I only karted once before and it is in a similar kart at Buckmore Park. It was the RX7 Pro Kart 390CC Honda engine capable of like 70MPH+ (It has 11.7 HP). It was a few months before GT5 came out so could not practice in the virtual world

. It was a 45 minute endurance race with I think a 10/15 minute qualifying session. So I ended up driving 1Hr constantly with 34 other drivers. Qualified near the back as I was spending more time looking out for people on hot laps as they were going flat out straight away. I think there were like three really good karters there. I think I improved 4-5 seconds over my qualifying lap in the first few laps into the race, and then I span trying to brake harder. I knew I was ahead of my brother already so took it easier then as I did not want to spin and get hit by another karter. It was very tiring and I don't work out or anything so by the end of the race I was feeling a bit sick but managed to do the whole endurance time.
On the start I managed to make like 7 places, and avoid another Kart narrowly which was pointing the opposite direction. That was the only real overtaking I did. It was good fun. Plan on going again sometime in May 2012. Definitely will book a practice session first though as I think that was a big mistake going straight into a endurance race.
What do you guys think to this new kart, is it rubbish or half decent for a hire Kart compared to a proper kart you buy?
How does it compare to the ones you use?