3-R2/R2-R1/R1


I can't get 5th and 6th gear to come out right. 5th only goes to 1.376 and 6th only goes to 1.126. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
I can't get 5th and 6th gear to come out right. 5th only goes to 1.376 and 6th only goes to 1.126. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?

Probably just to do with the silly adjustments one of the recent updates did with some gearing setups. It should be pretty close regardless but Prai can just edit them for himself.
I can't get 5th and 6th gear to come out right. 5th only goes to 1.376 and 6th only goes to 1.126. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?

This is correct, my gears ratios are giving exactly those numbers, my car have engine3 and turbo 3, perhaps it change something depending of parts added.

If not ,you can follow one of those methods that are very easy to set and work perfectly on any car. I use them all the time for all my cars.

Hope it help, have a good day.