Wallbanger's "Tons of Fun"(Final Round Underway)

It's ok, after picking a non-sharing car krenkme has two cars to barrow :lol:

I will test your car sometime today đź‘Ť

How can I have two cars to barrow when I just bought one and put it on share last night? :confused :
Mines up for share now so the test drivers for group d can add me :) just message me why your adding me and I'll accept you :) have fun with it
I am here on a totally voluntary basis :nervous:....

I would like to try and be a test driver , not really sure what you need for further info .

PSN is Terror_Dog

if there is something else you need to know or want me to ad please let me know
I am here on a totally voluntary basis :nervous:....

I would like to try and be a test driver , not really sure what you need for further info .

PSN is Terror_Dog

if there is something else you need to know or want me to ad please let me know
Just which groups of cars you want to Test Drive.:D

Read the section of the OP for Test Drivers check out some of the others results posts and you'll be fine.

Suggest you copy MrGrado's results post as it makes it easy for our scorekeepers to add the data to the official scoresheets. (Bottom of the second post shows all Test Drivers and I'm linking them to their test results/reviews posts.)

Again welcome to the Blowout.

Remember as Harvey Wallbanger here always says...
Drive hard and have fun!:cheers::gtpflag:
Krenkme there are now 3 GT-R's on share in your profile. Are they all the same? Can we use any one of them?
Addressing photos, yes, I will try my damnedest to get people to look at the car rather than the photo. Some won't read the rules I'm sure but I will try. We're basing it more off of bodystyle, paint, wheels, etc rather than "oo that's a good photo".

And clearly you are all delusional. There is no sexier GT car than a Ferrari. :D The Maserati's are close but very aggressive and binary...you love it (me) or you hate it. You just can't hate a Ferrari. :sly:
Krenkme there are now 3 GT-R's on share in your profile. Are they all the same? Can we use any one of them?

I only bought one and that's all I have on share :confused: Ummmm if the specs are all the same I guess use the one you want... I don't know whats going on :confused:
You just can't hate a Ferrari. :sly:

I beg to differ, good Sir. Can't stand Ferrari ... although I was tempted to submit a 599, the only proper Grand Tourer from Ferrari and the only one I find appealing.

It may be worth pointing out that I'm both a little odd and a Lambo fan :sly:

Addressing photos, yes, I will try my damnedest to get people to look at the car rather than the photo. Some won't read the rules I'm sure but I will try. We're basing it more off of bodystyle, paint, wheels, etc rather than "oo that's a good photo".

And clearly you are all delusional. There is no sexier GT car than a Ferrari. :D The Maserati's are close but very aggressive and binary...you love it (me) or you hate it. You just can't hate a Ferrari. :sly:

Ya for photos I think in the future we need to change a bunch of the rules to make it more fair. These suggestions I will be speaking for myself, but they apply to everyone.

First of all they should be only allowed at the track we are using. I have a standard car and am not able to take photos at the special photo locations which already puts me at a disadvantage. Keeping it at the same track makes it fair for everyone.

Secondly the photos should be judged on the photo as a whole not just the car. The Maserati, LFA, and C63 take the best photos every single time. Any other car is already at a disadvantage compared to these because they just are designed better. I'm not really sure why, but they always come out much nicer than anything else and it's more than they are nice cars to begin with.

Also all standard cars are screwed compared to the premiums. My Veyron looks horrible in the game, but would look spectacular if it was premium. My only hope is to try and be more creative with the picture itself and not solely focus on the car. Plus you can't change so much stuff on standards. Pretty much only the color and the occasional basic spoiler can be added. Again putting a premium at an advantage.

The only way to make standard cars or dumb premium cars shine is by being more creative with the photo as a whole. An old miata will never look as good as the California no matter what you do to it. Only thing that can make it look nicer is if you do something creative with the photo. Side by side the California is 9/10 times going to get more votes. But a shot of a dead on California compared to someone who took a miata and took the photo at night where the sun is just about to set behind it and all you can see is the outline of it and those signature flip up headlights has a fighting chance.

These are some of the reasons why I think it should be about the photo itself rather than just the car. You mine as well just put the names of the cars and let people vote on the prettiest one the way it is now. If you can have a crap car and take a photo that is over all more appealing, I think that's what really counts.
Oi, I find the SLs to be just fine, thank you very much. :lol: At least they are proper GT cars, unlike your Viper, which is more a track weapon, to be honest.
I don't see where it says cars must be grand tourers....

Ask James May, a Gallardo is a proper GT car as well. :P

An old miata will never look as good as the California no matter what you do to it.
that's the whole point of the photo in this comp. How sexy is your car? Pick an ugly car, expect a low score, simple as that.
Of course as shown, people have differing taste anyway, so some would undoubtedly pick the Miata anyway. :P
Not a problem I'll add you to the list of testers right now.đź‘Ťđź‘Ť

maybe a silly question but shouldn't my psn name be there instead of forum name or maybe both , just so the tuners know who is actually trying to add them ? just wondering
I only bought one and that's all I have on share :confused: Ummmm if the specs are all the same I guess use the one you want... I don't know whats going on :confused:

There are three identical looking GT-R's on share in your profile...lol. Just like when I'm into the Jack Daniels, I'll take the one in the middle...:cheers:

I may have inadvertantly denied a couple of friend requests the last couple of days. I get FR's all the time from people I have no idea who they are and unfortunately I didn't read the messages that went with them. :guilty: Sorry about that, apply again if you need to test my car. I will FR you later today if I don't see one from anyone that is not on my friend's list.
Ya for photos I think in the future we need to change a bunch of the rules to make it more fair.

Sounds like someone is second guessing their car choice for a competition that has some scoring on beauty and driveability. I think you freely chose that ugly, over horsepowered Veron and bragged about easily winning the time trial at both tracks. Now you want to whine about the car you picked because it's not as photo friendly? đź‘Ž
Sounds like someone is second guessing their car choice for a competition that has some scoring on beauty and driveability. I think you freely chose that ugly, over horsepowered Veron and bragged about easily winning the time trial at both tracks. Now you want to whine about the car you picked because it's not as photo friendly? đź‘Ž

lol I never bragged, everyone was saying how they were adding this much weight and this much power etc to get the most points overall and I said my approach which was low weight high powered. I love my veyron especially the way mine looks with the orange and vanilla white. I had an easy time taking some really cool shots with it. The photo I submitted I thought was pretty cool looking. With some after editing it would of looked super nice. The problem is it's standard. Standards look like crap and you can not add fancy rims, skirts and good spoilers to them. You can also not go to those photo places. So it's not fair to all standards. At least all the same track for next time to keep everything closer. This was cool having it anywhere, but too broad personally.
I specifically chose my car because I thought it would be superfast and take a decent photo. Without testing I figured the Veyron to be a little faster, especially at Monza, and the GT-R to be about the same speed. I was going to pick the Veyron or one of the 4,297 GT-R's in the game, but I don't find them attractive and figured I'd get crushed in the photo competition, assuming everyone was voting as instructed, which is a pretty iffy proposition:ouch:.
As I tried to point out several times before the photo portion of this Blowout isn't about making great art.
It's a way for people to get an idea about the style/beauty/killer looks of the cars and vote for the car they like the looks of the best.

Yes PD has varying quality on their car models but that is something we just have to work with.

Everyone's opinion of the best looking/most stylish/coolest car is different. Allowing people the opportunity to take their own pictures anywhere they wanted was provided so that the tuners could hopefully showcase what the felt was the best look for their car. The Veyron provides us a perfect example here as we have two of them in the Blowout both of which are orange or partially orange. But the two tuners took their photos from wildly different angles with one showcasing the front and one the rear with its variable geometry wing deployed. In this case the quality and artistry of the photos would be the determining factor in choosing between the two. But compare either of them to say the SL65 AMGs which are also standards. Now the artistry of the photo isn't rellivant but the personal opinions of which car is better looking. Veyron or SL65 AMG, Apples or Oranges which do you like better.

To be honest if you wanted the fairest possible comparison photos you would need a designated photographer who would do his/her best to photograph all the cars from as close as possible to the exact same location and angle.

As to the quality of the car models and what extra parts you can apply to a given car. It shouldn't be a real issue. Someone who loves Porsches and hates Italian sports cars will tell you the RUFs are the best looking and all those premium Ferraris and Lamborghinis are just ugly.

I set this whole Blowout up to be as wide open as possible trying to get as great a variety of cars as possible. 21 different makes/models tells me I did a pretty good job of that.

Will I set my next event up the exact same way? Probably not.
Will I include a photo category in a future event? Yes
Will the next event I run with a photo event be run like this one? Again probably not but that doesn't mean I'll never set up another photo category that's as wide open as this one or even more open.

We have a nearly endless variety of types of events and how they can be set up and ran available to us. Hopefully everyone will enjoy this event and maybe some of you will be inspired to sponsor your own events at a future date by it.

The different event types and the way they are set up are what help keep this game fresh and entertaining for me. While I enjoy driving the cars and like to tune them it would get stale after a fairly short time if I didn't have this forum and these events to keep me interested.:cheers::gtpflag:
Let the trash talking begin!!

The prettiest cars here are the Maseratis, the cars with the most presence are the SL65s, Tris' one being more serious looking with no wing
Yeah, I realise the rear wing looks horrid on the SL65 (notice the photo is taken from an angle where it's not so obvious?! :sly:) but I found it quicker with the wing, so I took a hit on the looks.

Not to mention that super stud Harvey Wallbanger making his appearance in the photo should get every female vote out there!
Interesting strategy! With the gender split on GTPlanet, that means you've secured perhaps 2% of the votes??

Will I set my next event up the exact same way? Probably not.
Will I include a photo category in a future event? Yes
Will the next event I run with a photo event be run like this one? Again probably not but that doesn't mean I'll never set up another photo category that's as wide open as this one or even more open.
xDes, well done on the planning for this event. It's been really well thought out how to make it as fair as possible, get a great variety of cars and minimise the variable of test driver skill level.

The photomode scoring will always be controversial, but it's a bit of fun, so đź‘Ť
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Let the trash talking begin!!

xDes, well done on the planning for this event. It's been really well thought out how to make it as fair as possible, get a great variety of cars and minimise the variable of test driver skill level.

The photomode scoring will always be controversial, but it's a bit of fun, so đź‘Ť

Ya Desperado or anyone else don't take offense to what I said, this event should be the craziest and most intense one yet. It has so many different cars, weights, tracks, and photos that it should make to be a very interesting shoot out. Who's strategy will pay off? Each event we do we learn from it and try to improve to make it even more fun for the next one. I like the anywhere you want and based on the car only for the photo for this it's fine and fits perfect since there is very few other restrictions. I just feel to keep it more fair next time probably same track only. Also to me photo competition is about the whole photo not just the car in it. If you can take a photo that makes the Midget look cooler than a Maserati I feel you should win even tho the Maserati is clearly the nicer car.

Also Digital are the photos 5 votes like before? Or is it 1 vote but for each group?
I just feel to keep it more fair next time probably same track only. Also to me photo competition is about the whole photo not just the car in it. If you can take a photo that makes the Midget look cooler than a Maserati I feel you should win even tho the Maserati is clearly the nicer car.

I just have to call you out here. "More fair next time?" What's unfair about this time? You could have chosen a premium car, right? It's all part of the challenge of this one. We all had to choose to go with beauty and handling or light weight and fast. You chose light weight, fast and ugly in my opinion. Now you want to tweak the competition to further fit your car??? I just don't get where you're coming from with; "more fair?"
My only chance in the photo competition is that people look at the quality of the photos! :lol: She's ugly (not so bad IRL, but in game....) not the heaviest, and not the fastest. So middle of the pack I my goal.
Motor City Hami
I just have to call you out here. "More fair next time?" What's unfair about this time? You could have chosen a premium car, right? It's all part of the challenge of this one. We all had to choose to go with beauty and handling or light weight and fast. You chose light weight, fast and ugly in my opinion. Now you want to tweak the competition to further fit your car??? I just don't get where you're coming from with; "more fair?"

It's not just me with the Veyron. If I didn't choose the Veyron if it was banned from this I would of chosen the SL600, V8 vantage or Chrysler 300C. All standard, all look awful in game, all the same problems. If I designed this competition I would of set it up same way for photos, but am realizing now that it's not entirely fair to all standards.
Also Digital are the photos 5 votes like before? Or is it 1 vote but for each group?

Photo polls are one vote in each group. Tuners are allowed to vote for their own photo.

Regarding the way it was set up, I think it works out fine. Are the standard cars more limited in choice of locale? Yes. Did we know the rules going in? Yes. Everything about this shootout has been designed as a trade off. Add weight for points you lose time on the laps. Limit horsepower to make it easy to handle for everyone you hit your limit sooner on the track. Pick the standard with more potential for speed you lose in looks to the premiums. Not sure how deep X thought about it when setting rules for the photos but it all fits and flows to me.

When I designed mine I purposely had that level playing field. One because I wanted to keep the fall theme. Two because most of the eligible cars were standard anyway. With this one open to just about anything I think it neither helps nor hurts because of the wide variety anyway. Maybe using the photo travel locations doesn't help with a premium. It didn't in my case. I spent a lot of time snapping in photo travel and ended up using a quick shoot from my ghost replay in London.

In the end it should all work out and, of course, I applaud the creativity of everyone that entered as well as all the work put in by X, especially after hosting one of these myself. It isn't easy to put all this together and make it fun for everyone and I definitely want to say my thanks for a job well done.
I'll admit my lap times are always slow, but hopefully they're in the right order!

Group A: nomis3613 Final results

Times: London

54.4 XDesperado67 Dodge Challenger (3rd)
52.2 wildheart90 Murcielago :bowdown:
55.8 CyKosis1973 Jaguar XKR Coupe '10 (4th)
57.1 oopssorryy Lexus GS300 '00 (6th)
56.7 Rallywagon C-Fresh Tuned Subaru Legacy B4 Blitzen '00 (5th)
52.6 CSLACR Viper ACR (2nd)

Times: Autodromo Nazionale Monza (No Chicane)

1:42.0 XDesperado67 (3rd)
1:39.5 wildheart90 (2nd)
1:43.4 CyKosis1973 (4th)
1:45.9 oopssorryy (5th)
1:49.6 Rallywagon (6th)
1:36.3 CSLACR :bowdown:


Quite a soft suspension setup, good work for making sure it has GT character. For my DS3 technique, it felt like there was too much LSD Accel because throttle steering gave a bit too much oversteer at Monza. Also, 6th felt a bit short at Monza. Good turn-in, excellent balance. Surprisingly agile at London. Fun, yet also fast. Driver vote: 3rd

Very agile, but I don't think the tune suits the GT character of this competition. Tail-happy under brakes, short gearing and stiff suspension all made it feel more "boy racer" than "Grand Tourer". But this strategy paid off at London, where the agility and AWD traction resulted in pole position. Driver vote: 5th

CyKosis1973 Jaguar XKR Coupe '10
Such a stunning looking car, I was hoping it would teach xDes' crass muscle car a thing or two about classy touring. But in the end, the American was actually more capable Grand Tourer. Poor braking distances (probably not a fault of the tune) and once the rear steps out at Monza it can be unpredictable. This proved to be a benefit at London, where kicking the tail out was a useful antidote to understeer, allowing the Jaaaaag to post a very healthy time considering its weight. Driver vote: 4th

oopssorryy Lexus GS300 '00
I tried and tried, but this car never jelled for me. I found it quite understeery at the exit, and the rear seemed to brake traction unpredictably, so throttle steering was a risky practice. The positives were excellent turn-in and it was very forgiving if you braked a bit late. Faster at Monza than the Legacy due to the extra power. Driver vote: 6th

Rallywagon C-Fresh Tuned Subaru Legacy B4 Blitzen '00
Brilliant tune, I love it. For me, tuning is about taking an underdog and making it punch above its weight with delightful handling. This car nailed it- at the same time as having a true Grand Tourer character. Responsive yet stable, sharp handling yet comfortable ride. The only possible nitpick was that AWD made 2nd gear seem a bit too tall for the hairpin at London, but this is just one corner and as a general purpose tune it works fine. Driver vote: 2nd

As a platform for tuning, the ACR is the least "GT" car here. But the tune on this one is actually the most GT of the group, so top marks for nailing the theme of the comp in such an unlikely vehicle. It starts with the quiet exhaust and continues with a comfortable (yet controlled) ride and tall gearing for low-rev mile eating. The first sweeper at Monza brought out some high speed understeer and the Murcie beat it around London due to AWD traction, but these are small details. Incredible power, grip and balance. Driver vote: 1st

Drivers Choice

Group A
1. CSLACR Viper
2. Rallywagon Legacy
3. XDesperado67 Challenger
4. CyKosis1973 Jaguar
5. Wildheart Murcielago
6. Oops_sorry Lexus
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