Level Tickets Wanted! Everything I own is up for trade! Read OP

  • Thread starter Speedy6543
Hi speedy, I got all the level tickets you need. I'm looking for some BD and the last rally + nascar tickets. What would you like

Thanks, just name the tickets you want for the level-tickets 3, 4, 6, 18, 20.
Hi speedy

Do you have '99 '88 '79 '78 for the other level tickets.

I also have a level 1 ticket for you, want the '65 bd .

Just send you the 3 level already

Thanks, I'll be sending those Tickets in the next couple of days then.
Level-Ticket 1? Does that exsist? If so, Send it over and I'll send you your needed BD-Tickets.


Yeah tomorrow i'm free 16/ feb

Izzy_popp (lvl 6) <=> GTP_Speedy6543 (BDay 90) ?

Needs to be to my main without the GTP_

I'm trading with giakhanh123 at the moment but I'll give you your '90 BD-Ticket if you send the level 6 to me.
OP updated

Feb 16: giakhanh123 (lvl-ticket 3) -> '77
Feb 17: giakhanh123 (lvl-ticket 4) -> '78
Feb 18: giakhanh123 (lvl-ticket 6) -> '79
Feb 19: giakhanh123 (lvl-ticket 18) -> '88
Feb 20: giakhanh123 (lvl-ticket 20) -> '99
Feb 21: giakhanh123 (lvl-ticket 1 ?) -> '65
Feb 22: Izzy_popp (lvl-ticket 6) -> '90
Last edited:
No biggie, I see you will get lvl 6 anyway. We can cancel the trade i dont need1990 ticket that much.
Maybe another time. 👍
if there is something in my sig u want.. id like your lvl 1. i can wait for it and send whatever today. if interested just add lav01 and tell me what you want for it.
Sorry lav01, I have everything I need.

On a sidenote, do keep in mind, when you signed up here, you accepted the AUP which says:
You will not use &#8220;textspeak&#8221; (&#8220;r&#8221;, &#8220;u&#8221;, &#8220;plz&#8221;, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.
Especially the bold part.

Apart from that, have a good time here.
@giakhanh123 - I will add you when I get home, I am at a friend's house right now. Just respond with what you want. 👍

@speedy - I posted from my phone before and it is a pain to capitalize while driving.
@ speedy. Could you please add my sec. Account


I got 2 off your tickets on that account.

Lol zag in mijn inbox dat ik al eerder met je had gehandeld
giakhanh123- sent FR, and I can send whenever, I can wait wait for mine, but would rather send to you sooner than later if possible.
I got lv 22/14/1 tickets. Would gladly give you some for that '84 Ford RS200 (Stock).
send a fr and i will send the car, once you do. i have the 84 3zip and the 85 3zip. rs300 rally. take your pick for whatever is tradeable. either is better than an over trade.
@speedy - I posted from my phone before and it is a pain to capitalize while driving.
Ok, no problem. I know the feeling. ;)
@ speedy. Could you please add my sec. Account

I got 2 off your tickets on that account.
Lol zag in mijn inbox dat ik al eerder met je had gehandeld

Ok, I'll send FR to your second in a minute, if you didn't already.

I thought your username sounded familiar. :)
send a fr and i will send the car, once you do. i have the 84 3zip and the 85 3zip. rs300 rally. take your pick for whatever is tradeable. either is better than an over trade.

I'm sorry, I may just be stupid, but what do you mean by 84 and 85 3zip? I don't understand...

And I already have the rs200 rally, so I don't need that.