Trans Am Club

  • Thread starter Kalmiya117
Throwing out there to start a Trans Am club covering all the available makes/models for the Old Trans Am races (Nothing new-er than late 70s, but if voted in can introduce new-er style trans am vehicles for different races/classes)

I hosted/Ran a Trans Am series featuring American Muscle but after some though I was thinking expanding it to include the other cars that ran in the same races in the same time period. While it was limited to just American Cars GT5 did not allow for a wide field of competitors.

I will be researching further the SCCA Classes used and hoping to build a car list as well as drivers for a future series.

I am planning on implementing which may be regarded as harsh restrictions. Non of the aids will be allowed including ABS. Tire Wear will be present as well.

Any Interest in it be known!

Few Highlights from the previous Series I hosted.












Any info, or suggestions are welcomed. There are no planned dates or times for racing. Just hoping to get some testing done for the ground work!
I did almost a whole season of T/A racing last year with another club I'm in. We had tuning set-ups and everything. I was crap and always came last, and I ended up quitting towards the end of the season because I just wasn't a competition to everyone else and I felt like I was holding them up when they lapped me :lol:. We had a classic class and a modern class. Would be interesting to see what it's like with GTP members, might even bring out my old T/A car and start practicing again!
Far out!, Glad to see this back up again. Most people are terrified at having no ABS, but those same people never really tried it. It really throws another dimension into driving.

I still think a stock muscle race on comfort soft or sport hard tires should be incorporated somehow into the deal. i.e. qualifier.
Wolf, Do not ever let something like that keep you from racing. We all just did not get good overnight but gradually. Watching some one outpace me always made me faster than I was before.
Any 'stock' or 'no tuning' races should be on comfort tires, under 550pp should be sports, save the race tires for 550pp and up. My two cents.
Maybe we could also find a specific day/time that we can all be online for some practice/testing/tuning. My Sunday evenings are currently tied up, so the old time slot won't work for me.
Any 'stock' or 'no tuning' races.....

Just and FYI (in case you didn't already know) a lot of these old cars (especially 'Merican cars) can't really be run with "tuning prohibited" because they don't have enough gear to get past ~100mph. On any track with any kind of straight you'll be pegging the rev limiter very quickly. It's a shame, I'd love to race these cars with tuning prohibited.
Just and FYI (in case you didn't already know) a lot of these old cars (especially 'Merican cars) can't really be run with "tuning prohibited" because they don't have enough gear to get past ~100mph. On any track with any kind of straight you'll be pegging the rev limiter very quickly. It's a shame, I'd love to race these cars with tuning prohibited.

That's the fun of it! And Mudd I like the tire talk. Also my Friday nights(sometimes) and weekends are free.
Right on, Brandon. We've done quite a bit of testing with the stock classics in the past and found careful car and track selection makes for some pretty fun racing. There is a handful of cars that even themselves out between higher top speed vs. better cornering. Besides the racing, these things are just plain fun to tear around the track burning the tires the whole way. :P

I will add that I prefer some mild tuning over completely stock. I like to add a trans and change the exhaust tone if nothing else, but to have a race like that we'd have trust everyone to follow the guidelines.
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There are several short tracks that work great for stock muscle. And with comfort tires and no aids including ABS definitely is a unique way to race compared to “arcade” mode you see in 99% of open lobbies. You CAN adjust the brake bias by the way and still meet “tuning prohibited” restrictions.

As far as the “race cars” are concerned, Kal and I did some laps around Laguna last night, and it became blatantly clear that the Camaro RM, Challenger RM, and Z06 race car are not created equal (we already knew that). The only way I can see to attempt to make these cars competitive with each other is to; turn tire wear off, make the camaro run sport tires while the others run softs. Maybe that could work with tire wear on??? Orrrrrr.... Do one make races with a different car each week..

I think another (better) option would be to run the street cars tuned to around 550-580pp, full aero on racing tires (hards). This would make it much easier to balance out the competition. Plus would allow for A LOT more car variety.

We should find a day/evening to run several races with all our different ideas and see what happens. I can be available any time.
Wolf, Do not ever let something like that keep you from racing. We all just did not get good overnight but gradually. Watching some one outpace me always made me faster than I was before.

You don't know how much I wish it didn't.

Although lately I've been hosting some clean shuffle rooms to try and get used to racing again, so hopefully I'll be good enough to at least be some kind of competition for the race! :lol:
Hey guys how do you set the brake balance without ABS? Every time I try to brake the back end just comes around.
Hey guys how do you set the brake balance without ABS? Every time I try to brake the back end just comes around.

Has Forza ruined you? :P It's in the car settings screen, (where you would adjust suspension), under 'brake balance controller'.
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I was thinking using the Stock-bodied cars. Set a Weight limit, and a HP limit. Dunno what would be a good weight but was thinking 550HP would be a reasonable limit.
That sound great to me, Kal. I really enjoy these cars with just a bit of the tuning, without taking them to max. I think they should stay fairly heavy, because, well, that's what they are. I like the limited tuning because that allows us to change trans, LSD, and exhaust without going crazy on 'em. 550hp sounds like a realistic number. If I have any say in race times, I prefer Friday or Saturday evenings, the later the better.
I was thinking using the Stock-bodied cars. Set a Weight limit, and a HP limit. Dunno what would be a good weight but was thinking 550HP would be a reasonable limit.

Stock bodies as in no areo right? And maybe 12-1400 kgs seems reasonable to me. Although I'm leaning to a lighter weight. So maybe the Cobra could get in.
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550hp sounds good to me too. Not sure what would be the best kg limit. I'll be fine with whatever. I would also vote 'yes' on having aero.

GT, you gotta be a mad man to want to run that Cobra. Adding weight to it might actually help it.
If theres still spots open I would br interested in joining.
Friday or Saturday nights would be good time frame for me.
psn id mbobb1969
GT, you gotta be a mad man to want to run that Cobra. Adding weight to it might actually help it.

Adding weight does help significantly. I think if we run 550 PP and SS tires I'll be good. I haven't tried bone stock on the hards yet and I know any comfort tire will be impossible.
Welcome BOBB, we have plenty of spots available. So far I think we are going to do a few/severeal exhibition races and see how everything pans out.

Adding weight does help significantly. I think if we run 550 PP and SS tires I'll be good. I haven't tried bone stock on the hards yet and I know any comfort tire will be impossible.

So far the plan is 550hp. And I believe we are going to treat these as "race cars", so RH tires would make sense to me. Kal?

Then there will be a 'stock' class, which should be CS or SH tires.

Is anyone available durring the week this week at all? Or should we plan on Friday evening?
I know that I will be on wednesday evening from about 7:30 pm to around 9:30pm est.
Send a fr to mbobb1969 on psn and i will join you for some testing. I will be on again friday the 18th same time frame.Possibly thursday but not sure.
So far the plan is 550hp. And I believe we are going to treat these as "race cars", so RH tires would make sense to me. Kal?

Then there will be a 'stock' class, which should be CS or SH tires.
Alright then there is no chance the Cobra will hold up under those circumstances. And I might be good for Friday.
I really enjoyed the test cars at those specs. I'm up for testing slightly lower HP, but I don't think we need to drop to 450...maybe try 485-ish HP. I think 500 will probably work, the cars I tested were all setup on race softs originally, and they did pretty good on RH's. Just a little loose on corner entry, but that may be the 'no abs' I'm feeling. It will be much more conclusive if we can run a couple races with 4 or 5 (or more) of us. Let's keep this going forward, it was very refreshing running these classics again. :D
450hp, 500hp, 600hp, 1 MILLION HP, I don't care. Lets just go. heh. I should be around this evening/tonight and would be great if a few of us are available as well.
Sorry guys. I've just been bust doing stuff. Without a set date I don't feel we will be getting far with this.

Also Also Wik, Few Things I've been doing.

(Note: Not all photos taken by me)

Road Atlanta




Me in das Bacon Shirt

460+Hp LS Series SB Can Am


255+Hp Shelby 3.3 (I own the complete internals and heads to one)


Real Life Chrome Line....

Jeep and River Stuff

And This weekends adventure!

And what I found in one of our catalogs at work.